I will be a golem. It's a golem in reflection that I may have done a little too much last night.

Calmly, if it comes from the humans, I wonder if the line lights last night will feel threatened. Well, there's no need to pass. You just have to change your behavior from now on. Let's not let the big line lights go all over the city.

Looking from the roof of a building a little further away from the mansion where the children and women adventurers were being brought in, a line enters the mansion, supposedly the Knights. I want you to keep an eye on them because they did a lot of bad things.

A number of things about the size of people wrapped around the cloth were carried out of the mansion. I feel so bad when I see that. At least I prayed to sleep in peace.

... I didn't get a log. That means I may still have attacked Sebastian at that time for praying. Can the Ghost do damage in prayer? What a cruel world. I didn't know my good intentions were going to hurt anyone.

But that's what it means to live. Maybe.

I'm coming to church now.

When I went to the slam wondering what happened to the kids I helped yesterday, I knew the kids were going home to the slam. Those kids are all getting together and moving around. I wonder what it is and follow it from the roof of the building. Apparently, the kids need a church that looks forward.

Hi. I guess it's a day when there's a cookout in church. There is a good crowd. It just doesn't seem like the church can afford that much either. The pain is noticeable in the building, and the cookout is, to be honest, crude.

When the children finished eating the cooked meal looking delicious, they followed the church sisters later. They seem to gather around Sister to sit down and listen to God's teachings for children. When the story from Sister was over, the children went back to the slums.

You're doing so well to my fans, the kids, this church. Mercy is not for people. Something good should happen around. If this world is cruel, why don't I just go pitifully?

Um, I'm sad nobody can convey this thought.

It was night.

I approach the church with my legs out. Ha-ha-ha, let's start with the gates where this rattle is coming. I stand bluntly with the gate. After a little time the gate was [restored] clean. My [restoration] skills are handy. After fixing the gate, the broken walls around the church will also be fixed one place at a time. Even when I say fix it, I'm just standing there touching my hand in a broken place.

Hmm? I feel gaze. Who!? I look around with my hands on the fence, but I can't see anyone.

... it won't even be my fault. It's my sixth sense that I noticed Pinky stalking too. I'm pretty sure someone was watching. Well, no. I'm activating [Hidden] skills, so I'm supposed to be a pretty peeping demon of my heart. You can peek if you want. I'm mostly open. There's nothing wrong with me being seen!

Well, the walls are clean, too. I'm afraid of my skills. Super convenient.

Next, let's fix the church building itself. Window glass with cracks or emblems on church roofs. He also carefully fixes each and every hole in the roof. I'm just touching it and sitting still, but I'm working hard!

The exterior of the church was also clean. Next would be inside the church. I wonder how we can get in. I thought the front door of the church would just be gone or something, and I pushed the door, and it opened.

!!? It's open. Is it not locked? It is truly careless. I squeal in my heart when I get old, and I gently go inside.

Long chairs in the church also touch and restore damaged areas. The number of long chairs is also quite high. But it should be over by the end of the night. Because [restore] skills may also have proficiency or something. It's getting faster and faster to restore it.

After all, everything is a pile of little things. Not all of a sudden. It's going to be so fast.

Above all, there's a reason I want to fix it by the end of the night. I think it would be more impactful to fix it overnight. If you were suddenly clean in one night, seriously, what would you think this is? Heh heh. Surprises are fun to set up! Good luck.

I also cleanly fixed the cracks on the walls in the church for a long time. The stained glass, the face of the church, is also slightly cracked and cracked. Rock climbing also helps at times like this. I climbed the wall and successfully fixed the stained glass.

There is a pretty big stone statue in front of that stained glass.

I wonder if it represents God who is devoting his faith in this church. There's a little bit of fingertip or something. My right arm and the like are not broken round. This is terrible. I will touch and restore. It's just that I don't have the arm I put on or anything, so it's taking me a while to restore it.

I wonder how you're restoring this. Do you even use my magic? Chick, this is a different world fantasy. It's called Wonder Power because Wonder Power is Wonderful. Think about such wild things. It's impeccable. Um, let's not think about things we don't even know when we think about. You just have to fix it at last.

Well, I fixed the stone statue, and I guess I'll take a look at the other rooms. However, since Sister is in this church, we need to be careful not to find her. I came to a room like a kitchen. There are many of them. Most of them are made of wood but have chips or cracks in them. I restored every piece of those dishes. Small places don't get out of hand either. No way, I'm fixing it exactly as far as this goes. That should be a bigger surprise.

I won't get out of my way till the end!

I beautifully restored the church before dawn. Golem that meets deadlines exactly, that's me. I go to the gate and look back and see what I do. Mm-hmm. One snort. It is a convincing job. So immersed in the aftertaste of one person, wouldn't the church door open and a female priest and sister come out from inside to give you a thank you!?

!? No way, have I been seen behaving all the time!? Are they the ones the gaze I felt then!? So the church door was open!!? Surprise has failed!!! There is nothing more embarrassing than surprise being exposed. I left the church behind, thinking about it.

{Log: The effects of [Enlightenment Thing] have resolved the upset state}

Huh, what a surprise fail. Let's not go to church for a while longer. I wish those priests had read the air already, and, well, what a surprise!

With that in mind, he sits on the roof of a building where he can see the royal castle. The morning sun is shining. I'm more blinded by the morning sun like that.

Then came out of the royal castle a man in a black robe who stood before me during this time. Mm, I think you've seen me. Whoever wears that black robe, long enough, can I have a black robe? The black robe walks up to the building I'm in.

Hmm, you definitely notice me, don't you? Come if you want. With that in mind, the black robe floated and came all the way up to the roof where I was sitting. Don't be so sure to fly. Aren't the robes a little cool to hang on to? I stood up once.

The black robe then took out a cane with a black creepy jewel on his right hand. I don't know, that bad taste wand. He squeals something further at me.

"Subordinate, thou, subordinate before my power."

Slave him? What do you want? I lay my neck on the actions of the black robe. He was stunned by the voice of the next world.

{Log: Golem has been attempted a slave by the ruling king Tin}

Hey, what the hell!? Tin, king of dominion!? My, slave, and!? Well, that's...