Kawaranu Mono <Kirameki no Gōremu>

Episode 99: Weird Yesterday

I will be a golem.

I made a lot of money at the casino yesterday. Ha-ha-ha, is this my luck? 255 wasn't Dada! The casino has two more Appraisal Magic Props, so I'm still going to the casino today.

I'll wait for Haku and Zispo to finish breakfast. I won't - take my notebook out of the porch and practice signing. I can't eat. Like the Devil King's daughter in the meantime, I need to practice so that whoever wants my autograph whenever and wherever it comes from can come.

Every day, hard work is essential!

When Haku and Zispo finish their meals, they go to church and pray to God as they did yesterday.

I don't even have a zispo today - go outside the porch and pray with us. Um, God's favor is important. Pray seriously.

I still drop in one gold coin today as I did yesterday. Then Sister said, "This is the amulet. If you like," he offers me a amulet with an angel carved into a small tree.

I had a meeting and Huck said "thank you" and received it. I hope this still has God's protection today.

Pay one gold coin at the casino reception and the three of us go inside. One piece of silver is still a chip today. Tell the receptionist it's time on his back, and we'll go inside the casino.

Yesterday, when I received the 30,000 coins I had kept at the casino and just went to the corner of the 100 slot, all the tables were already filled with guests. Oh, my God. You've got 10 of them, but you're thriving to bury them all.

I thought we were here early, but I guess we had a lot of customers lined up before the store opened. Well, you have no choice. I can't help it all. Let's wait for it to be empty.

I line up behind customers who don't have enough coins. Haku also asked him to line up behind another table, and for once, he also decided to line up in a zispo.

The man on the table in my line doesn't quite try to take a seat off or hit it. The man in front of Huck is just as hard to take a seat to hit or come off.

However, only the man on the table with the zispo lined up quickly ran out of coins and the zispo was able to secure his seat.


I got it! Parents!!)

Zispo was happy to report and soon secured his seat. When I try to turn to my zispo, I hear the voice, "You fool!" from behind.

I wonder what it is. Looking back, a man on the table with a zispo lined up is yelling at an old man who was sick yesterday. Did I do anything wrong? Fighting in the casino will get you stuck.

I put the zispo on my palm and sit in the seat secured by the zispo. Thanks to Zispo for securing this seat. Let Zispo play for you at first. I give 100 coins to Zispo for the reward.


(We do it!!)

and put a coin in the slot in the mood but it came off. I give you another 100 coins because I pity the zispo that is solidifying with my mouth wide open.


(This time!!)

It came off again. Zispo that I keep removing again and again after that. In the meantime, now give Zispo 100 coins with the will of the last. Zispo exhales loudly and puts a coin in the slot. This is Zispo's last battle.

Before stopping the slot, it looks like Zispo noticed something hah. Then he turns to me, letting me see his hands and pray.

"Chu Chu! Choo-choo!!"

(Hope you hit it! Hope you absolutely hit it!!)

After I finished praying, I started stopping the slot...... I don't think there's anything in praying to me.

Keep an eye out for the slot pattern while I think about it. Then, a gizzard shook his body. I get scared of it, too.

Oh, we've got all the patterns! Ten times more!

Zispo is happy to raise both hands as high as yesterday. And when you think you turned to me, don't you bow your head in thanksgiving, thanksgiving and hands together? Um, did you get lucky by praying to me a little bit?

No, no way.

It seems Zispo was satisfied to hit it once, and he took turns with me.

I fronted the slot table and wanted to exhale. I can't throw up because I don't have a mouth.

Maybe it happened yesterday after all.

With my luck, it was still weird that there were 900,000 of them.

This is the way it is today!

The power of Luck 255 is immense!

Heh. Heh. Heh. Ha ha ha ha!!

{Log: The effect of [enlightenment stuff] has sedated the state of excitement}

Almost 1000x, 100x, 300x more patterns today! I don't know what to say about this anymore without saying whack. I've already gotten over 2,000,000 coins.

Huh, I'm scared. I'm scared of myself!

It's harder to wait for coins to come out today. Now you will also be able to get stunning magic props for the two remaining appraisals.

If you look at Haku, he hasn't won as much as he did yesterday, but he seems to be winning coins there.

Um, that'll be enough.

There are some people behind me waiting for the table to be empty, and it's time to give up our seats. It's not a good idea to be alone. The heart of the concession is important.

I hold a coin and head toward Haku.

Today, guests began to arrive in my seats again. The casino guests were bloody. I want you to play with your manners.

Unlike yesterday, it would be the old man who was transported to the men in black. I'm peeling my white eyes, and maybe something shocked me.

Right, it's a casino, and maybe you lost a lot. Sometimes that happens. Oh, I wish I could share my good fortune with that unfortunate old man who's dying.

When I went to Haku, Haku seemed to have increased 10,000 coins to about 30,000.

It would be a lot if it could be tripled. It could be called a great victory.

Watching it beside me, what a 1000 times win at the end. Now Huck has 130,000, just like he did yesterday. Haku is pretty good at it, too.

We went to the prize exchange and got exchanged for the two best appraisal magic props left. The prize exchange clerk says, "Wow," and smiles to honor us. Its hand receiving coins is a little trembling, but it would be natural if it had 2,000,000 coins in front of it.

I received an appraisal magic prop and asked Haku to confirm the effect just in case. Ask Haku to keep it closed in his magical waist pouch after that. I was also able to get the demon props for my purpose safely, so I decided to cut up my play at the casino today.

Keep the remaining 400,000 coins in the casino the same way they were yesterday. I'll come back tomorrow.

When we go home, a woman asks me to shake her hand. With my neck clenched, when I responded to the shake, the woman shouted, "Thank you!" and headed toward the slot.

"Now you're sure to win!" he puts a coin in the slot with his bloody running eyes.

That's a little scary.

Did that woman want a little bit of my luck? Hmm, my luck is 255, so maybe it'll do me some good.

Leaving the casino, an old man in white is taken into the casino in black by mistake with us. I wonder what happened?

"Doctor, hurry! Hurry up!"

"Wait. Don't rush the old man like that."

"My manager is dying! Hurry up!"

"What happened to the man with the steel heart dying?"

"Come on, come on!"

I wonder if that falling old man is the manager. Will it be okay? I can't do anything about it because I can't use healing magic.

I grabbed my fist to hang in there tomorrow and headed to the inn.