Kekkon Shoya no Deathloop~Nosuji Reijou wa Nando Shindemo Megemasen~
Loop 7 + alpha-2
When I walked out the door grabbed by my brother, Ines, who always seemed calm and calm, openly pulled his face and looked at me. Amazing, isn't it? I'm sorry.
"I'm sorry, but I need you to wait there."
My brother controls Inez, who is moving on. And he walked into his room holding onto me.
My brother is quite angry.
Yeah, I knew right away this was going to be another one of those genius tricks.
But let it not be as much of a death fight with Mr. Riselle, I've been getting a fair share of my brother's irrational gen tricks in the loop so far. If I am now that my senses have been sharpened, it is not that difficult to do so.
You just have to figure out when to start moving first. If you even read the first move, your little brother's fist, etc.
"Terrible! Unexpectedly!
I get bored holding my dull and aching head. In the gap I took my eyes off, my brother has punched in a second gen trick in this loop. And it's a pretty serious one.
Your brother's genius is real. Once upon a time, I saw the moment my brother sank a rampage pig with only his fist. Even in the third loop, he was beating Mr. Risel to the wall with one fist, even though he was weak with poison. I can't believe you took such a vicious shot at my pretty sister.
I almost moved on to the next loop.
But the look on your brother's face doesn't have the slightest guilt or care.
"This, you idiot! How much shame do you have to expose yourself to!
The whole room trembles in horror because it's something that speaks out from the bottom of your belly. My brother, who was supposed to take care of the surrounding room in the loop one day, barked like a bear and showed it.
With a reputation for unbeatable courage on the bear, I also let the puppy-like bark back at me.
"My brother, don't listen to me from Hannah! You don't know how hard I've been going through!
"What's the trouble? I can call my son-in-law's best friend an assassin!... So, who the hell blew you into that story? I'll talk to you!
I got blown in, nothing, I stacked my own body up and got it. It's the truth.
Even my brother couldn't complain about the struggle.
My brother apparently thinks I heard this story from someone and got into Mr. Risel's room.
You think I'm that gullible? Well, if it's normal time, I can't help but believe that I don't suddenly call others attempted murderers.
I'm annoyed by my brother, who doesn't even try to deal with it properly, instead of trying to believe it forever, but there's something else I'd like to ask you.
Let's ask as we deceive the response.
"More than that, brother. How can you be sure that your brother, who was drinking for me, went to the master bedroom? What does your brother know?
Once that happens, your brother's eyes swim. It was obviously a face trying to hide something.
"If you don't believe me, at least tell me why properly! It's too much to deny it unilaterally and have a lot of reasons!
"... mmm"
Even if it were imminent, my brother couldn't open his mouth by stroking his jaw as he thought.
But beware of my power, I finally answered with a small voice.
"Until just now, Lord Risel and my son-in-law... we were drinking together."
With my brother, Mr. Risel, and the Duke......? How could those three?
I can't imagine it at all on the face of it. One beast sandwiched by a flowery prince. Or three people: enemies, enemies and brothers.
"Lord Riselle and I had an affair at the party. I heard the room was close too, so I visited the room to invite her out for a drink, and there was my son-in-law inside."
"So, my brother said he was wandering into the space of two handsome men and drinking alcohol"
I get hit in the head with silence.
"So, was it about half an hour ago? My son-in-law said it was time to go to the master bedroom and leave the room."
"But you didn't see the Duke go directly into the master bedroom, did you?
"I can't let you. Anyway, my son-in-law went to the bedroom. I can tell."
What the hell. It is an unfounded assertion that sounds like a brain muscle.
But assuming what your brother said was true, how could the Duke not have been in the master bedroom? Besides, I wonder how Mr. Risel could have known that the Duke, who was supposed to have headed to the master bedroom, had moved to a different place. If you're not sure the Duke isn't in the master bedroom, you won't be able to sneak into the room.
"When the Duke headed to his bedroom, Mr. Riselle didn't leave the room with him either?
"No. He's been drinking with me in his room ever since.... Well, he seemed a little worried."
"What are you worried about?"
"I don't care about that"
They teased me again. Suspicious.
"... oh, my son-in-law, after he left the room, said he was going to go and Lord Risel took his seat off."
"When was that?
"I don't know. Anyway, right after my son-in-law left the room."
"Where is your bathroom on this floor?"
"At the end of the hallway —— beside the nearest staircase. It only takes a few minutes to walk back and forth slowly. Lord Risel came right back, and there was nothing strange about it."
No, I'm sure that's when Mr. Riselle found out the Duke wasn't in the room.
On second thought, when Serenia and I got into the library properly in the fourth loop, the Duke said, "Did you ask Risel?" Unless Mr. Risel knew that the Duke had gone to the library, there should not be such a dialogue.
The question is, how did you know that in the short time you had to go wash your hands and go back? Did you go all the way to the master bedroom to make sure? But this is the west wing. And the master bedroom in the central building takes a long walk back there. Besides, the Duke knew Mr. Risel knew he was in the library... Hmm, I don't know why.
I can't help thinking any more.
If this happens, do I have to ask the Duke directly?
"... I'm sorry I didn't get your brother's understanding. But I also found that this one needed further investigation. I'll go to the library once to check with the Duke about the master bedroom."
"You're still going to summon me that Lord Risel has fallen asleep as an assassin. Lord Risel is my son-in-law's best friend. Come on, stop it."
"If everything your brother says is right, the Duke should be waiting for me in the master bedroom right now, right? So I just headed to the library, and there's nothing wrong with that?
"... Mm"
All right, I missed you! My mind plays just a little bit on the victory in the long talk fight.
"Fair enough. If you're so worried, please come with me."
The feeling of annoyance and that you can't let me go wild any more. Sandwiched by those two, my brother is in a grip.
But in the end, the sense of responsibility prevailed, and my brother snorted reluctantly.
Even for me, I am lucky because I didn't want to see the Duke alone.
"With that said, the Duke was in Mr. Riselle's room with his brothers, right?"
"So there were so many liquor bottles and glasses..."
The discomfort felt in the third loop.
I thought the two humans drank a lot of bottles and glasses. But if there was a third human being, it would explain the discomfort.
Oh, my God, I'm not a detective? My grandmother in heaven. Is this my talent?
"No, my son-in-law hasn't spoken a drop of booze. I drank most of that."
Oh, yes. Really?
"I couldn't have done it without drinking it. Lord Risel's room is directly beneath yours. The noise of you making a scene sounds even as the three of us talk... I was so embarrassed that I had to get drunk with the help of alcohol."
With that said, when I heard the noise, my brother came all the way to my room the first time. Earlier, he said he was annoyed and couldn't help it. And what a duke, that he was listening to that sound...
"Uh. Did you hear what I said?
"I didn't know that far into boulders. It just sounded like a monkey."
I don't care what the Duke thinks I am now, but I would be awkward on a boulder if he had heard statements like "I'm sorry I married such a human being" or "I can never have a couple".