Kill the Dragon

00108 # 17 Into the End

Tactics against one have a solid ground. Experience and knowledge accumulated by the death of past psychic soldiers. The second generation that is fighting now are the crystals of war experience that have been accumulated with the deaths of their elders. Their way of fighting is the legacy of the bikers who were slammed into their bodies and died.

- Die, motherfucker!

The Noble team takes the lead. They make a turbulent air maneuver. It was a swift move like a dragon's potion. Although the dragon's mouth opened to attract psychic energy, the reinforcements diverted faster than the dragon's head was lifted. I can avoid the slow rays of destruction with my eyes closed. The boys draw their weapons, screaming as if riding a riddle.

- Hiya!

- My back is creeping me out!

- Novel-2, attack from behind!

Each team diverts into the attack without tangling. The aerial maneuvers of skilled boys are no match for a type 1 dragon. At one time, even the first generation was plagues and fears for the first generation and mankind, but for the second generation, it was only a big fool. An enemy that cannot lose without mistakes and carelessness.

- Rip it!

The reinforcements stir up the Blue Dragon, climbing on its back and tearing its wings.


The Blue Dragon crashes screaming. A huge body thumps to the ground.

- Minions are coming this way.

A group of minions approaches to support the Blue Dragon. The reinforcements can be tricky when the war breaks out. Better to stop the minions before they become chaos.

- Purple team's on it.

Lee said to the communicator. Among the three teams that are now assembled, the Purple Team excels at minion power.

Purple team, 9 o'clock.

Purple Squad Leader gives the order. They block the way of the incoming minions and start firing. The minions burst apart like a blender.

- Like a video game!

The boys had a hard time slaughtering the minions. Specifically, psychoframe enhancers were severely retarded. The effects of combat stimulants maximize aggressiveness, and even the view from the inside of the psychoframe is a game. The suspense of death and reality fell by an elixir. They have no hesitation to take life. You slaughtered creatures larger than humans more easily than killing insects.


Hand to hand attacks using psychoframes break flesh and bone. Purple teams that carry bullets go into melee combat rather than sharpening them.

The Purple Team effectively stopped the minions. Meanwhile, the Blue Dragon is pinned down by other reinforcements.


Lee went behind the scenes and engaged. The Blue Dragon was an ordinary one. There was no more combat power.

‘But something else is coming. ’

Lee looked at the dimensional gate. It's been a while since the dragon came out, but there's no sign of closure. Rather, the surrounding psychic airflow became much stronger. Lee's eyes narrowed.

- I got him!

A reinforcer breaks the Blue Dragon's psychic core.

Lee sent a message to everyone.

“It's not over yet. Look at the gate."

At this point, the eyes of the boys were refreshed. Excited boys stare at the Dimensional Gate. They also knew something else was coming out of the gate.

- Is this a one-on-one event?

- Just wait in the distance.

A dimensional gate is an unavoidable area. If it's unclear, it's best to keep your distance.

“Keep your PP level steady. Don't waste your firepower unnecessarily. ”

Lee was noticeable among the talkative boys. In his words, he was confident without prejudice. The voice grabs them as if they were controlling them.


The Dimensional Gate was opened more loudly. The reinforcements raise their heads wide. Two more Black Dragons appear through the breach of the rainbow gate. Two black dragons were covered in blood. Before crossing the Dimensional Gate, the Black Dragon's scales were scarred.

‘Will you show up for battle with Silver? ’

This was the first time three dragons appeared at one gate. It was clear that Silver was involved.

"I did not foresee three Oracles coming. ’

The reinforcements observed what the dragon looked like. Their vision is connected to the Situation Room.

- Type 1 or type 2?

The boys couldn't tell the difference at once.

“Think of it as two species and fight! ”

Two Black Dragons appeared at the same time. Purple team has also joined the battle against the minions. Even if you have three psychoframes, you have to be pretty nervous.

As reinforcements fight on the front lines of the Dimensional Gate, Cairns Air Force Base is under attack by minions. In front of the high walls and firepower, the minions are swept away like wind leaves. Cairns Air Force Base is designed based on the Minion defense system as it was built after the war. Has excellent water performance against minions.

The remote turret is shot by the shooters in a safe basement. They stare at the monitor and shoot at the minions.

“I don't care!”

Turret marksmen have excellent marksmanship. The minions seem to have retreated without penetrating the keep.

“Elu Meiji. ”

One of the shooters shouts. A few Elu Meiji in the front spread the psychic shield.

“Concentrate fire!”

The artillery captain who controls the shooters shouts. Elu's Psychic Shield is pierced by physical attacks when hit by more than a certain amount of impact. The turrets spin and ignite the Elu Meiji. Elu Meiji, who survived with the Psychic Shield, was hit by a cannonball when she reached her limit.


The attacking minions retreat. The number of minions has decreased significantly.

“They're getting away! ”

A cheer erupts from inside the firing control room. They clapped their hands and laughed.



The underground air trembles. At first I thought it was an earthquake. The cheerful shooters' expressions were stiff. A rainbow leaked out as the space split apart. Soldiers are consumed by the spreading light before even screaming. The Dimensional Gate has opened inside Cairns Air Force Base.

The dimensional gate opened twice in the same area. Minions spill out of the open portal inside Cairns. Strong for external attacks, but a fortress vulnerable to internal attacks has turned into hell in an instant. Scattered minions tear the soldiers apart.

Minions sweep through the base as psychoframe reinforcements take on the dragons in front of them. Remaining soldiers at the base are difficult to stop large minions.

“Retreat! Get to the airfield! ”

Soldiers who formed defensive ships at the airfield were transported to the aircraft from the main personnel.

Not only the Australian army, but Ark's troops and men went on a retreat. Small Cyclist soldiers were overwhelmed by opening the retreat route.

“They were after him! ”

It was the first time a dimensional gate was used strategically. Soldiers are scattered all over the base. Weapons that boasted powerful firepower were also useless in such a marriage. Minions crawl from underground and take it to the ground. The airfield reminded me of one by one.


Elu Meiji launches a psychic fire. The first aircraft that came to mind crashed. Only a few aircraft have made it out of Cairns Air Force Base on short notice.

“Oh, I'm dying. ”

Okto jumps on the transport plane. Arc's soldiers have escorted the technologists.

Cairns Air Force Base has been wiped out. The psychoframe reinforcements in the front also heard the news. There was no air to transport the reinforcements immediately. Bombs were floating high in the sky. Cairns' authority is temporarily passed over to the Minions. It's too much to ask for additional support right now.

‘Not all of them. ’

If only there was a team of reinforcements left at the base, they would have survived.

- What's going on? Did we lose?

- Even after you've killed all the dragons?

- What's going on? Goddamn it.

Funnily enough, the reinforcements got rid of three dragons without a hitch. Their fighting skills surpassed the dragons. The dragon army used tactics as if they had given up on reinforcements and frontal battles.

‘This is a different battle pattern from the last war. Obviously, in the past, we used strategies to abandon cows and take their place, but this time, dragons are fighting in that form. It's a bone-eating operation. ’

In the last war, a legion of dragons pushed humanity away with overwhelming force. The human side leveraged all wisdom to obliterate one dragon at a time with its sacrifice as collateral.

Since the advent of Second Generation Reinforcements, the dragon's strategy was not frontal, but isolation and surprise. The power surge reversed and the operation shifted. Lee was convinced by the situation.

"For three dragons and a scapegoat. ’

Lee thought, looking at the bodies of the dragons. Perhaps the dragon was not such an important object in the dragon army. Possibly mass-producable beings.

- Minions are coming. What are we gonna do?

In the current situation room, the command system was blank. Arc's soldiers are retreating, too. Survival orders have been issued to each of you.

Lee looked around with reinforcements in his sights. The PP readings of the reinforcements compared to the shield appear to be floating overhead. The reinforcements were still at large.

- Let's wipe out all the minions.

- The dragons are gone.

The boys' opinions were directed towards combat. A swarm of minions is closing in on the reinforcements.

“No, it's better to retreat when you can. If there's an extra variable at the gate, like a dragon, it's hard to handle. ”

Lee said.

- That's cowardly.

Someone said over the phone. Lee ignored it. The boys who were excited about the battle were hard to deal with. I've given them a sedative, and they're still strong. No wonder I didn't want to say "retreat."

“What do the other squad leaders think? You better make a decision soon. Heave-ho! Here they come. ”

Lee said, cutting off the head of the werewolf who was running from behind. Fast minions attack the reinforcements. They're supplies that will buy you time until the Minion Headquarters arrives.

- We're not invincible. Above all, if you run out of psychic energy, it's over.

- It's better to wait for Arc's rescue after retreat.

The squad leaders agreed with Lee. The boys who were judged to be squadron leaders had similar patterns of thinking to Lee Han. No matter how excited I am, I know how to take a breath and think. The three squad leaders agreed. They decide to move through the Minions' siege and into the safe zone while they can.

The decision was rather long, but the action was quick. As they pass by, there are roads lined with minion corpses.