Kill the Dragon

00126 # 20 Return

Lee Han's first carnivorous dinosaur was a little bigger than a tiger. A predator dinosaur that hunts like cats and beasts. In his first encounter with carnivorous dinosaurs, Lee almost lost his life. A dinosaur with hard leather and sharp teeth was frightening. A spear made of daggers makes it hard to resist.

‘If only I had psychic abilities. ’

I would have caught it if I had the impulse. Even though Lee Han is stronger than normal humans, dinosaurs and humans are different species. Strong among Humans, but not against dinosaurs.

‘I can't just run away every time I see these guys. ’

Lee Han set up traps everywhere. You dig the ground, cover the leaves, and build a net trap made of vines. I was prepared and waited. Soon after, Yihan succeeded in capturing the dinosaurs. Dinosaur meat was surprisingly edible. I dried the whole part and made Jerky. I didn't worry about food for a while.

I'm also getting used to fighting dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were surprisingly simple in their patterns. And they were afraid of the fire.

‘How to live. I should thank Laocha.’

It's been a long time since I've lived here.

Lee Han spread his groomed leather and burned the smoke. It was a kind of smoke tanning. I once learned simple leather trimming from Laocha.

‘If you want to prevent corruption, whether it's food or leather, smoke it and dry it.’ That's what Laocha said. Lee Han wore an animal oiled leather cloak the last time. Replaced with a duvet.

Lee moved to the cave a month ago. It took me a long time to refurbish, but the house is quite reasonable. I was busy before building the house, but I had a lot of time after completing it. It took me that long to think about it.

“Is this Earth? ”

Lee said on purpose. Seeing that there is no one to talk to, I can't wait to talk to.

“Am I really the only human here? ”

Lee ran into an unexpected difficulty. Loneliness and loneliness with no one to talk to. It kept bothering her. Humans are social animals. No matter how strong a human is, he cannot live alone. That was no exception. His mind was corrupted. Fear and obstacles can be overcome. Rather, when I encounter such a disability, I get more motivated.

‘It's only harder if you don't do anything. ’

There is a purpose to return. There is no means. Lee didn't know what to do.

“What a fuss. ”

Lee painted in his spare time. I repeatedly painted on the sand floor and erased it. I thought I knew why the primitives left the murals. I had nothing to do in my spare time.

“I couldn't draw. ”

He said in his own words, Lee had no talent for painting.

How much more time has passed. Lee gave up counting the days by drawing a line on the cave wall. No matter how strong the boy was, he was tired. I even remembered the word suicide. Lee's heart became weak that much. It seemed like I was going crazy in a meaningless day.

“Phew. Phew. ”

Lee was panting. I was obese for a few days. I stayed in the cave like I was dead. I was getting claustrophobic. The tip of the black cave seems to be eating itself.

‘This is not good. ’

Lee tried to see himself objectively.

‘If I lose my only advantage, it's really over. ’

Lee Han was not hungry, but he tore the flesh from his thistles.

“The biggest obstacle to survival is solitude. ”

I stockpiled a lot of water and food, and even though I built a solid hideout, I didn't reduce my loneliness as much. The thirst for emotion got worse because there was no solution. I wanted to talk to anyone, even a dragon. Ordinary people would have lost or lost their minds.

‘If there is no other way... ’

There's no one to talk to, and if there's no way back... Lee might actually kill himself. I had to find a way before my unwavering will broke.

“Farther tomorrow. ”

Lee was lying there muttering. The night soon deepened.

Lee has never been far from the lair. I was thinking of going out quite far today. I wanted to find any clue or trace.


Lee ran forward, kicking out worms the size of his forearms. Even my eyebrows didn't frown, instead of being surprised by what came out of nowhere.

‘Head east.'

Lee saw the sun and positioned himself. I just walked east. I left a trail of wood everywhere. Don't forget about the hideout you worked so hard to build.


The large herbivores looked down and ignored it. It was meaningless to them. It was a great thing to see the dinosaurs in your imagination. I was moved by this magnificent sight several times. It was only a few times. Now we pass by their graves.

“I should have studied the names of the dinosaurs. ”

To Lee Han, dinosaurs are just dinosaurs. A dinosaur with horns. Dinosaurs with long necks, nimble carnivorous dinosaurs, and rhinoceros. A dinosaur that resembles a crocodile. Lee Han categorized dinosaurs with such characteristics. I know as much as a single dinosaur's name.


Tyrannosaurus, Ihan has seen it firsthand from afar. Ordinary people used to pee, but Lee had already fought a more fearsome dragon.

‘I'm not afraid, but when I see you, I have to run. ’

Tyrannosaurs are the most famous predators in Earth's history. Just because Lee set a trap doesn't mean we have to stop him. We have to get out of the way as soon as we feel distant.


Lee Hwan winked and killed his breath. A dinosaur resembles an ostrich from afar passes by. It was an ostrich. It was a dinosaur that hunted a lot. It was only a quick leg, not a threat.


The ostrich dinosaurs who found Lee Han screamed intimidatingly. Lee thought about hunting and shook his head.

‘Today's objective is to explore. We still have plenty of food. ’

Lee let go of a good hunt. The grasslands became less and less dense. Looking at the open meadow made me feel better. I was frustrated by the forest and caves alone.

“Anything would be nice to find. ”

Lee needed hope. If there are any clues to your return, you can hold on to your will.


Suddenly, the earth trembles. Yihan fell facedown. The forest on the other side is shaking violently. Something big was coming out.


Lee Han frowned. What came out of the forest was a giant carnivorous dinosaur. Strong hind legs as opposed to short forelegs. Ferocious teeth that swallow everything. Tyrannosaur. Tyrannosaur walks out of the forest as loud as his own.

‘Those ostrich dinosaurs were running away. ’

Lee Han frowned. You move back slightly while lying on the ground. We can't just run around and be seen by Tyranno.

‘I won't go after me without food.... ’

Contrary to Yihan and his thoughts, Tirano grew closer and closer. Instead of aiming for this, we just walked in the same direction.

Biceps, biceps.

Lee Han killed his breath. There's no way to catch Tirano now, no matter what you think. His only weapon is a handmade spear and a hook cable mechanism. The cable unit runs out of battery and can be used about once.

‘I never thought the gap in psychic abilities would be so great. ’

Lee thought his specialty was not psychic. However, Lee's pattern of combat incidents was always mindful of his psychic ability. The number of cases has decreased greatly due to the inability of psychic skills.

‘If only I had the mind to cover my eyes with a cloak... or move a rock.... ’

Lee shakes his head. Only think of the means available right now. If you miss a skill that doesn't exist, nothing comes out.

‘Just walk away. ’

Tyrannosaur approaches shortly. I seem to have lost track of the game. The low growl seemed to touch Lee's spine.

Tirano lowers his head slightly, sniffing a strange smell. I examined the ground with a small pupil.


The hot breath touched Yihan's hair.


Tyranno opens his mouth. I was ready to swallow Lee Han right away.

‘I don't have time to hesitate just in case. ’

Lee quickly made a decision. I couldn't do anything and didn't want it to work.


Lee raised his torso and pierced a spear through Tyranno's nostril. Tyranno roars, his head tilting upward. The roar echoes. Tyranno tries to pull out a spear in his nostrils with his short front leg. It was useless because the front leg couldn't touch the face. Tirano's wrath rises upon Ihan.


Lee ran, exhaling regularly. I've been running since Tyranno roared, so I'm pretty far away. But Tyranno chases after him, reducing his distance at once. I quickly chased after Lee Han with the bowl's body.

‘We'll catch up soon. ’

Lee Han turned into the forest. In the tree-lined terrain, Tyranno was determined to slow down.

Quack, quack! Rrrrgh!

Tirano pushes and breaks the trees that block him. It slowed down, but it was much faster than this.

Whoa, whoa!

Tyranno's teeth bite into his cloak. Lee threw down his cloak before being attracted.


Death is at hand. Lee Han was not afraid, but also heard a strange excitement. The third graders, including Lee Han, were already paralyzed by feelings such as fear and horror. Boys who face the primal fears of the Dragon Pier. Immune to low-grade fears.

‘It is difficult to slow down when it is large. With that kind of speed at that height, you won't be able to make any sudden turns. ’

Lee turned, grabbing the tree. Tyranno slows down as if slipping. As expected, Tirano spent a lot of time slowing down. It was slow to navigate.

‘But it's close. Can I win a Stamina Battle? No, but they catch up and get eaten. The forest topography is ending soon. ’

Lee's eyes chase the rock wall. His eyes narrow. It's been a long time since my brain started spinning. Crisis has become a good stimulant.

‘Acceleration, direction, weight. ’

Lee grunts. He slows down as if tired. Tyranno, who was chasing you, tilts his head and torso down. The center of gravity seemed to swallow Yihan while being pulled down.


Lee took out the hook cable and shot it over the rocks. The hook is secured and pulled at the same time.


Lee's body was in the air. The cable was very fast. Lee Han, who was naked, slammed into the rock face. Meanwhile, Yihan sticks his finger into the crack of the rock and closest to the rock wall. Blood flows from the face of the stone.


Tirano, who was chasing after Lee, falls flat. The weight and acceleration are not overcome, so you fall sharply. Quite shocking. In fact, many tyrannos fall and get injured while hunting. It's common to die from a broken rib. Faster than a massive size is a body structure that carries that much risk.


However, Lee was unlucky. Tirano has no broken bones. I raised my head upright. I pushed my head to the end of Lee Han's feet.