King of Entertainment

Chapter 729 Wanzhong

Zhou Mo's four women worship the worship of Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central said, "The officout is not easy to say, you have learned the four years of cross talk, so I will let you live to show off."

Zhou Mo's personal information is indeed written by her four years.

"Teacher Xiao, but what is this de showing?" Zhou Mo is very embarrassing.

Others are also curious.

Xiao Central said, "The offshore show needs a host and a group of viewers, mainly to show the attitude and thinking of the young people to social hotspots, cultural incidents, fashion trends. This kind of programs have no wisdom and sharpness."

Because this is a live broadcast, the space is limited, so the Xiao Chong decided to find only a few viewers to stop the Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mid is still confused, I don't know what this is a de show.

Xiao Chong looked at the other three, "You go to practice first."

Some of Jiangsu left.

Xiao Chong handed the manuscript to Zhou Mo, "You first look at the manuscript, I will explain it in detail."

Zhou Muchen looked at the manuscript.

Xiao Li gave her a manuscript according to "After 80" Tonight ", combined with some social hotspots and cultural events in this world.

In the world of Xiao Biao, "Tonight" is once very hot, Wang Si. Jian also turned into red.

Wang Si. Jixiang always takes "egg" and "building the country" to open brush, leading to many laughter.

"Eggs" and "Jianguo" later were also popular in front of the "Tucao Conference".

This is enough to prove the powerful production team behind the "80" tonight, and their capabilities are first class.

Since the world "80 tonight" can fire, then there is no reason in this world.

Of course, this world can no longer call "After 80 tonight", it is changed to "Tonight Momi".

After a while, Zhou Mo read the manuscript, and she suddenly understood how this show show.

Xiao Jiang explained her with her essentials, she basically understood.

Even the Xiao Chu has some accidents, Zhou Mom is really very high, it is a good seedllar.

Zhou Mo also practiced.



Six p.m.

Many parents have been waiting for the live broadcast of Xiaozhou after dinner.

"Mom and Dad, see" Shuk and Beta "."

"Grandpa, do you say that Beta will appear this evening? Is it a mouse?"

"Grandma, how will Shuk future? Will it expose your identity?"

Many children are asking their loved ones.

"Shuk and Beta" are really too attractive.

Everyone is waiting for Xiao Chong to appear in live broadcast.

However, time is early, you have to wait until 7.

Of course, more people have been attracted by the top ten live broadcasts, because they have activities all in the evening. In order to stop the bleak, they can be described as a blood this time.

Zhao Xueyi came to the beast live broadcast company and told Xiao Chong.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Nothing, we have Tengda."

Zhao Xueyi happily smiled, and cooperated with Tengda this step.

Now Tenda is more viscosity than the DreamWorks, and the user has more. Once Tengda shot, it is simply unfavorable.

Tenda's "cutting a knife" and "red envelopes" tried to be unhappy.

This time, Xiao Jiang did not even give Tenda's new suggestion, directly took out "cutting a knife" and "red envelope" routine, but still still bought it.

In the world of Xiao Biao, Mr. Ma's five blessings have been playing for several years.

Soon, Tengda has launched "five room red envelopes".

Room 1 - Xiao Chong.

Room 2 - Zhou Mo.

No. 3 Room - Jiang Shan.

Room 4 - Tian Si.

Room 5 - Huang Jiaer.

Who can set the red envelope of the five rooms, who can get Tenda's surprise gift package.

During live broadcast, the live broadcast has been under red envelopes, and everyone only needs to grab it.

Grab the red envelope, share it with a new friend, you can get something inside the red envelope.

Although many people know that they are routine, everyone is still not tired.

The bosses of the top ten live platforms: "..."

They were quantified, and the Tenda Group was leaked.

Who else now, Ma Tengda is completely wearing a pants with Xiao Chong.

The boss of the top ten platforms can only bite the teeth and continue to fight!

At 6:30 pm.

Diki and the remaining four major anchors have appeared in live broadcast room.

Xiao Chong: fairy tale, "Shuk and Beta".

Zhou Mo: Drop the show, "Zhou Momi tonight".

Jiang Shan: Spiritual Story.

Tian Si: Fairy tale.

Huang Jiaer: Personal Song Show.

People entering live broadcasts all stunned.

"Tonight China Xiu? Show show? What is it?"

"Yeah, I have never heard of" out of the show "."

"Is it a new program?"

"It's impossible, such a short time, how can Xiao Chong may have an original program form."

Many people don't believe that Xiao Yang really can create new programs.

"Fairy tale? Is this a fairy story written by Xiaoyang?"

"Ghost Story? Xiao Chong, will not really write a ghost story?"

Everyone was surprised.

During the live broadcast, Xiao Chong saw the barrage, smiled and said: "Yes, I really wrote a ghost story and fairy tales, all new, I hope to give you hope. Newcomers are not easy, please also support more support Support newcomers. "

Everyone was shocked, this is too fast?

Xiao Chong will then say, "The Division Show is indeed a new program, and it appears on the screen for the first time, I hope everyone likes it."

"Lying, actually is a new program."

"The Bayby, only Xiao Chu dares to play like this, new show, new anchor, will he not afraid of street?"

Many people admire extreme.

At this moment, the top ten live broadcasts have also launched their new stories, new live types.

Everyone seems to smell the fire.

"Spiritual story, fairy tale, game live, sing live ... Actually, is they crazy? Do they be crazy? Actually teamed up to encircle your wife's call to the beast live broadcast?"

"They are going to kill Xiao Chong, do not want Xiao Chong to enter the live broadcast."

"They are afraid of Xiao Chong."

"No, yesterday, Xiao Cheng is too powerful, and a person will pull the comprehensive ratio. If he still operates a live broadcast platform for a while, he may not do the live broadcast platform first?"

The live broadcast has begun when everyone discusss.

Xiao Jiang continued his "Shuk and Beta".

At the same time, Jiang Shan's live broadcast has also begun, today's makeup is a somewhat scary, dark circles, pale pale paper, plus her voice, let people have some hair.

The most important thing, her live broadcast is the most dark, and it feels like an old room that is no longer in decades. In addition, Xiao Chong also makes people specialize in music.

"Lying! This hasn't said yet, I am scared."

"This Jiang Shan is really like a ghost."

Many people have scared a big jump.

This live broadcast, everyone is still the first time.

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