King of Shadows

00282 Wind blows

Following Jane's instructions, she walked into the abandoned hospital and looked at the messy interior facilities. He had broken medical beds, broken wheelchairs, and a flat walker waiting for him.

The cracked wall felt like it was about to collapse. One wall was actually broken. It was not worth a scratch on the outside.

Jane lowers her footsteps as much as possible, pulling out a pistol from her chest. She belongs to a highly idealistic group, but unfortunately, Stigma is unable to keep up with him. A handgun is more powerful than using a stigma. There was nothing more to say.

"Se-hyun, the place we're going is underground. Avoid using excessive force. because if you're wrong, you could be trapped underground."

"You don't have to tell me. I know."

Sihyun nods. It was a different place from the church where I encountered Engachtoon. It had few features that could influence it at will, but it was far too numerous. He knew how frightening it was to collapse underground in battle with Optimal, so he only intended to use minimal force.

Under no circumstances is he to be safe, so there is a good chance that Robert or Jane, the party, will not be safe.

"Don't worry, this place is my bed."

Robert raises his hand and raises a stigma. His stigma is of the superhuman lineage. His ability to control iron and transform even his own body into iron.

Following Robert's gesture, you see pieces of iron. In modern times, iron had an inseparable correlation with civilization. It is a resource that is used anytime, anywhere. So was this place now. It was a place that was forgotten in the flow of time, but the 'iron' resource was overflowing.

A sphere. With the noise of an aluminum can bending, the iron pieces become tiny spheres. The bullets made by Robert's hands float around him. Sherry looks at him, interested in the appearance of escorting him, but soon she loses interest and turns her head. It was useful among humans, but just like that.

In the beginning, she had no interest in the Brotherhood. I was just following him because there was an order from him.

"Where do I go now?"

"I already know the way to the basement, so just follow me."

The abandoned hospital had a large site, but it was not too quiet. At the forefront of the formation, Jane walks inside the building without slowing down. Her footsteps do not stop. And I didn't hesitate. As though she had come once, she stopped walking as soon as she saw the words written in the ledger.

Sihyun could see why Jane stopped walking. Unlike the building, the words in the ledger room were clear and clean. It was creating a distinctive atmosphere, as if he were carving a name on the map.

"Is this it?"


He instinctively realized that it was a room going underground, so he raised his shadow and blessed the visit. Without a sound, the door that was clean and split in two fell backwards.

Inside, it was peaceful. A table with one leg bent and a broken bookshelf that doesn't overcome the power of time. Without the words "Ledger's Office", it must have slipped my mind.

As soon as she entered the room, Jane stamped the wallpaper and pressed the button on her finger. At the same time, the passage to the basement opened as the floor split open.

"This is the passageway to the basement I heard from the whistleblower."

"That's why they didn't find out. But how the hell did you make it? Even if you look at your hands in such a big way, no matter how remote you are, you will be caught."

Sihyun looked at the passageway with disgusting eyes. He invested a lot of money where no one else would come to kill him and opened an underground base.

"Let's discuss it later. It's our duty to disrupt the rally, right?"

"Yes, I'll start with the finale."

Sihyun and Robert took a walk underground. The passageway to the basement was strange. As a high level of technology was introduced, the surface was smooth, and the space between the stairs and the stairs was constant.

Since the road was a fork, Xi Hyun went down to a deeper place without thinking complicated. There was no obstacle to stopping him in the middle. He went down to the basement for a kilometer and frowned. It is because the more I walked, the more the scenery around me changed.

The basement he thought was closer to the tunnel. Unless sponsored by a country or a large corporation, it was clear that there was little that the Brotherhood of Ordinary Persons could do. However, the underground base that appeared in front of Sihyun was close to one facility. Facilities with more advanced technologies than the outside world. The basement where the light comes in is no longer underground.

"... Wonderful. Building a facility this size, avoiding eye contact."

Robert whistles without his knowledge. That's how great the subway base was. Constructing a building like this in a country is hard. At the end of the passageway, he can see a single door in front of him. A door measuring five meters shows a wall, not a door.

Sihyun raises his shadow and tries to break down the door, but Jane appears before him and stops him from doing anything.

"I know the password. It doesn't have to be noisy."

"Well, that's a relief."

Jane, who was standing at the door that was shrinking just by looking at it, took out her smartphone. What she has in her hand belongs to the whistleblower. The Brotherhood was unfairly authorised to control the facility through the application.

Jane, who ran the brothers-related app, put a pattern on the screen of her smartphone. As her fingers stop, a huge door begins to open. Xi Hyun and his group rush to operate the door before it all opens. With a small noise, Jihyun confirms that the door is closed, then he blurs the door joint with his hand.


"Anyone who runs away in a noisy gap just gets annoyed. Don't worry, it'll penetrate again at this thickness anyway. And you don't think this is the only entrance, do you?"

"Surely a basement of this size would have more than one or two exits. And in that case, this is going to be a very difficult entrance to block."

At his words, Jane nodded and accepted.

"Then let's go. I feel popular over there."

He widened his senses and ran to the place where there were so many people. Because it's an open place. Xihyun was able to pinpoint the location of the rally. Shortly after, Xihyun and his group arrive at the rally. When the tumultuous atmosphere was conveyed to the skin, Xihyun stopped his steps and hid himself on the wall.

The gathering area was a huge cavity. The size and breadth of the amphitheater. Unlike the interiors built with advanced technology, the sites where gatherings were taking place were extremely primitive.

In the middle, a huge flame rises. It's not a red flame, it's a blue flame. The talented man must have planted the fire artificially. Many civilians and Eclipses were camped round the fire. It was like preparing for human sacrifice.

Around it are those in yellow robes. Hundreds of them at a glance. Moreover, they held armor together.

"... deserved to die for the king. There's no need for dishonesty in this world. Those who have come here for a long journey. Do not doubt the king's mercy. Your deaths have long been foretold."

Standing at the highest altar in the assembly hall, the one who speaks aloud and loudly. I wasn't good at it once or twice. It was the voice of one who firmly believed that he was just and true. Sihyun felt familiar with the voice of the person leading the rally.

'You must be mistaken.'

An austere tone. Scratchy high-pitched. Sihyun shakes his head and clears his mind. None of those he knew could fall for the Brotherhood.

Jane sighed in relief as she watched the rally unfold. So far, she's seen nothing but a brutal scene where it's all over. But now it's different. Depending on how we do it, we have an opportunity to save countless lives.

Jane, with her fist burning, looks at her. As long as he was there, there was no word for failure.

"Our goal is to capture them alive. No matter the inevitable sacrifice, at least we need information to reach the core of the Brotherhood. In that sense, Se-hyun, please catch the one leading the rally first."

"That's easy."

"Robert, you rule the Brotherhood. Even if they have the upper hand, they won't be able to withstand your abilities."

The original output was different. Robert's mind-set has been exceeded by 5 million. It was an unusual force. It had already entered the frontier's realm. That's why I believe Jane's Robert will be able to fulfill her duties.

"It's a piece of cake."

"And Miss Sherry, protect the prisoners from getting hurt. If you are a guaranteed competent person, you will have that capability."

Jane looks at Sherry, but she doesn't answer. I only looked at Jane with a graceful look and a relaxed attitude. Sihyun knew exactly what Sherry was up to.

'You think you won't listen to orders from humans.'

Shi Hyun tapped Sherry's head with his finger, and his voice was cold. What he wanted was a capable servant, not a cripple at a crucial moment.

"Is that understood? Sherry, you can do this."

Only after Sihyun opened her mouth did Sherry casually open her mouth.

"I'll just try to stay out of your way."

"No one should die. This isn't a joke."

Sherry's gaze slowly crosses Sherry's eyes, lowering her head. Once she had become a vessel, the creed she had to keep was to make sure she fulfilled her orders. Even if it is a joke, there is a line that must not be crossed.

"If that's what the master wants, we'll have to try."

When all roles have been shared. Jane counts the timing as she watches the rally unfold. Immediately, a large pillar of fire rises to the ceiling. Those wearing yellow robes lift their armor up high in the sky. The scene where everything points to the serosa. The rally reached its peak. At the moment of stiffness, Jane reloads her pistol.

"Then I'll count to three."

Jane bows as hard as she can. Prepare to run at the best speed she can. Sherry, who strengthened her body with thought, uttered a lot of words.


Robert rotated a lot of bullets. The pieces of iron that had been floating around him so far contained fierce energy.


Sherry glances through the intestine with an unmotivated eye. and designed the best course of action. She straightens her thoughts in her head, and wakes up from the dirt on her knees.


At the end of the sentence, he ran through the space.

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Recommendation for National Power

Commendo National Power

1. Years, but I think it will be posted between 5 and 6: 00. I'll see you in the morning.