King of the Last Drama

077 Water and Fish (8)

A few weeks ago, with a slight turn of the clock, I made a lighter and lighter move.

It was a decent apartment to choose from.

In fact, I always thought of getting out of a narrow, old waltzet house.

"It doesn't work. He doesn't come into your house anyways. What a big house I live in alone."

But it was true that I was not finding a pointy excuse thanks to my mother's words to turn around and stab me in the chest.

But the attitude of his mother, who was so stubborn recently, changed in an instant. In fact, this move was also done through the gap.

I snuck while the displacement center staff were away from work.

"Would you like something to eat? It looks like it's been properly cleaned up."

"I'm not going out. If you're hungry, there's a burner over there."

"· · · · · ·."

While I was doing that, I heard a popular voice. Then someone cautiously stretched out their face through the open door.

"Excuse me. I came to see if I could help you."

"Hey, Writer Stan!"

The change in mother's attitude was truly remarkable.

I stand up with a bright face and look for something to sit on. Writer Seo-yerin only stops by drying his hands.

And after a few words of conversation, he yelled at me in a loud voice.

"What are you doing, Hyun-seok? You didn't eat! We have to do something!"

"· · · · · ·."

Well, my treatment at home these days was kind of like this.

The scar in question bows its head with a gorgeous expression.

A while ago, when the calligrapher first put her face out of the house, her mother was greatly surprised. It also seemed somewhat rattled.

However, when I saw my face more often, I quickly became familiar with it, and soon I took care of it more than my son.

Thinking about the time it took, it was indeed a dramatic Vipho Afterwards.

The writer also helped organize his mother's two arms. Somewhat organized and simple, I sat face-to-face with food delivery.

A small conversation followed.

"Yes. Isn't it hard for him these days?"

Seo-yerin smiled softly.

"You're welcome, Mother. I don't know anyone who believes in and respects me more than this Fiddy."

"How could you be so cute?"

My eyes glitter. I feel like I'm thinking strangely, no matter how I look at it. I cut off my horse with a cough.

"Oh, Writer Stan. Have you heard from Gia lately? I think I'm worried."

When Jia told me about it, my mother's face became a little subtle. It was always my job.

"Don't you care a little too much?"

Writer Seo-yerin sighed.

Gia started going back to school a while ago. I was worried, but my will was so firm.

"You're either going to transfer or you're going to have to go through. And now someone's gonna come and touch Gia."


"More than that, why don't you talk to me about this episode? It seems that the bad reputation of the last pole, even if it didn't have an inner color, was a little burdensome."

· · · Of course, I intend to care about that. Now I don't even know that he's a digger.

No, actually, that's why I'm more worried.

In my attitude, the calligrapher shook her head a little.

"Well, I have some good news."

"What is it?"

"Looks like Gia made a new friend."

"· · · · · ·!"


"Uh, yeah. That's right."

The writer, Gia, replied in a shaky tone with a pen.

I quietly asked, sinking my heart to bury even now.

"Well done. Who is it?"

"It's called Mina Choi. I think he's a good kid. For now."

I don't think that's the only weird look.

At first, I felt like I was talking frozen and then I had an instant friendship.

I was so distracted by the feeling of worrying at the shovel.

However, Gia seemed more interested in the work ahead of her eyes than a new friend.

"By the way, brother. This episode, can I really write it myself?"

"You let the writer stand. He said he'd see you later."

"It is, though."

Gia's expression was vague. I like it because I have chicken, and I think I've seen all the chicken breasts.

Apparently, I liked it at first.

"· · · Honestly, I think that Yerin is a bit lethal these days."

"What's wrong?"

"Something like that."

"· · · · · ·?"

Gia frowns and hits her forehead with the tip of the pen. In front of it are scripts of the "Journal of Research".

In fact, the story of the "Journal of Research" was not very united.

Discover the 12 Painting Journal and hunt dinosaurs.

Human drama with 36-piece neighbors.

The Shipbuilding Age of 710 Paintings.

1114 Hwa Space Planet.

Afterwards, it was brought back to modern times.

It's a thorough omnibus, if you like, and it's a medium-sized heating.

It is curious that such a configuration has so far received such good ratings. It means that the individual story written by the calligrapher wasn't that bad.

I honestly didn't think it was a big deal to put an episode in this situation.

But Gia was a deeply troubled face.

"There are a lot of materials that come to mind, but I don't really want to do this."

A slightly shriveled attitude. When I think of the glittering eyes of my childhood like a play, there was a big difference.

· · · Well, that was a lot of work.

I remembered what the calligrapher said.

"Let's talk to me first."

I decided to take a moment to share my thoughts with Gia and try to change direction.

However, a few hours later, no proper answer came out. Gia's face was even more dead.

It was a complete adverse effect.

What to do · · · · · ·.

I came up with the idea of flipping the chessboard.

If you don't think about it in the first place, don't you?

"Gia, why don't you just put it in?"


"I'm just going to punch what comes to mind into the script."

"· · · · · ·?"

Gia blinks. It looks like I don't understand anything.

"Hey, brother. After all, if you want to get the script out, you have to pick it in there, right?"

"So you don't have to pick. Use it all, and I'll shoot it all."

And I can continue what looks good in that full scene.

It is not difficult, but rather common. Once you don't know what's better, take a picture of it all.

But Gia opened her mouth and raised her voice.

"What's going on! The staff will suffer enormously, and most of all, my brother."

"They're all veterans, Gia. I don't think that's hard enough."

I smiled. He makes a fool of his staff.

I guess I'm just having a hard time with Idonana.

And Idona didn't have to worry about it.

I know that she is a virtuous learner who can sacrifice herself at any cost to make a great drama. Cancer, by the way.

"Uh, let me write that down."

Gia reluctantly accepted.

While nodding satisfactorily, there was a place where the gaze touched.

"But what is that?"

A strange list stands out between the manuscripts being worked on. Let's pick it up. It was even more unknown.

"Han-support Ability Summary Table?"

Is it a setup bar? But then something like that.

"Oh, that's what Seol asked me."

Do you have any eczema?

I was doubted by a name I didn't even think of.

"As much as you were a traitor, you must have some attachment to support. I'm trying to sort it out by asking."

Even so, Jia sighed.

Well, well.

I tried to convince him.

I used to paint my own character in my childhood notebook and put a lot of powerful abilities in it. If you played it yourself, you might have enough attachment.

By the way, I think I need to organize the settings because I became the original of this world view. Let's talk to the calligrapher when the time comes.

While reading aloud, there was a noticeable element.

"You had a feeling that Han-support was just twenty years old for his ability to see and deal with souls, right? How many times did he ask you that?"

"I'm sure it wasn't cancer."

"· · · So is it?"

He scratches his cheeks and clears the line to 'Bing's Ability' with a non-starry attitude.


And now Diego's got my back.

I was preaching in my own amazing grace.

It was originally for Jia's own rehearsal that I authorized Jia not to limit the script.

But right now, it's back to being God's number one.

Kim Chul Sunbae looked me in the eye.

[What the hell are you talking about?]

"Don't you know?"

At the moment, my hope is to achieve the bar diagram in one go, in addition to 'Simultaneous Production' of the 'Research Journal .

The current target is a difference of 32 per cent and 42 per cent.

"Originally, there was no element that could touch this timing."

After the shoot, only edits are left. After all, you can't change the bones.

I wouldn't have used my hands or my feet if it were a normal shot.

"But now it's different."

Thanks to Jia's daily script, the number of instances that can lead to editing has increased dramatically.

I can connect as many scenes as I can to fit.

It's so simple, it's a miracle!

However, Kim Chul Sunbae was a naive expression.

[Can you put a bar in there between 32 and 42?]


I snorted.

He said he would recite the wind month in three years.

I even pursued the curtain 70 times. If you win in a mini-series, you get three or four sides.

"That's enough to close your eyes and figure out how much this is."

[· · · · · ·.]

"This concurrent production, our victory, Senior."


Choi Mina was dumb and opened her mouth.

The "Research Journal", which is on the screen, has two protagonists as it has always been in 20 paintings.

And in front of him, there was a person who didn't even think about it.

"I'm sorry. It's been too long for me to lie to him about the trends I've encountered.

· · · · · ·.

"Now, before you shoot me, can you tell me which planet you lived on?"

Choi Mina, who saw a woman who pointed a gun at her with tired eyes, grabbed her two fists.

I really threw it out. Chongqi!

077 Water and Fish (8) End