King of the Last Drama

201 Hard door breaks with a buggy (4)

Ouch, squeeze.

My brother frowned blatantly after eating the soup.

Why did you make me squeeze it here? This is salt soup!

I'm sorry, Master.

The heroine was overwhelmed by such a reaction. Lift up the nesting spoon, hum your head, and open your mouth. Careful tone.

I think I'm okay.

Can I be okay alone? Aren't you going to eat all this together?

But · · · · ·.

She didn't die that way because she kissed me like this!

What does a pie have to do with a dead man's neck and the liver of a broth?

It is an imposing fortress, but the heroine does not speak Moore, but only bows her head. As if he had anticipated such a response, his younger brother left the room to speak more evil words.

In fact, it was not because the Bureau was dissatisfied, but because it was having a hard time doing other things and was looking for a place to solve them.

It was Cinui who left the soup that the heroine had boiled well and handed over Barton while she was boiling again.

He opens his eyes and rushes with a thump and asks.

"Hey, sis.

What's going on, miss?

Did you clean my room?

Yes, I said earlier · · · ·.

Sinuy, who is heating up, asks if she cleaned up towards the stopping heroine.

The heroine lowers her head just like she did this time.

By the way, I only manage the house so much that my brother doesn't come in and go out!

I'm sorry.

"If you know you're sorry, don't do it!

Ah, there.

One of the plates falls into the hands of Sinui, who was nervous.

A plate that breaks with a sharp sound. Shinui, who was stunned by it, began to be even more annoyed as if it were embarrassing.

"Why leave the plate here?" What are you doing, not getting rid of it quickly?

"I will. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I didn't get one of those.

As she was away from Sinui, she quietly peed and began to clean the plates.

In "Three Times", the footage has been repeated ever since my mother-in-law died.

The burden of the heroine has not diminished, as the mother of the first painting is dividing the pawns. Rather, it got worse.

The silly backside of Lee's quietly broken dishes used to turn the viewers' clothes upside down.

What do you do with a lot of personalities when you're beaten up by a bunch of blue kids?

Han-support! Please!

Don't you know Lee Hyun-Seok Mill? You didn't do this, you rotten bastard!

The next one's just a fucking earthquake.

In the Vulcan series, it was in fact the final boss-level position. As she was a regular dramatic actress, the pain was not an extraordinary thing.

Several serial fans used to synthesize the "like a play" with the support of Earth Defence or Battleship Cannons.

It was quite popular, and there was a common sense that any one of them would flee from the neck of Sinu and his younger brother.

In other words, in Three Times , the two meant that they were carcinogens of that magnitude.

Please, I hope anything happens. I can't see you anymore...

What are you doing being a Nam-joo?

Oh, God, please!

Even so, the failure of the viewers to leave was due to the act of choreography and transfer, but most of all, they had hope.

Kim Kyung-suk's last drama is going to be upside-down in the early part of the year, and in the middle and late part of the year, revenge will be held to compensate for it.

That was what most people were expecting.

Well, at the end of the day, I'll forgive you.

But first, I need to see those bastards get fucked. It's over. You can't see it.

Me, too.

My brother Sinui wants them both to die.

This was the view of the majority of viewers.

And 12.

That's when they started to see something they wanted to happen.

Puhahahaha! Hahahaha!

While his younger brother was watching the gag program, the viewers were as excited as ever.

I can't even laugh, so I can't eat popcorn like that, so I wish I'd died from laughing like that.

And well, some of those wishes came true.


My brother, who had been laughing for a while, suddenly opened his eyes.

While the viewers were puzzled, the younger brother knocked on his chest and snapped, but fell backwards.

The camera illuminates the body with a steady blink of light.

The younger brother became immobile within a year.

Then I heard a familiar ambulance siren.



It's silent, whether it's in the drama or at the home of the viewers who watch it.

No one understood the situation.

What the hell is going on?

Your brother's death?

Is he smiling?

Most hoped there would still be something more in the midst of the outrageous reaction.

But there was no such thing.

The next scene was the funeral after the second painting.

The woman in the suit bowed with a shaking head. In the fairy tale there was a smile on his sister's face.


Eva or not??

Even during the funeral, some viewers thought there was no way to end it.

There must be something more. I'm guessing you didn't kill that mib statue so easily. Didn't Hong Ji Ho also say that a while ago? Trust Lee Hyun-seok.

Next, a staple roll came up. Without a trailer.

Are you kidding me?!

Viewers exploded in natural order.


Screening of "Three Times" 12 Paintings has ended. The results are aggregated. · · · · · ·

Done. The average viewing rate is 26.1%, and the percentage of viewers who think of the drama as a block is 68%.

[Things are going well.]

Kim Chul Sunbae smiled with a gruesome expression. You look like you're going to push the blue hedgehog onto the road roller right now.

· · · Well, apart from that look, it was true that everything was going as planned.

Criticism was pouring everywhere, and the barracks were again 70 percent ahead of schedule, and the viewing rate was also rising.

35% viewership and 70% bars.

Considering the lower targets reflecting all the unremunerated items so far, it is fair to say that they are both eyewitnesses.


Nevertheless, I did not feel that I would be delighted. Kim Chul asked me that question.

[What's wrong? It's all going your way.]

"Yes, I do."

[Should I?]

"Isn't that a little too smooth?"

Kim Chul, who read my face, laughed.

[What. Is it because of her?]

"There's that, too."

[Arthur, what can an actor who doesn't perform in a scene do?]

It was the director's attitude that made him think of the actor as a brush or paint.

However, I couldn't hide my suspicious feelings as an experienced actor who was swayed with excitement.

"Their attitude, isn't it a little strange?"


"It's all over the place. By the way, · · · · ·."

After 12 paintings, there was little reverberation.

Choi Hyeong jumped, and Oji Ho CP asked me to please give him a proper explanation.

Staff also shuddered, questioning whether Park Jintae or Hong Ji-ho were really okay, and when they reached Gia, they even asked if her brother's dead signature was a heart attack or breathing difficulty.

· · · Well, Gia is charging.

However, in the meantime, the reaction of Lee and Mae Woong was quite weak. That attitude seemed very suspicious to me.

Above all, if the pattern I've been through so far is slow, something has to be interrupted or some misunderstanding uncovered.

But it was strangely quiet. It's like a storm night.

Kim Chul, who heard my story, sighed.

[What if I take misfortune or disturbance for granted?]

"It's been a reality all along."

[It's a hypersensitivity reaction, Hyun-seok. They won't be able to do anything until they get to the new script. You don't even have an ambassador in the scene.]


[What if the disturbance comes in? Just bypass the plan.]

When Kim Chul's conviction was followed, I moved my mind too.

I did. Maybe my plan is just the beginning. I can't do anything because I've already shrunk.

No, if you think about it, I didn't even know it was time to get out. It's time to push.

I made up my mind.

"Senior, you know what I said before."

[There was.]

"Let's pull up the schedule a little bit."

[Oh, are you going to do it? It's good!]

I started to move straight away with the fallen Kim Chul Sunbae.

So next week.

A slight adaptation was made to the 13th painting that followed the 12th painting in which the younger brother died.

"What the hell, there's all these old stories! Billion!

Sinui died watching Makjandrama.

The ambulance came running again, and the same doctor shook his head heavily.

He was the second consecutive death scene after his brother.

· · · · · ·.

Is that testament self-criticism?

However, viewers who saw it were no longer criticized for "Three Times."

Instead, I began to pour out a curse.

Most of them were crazy or insane, but there were stories that were quite popular.

I looked at them bluntly.

"Look at this, Senior. In MBS, Kyung-Tae-young is making it instead of Kyung-Tae-young, so SBC also exported Lee Seok-hyun instead of Lee Hyun-seok."

This was quite convincing considering the recent walk of Director Kwon Tae Young.

At first, they started to make smoky bars. Why is this mud fight going on and on? I became a little depressed.

[Chuckles] Yeah, curse, curse more. It'll all be bloody bars.]

Kim Chul Sunbae seemed to be drifting with a new taste, and Lee and Mae Woong were still continuing to perform extraordinary acts.

I tilted my head.

Do you really have no idea? '

I may have been over-thinking. After that thought, I had some doubts.

As always, such carelessness was a setback.

201 Hard door breaks with a crane (4) End