King of the Last Drama

Siege Tower instead of 222 bugs (11)

[By the way, you're weaker than I thought.]

Kim Chul sunbae shrugged while moving to the appointment place with Zhang Yeon-cheol PD.

[I thought I'd lived for a few years because I told you everything I did.]

"Well, it was my defamation and the blackmail of some journalists... either way, it was an anti-doctor's offense."

If I had been guilty of a felony like overseas, I probably wouldn't even have to put a petition in.

Reporters who were considered victims also reported meeting Zhang Yeon-cheol PD in a similar order.

[... did he aim for you?]

"Well, thank goodness."

I sighed deeply.

"I can write you a few petitions, so I just want you to come back."

In retrospect, the power of chances was enormous during the "theatre" and "research journal" periods. There are also many cases where the barrier is more than doubled in a single breath.

From the point of view of 20 to 30 percent of the bars, it was a relief to be desperate.

[MBS] You came out and you went on TV? You have good talent.]

"I think Aunt... Seo Soo-hyun introduced you as a connection."

It was a forward-looking attitude that did not seem to treat anyone who touched their horrible nephew. It was quite surprising for me as well.

Kim Chul Sunbae laughed bitterly.

[...] My nephew and my nephew and my nephew chose the future again.]



Kim Chul Chang changed his voice after sneezing.

[Anyway, go provoke yourself. I don't know how we ended up embroidering him, but now we're desperate for his help.]

"I don't have to tell you, I intend to."

The story of Wongwon-hoon is the same, but now there is a situation that should not be captured with any real hope.

Like most of the station's production centers in Ilsan, TVM's parent company's production centers were also in Ilsan. It was not that far by car.

I almost got there. Somehow, the surroundings became chaotic. Female fans were swarming.

"Oops, Tae Joon oppa!"


"I love you!!"

An idol smiles and signs among the roaring fans. Seeing as he was unfamiliar, he seemed to have made a pretty recent debut.


It's common for fans to camp and wait in front of the shoot, and it's commendable to sign it every day, but I think it's a little off the road.

I lowered the car and spoke to the manager standing far away.

"Well, fan-service is good, but shouldn't you get in the car?"

"Oh, yes!"

This manager, who turned his head in astonishment, raised my eyebrows.

I make sure I don't have anything on my neck, and now I sneak through my old sonata, which is about 10 years old, and change my complexion with nausea and cough.

"Are you a photographer?"

"No, I'm a normal person, and I'm here for a little bit."

"Can you wait a minute, then? It'll be over in no time."


It was a pretty arrogant attitude.

[No, is this son of a bitch kidding?!]

Senior Kim, who was impatient, burst into old age, and was rumored to be fast and cheerful from the beginning, I noticed that the human in front of me was ignoring me.

But I told him to speak a better word.

"Not a lot of space? If you organize well, I think you can do it on one side."

"... let me tell you. ''

The manager replied reluctantly and went to my supervisor and said, "Moore." Idol, who saw this side, bowed his head in a different hue.

But when the manager next to me said something, instead of moving the crowd, I started to sign and greet more quickly. I was told to.

[No, that bastard?!]

Kim Chul Sunbae again exploded.

[Hey, get down, Hyun-seok!]


[What are you doing!. Do you have time to be ignored by a son of a bitch like that?]

I made a small intrusion.

"No, that's because... when women fans come together these days, there's a vertigo."

[Are you kidding me?!]

I'm not kidding. I don't know if it's a serious problem.

I waited just a hiccup while Senior Kim Chul jumped down the street next to me. However, as time went on, the speed at which the idol who was Teijun signed became slower.

It's been a few minutes.

"What's that shit car been doing out there?"

"Can't you see I'm busy? Let's go somewhere else."

The fans began to murmur, and the manager's eyes on this side began to grin.

A car came out from the inside while I was really thinking about going back to the other door. It was Porsche Panamera who was recently elected to a new prison.

Oh, and I thought you said you had a talent shoot today.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry, but please step back!"

Unlike when I saw it, the manager split the fans in surprise. But when it was too late, the car had already stopped.

A man got off the back seat. As always, gangsters with annoying faces armed with killheels and sunglasses reveal themselves.

"Hey, Idona Senior...? ”

Idol, who was laughing naively in a vicious mood around his body, had a powerful aura that immediately frightened him.

It was a little sad for me as well, but Idona in the underworld would care about that. As usual, the most ridiculous seller flew.

"What are you? Can I have the president's son?"

"Yes? No..."

"So you're the king of oil? If you had a chance, how long would you have beaten him up and blocked the road?"

"Well, that's ……”

Idol looked at the manager like he was asking for salvation, but he turned his head and retreated.

You have all the great managers.

Bow your head in a pale complexion.


"I'm asking you, is it your oil king?"

"Oh, no."

"So this is the inside out?"


"So this is the inside out?"


No, no matter who sees it, it's out there.

Idol panicked and couldn't talk to Moore, so Idona began to grind more and more.

"You're not answering? Kids live comfortably these days... Your manager, you don't really educate them?"

Well done, my daughter! I let Kim Chul Sunbae cheer and took a long breath.

But I'm sure there's only so many celebrity fans out there with cloud-like fans next to me.

Bonamana, some articles will come out this evening....

While the manager protruding from the driver's seat was desperately ripped off, I put the reverse gear carefully. But Donna notices this side of her grip and opens her eyes wide.

I can't believe I'm wearing a high heel, but I walk at incredible speeds and I'm staring.

"What are you doing here?"

"No, that's ……"

"... were you on standby? Those idiots are blocking it?"

The look on Idona's face became even worse when I was bugged. Reach out your hand and hold your arm.

"Get off."

I did that.

Now I can't wait for my ominous imagination to fit in...

When I came down, the reaction of the fans who were busy muttering. I look over here with my throat out.

While Idona was trying to raise her voice nicely, someone snapped out.

"... isn't that Lee Hyun-seok?"

That was the beginning.

"Lee Hyun-seok Fiddy?" Three times "?"

"Is that Idona's representative?"

In a murmuring voice, the face of the new Idol and his manager was instantly pale. But I looked at the fans' reactions with nervousness or not.

Soon the tone of voice began to rise.

"That's right, Lee Hyun-suk!"

"Lee Hyun-Seok, who is like that with Hong Ji Ho!"

Well, yes...

As I looked up at the sky, the sound of my voice began to rise.


"Really! Last time you broadcast, at least Hong Ji Ho was steaming? Backer!"

"Have you seen the 'Lord of the Moon' in Alpes?"

"I saw the carrots!"

Even Idona, who was about to make a good swearing speech again, was overwhelmed with words.

I sighed again.

.. I didn't like it because I thought it was like this. Somehow there was a familiar face.

"I want a sign!"

"Me too!"

As they were fishing, the fans began to rush this way. Idona looks back at me with a disappointed look.

"When did you become so popular?"

"Damn it, ask Hong Ji-ho!"

"You want me to tell her first?"

"Is that the kind of bullshit you're talking about? ”

I was instantly buried in the crowd.

I saw a manager with a long, white face and a new idol who was relieved by Idona's deviation from the beast.


"Well, you've done a great job."

Zhang Yeon-cheol PD, who followed the car, tried to manage his expression. Even so, it was a good idea not to hold the boat and laugh.

"Probably the most popular fiddy in the history of this floor? I heard you're a dizzy idol."

"Please stop..."

"I'm sorry, haha. If I still had a connection, I would have made a big story! I don't have it!"

Zhang Yeon-cheol PD, who met with him, had quite a different impression. Speaks close to the self-gag and laughs alone.

"Anyway, I'm sorry. Now that my drama cast has caused civil unrest,"

"How could that be because of Jean Fiddy?"

When I hit my hand, Zhang Yeon-cheol PD smiled nicely.

"What is there to advise you, but don't say it so easily. What I just said is that if you're as mean as I am, how many times will you be worried?"

As I was scratching my cheeks, an idol named Teijun once again said, "I'm so sorry!" I bowed my head deeply. The manager had nowhere to go where he was called.

I couldn't regret it for Idol, a god who only listened to his manager. He said that he was fine and wanted to make a good drama, so he was greatly impressed by the words.

"Lee Hyun-Seok Fiddy is a rumored man!"

"... Excuse me, but what's the rumor?"

"Yes? That's how much Ghong Ji Ho Sunbae hates..."

I was quicker to break the marble floor with a shoe heel than I was to frown.


Tae-jun, faced with another rumored figure, curled up like a clam.

Idona has not said a word with her arms full of unpleasant colors. He was an invigilator, but he couldn't chase me, so he was a civil servant.


Of course, I couldn't tell the story of the seedlings of the member and Wongwon Hun in this atmosphere. Zhang Yeon-cheol PD turns the story around with a slightly awkward face.

"Well, by the way, why don't you take a look at my plan?"

I frowned a little.

"Wouldn't that be a bit harsh? It's also a rival to be shown at the same time."

"If it wasn't for Fiddy, it wouldn't have come out anyway."

Subsequently, I received some scripts from Synopsis with an unconvincing sentiment.

But I was forced to open my eyes.


"Overall, we imitated Fiddy's acclaimed" Fancy Dinner. "That's what they named it." Chora Hanlunch. ""

Changing the title at a prank level was not an issue.

I felt my mind dazzling the moment I followed the materials.

The content is, so…….

"I had three children... My husband was, in fact, an anaphylactic."

"I thought it was fun."

"The adopted daughter who was remarried, she was an internal woman who had a relationship before…… •"

"I think it's going to be quite a tiquitaca."

"... were you two born of Iranian twins who actually had different fathers?"

"I took a look at the work of director Diego Rodriguez of Irufgenama."

Zhang Yeon-cheol PD smiled with a slightly cool attitude.

"It's quite a setup, but I think it's a sol leaf."

Oh, my God.

A few weeks later, I felt less shaken by my hands as I watched the drama that would compete with us three times. I was pale with Kim Chul Sunbae's side.

What the hell did I do?

222 Tanker Siege Tower (11) End