Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku

Episode 112: The Princess Knight Again

"Princess, what do you do all of a sudden!

Butler Knight (Senecial) Cato jumps in between changing his blood phase.

He had a serene face because of it, but he knew the hardships of this silver-haired old gentleman would continue until his death.

"Fine, you said hello, Eleonora..."

To my words, Eleonora showed off her burning armor in a way she was proud to win.

There's no explanation for the sudden beating, I knew it. I can tell right away when a princess knight just looks at her face without opening her mouth and thinks, "Think it's just better not to be slashed" or something.

Really, a princess knight is something that has become a shallow and inexplicable companion to her unwelcome feelings.

This kind of thing is too late when you regret it.

"Yu, Master Brave, I'm sorry. Recently I was alarmed to think that the princess's crude healed because she was an adult! This cato is a lifetime of unconsciousness."

Mr. Cato lowered his head at a tremendously sharp angle from his upright position. Seventy-five degrees diagonal.

Overwhelmed by the softness of my body, which I don't think is old, I immediately decided to condone the disrespect of the princess knight.

"No, give me your head, Mr. Cato, it's not the first time you've been done this to a princess knight"

It's supposed to be a hell of a diplomatic issue, but I used to scatter Eleonora in my spare time when I was enemies, too.

I can tell you that even if you get one shot at the encounter, you can't help it.

"Oh, you won't even hit me back, and you won't even complain. I thought you were generous enough to be king's mate."

"Eleonora, come on."

Lord Emmehardt, Eleonora's father, embarrassed him from behind.

Exactly, when my father pisses me off, my grandmother princess also looks like a bum.

"My apologies, My Lord King. My daughter is sweet. Your Eminence doesn't care that you're married."

"Become! Father, what are you talking about, like such a jealously crazy woman, totally different. Me and the brave, in our rivals of destiny!

The princess, who was punching people's bellies with a good smile until just now, is hung with her face turned bright red and eaten by her father.

Since when did Eleonora and I become rivals in fate?

"Ha-ha-ha, your father knows you very well."

"Your father doesn't understand you at all anymore!

My doubts were elsewhere, and my beautiful father and daughter were twisted. Lord Emmehardt, the cutter, becomes just a bad father with zero majesty as soon as he is in front of a no daughter.

From time to time there, Deacon Kato pinches his mouth and soothes the place.

Me and Herman, the Guardian Knight, were just looking at each other with a firm face.

I want you to stop this cheap home drama at the Duke of Ammine house for as long as possible and make it a quick dinner, but I can't even mention it in the guest's shoes.

We had no choice but to keep drinking tea that was as silent as some of the antique figurines and that would brew us as many replacements until our mouths became tannic.

It is finally evening time and is passed to the dining room at Rankt Castle.

Well, let me show you. Dinner with the millionaire.

An arched marble column stands in a magnificent hall, supported by a black, firm oak column trunk on the ceiling.

The cream-colored walls of longitudinal groove carvings are lined with protruding candlesticks, which continue to illuminate the area so bright and brilliant that there is no daytime and almost no faint color.

Civilization (civilization) has the word lightning (tobi) to be handed down.

For is it not the castle of Lord Rankt, beautiful in all its dazzle, that is the most elegant light of civilization in this world?

It's a meal in such a big dining hall, even though it's malicious in your heart to be restless.

I am so overwhelmed by the glory that even the royal castle of Silesier cannot reach my feet. How much effort and money is being put into creating and maintaining this luxury?

Besides, there's nothing to show off. Whether it's a precious mahogany desk or a white porcelain dish or a silver candlestick or dish arranged there, it's very natural.

The countrymen, for example, will be the only ones surprised by the brilliant convenience store lights even at night. The Duke of Rankt and his daughter, who live a radiant life, are sophisticated urbanists in this world.

In a big hall, besides me, Herman and Oracle, Kaala, and the Duke's father and daughter. It's a meal for six, but I don't feel lonely at all because there are so many maids and butlers to serve me.

I sighed when I saw the Scarlet Eagle crest of the Rankt family, placed on the mantle of a fitting fireplace, behind the hall.

Every time I come, I try to absorb a little bit of the culture of the city of Rankt.

This extravagant way of spending money is a waste of time to imitate.

Of course, I'm not wasting money. It is because Lord Emehardt uses gold like hot water for art and culture that artists from all over the Eurasian continent gather in this city, and consequently the art and culture that blossoms in the city also circulate to the world to produce gold.

This isn't just a luxury hobby, it's a decent investment.

But that's an investment that doesn't generate profits unless you do it on a century-by-century basis.

It can't be imitated, including around here. Generations of aristocratic power can also cause corruption, but they can also be said to have a proper role as guardians of art and culture.

Well, cooking. The maid first asks me what I want for a drink when I wonder if I can arrange extravagant dishes.

"Uh, what do you have?"

"Whatever you want."

Sounds like a tavern, but no menu.

I mean, he says he can get anything out.

I want honey wine (mead), Herman wants cold barley wine (ale). Oracle and the others were asking for wine.

Then, without being kept waiting, a palatable drink emerges with picked walnut biscuits or fried chickpeas.

The appetizer came out with the same salad and potage, but he can still select his own main dish.

I see, it's more sophisticated than being able to arrange a treat if you push it.

"Do you want anything to eat?"


Worried about what to say, Eleonora began to say, "Brave men should eat the same things as I do".

Then when I said that, Lord Emmehardt asked me to cook the same fish as myself when that was too coarse a meal.

Yamamei coated with honey and poured with keshi fruit.

I thought it was a regular fish dish with a knife and I collapsed. I pulled out the guts of the sea turtles and stuffed them and seasoned them. It was a clue. The flavour is impeccable.

Now, when it comes to the same dishes as Eleonora, this was another unexpected thing, sausage and black bread.

It is a very common food in the Germania region. It fits my mouth well, of course. While I was eating the crisp textured sausage, I did not hesitate to ask for a barley wine (ale), like Herman, who was eating a gutsy gutsy meat dish system.

"I knew it. Being king is no different. Brave men are always running around the battlefield, so these things are in their mouths."

"Though I do prefer this kind of meal to the dishes I have conceived"

Eleonora says it with a smile or face, so when I asked her a little strange, she boasted that, as a warrior training, she was eating and working out the same things that soldiers were eating on the battlefield.

I wonder what this feeling is all about.


"Huh, what's wrong?

I decided not to say anything extra to Eleonora, who was cheeky about sausage. I'm sure he's feeling wild thinking of one soldier fighting on the battlefield.

After all, Eleonora doesn't know the actual soldier's diet because she treats him like a general everywhere.

Even soldiers don't bother eating black bread when they can eat wheat bread, and the bread they are eating on the battlefield is hard bread that is white or black but dry.

Besides, it's coarse stone molar ground, so pebbles can be mixed and gullible.

The rye bread served to Eleonora is a carefully crafted luxury and is freshly baked.

From what I can tell, it's something you can only eat in a fancy bakery, and it's more fancy than bread.

Besides, what is the height of the gravy, the fragrance, of the sausage that is baked on this silver net making good noise with jujuju?

All I can say is that you use a good pig, and the aroma is filled with vanilla and herbs. Plenty of expensive pepper and mustard, and on top of that, it would never be possible for a freshly baked sausage to be accompanied by fresh asparagus, or a battlefield meal.

Hmm, sausages are good, too.

"Maybe some bacon or something?

"I'll bake it right away"

You really have everything.

For this minute, I wonder if I can order manga meat and get it out.

By the way, I've also made manga meat, which can be an ancient ham method with pork thighs.

More importantly, since oak meat is more firmly developed bones, boned meat can be easier to make.

Bacon is delicious, too, and tongue-in-cheek at the nostalgic flavors you're used to eating in your hometown. The barley wine (ale) is delicious too, and when this happens, I just want to make it into german potatoes, but it's too bad because the potatoes haven't been passed on to Germania in this world yet.

Eating in fine rye bread was good with sausage and bacon flavors.

I haven't had such a fun meal in a long time, I think this is one luxury.

Eleonora is proud to be eating battlefield food, and Lord Emmehardt has apologized for letting her accompany her unusual crude meal. They're going to have a qualitative meal with this.

After all, when this global millionaire's parents and children were off somewhere, I thought I was sighing as I got coffee and white peach dessert after dinner.

"My Lord King, this is my mundane daughter, thank you very much."


I feel like it's too late for Lord Emmehardt to say hello.

I've already given up on being bothered by a princess knight because it's already every time.

He said he would consult with the remnants of the Imperial Army aimed at reentry and the coalition of the Hordes, so I was guided by Mr. Cato and decided to go to the room assigned to me to rest.

Oracle made a fool of himself, but just had him sleep in a different private room because he would have trouble breathing his finesse in someone else's castle.

Even in the guest room, I was assigned a fine room.

A luxurious bed with a canopy is certainly a little too big for sleeping alone.

"But well, is it B to taste the loneliness of a single assignment?"

He has six wives. Instead, this long-lasting feeling of loneliness could be valuable.

Open your velvet curtains and get in the mood as you gaze at the prosperity of the sleepless city rank, which spreads under the eyes of the castle window.

Then I heard a knock.

"No way, a specialist maid comes to night games..."

Hey, Ikenai, I saw it working my imagination, but that's not true.

It was Eleonora, the princess knight, who came to visit the room, dressed in 'Armor of Fire' with no colour whatsoever.

"Oh, my God, Eleonora"

"I don't know what!

That's kind of a fight hips. I don't know, it's a hassle to start over or something.

I was just getting dressed for bedtime to go to bed already, but this castle is her home, so I can't just not respond.

"So, what's going on?"

"You and I haven't settled the battle yet."

I knew it.

She's an honest woman, how can this be 'as is'? I don't know how many times I've cautioned you, but give me a little twist. It's too one-patterned.

"But what are you taking off that beating is just right in the room!

"Ha, you won't be able to do it unless you take it off"

Reddishing his cheeks, he took off "Armor of Fire" to show it.

Eleonora's full plate mails have a strange structure, and when I take them off, I only wear them underneath.

No, I said twist, but you're not asking me to twist like that!

And what? What do you mean, "I can't," what are you going to do?

The underwear worn by Eleonora was panty on a red bra shale with a meticulous design as well as a meticulous pattern.

That's right, Miss Eleonora, you're wearing good stuff. Not if you say so.

"Oh, well. Could this be the hottest part?


I've heard of it, one theory says, 'Men are hot when they get married'!

Yeah, well, there's no way a man with six daughters-in-law at once isn't hot.

"Does this mean Eleonora is mellow on my hidden charms too, this is troubling..."

Shit, what am I gonna do? I had no idea there was going to be such a crazy event for me while I was single.

Sure, Eleonora is a princess knight who can't help it, but she can be considered a beautiful girl if she doesn't move in silence at all. Give me this chance... No, I'll say a chance or something. Cheating is bad, you can't lose temptation. I've been in good shape lately, so anything I don't like comes with an absolute recoil. This is obviously a trap, the Beauty Bureau. Bad end route, demon (Mara), leave!

"How many bumps are you talking about, I'm here to keep up the fight!

"Ha, it's a battle."

Suddenly, a stripper fight? Then you win.

"It's a continuation of the duel at the White Tower. You're tickling, and that's where you got the draw."

"What, you still see that as a draw?

What's this kid scared of?

I'm afraid to ask, are you going to make it no-can either the defeat before or the loss of a duel in the city of Spike?

"'Cause I didn't say I lost!

"You didn't tell me, you not only fainted then, but incontinence"

Wow, not good.

You've lost your word about this. Eleonora shook up her fist in the shape of anger. The battle is inevitable.

"Uh-oh, forget that!

Eleonora in her underwear, blushing with shame, hit me.

The battle suddenly seemed to move to a midnight fistfight (boxing).