Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (Reboot)

182: Avolos fully revived

"Uhhhhhhhh! Muaaaaaaaaa!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Mimiluuuuu!

Two essays are now hugging the two girls in tears. As you can see, some arrests are immediate ~ I want to scream in the sun, but this scene is just an emotional face-to-face between parents and children with no unnatural nature.

The colors of the day that saved Muir and the others quickly transported them to [Beast Kingdom, Passion]. To deliver the child to the parents who are still worried.

And as expected in King Tree, Anold Ocean and Leowood King waited and waited.

When they saw Muir's safe appearance, they instantly hugged him from the spot like a flash. They were also surprised by the sudden Special Attack, but they quickly accepted it and now it's done.

"Good... Muir, Mimir"

"Uh-uh, it's a touching face to face between parents and children ~"

Camus and Ten were with him, so he saw the sight spreading in front of him and broke his face.

Well, let's go home.

The moment the color of the sun said to Camus, and tried to write a letter,

"Wait a minute, Hiro!

All of a sudden, Leoward called out to me to stop it.

"I've heard everything from Anold. I didn't even know that I had such an important plan... and get Mimil involved."

Apparently, like Anold, he was outraged that he had made a plan to involve Mimil and kept it quiet.

"I don't know what to do. I'm sure Osan told me why I couldn't tell you. And it was the blue ribbon there that chose to carry out the plan, and the plan itself would not have been carried out if you had stayed with him. I should have told you about the kidnapping. I acted without regard for it. You think it's all your fault?


"It's the same for Osan. If you'd understood my story, you wouldn't have sent the little one to the front. It's all your fault you've been thinking cheaply."


They could not return to the Japanese logic of awkwardness, but could only bark their throats.

"And this is how you delivered it, as you asked for it. What's wrong with you?

Looking at Leowood trembling with pull, he began to wonder what the soldiers around him were up to. Because if Leowood goes mad, there won't be a pile of King Trees. But everyone's thoughts end without being able to shoot.


All of a sudden, Leoward started laughing loudly, and the soldiers were stunned. And his laughter continued unabated.

"No, no, really! As a king, and as a father, it's not worth it!


"Mimil, I'm sorry. My father was pathetic."

Mimil, stroked by Leoward, closed his eyes and shooke his head sideways.

"No, your father is fine. I am always thinking of the peace of the Mills. Mimil has never forgotten his thanks."

"Mimil... thank you.... Hyiro, thank you for saving her."

"I don't mind. I just executed the plan. It allowed me to go over the Temple Demon King."

I was satisfied with that. Avolos will be furious when his floating castle [Shitan] collapses almost without looking at the sun. I smile at it without thinking about it. Too rough.

"But Hyiro, I can't believe you dropped that giant castle. After all, you are our ace."

"Don't joke. I'm just moving on my own."

"That comes with the results. I can't talk about this war without you."

Then applause came from the surroundings. It's very uncomfortable. The color of the sun really just wanted to see Avolos' disgusting face and executed the plan.

I'm not used to being praised like this. That's why my body gets itchy.

"Yeah, I'm Ten. Nice to meet you!

Ten turns back many times and performs the V sign.

No, you didn't do anything this time.

The color of the day when Jito's eyes penetrate his mind into the floating tent. As always, it was a small animal that loved to stand out.

"Ah, by the way, the Beast King."

I decided to change the story to change the atmosphere. The applause stops.

"What is it, Hiro?

"Now, the Miracle Alliance is entering the human world, right?

"Ah, we're sending reinforcements one after the other based on the bridge. I aim for [Victorias] while attacking the human world by kicking out the zombie soldiers who are deployed."

Well, Victoria's trail might be better now.

"I didn't check, but what happened to his castle after it fell?

"Hmm? Didn't you know? Barid?"


Barid, the leader of The Three Beasts, comes forward with his name called.

"Hyiro, you dropped the [Shytahn], but it seems to be taking a lot of collapse from the impact of the drop."

"Pretty much? Is that true, bird or human?

"Stop calling me that."

Just tell me.

"Okay. Yes, it's quite a collapse."

To be honest, it was unexpected. The castle would have collapsed if I had left it alone, even if I had just used the letter "Great Fall". On top of that, it fell from the sky. It was the color of the day when the shock was added and shattered into pieces, but the temptation seems to have slightly fallen off.

(What the hell are you doing, Temple Demon King...)

Probably did something to neutralize the magic of the sun and minimize the impact of the fall. It was the status quo that could not have happened without considering the possibility of such a situation.

After all, it wasn't just the sun colour that was moving with all the worst assumptions, but that Avolos was the same. Still, Avolos had his castle destroyed because he didn't put the idea in the main.

"Intelligence says we're on a quick pitch to repair the [SHATTER]."

"I guess. If he hadn't destroyed it all, he would have tried to use the castle again. These guys used technology to fly the castle in a short period of time. I'm more likely to fly the castle again."

That way, the intrusion will be more severe this time. Especially the boundaries that cover the castle are powerful and very resistant to attacks from outside. I can't even put the Japanese word "metastasis" in it.

And once the [SHATTER] is fixed, they will definitely use that abominable [SHATTER CAN]. Whatever you do, don't let them use that power again.

"Rest assured, Hyiro. I am sending my troops to [SHITERN] as quickly as I can. I will defeat every castle in the meantime."

"I hope it works. Just because the number is higher, the opponent is the main team gathered together. And there must still be some hidden balls."

Barid is right. If we destroy the castle perfectly in the meantime, Matal Deus will lose his legs and his main team. But I don't think Avolos will let it go silently.

At that time, the soldiers entered the Throne Room and whispered information to Leo Wood.

"... what!?... okay, keep asking."

The soldiers left the Throne Room. And Leoward verbally conveyed the new information.

"Now we have the latest information in the vicinity of [Victorias]. A forest has appeared to cover the castle of Avolos, which crashed into [Victorias] after the Shaytahn."

"... Sam?

When the sun turned back, Leoward nodded.

"Oh, and a dense forest big enough to surround the castle. They have a giant jungle."

Probably Avolos' countermeasure. It then covers the castle in dense forests to prevent intruders and also acts like an armor.

"I'm surprised that the tree can think of a guy named Hiyomi... who can use so much power."

Speaking in the Throne Room, the Rarassic Funal featuring Lori was a rabbit.

"Oh, Lara, did you hear that?"

"Yes, Mr. Leo. But when this happens, you can't get close enough. It would be reasonable to think that the dense forest itself is a trap."

"Hmm, that'll buy us some time to restore the castle. What do you think we should do?

"That's right... is it a fire meter?

"Well, if it's a tree, why don't we burn it? All right, send the fastest troops to [Victorias] immediately and instruct them to set fire!

Barid took Leowood's word and gave instructions to the soldiers.

(Surely the tree will burn if it is on fire. It is also an effective means of spreading throughout the world. That would be common sense. But is that going to work...?

I think that Avolos is already folded. And yet, for a reason I dared to become a dense forest, I can hardly understand the color of the sun.

I hope it works, but I don't feel like Avolos is doing something about it.

(In the meantime, should I keep an eye on things?)

[Country of Man, Victorias]. No, I think we should call it old Victorias. The country has disappeared and is now a place where lush jungles are spreading.

A castle exists so that it can be protected by the dense forest. The landscape looks like an abandoned castle that collapsed and cracked the entire wall, but the white sphere can be seen to cover the castle. It's called a boundary.

From that sight, I feel that the castle is still worth using, and I can't afford to lose it here.

The castle lord, Avolos, was always on the throne, but the Throne Room, where the throne was located, had collapsed from ceiling to ceiling due to the magic of the sun, making it impossible to enter.

Now Avolos is underground in the castle. But it's not where the coffins line up, it's one of the places Avolos rarely goes.

It's not very wide, but there's a big magical formation on the floor and two crystals embedded in the wall opposite it. There is a coffin above the magic formation that does not contain any contents.

In addition, there were two sparkles in the crystal. Avolos entered the room and came into contact with the cuttlefish, just below the wall was a large coffin.

Around the coffin stands Pebbin, a big man researcher called Nagnara and his assistant, and Hiyomi.

Avolos instructs them to open the lid of the coffin. And when Avolos checked what was inside by shifting the gaga and heavy lid, he narrowed his eyes and smiled cunningly.

There was a person lying there who did not become a mummy, but apparently showed the appearance of a dead body.

And when I told him to take the lid completely and take it up to the magic team, Avolos also moved in the same way.

"Good. If they had destroyed this place, everything would have been ruined. Well, I guess it was the right thing to do to keep Hiyomi here."

This was the strongest place in the castle, and not broken in a few things.

But with the magic of the sun, you can easily crush it here. That's why I put all my efforts into maintaining this room, not just Hiyomi, but most of them.

As a result, most of the castle collapsed and Shaytahn was no longer available, but I was able to protect the place I wanted to protect the most.

"... bring Adams' Nucleus here"

Avoros said that Hiyomi took out the crystal embedded in the wall and took the crystal to Avoros.

It contained a beautiful glowing sphere. Yes, this is the "Core of the First Demon King" acquired by Avolos in the [Shanjumon Cave].

Avolos tapped the crystal to knock with Concon, and the cracks easily entered and pulled the Nucleus out of it. More radiance, it conveys the will to reject everything it touches.

Avolos stared at the light with a trance.

"Finally. I finally got here. Now, take this."

Slowly drops the Core on the person sleeping in the coffin. Then, the "core" sinks slowly into your body, and your earthy skin feels as if it has regained its vitality.

After a while, the sound of your heart pulsating sounds in a quiet room.

"No rejection. Looks like it's a success this time."

Hiyomi nodded convincingly.

"Of course! Who do you think helped!

Nagnara's chest tightened as she boasted, but Pebbin looked pale and embarrassed.

"Chief, please be quiet as it is noisy. The ritual isn't over yet, is it?

Mmm ~ Pebbin is too serious ~

A pig-nose nagnara that sharpens your mouth with dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty, will you perform the ritual immediately?

Towards Pebbin, Avolos replies with a pleasant distortion.

"Of course. It'll all work out."

Okay, let's go inside the coffin.

Avolos lay on his back in another empty coffin. And he covered the two coffins, and the three of them left.

All of a sudden, a light runs through the magical formation, and an incredible burst of discharge flies around. Gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo

"Now, will it work or not?"

Pebbin reacts to Hiyomi's words.

"If you fail, how many more years do you intend to spend?

I see. However, there was no "nuclear" rejection this time. It's the best flesh I've made over the years. I need you to succeed. "

"That's right. And that's why we went all over the place to find the right material for Nuclear."

"... I'm the one looking for it."

"Whoa, whoa, you don't have to go in there, do you?... than that, Director, why are you so relaxed?

It seemed that Nagnara was lying on the floor with sweets like gluten.

"Well, I guess we're done here. All we have to do is wait for the results."

"Sure, but what are you going to do about getting fatter? Even though it's ugly enough now, Troll will escape even more.

"Hmm, that's terrible! You don't look like such a coward!

"No, it's something like that."

"Wow! Pebbin's teasing you!"

"Even as you cry, the director doesn't block your mouth when you eat sweets."

Pebin shrugs his shoulders as if he were stunned because of the squeaky noise from the hidden nagunara.

"That's the end of the game. It's about time."

In Hiyomi's words, they turned their gaze toward the coffin. At that moment, the two coffins began to sway, and the thunder suddenly appeared from above fell towards them.

The shock waves were incredible, and Nagnara blew up and hit the wall, saying, "Hiya!" The remaining two are holding their feet firmly together.

Over and over again, electric light erupts, and an explosion like an explosion sweeps out the surroundings. Then, surprisingly, the two coffins began to float into space, filling the distance between them.

"Now, what happens!

Hiyomi keeps an eye on the wind while holding his arm forward. Then Pebbin slightly opened the thread and loosened his cheeks.

A large thunder wraps the two coffins, overlapping with the thunder. Then the two coffins became one and suddenly the coffin exploded.

The wreckage pierces the wall and the smoke blasts around it.

As the silence reigned after the change, the shadow flickered in the smoke.

"Hee, Your Majesty....?

When Hiyomi calls for confirmation,

"... thump thump thump"

I hear a tremor in my throat. But that's not the high voice that Chiyomi heard earlier, like Avolos' kid.

The voice was undoubtedly that of an adult man.

"Kukuku... ahahahahahahaha!

The smoke cleared, and it was the naked man who emerged from it. Fortified and tightened flesh. Incidentally, the skin is discolored as if it had been implanted. The sense of unity is lacking.

A man's waist is shaking with golden hair that shines brightly. The eyes were cut long and had eyes like a bright red ruby like blood.

A refreshing look on the high nose. It was as if Avolos had grown up.

"I'm back! I'm finally back! The rest of your body! I don't know how long I've waited for this... kuku"

Hiyomi kneels before a man.

"I've been expecting you, Avolos. No, Aros."

"Kukuku, no, Avolos is fine. Chiyomi, Pebin, Nagnara, thank you. The rest of the flesh is in much better shape than before. It was a cause."


Hiyomi replies and Pebin lowers his head slightly. Nagnara seems unconscious from the blown shock.

Then Avolos frowned in response to something.


"What's wrong?

"No, it looks like the bugs are trying to do something."

"Oh, he's probably trying to set fire to the forest."

"Kuku, well, you can do whatever you want. The rest has just been resurrected. I need time to get my body used to my soul for a while. I'll leave the bugs around to you."

I'll take care of it.

Avolos wears a towel on his body when he receives it from Pebbin.

"Now, let's take a break and move. Kukuku, wait, Hyiro. I will beat you to despair. Kukuku... ahahahahahaha!

The laughter of Avolos echoed indoors for a while.