Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (WN)

108: Passion to be raided

Two figures with black robes came to [Beast Kingdom/Passion].

One of them was creepily distorting the corner of his mouth as he looked up at the giant tree "The Beginning Tree Aragorn," a symbol of [Pacion].

Each black robe with two figures weaving their feathers has a painting on their back. That said, it is a simple picture, with one painted with a bat mark and the other with a square picture.

Of the two, it was the person with the bat mark who was laughing creepily earlier.

"Kehaha, you're still a dumb deke tree."

The person with the butt mark speaks disgustingly.

"Wouldn't Temeh agree with you, newbie?

But the person in the square painting does not answer. I can't confirm their faces because they are hooded to each other, but if they are butt stamped, they are men from their voices.

"Keh, that's a tough bastard."

Then a soldier-like man notices the two of them and approaches them wondering if they were suspicious.

"A-Lara, they found you."

You're trying to hide yourself, and I'm happy to throw up words.

"Hey, you guys, are you travelers? I'd like you to show me your face, if you can?

"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ah?"

The soldier with a cock in the story squeezed the spear he had hard,

"You suspicious bastard! Just get the hood!

"Oh Kita... Kita, Kita..."

"Hmm? What are you telling me is here?

Increasing distrust is solicited because the man with the butt stamp whines about something he doesn't understand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you're kidding me"

"So what?

"... kehaha"

- Shhh!

Suddenly the soldier's neck danced through the universe. A torso that lost its collapsing head. From the sky my neck fell as I scattered the bloodshed.

With a chilling look down at his fallen neck,

"So I told you, Kita... my killing urge."

It also creeps the mouth into a three-day moon shape.

"Oh, forget it. Let's get to work, shall we?

Still no square painting figures to answer. Then the people who went through it scream when they see the bloody ground.

"Kehaha! More! Heal me more, with a voice!

The people scream loudly once again when they see a man with a bat mark holding a sword in his hand.

"That's right, summon him! And remember, Ye! I'll wash your blood with blood. Seriously, it's killing you. Kehahahahahahahaha!"

More and more people come together on the spot. And a man who observes Guillaume and the faces of the people as they stare.

"... what? Its peacefully bogged face...... kehaha, okay. If you forget, I'll remind you."

Everyone watches as if they've lost their words to the different ways men are.

"Have a world of weak and strong eating. Ah!

"Hey, what's going on!?

In King Tree, where the royal family lived, Brantha, the wife of Leo Wood, the Beast King, who worked in the clerk's office, was suddenly speaking out in surprise toward the maid who came in without a knock either.

I learn from the maid's pale complexion and apparently confused appearance that something uneasy happened.

"Dear Blanca... the country... the country..."

"What's wrong with the country?

And the maid exhales slowly,

"The country is under attack by someone!


Immediately Bransa moves to a place that overlooks the city. So I breathed into the sight that spread beneath my eyes.

Fire and smoke are rising from all over, and fewer people are bleeding and falling to the ground.

"Yes, what the hell... Huh!?

When you're distracted as if you're dreaming,



- Kakiiiiiiiiiing!

Suddenly, two people were making an impasse behind their backs. One of them was a well-acquainted person with Bransa.


She is the sister of Anold and the live ocean of the maid director serving Leo Wood, king of beasts.


The person who was facing the concert bounces back from the spot when he punches his tongue. I can't tell who it is with a black robe and hood when I see it.

"Oh, come on! I could have killed that woman."

Hear your voice and guess it's a man.

"How dare you stop my blow like that! I'll just compliment you!"

It was the knife the concert had in both hands that the man pointed to. But both of them were so worn out that they were no longer usable to see.

"Live! You those hands!?

Blood was dripping from both hands of the concert.

"Kehaha! I guess I just want to thank you for the arms left!

Apparently he could have prevented the earlier man from attacking, but the knife and his own arm were damaged without being completely preventable at the concert.

From there it can be inferred that a man's strengths are understandably slipping out.

(No... even if the concert looks like this, I used to teach the Leggles swords...)

I thought a normal attack wouldn't scratch one live. But the man hurt the concert lightly with a blow he probably wouldn't be serious at all. And even though he was defending himself with a knife for once.

In other words, the opponent is definitely in character. That's incredible, too.

"Run away, Master Bransa."

Live hasn't distorted his face a bit painfully while pinching cigarettes to his lips. You're supposed to be experiencing some pretty severe pain, but you seem to be acting like you're not worrying about Bransa.

"I can't just leave you and run away!

"You are the queen! And he's a thief, he's a maid, but he hangs on to his life to protect the Lord."

"Live...... you......"

Then I hear a patsy patsy and slapping his hand from a man.

"Yes, yes, yes, fine! Thank you very much for your words. But don't worry. I won't be able to reach Temehe any more than I failed to assassinate once."

"Can you believe that?

The concert still holds a strong grip on the worn knife.

"The truth is, I'm just here for work. Besides, the Queen's murder is not part of the scenario."

"... Scenario?

I wonder whose the hell it is...... and Blansa squeaks.

"I'm just here to say hello. But when I saw Temehe's face, I didn't want to kill him... Bransa King. No, Master Bransa Kennich, huh?

Bransa opened her eyes wide and instantly felt her mouth thirsty.

"... why did you give me Kanich's name? Even though there are a handful of people in this country who know that name..."

You didn't even know about the concert. I'm frowning.

"Kehaha, don't you notice? It's been a while since I've been here to see you."

So Bransa finally finds out what she thinks. Ha, take a breath.

"Ma... no way..."

"Master Brantha?

Live asks worried about Bransa, who is totally exposed to upset, but Bransa wasn't the place to be.

No way... no way... and I'm unconsciously uttering words.

"Kehaha, yeah, it's me..."

The man puts his hands on the hood and exposes his face to the eyes of both of them.

And Bransa gets stunned and solidified that she was expecting.

The man had a haircut as pointed as a whole as a onion, but its hair color was particularly rare, with white and black spotted patterns emerging.


The man called Kokroo when he heard Bransa whine raises his mouth angle nigga.

"Kehaha! That's right, it's Kokuru! Kehaha!"

He comes at me with a bellow tongue and a face that makes people look like little fools.

"... why are you here? How dare you come back with a scarecrow after doing that!

"That's why you're telling me, huh? It's my job!

"... when my dead father sees you, he will mourn."

"Damn, don't talk about my father who killed me a long time ago. You're gonna get upset and kill me, aren't you?

A hell of a killing air shivers the billies and the air. But in an instant, I thought I'd gotten softly killed.

"Well, I almost killed him earlier, but I don't have that much resentment for Temehe. There is..."

"... Are you my husband?

"Kehaha... he's got to be this guy I'll smash him to death"

"Then why aren't you attacking me when I have a husband? That's right. Are you afraid of your husband or Three Beasts, too?

"You can't be scared, though! Scenario! I mean, plan duh! I'm not under a certain guy right now, just to carry out his plan."

"... that's surprising. Someone like you can get under someone."

"Don't get me wrong, okay? I said it's on the bottom, but we have a mutual interest, so we just can't help it. I only move for me."

"It's still a self-centered idea, Kokuru."

"Ha, that would be the true look of the beast man."

Staring at each other, Kokuru smiles with his eyes narrowed as if he noticed something.

"Apparently, you've done a good job."

"... what..."

I think he's saying it. Bransa looks ahead of Cochroe's gaze. There is [Pacion] 's proud Tree of Beginning Aragorn.

But the next moment - shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Suddenly "Aragorn", with its many greens, becomes like a dead tree in winter.

"Hey, what's up!?

I scream that way unexpectedly. Because Aragorn is a big tree covered with bright green leaves all year round. Never before has the leaf withered.

That's why I'm confused and hardened by what's happening right now.

"Kehaha, I'll be free."

Soon he hacked back to me at the voice of Cochroe, who had jumped on the upper branch, and turned his sharp gaze.

"Yes, what the hell did you do, Kokroo!

Before Cochru met Brantha, the figure of the square painting who had come to [Pacion] with that Cochru was headed to a place where he had himself lurked in the shadows of the building while he was taking away the sight of the people in the actions of the Cochru who were destroying and circling the building one after the other.

The place I came to hide well, it was The Tree of Beginning Aragorn.

I hear screams from around me. Perhaps Kokroo is mercilessly taking people's lives.

But right now, I have something to do. You can't neglect that. Yes, you can't fail.

And when he came unto Aragorn, there was a little boy beside him. I moved my beast ear pico and it was adorable.

And the boy looks up at this one,

"Hey, what's going on?

He hasn't noticed what's happening in this country right now.

But you can't answer that. You keep quiet.

"Eh heh, okay. Hey, hey, you know what? You know, we're all in this together."


"That's why I like you so much."

Then I heard an explosion nearby, and I saw the building burning. The boy is also frightened when he hears the explosion.

"... get the hell out of here."


That's all I'm saying, take one dagger out from under the robe.

The red and black aura seeps out of the dagger, which seems disastrous. The boy also gave a frightened look when he saw the dagger. Maybe it's because he's a sensitive beast man, even a child, that he felt the toughness this dagger holds.

Set up such a dagger to pierce towards Aragorn.

"Huh... what are you doing?

Naturally the boy raises a voice of doubt against the square-painting man. Those eyes are shaking anxiously. But when a man bites a giddy tooth,

".................. sorry"

He stuck his dagger in Aragorn with his strength as it was.


I can hear the boy screaming, but looking only ahead, the red and black aura that was lodged in the dagger moves to be injected into Aragorn.

"Hey, what are you doing!? Hey, take that!

A boy who grabs the robe and rocks, but ignores it and keeps standing. After doing so for a while, the state of "Aragorn" changes.

The leaves, which were bright green, changed to a burnt brown-like color like dead leaves. The child who was watching it is also more eye-opening and open-mouth and stiff than any other.

The thick branches that were giving it a sense of vitality also became thin trees that could be broken as soon as the force was applied.

"Hey! What's this about?!?

Of course, I think it was the man who created this situation, and he asks me what happened. But the task entrusted to the man was precisely to create this situation.

At the same time that I am relieved that I definitely think this has allowed me to complete my assignment, it breaks my heart to see my child's sad face.

(But here's what I have to do...)

Shake your fist as you bite your teeth in the hood.

Then someone came down staggering from the top there.

"Apparently, the job's over, newbie."

He was a man called Cochroe.

"Hey, stay! I bullied this beast!

Cochroe is showing his face. I guess I relied on that head because it has the same beast ears as myself. But that was a mistake.

"Ah? Ugh, you're a jerk."

- Baki!

I kicked the boy up relentlessly.


Unexpectedly, the square-painting man screams at Kokroo and receives a boy falling from the sky.


"Are you all right?


The man turns his gaze to Kokroo.

"Huh? What are you looking at? Look, Temehe's just a throwaway pawn. You can just shut up and work like a dumped pawn!

Cochroe kicks a man in the face this time.


He falls to the ground holding a boy. At that time, the hood is removed and the face is exposed.

"You know where you stand. What, brave man?

Yes, it was Aoyama Daiichi summoned to this world to wear a square-painted robe.


The people gathered there one after the other.

"Hey, it's a 'human race'!


"No way is this the work of the 'human race'!

Seeing the grand aspiration, one statement after another flies. The grand aspirant also rushes to put his hood back on.

"Kehaha! Oh my God, I know who you are."

Cochroe says pleasantly.

"You're done for now, aren't you? Then let's go from here..."

"Ah, Temehe, go ahead. I'll play some more and then I'll be back."

I feel chilly for him doing tongue licking.

"Also, that's enough! I'm not going to kill you any more..."

"Shut up, Yeh."


I get a gasp on my neck and can't breathe.

"Who are you instructing, Kola?"


You can't keep your hands off me and drop me because I have a child. Cochroe throws his ambitions to the ground,

"I won't tell you twice. Just go."

Coughing hard, but slowly putting the boy in his arms to sleep on the ground.


I have eyes for the boy.

"... I'm sorry. But..."

When he swallowed the words with regret, he stood up silently and left as he left.

Soldiers try to chase,

"Whoa, whoa, more fun for me than that cunt! Kehahahahahaha!"

Cochroe stood by and began to wield its vicious blade brutally and outrageously.

"- - - Ha, ha, ha..."

An ambition straight out of the country leads to a knee-folding tree powerless.

"Damn... sorry... sorry..."

Repeat the words of apology over and over with your head.

(I'm not doing this because I like it! I'm... I'm... Huh!

Hit your head against the tree with Don.

"……… Chika…"

Hearing explosions and screams heard from the country, he looked up at the sky with a vain look and murmured.

Before [Beast Kingdom/Pacion] was raided, a duel between the 'Demon Nation' and the 'Beast Nation', WWIV, had already sounded gongs in the crater in [Valar Plateau].

Aunous, a participant and in the role of king in the duel, opened his mouth to those who were staring at all the shootings in front of him.

"Is this how you see each other since [Heros]?

"Hey, I'm in luck. I can't believe I let Temeer get revenge early!

He is Lenion, the second prince of [Pacion]. Once in the past these two were relative.

It was then that Aunous succeeded brilliantly in taking consciousness by striking a blow in his belly.

But when he tried to capture him, he was stopped by the Three Beasts who appeared there.

Apparently Lenion had the thought of his bowels boiling back at that time all the time on Ornocus.

"In this duel, we are kings to kings. Either strong wins. It's so easy to understand."

It's like the beast has found its prey. It's distorting its mouth.

"We checked it out, huh? Temeer's a Warcraft, isn't he?


"It is between those who draw the blood of the same beast. Let's have fun killing each other!

".................. hoo, a bloody young man"

Aunous also threw up words somewhere fun.

"But haven't you forgotten? We're not the only ones in this duel, are we?

"Ah? You mean the other two? I hope they enjoy it."

"... well, is your Lord's partner so believable? This is the Commander of the Demon Army, right?

This fourth round had been a two-on-two battle.

And Aunous' partner is Rushbal, the Commander-in-Chief of the Demon Army. He is second only to the Demon King's Guard. You won't even be the opponent of a semi-powerful man.

But Lenion sees remarks that his partner has not considered the possibility of being defeated and Tyman being disturbed.

Aunous gave Lenion his opinion that he must be quite capable, and he gave him a somewhat difficult look.

"... what's going on?

"No, well... just to be clear, that Yarrow's got a very low level, and he's not used to fighting."

"... what? You're letting someone like that join this duel?

"... well, thank you very much."


"I can't even imagine Yarrow losing. With my father."

I was honestly shocked by the words. He doesn't have the same combat experience if he's at a low level. Yet Lenion is pointing his odd trust at his partner. I don't know why.

"I don't know if you're strong or weak, but you never lose...?

"Well, at least not much, won't you stick around until we settle? So let's get started, huh? This one's about to explode with a wuss already!

Lenion kicked the earth hard and came towards him.

"There's no more after this one! I'll let you take him down with all your might!

The two clashed with sparks scattered.