Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (WN)

217: Battle of the Leggles

"Duke? Is that a unique monster? And of SS rank."

As a characteristic of the unique monster of the SS rank, it is divided from the bottom into four stages: Barron, Count, Markis and Duke, to an indicator representing its strength.

Duke Keeper. This means that it is a monster located in the strongest class of SS ranks.

"Your Lord is right. Duke Keeper is a monster long called The Keeper of the Black Tree. You'll never get Black Tree Vega unless you get him to admit it."

"Do you want me to admit it? How'd you do that?

"It's not easy. If you knock him down. Yep."

"Then it's simple and easy to understand. Easy win."

"Wait a minute, Hiiro-kun"


Leggles puts a stop to it.

"I do think you have no problem with even SS ranked unique monster opponents. It's you who even defeated that demon god. But we're not. Or are you telling me you're going to take me down?

"No, I'm getting a word from Leo Wood before I get here."

"Chi, from your father?


"Hiiro, this request, but I'm glad you're as thorough a supporter as you can be."

"Chi, your father did that?

"Oh, that's why I'm only a supporter. It's up to you guys to defeat that monster. Except for Mimil."

You can never let her fight close to zero in combat. In the first place, Mir's role as an escort is also Japanese.

"Well, that would be outrageous. If you're just a SS ranked monster, you can handle it with me or Pettis. But the opponent is a unique monster, and the strongest class. I might just be out of hand."

"Come on, what about the guy who would also be the next Beast King who's weak? Leo Wood's here all by himself in martial arts training, isn't he? We have company, not if you're butting in, right?

"That's... although it sure is"

I hear from Leo Wood about the Leggles to some degree of personality.

Character like beating stone bridges and crossing with caution. Even if he is calm, does not like strife, and is physically blessed, he does not seem to be able to demonstrate it all in battle like Leo Wood. They brake when they unconsciously attack their opponents.

"The other guy is a monster. Why don't you don't hesitate to hit the best you can? I'm here, and he'll fight with me."

The sun color puts his hands on Nicki's head. She seemed motivated and fisted high,

"Yes, sir! Any opponent is a dick in my" Blast Fist "!

While I want you to know a little bit about yourself, positive personalities like Nikki are essential to getting stronger.

"Why don't you think it's a trial and do it? I'm sure Leo Wood sent you here because he expects you to."


I still have an idea face about whether I can't stomp through it.

"Brother Leg, I believe in you."


"I know. My brother always works out late at night."

"... were you watching?

"It happens. But I am sure that my brother, who is trying to be strong every day, will live up to his expectations."

"Yeah, Master Leggles is strong. Lady Leo Wood said so too."


Leggles opens his right hand and drops his gaze there. When you make a fist, squeeze your face tight like you're ready.

"I get it. As the next Beast King, I'll make sure you get Black Tree Vega!

You made a good face. He was weak until earlier, but that's Leo Wood's son. The hegemony is seeping out of my body. I think I'm motivated.

"Ha wow, Master Leggles, that's so cool!"

Let go of the disgusting dowl that is moving Kunechne and his body with his eyes as he hearts, and the sun color sets his gaze on Durakin.

"Then let me show you where the Silver Rice Grass is"

"... no, Hiiro-kun, that's only an omelet."

Leggles' penetration went in.

When I left the Western Hall, "Red Rain" had passed outside.

"It won't rain for another few hours or so. That said, it's the only place around here that rains. Don't worry, I won't go down where the Black Tree is."

To be accompanied by Dowl as a guide. Dorakin was supposed to cure herself in a western hall because her hips were pretty bad. Is it true that I am the legendary 'Rainbow Raven'...?

Out of the junction, the thick fog quickly covers and hides the surrounding area. It's as if the fog itself is alive. Everyone is walking around grabbing the rope Dowl has prepared so that it doesn't slip away. Only Mimil grabs the sun-colored arm.

"Actually, Duke Keeper is creating this fog."


"Yes, Master Leggles. This is how we confuse intruders and keep them from reaching the land of battle."

If it was indeed such a thick fog, it would be nearly impossible to find "Black Tree Vega". Because I can't see a meter away.

"Oh, but don't worry ~. Because Duke Keeper is an intelligent monster, and he's a dignified Chivalry spiritual being, so I don't expect him to strike out of the blue all of a sudden"

"Well, that helps."

"But that doesn't mean you don't trust Master Leggles. Whoa... can you really take him down? They're really strong, aren't they?

"You don't know that. I'm just gonna hit it with all my friends."

"I have been told by Master Durakin to watch over me, so I can't even support you with a mouthful but satisfactory support. I can give you some advice..."

"Yeah, I'm just happy with that feeling, Dowl. Thanks."

"Ahhh! Oh no! It's only natural for my wife to want to help my husband ~! Besides, if I play a good woman here, I'm sure Master Leggles will be my captive. You love me so much you can't get out of it anymore ~. Kah! Then I'll be Mrs. Beast King, won't I? Ahhh I hear" The Lions "are passionate about the way they love me, so I'm sure they'll love me all the way to the point where I'm about to break...... yeah, rather because that's a reward! 'Cause I'm a dummy and I'm a camon babe! Ahhh, I want to get married soon. Wih!

The suncolors are taken aback by bandaged women who explode such delusions.

"... Leggles, good for you. Now [Pacion] is also cheap."

"What!? Hiiroku, what are you talking about?

"Mr. Dowl will be your sister-in-law, won't he? I want you to show me your face when you can."

"Hey, even Mimil!?

"Master Leo Wood will be delighted."

"Until Pettis, misunderstanding!

"Congratulations, Lord Dowl!

"Thanks - Nikki! I'll be happy!

"Oh... it's buried from the outer moat for some reason..."

I meant to tease you, but the tongue claps kept me talking, and when I really got married, that was the day color I thought was funny.

I imagined Leggles, who would be wandering and dropping his shoulders, to have a little sympathy, but basically decided to stay through because it was none of my business.

At that time, a line hitting each other's bodies because Dowl's legs stopped walking in the lead.

"Huh? Ah, Dowl? What's wrong with you?

Leggles, who was walking right behind Dowl, speaks.

"There's definitely two rocks lined up around here."

"Really? What's wrong with that?

"Going into that rock gap, ahead..."

"... you mean there's a Duke Keeper?


The tea-sprayed atmosphere until earlier is swept away. Tension runs uniformly. Dowl completes the sensation and checks the perimeter.

"There was. Please don't go away."

She walks out again. It would be because she is the species she sees in the 'Spirit' to proceed without hesitation in this mist. Otherwise, whatever the colour of the sun, it is certain that the others will completely lose their way.

As you walk, you can check the presence of rocks on both ends. Sure, if you're walking like this right now, you can tell you're going through a rock gap. Though just cramped enough for one person to pass by.

After a while of walking, somehow the fog fades. In front of the eyes surrounded by darkness, there is a light that shoots from somewhere.

"That's the way out."

Tensions that increase even further. Especially since the Leggles seem the most nervous and tense in the face. There are trials ahead, so I can't help it.

He jumps into the light and accidentally glares at his face. When our eyes got used to it, we could finally figure out where we were.

"- This is it!?

That was just a fantastic space.

Silver petals carried in a gentle breeze. The red-brown earth stretches out, with lush grasshoppers flourishing beyond it, and a great tree stretches out in it. He said he was in the dark fog until earlier, but this was a place lit by the sun so bright that it didn't show any of its appearance.

And right in front of the suncolors, there is a rock buried in the ground peeking into his face about half the time, and there is a presence sitting on top of it in a hush. I guess that's the Duke Keeper.


Surprisingly, its presence opened its mouth.

What should I explain with my mouth......

Keeper in front of you. That look looks like a monster, and it looks like people do.

Human form...... yes, it could be called human form. He's about two meters tall. Equipped with plate armor, he has two swords on his hips.

It's just odd that the part of the face doesn't have the shape of the face it's supposed to be, as if it were worn even on a surface where nothing is depicted. My eyes, my nose, my mouth. So it also seems like a monster.

(But we talked...?

Yes, that's the biggest question. Monsters don't inherently speak human language. At least the sun color has never traveled and met before.

"Hey delusional woman, is he the Duke Keeper?

"Who is the delusional woman!

"You admit you replied."

"Buh! Master Leggles."

"Haha, uh... Dowl, could he be the keeper?


This woman...... The sun is easily spoken to by Leggles opponents.

"He's the keeper here in [Blacktree Plateau] - Duke Keeper."

"So, but we talked, right?

"That's what I'm talking about, because that's what makes him so unique."

…… What do you mean, paranoid daughter?

"Oh, you are really - disrespectful person...... haha, that would be fine. His unique characteristic is a person's intelligence. Unique monsters of this type are never uncommon. I hear there are many types of monsters, especially those that can also be SSS ranks. Besides, he is ranked SS rank, but his strength is no worse than SSS rank."

This became more and more troublesome. If you're supposed to have the same intelligence as people, the way you fight becomes something very cynical.

A normal monster would be able to hook you down to a simple trap as well, but being intelligent means you can figure it out and even use it the other way around.

(Well, I don't know how capable you are of thinking.)

Still, people's intelligence in the strength of SSS rank. He should probably have other powers.

(Wouldn't you forgive the Leggles for this...?

Still, this time, I'm deciding to be thorough with the support, so I'll leave everything to the Leggles' discretion.

Then the Leggles step forward and confront the Duke Keeper.

"It's Duke Keeper! We came for Black Tree Vega. If possible, will you give way in other negotiations, not in contention or anything else!

One possibility first. It would be extremely low, but how do you answer the Leggles question......

"I, the Keeper. If you want to get Black Tree, go beyond me."

There is tremendous hostility coming from the Duke Keeper. An indication of will not go through from here on out.

"Apparently, you're going to have to fight. Hiirokun."

"Oh, do it right"

"I'll keep an eye on you ~"

Dowl moved back to audience mode with the sleaze.

"Mimil, stay by his side."


There's no way to protect Mimil alone because she's the spirit of that 'rainbow raven' once and for all.

"I'll take command, Prince?

"I know! Hiiro-kun focuses on support, if you can improve everyone's physical abilities, raise them."

"Leave it to me."

"Pettis and Nicki will surround him with me and launch a simultaneous attack!


"Yes, sir!

The sun color releases the letter 'Acceleration' three times towards them as they were told.

"... All right! Thanks Hiiro-kun! I'm coming, both of you!

Three people pack a distance from their opponents in one piece, inspired by Leggles' hanging voice. But Duke Keeper doesn't panic, he just sits there doing nothing.

(That's odd... you don't even take a defensive stance?

Suspicions floating in the back of the brain. I also thought I would pull out a sword that was lowered to my waist and get fit, but I didn't. Just standing on the spot in nature.

By contrast, the three have succeeded in surrounding their opponents immediately, as their speed is dramatically increasing due to the letter 'Acceleration'. Leggles pulls out the sword he carries on his hips,

"-" Water Fangs "!

A large amount of water wrapped around the sword is slashed and approached by the Duke Keeper. Then,

"-" Ice Fang "Huh!

When Pettis throws a small object like a hand-backed sword, ice covers around it and increases sharpness by a few steps.


Nikki unleashes the magic put in her right fist. An ambush caused by ranged attacks by all three. The moment their attack hit, the sun color didn't miss Duke Keeper's fingers moving pickly.

Pull out your double sword in exactly a flashing motion and a blue sword line glows toward the three attacks. From the Duke Keeper, who slashed and tore three strikes brilliantly, the faces of the Suncolors tend to swell and kill at once.

"They're coming!

At the same time that the sun yells aggressively, Duke Keeper kicks up the earth to target Nicki. Nicki is pounded into the void by thunderous movements that don't suit that giant.

"Shit! Nicki! Release the Blast Fist to the ground!

"Yes, sir!

Nikki slaps her fist to the ground due to the judgment of the sun color. For a moment, the Duke Keeper, whose ground was exploding towards him, also pulls back after stopping his leg.

Leggles looms from behind him like that. But Duke Keeper takes Leggles' sword lightly with a sword in his left hand without turning around. Attempt to attack the Leggles as they arc with the sword they have in their right hand instantly as they are.

But the mass of ice stretching out of his feet there causes his sword to be played. Pettis did it.

Plus Nicki burst through the smoke from behind the Duke Keeper.

"Whoa! -" Blast "!

A series of tsunami-like attacks. Everyone thought that just the other person would be damaged by this too.

But suddenly, there's more lean and more muscle swelling in Duke Keeper's flesh. A red aura bursts from the body and rotates the body like a solo to leave it at its disposal.



Leggles and Nicki, who were near him, blow away at the wind pressure created by the rotation. A small crater is created around the Duke Keeper.

"Whoa... isn't that" Tai Red Wrap "?

In the sun-colored eye is the Duke Keeper who uses moves similar to "Tai Red Wrap". I feel a tremendous amount of energy, unlike before.

"I'll do a little, my lords. It's been a long time since I've been serious."

Apparently, it's still far from serious.


Leggles wakes up his body and stares at his opponent.

"Strong... That's Black Tree Keeper. But we need Black Tree, too! I'll definitely beat you to get The Black Tree!

"Well, for personal gain, that doesn't sound like it. But I'm also the keeper. Whatever the reason, you can't just give me the Black Tree."

Duke Keeper reassembles his double sword again.

"Do you mean show strength?

"... Prince of the Lion Clan, let me admit it"

Red aura converges on the sword held by the Duke Keeper. And as it rotates again, the red slaughter hits the Leggles around them as they hit the water and ripples spread.

But at that time, the three bodies floated and rose to the sky. The three of them were confused not knowing what was going on, but gazed at the same time just as they knew whose work it was.

Whether it was the sun color that saved them or not. The Duke Keeper also comes face to face with the sun color.

"... what did you do?

"I don't know, if you're intelligent, why don't you think for yourself?


At the tip of the index finger of both hands in sun color,

"The Three" and "Flight"

letters are floating around. You can also consume the magic of the sun color and manipulate them to fly, but it's inefficient because you have to concentrate your consciousness on it. Therefore…….

"You guys! I'm free to fly as it is! This is the situation, but get used to it immediately!

Having said that, Leggles and Pettis are having difficulty flying. Just Nikki,

"That's about it! -" Blast/Ceremony "!

He's let the attack go to Duke Keeper while showing off his brilliant flight because he's made him go through it several times before. But Duke Keeper also avoids by showing his agile moves. Keep it up. Now it's coming towards the sun color.

"Apparently it would be smarter to crush your Lord first!

Turn down the support role first. Although it is the most effective instrument strategically

"Don't lick it."

Put your hands together with the bread.

"-" Too Necklaced "!

The sun-colored body is wrapped in the same red aura as the Duke Keeper. Pull out "The Unswept Zangeki," and head for the Duke Keeper coming towards you.

"-" Heat Wave Slash "!

Release the slaughter. Looks like an attack the opponent didn't even anticipate, guarding with a sword crossed by an aggressive... the moment the attack hits, the explosion occurs and the Duke Keeper blows backwards as it is.

"I didn't say. My attack will blow up."

Oddly enough, it was the supporter's day color that took the lead.

Duke keeper blown backwards due to the effect of Japanese "Heat Wave Slash", but does not appear to have any damage, and decides to land brilliantly without falling over.

Nicki's "Blast Fist/Ceremony" flies there.


Nicki seemed to believe that if it was sunny, she would blow the Duke Keeper backwards. Before he landed, he was releasing "Blast Fist/Ceremony".

Duke keepers cross and defend their swords, but the explosive power they express blows them backwards again.

"Whoa! Now knock it in directly!

I want to tell you not to say that day color, but straight and simple Nikki doesn't say anything because she knows she will almost unconsciously mouth it.

Nicki glides out of the sky and into the Duke Keeper. But at that time, Leggles was calmly observing the situation.

"It seemed like I jumped from myself rather than blew that one up now......!

This means that the Duke Keeper was not blown away by "Blast Fist/Ceremony," but jumped back himself and missed the damage. Compared to the time of the sun color, the body has not broken down at all.

"No! Pettis, cover me!


"You're gonna freeze my water! Water Beads! - Shape/Falls!

When Leggles puts his right hand over Duke Keeper's head, a spherical mass of water releases from his right hand and stops over Duke Keeper's head. If you think you played pampered, slap Duke Keeper's body like a waterfall.


My body breaks into a forward leaning position due to the delay in dealing with the Leggles attack because I was concentrating on Nicki's attack. Nicki also said, "Huh!?" and once the advance is stopped, showing surprise.

"All right! Now, Pettis!

Leggles' hanging causes Pettis to throw a hand-backed sword-shaped weapon at the waterfall, freezing at once the moment he touches it. The Duke Keeper, which was buried in the waterfall, also stayed icy.

The three descend from the sky to the ground, but Nicki stuffs to the Leggles in dissatisfaction.

"Lord Leggles! It's my turn, but no!

At that time, the sun tints the head of Konkin and Nikki.

"Huh! Yes, it hurts, Master!

"Stupid apprentice, you were saved by the Leggles."

"... hehe?

"Your attack did blow him away. But I did it on purpose."

"Heh... on purpose?

"That's right. I was deliberately planning on jumping back and letting the damage escape and feeding the counter to you coming after me."


"The Leggles realized it and attacked to take away his movements. Damn, you always tell me to just be firm about the situation, don't you? If I'd stuck it in there, I'd have definitely had a counter attack."


Nikki bows her head when she turns her body against the Leggles looking sorry.

"I'm also sorry, Lord Leggles!

"Ha, fine. Even I have plenty to fail. You just have to get a little stronger."

"Yes, you are! Thank you very much!

"Dear Leggles, Nicki, than that... come"

Pettis' voice pulls back the tension between the two. Duke keepers, who should have been ice pickled, have stormed through the ice at will. It's not just an assault.

He has chosen a method to disturb while moving quickly to the left and right.

"Don't move, you guys"

The sun color uses the letters' Defense 'to create a magic wall around the four of us.

The Duke Keeper crosses the sword and swings it out.

Bachiwi and the tempering between the wall and the sword occurs, and the defensive field of what will or the sun color gradually cracks.

"Shit, are you tough with two letters? You guys, step back!

A line that takes a distance backwards at the same time in the wake of sun-colored words. At the same time, the walls are slashed and torn by their opponents, and as they are, the Duke Keeper's sword trident determines the earth.

"That's still a monster in the SS ranks. If you break two letters lightly."

There has certainly been such a presence in the past. So is that leowood. At least it would mean Leo Wood's arm strength and a good battle.

"-" Running Water Transformation "Huh!

"-" Ice and Snow Transformation "Huh!

"Conversion" by Leggles and Pettis is formed. This move, which transforms the entire body into water and ice, is an operation that nullifies a simple physical attack.

The two enter Duke Keeper's nostalgia at once. But the opponent also reacts well enough to pierce each of the two swords in a counter mood. Gussa and the sword pierce the two bodies,

"" I don't know if it works. No!

Keep it up, Leggles wields his sword out, and Pettis makes an ice sword and slashes Duke Keeper.

It's just that the opponent's reflexes are sharp, and the moment he thinks the attack isn't working, he tries to jump back a lot to avoid it.

But it just seemed like it was a step too late, and the two of them got slashed, and two red muscles run from their bodies, chunks of thick muscle.

"Nikki, it's a chase!

"I'll take care of it!

Nicki, already ready before the Leggles signal, jumps over their backs and approaches Duke Keeper.

"Fuck! I won't let you do it!

The Duke Keeper tries to rotate his body again and blow Nicki away, but the rotation stops on the way.

Exactly stunning.Duke Keeper discovers there like a thread wrapped around his own body.

"Ko, this is- Huh!?

The sun color had already hit the forefront.

"... I won't let you spin it"

Glowing red letters at the feet of the Duke Keeper. That's the letter 'Adhesive Yarn'. It restrained his movement as the adhesive countless threads stretched out of the earth rotated.

"Knock it all in!

"Yes, sir. Ooh! One Shot Kill - Blast Fist!

Losing his escape route, Duke Keeper got Nicki's fist decent. An awesome explosion has been created and the blast blows Nikki away from the present. Leggles and Pettis take her.

"It was brilliant, Nicki"

"Yeah, big success"

"Eh, heh, I did it."

"Ha, but that's Hiiroku, when did you set me up?

Leggles' question flies.

"No, I've already installed it everywhere"

Shortly after the battle began, he stole Duke Keeper's eyes and set various traps as installation letters all over the place. So that the enemy can be activated whenever it enters there.

As a support role, Nippon Color does a good job.

"But don't be alarmed. I know it doesn't mean no damage, but I don't know if I could have defeated him yet."

Three people stare into the smoke again at the caution of the sun color. One shadow floating there. As the smoke gradually clears, a duke keeper still tied to the yarn emerges from it.

Again, it's not intact. Leggles and Pettis slaughter and Nicki's "Blast Fist" are definitely hurting him.

The plate armor I'm equipped with is also crushed.

"... I see, it is surprising to see that individual moves are so collaboratively enhanced. Reminds me of unparalleled skill with previous intruders"

I just didn't think that Nippon Color would work as well.

Anyway, Nicki started working with Leggles and Pettis. And yet we're working so well together, I guess, because we're still sending them eye contact before the Leggles give them precise instructions.

Not only that, but the Leggles are observing the situation at the point of need and even doing the two supporting roles. He's not as powerful as Leo Wood personally, but his arm in using his people well deserves amazing.

(This is the birth of a different Beast King than Leo Wood.)

Which could be the type of Yveam. How to fight to draw the power of others. I guess that's his pinnacle.

"It's brilliant. One thing, can I give it a try?

That is being questioned by the Leggles.

"... what is it?

"Next time one of your lords fails to prevent my blow, I will give way to this path"

Come on, it's getting interesting.

"A blow? Oh, me?

Sudden suggestions by Duke Keeper. Show how the Leggles are clearly bewildered.

"Dear Left, I want you to see if the Lord can prevent my blow or not."

"... why?

"Lord, would you be of the 'lions'?


"Once upon a time I confronted the Zingwoods."

"Shit, for the first generation!?

"He also showed me his strength. Show him his power, O one who will be with him."

To be honest, you could win sooner or later if you ignore such suggestions and slap them all in. Even though the opponent doesn't mean it yet, the battle should be possible when the sun color comes forward.

But the opponent is nothing but a hateful enemy or anything. This one is only a challenger, over there is the side to try. It can be judged one of the trials to act according to the other person's thoughts.

(Now, what will the prince do...)

Pettis and Nicki beside him also wander their gaze for the opinion of the Flirting and Leggles.

"I... but what if I can't prevent it?

"Naturally, I ask you to accept that you're leaving this place."


This means that if you take the battle, you won't be allowed to lose. Because of the sun color, you can't back off with the "Silver Rice Grass", a delicious ingredient, in front of you. If the Leggles can't do it, I can even think of myself.

Leggles seems lost in choice and has a harsh expression.

"Regardless, all of you have the choice to keep fighting with me. You have a better chance of winning. This is just like mine. Come on, how's the response?

In response to Duke Keeper's query, the Leggles look around everyone's face once. Pettis and Nicki nod back gently.

That is a sign of will that they can do as the Leggles please. My gaze turns to the sun.

The sun color stares straight into the eyes of Leggles with his arms together. I can put in the will to win absolutely if I want to fight. I don't know if I passed it on to him, but with a slight bitter smile, I face Duke Keeper again.

"A blow... should I prevent a blow?

"Oh. But let me just say one thing. Conversion doesn't work."

Leggles' face tenses strong. That means it's not just a physical attack. The SS rank will probably unleash the biggest attack of a unique monster. How to endure it...... it may be troublesome to prevent even the sun color if it is properly received.

"Brother Leg... I believe you"

"Good luck ~! Master Leggles. Ugh!

A little further away, Mimil and Dowl are each trying to get word to him.

He snarls his throat once after such thoughts of them. I can see my body trembling slightly. We must prevent attacks that we cannot even predict. If it fails, it's the Leggles' fault. Such pressure should be attacking him.

But when he hits the Duke Keeper with a cutthroat, forcefully open look,

"Okay! I'll take that condition! Please!

I made up my mind.

"Uh-huh. Then we'll take a little distance."

"... Yes"

At the same time that Leggles made his decision, the sun color cancelled and erased the yarn that was restraining Duke Keeper.

Only the two move and move away from the suncolors. Both face to face. Will we be about twenty meters apart from each other?

"I'll start when I'm ready"

To that word of Duke Keeper, Leggles takes a big, deep breath over and over again. He grips the sword tightly in his hands and builds up his strength.

"... ready"

"... then"

For a moment, a red aura rises from Duke Keeper's body with momentum as if a volcano erupted.

The distance is supposed to be away, but it conveys the atmosphere and shivers it up to the billowing and sun-colored body.

(I feel so powerful......!

Exactly the same way that I use "Tai Red Wrap" to wrap up the biggest "Red Heart".

The red aura, which stood with the sound of tinnitus, concentrated on the double sword. Just being there leaks out the running of power, sweeps the earth and produces wind.

"Running water...... no, not this"

Leggles interrupts attempts to deal with "Transformation". I guess I remembered earlier being told that "Transformation" would not work.

"Ha ha!

The Leggles also seep aura out of their bodies, but by comparison, the Duke Keeper is obviously bigger. If we keep bumping into each other, the outcome of the battle is more obvious than seeing fire.

"... let me show you, the young power responsible for the next generation..."

The power of the Duke Keeper is increasing even further. As everyone swallows the words and watches quietly, the strike of Leggles and Duke Keeper begins.

Leggles was aware that he could not be as high as Leo Wood himself as a samurai. That strength of Leo Wood came from heaven. Born and possessed qualities. I don't have it.

(Compared to simple power, I'm inferior to Lenion)

My brother is blessed with the qualities of battle. I think that's the equivalent of Leo Wood. So I thought it would be better for those who were inherently powerful - Lenion to be the next Beast King.

But Leo Wood tells me, "The next generation is you".

And Lenion is also supportive of the Leggles, but the Leggles still don't know why they want so much value from themselves.

"It's not power from now on. Changing this world will require strength of mind, not strength. You are stronger in heart than anyone else. You say you are unsure of yourself, but neither the people nor the soldiers... and we believe that you are the next king. You know why?

When Leo Wood asked me, I couldn't find an answer.

'That's because everyone is attracted to a vessel called you. Perhaps Lenion is better up there if it's a simple force indeed. But you have a vessel that knows the pain of others and takes it like mine. From now on, what you're going to need is that big vessel of yours. It is not strong because of its great power. You're strong because you have a big heart. Be strong, my son.'

Leggles decided to refine every day with Leo Wood's encouragement. I've never been lazy before, but I've come to want to go even higher.

That is why on a quiet night everyone has tried to grow themselves by working out alone. I still don't know what it's like to be strong in the heart, but I thought I'd try to believe myself that Leo Wood believed in me.

(I haven't found the answer yet... but I have something that everyone has entrusted to me!

Moments, Leggles' body shines out.

"Let's go! Young 'lion tribe' Yikes!

I feel so much killing and power flowing from Duke Keeper that it can even seem atrocious. Fear runs all over your body and gives you a sense of death.

As he crosses his sword, he slowly reverses his upper body as it is. The distance is considerable. But I feel the illusion that a sword is being poked right in front of me. A feeling of being held to life.

The muscles on both arms of the Duke Keeper swell up bumpy. A crack runs on the earth that spreads at his feet.

"Take it! - Phoenix Cross!

Two blades that are shaken down at a speed like light. Red slaughter released from it. It reshapes and creates a phoenix-like shape and turns toward Leggles.

"I can't lose, either! Whoa, whoa! -" A Flash of Purple Water "!

Leggles swings his sword out again, too. Purple-dyed water is released from the sword into vertical letters.

Two attacks collide around the center of both. The earth spreads downwards with the sound of shredding its power as bazizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi becomes dust. But that is clearly the effect of Duke Keeper's attack.

Leggles' "Flashing Purple Water" is slowly pushed back at the loss of power to the evidence.

"Not yet. Huh!

The Leggles unleash slaughter over and over again, but the momentum of the Phoenix Cross never weakens. If that bird of fire, wrapped around the red coat as it is, it will disappear without a trace.

(I... can't I be strong after all... Huh!

But at that time, the faces of my companions came into my eyes. The faces of Pettis and Mimils staring worryingly at the Leggles.

(I... I... eh)

My body trembles with fear in front of the impending phoenix.

Be strong, my son.

Leo Wood's words pass the back of his brain again. The faces of those who believe rise one after the other.

"I 'm-- - - I'm gonna be strong. Wow!

At that time, I learned the feeling of ripples spreading like water in my head. A name comes up at the same time.

"Ke... manifest it! - - Lio wo gu gu!"

A crack ran into the space behind Leggles and the blue-purple beast appeared by slashing and tearing the space apart along with the sound of breaking the glass. It is somewhat similar to Sicilaiga of Leo Wood.

"What!? Awake!?

Duke keeper's confused voice. Not only he but the suncolors are equally stunned.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Please... Liog... you can use all of mine... beat the fuck out of me!

A massive amount of aura pours from the Leggles into the Liog. As Liog's body grew around, he kicked the earth out and stormed the phoenix.

Attack of both clashing again. But now the phoenix movement stops perfectly.

Both roar. But still, are you still underpowered, a liog pushed out slightly? Leggles is also about to gradually reap consciousness.

"Good luck! Brother Leg, come on!

My dear sister's voice brings back Leggles' sanity.

"As my brother... as the next Beast King... you can't lose! I... I'll go over you uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Go, go, go, go!

More power Liog. Its eyes glow red and bite at the neck of the phoenix. But the phoenix doesn't seem to have lost either, enveloping the liog with flames.


An explosion occurs as if even the missile had dropped it, and the Leggles and Duke Keepers are each blown away by a blast.

Nikki and the others were unaffected by the blast because the sun colour used the letter 'Defense'. And the Mimils, of course.

If you noticed, a giant crater was born on the earth that was supposed to have been flat. Outside of it, Leggles and Duke Keeper remain down just as they face each other.

It was the Duke Keeper who got up first. Deliver the sword in your hand to the sheath as you look down at the crater. And slowly walks to the Leggles.

"Gu...... ugh"

Leggles feels incredibly rattled on his body. It's like swimming in the water all day and your whole body is under muscle pain. Painful and moving is a hundred million hijacks.

But still, he learns that the Duke Keeper is approaching and wakes up his torso while distorting his face.

The Duke Keeper stands looking down at the Leggles. I'm keeping my mouth shut.


Leggles is just looking up at him with his breath disturbed. Then he reaches out softly.

"... Huh?

"... Huh, that was a big deal, young 'lion tribe'"

"Ah... well, bye!

"Oh, this trial - it's the Lord's win"

Leggles heard the words and let his sense of falling in sink into darkness as he was free from tension. After all, I'm sorry I couldn't take his hand...