Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 562-The Battle of RM's Strongest (End)

The ridicule was almost over, and Zhao Xiaozhen began to announce the final task: "Although you are not perfect after the transformation, you are already qualified to compete for the title of the strongest. Now please stand together with the same number of tasks completed. "Zhao Xiaozhen looked at the independent Liu Zaishi and Xiaofeng with a satisfied smile.

There will be struggles when there are classes. Only when there are three, six, nine, etc., can the conflicts be intensified and the struggle will be more exciting. After watching a lot of betrayals and intrigues, the audience will be aesthetically tired, and they will be divided into different small groups to produce multiple combinations and different categories The struggle is what Zhao Xiaozhen wants.

"You will be divided into three groups according to the number of tasks completed. Those who complete more tasks can get higher scores. Luo Fengen who completes two tasks gets 40 points, and everyone who completes one task 20 points, and none of the tasks is completed. Liu Zaishi has 10 points. You can rob each other after tearing the brand name tag. You can get 10 points from the other party if you tear the other side’s brand name. If the score is zero, you will be eliminated. Each time you are torn, you have 3 minutes of invincibility. ." Zhao Xiaozhen announced the rules of this final mission.

Liu Zaishi's face was a bit ugly at this time, such a rule would follow that he and Xiaofeng were attacked by the group, and when he thought of the strength gap between himself and Xiaofeng, Liu Zaishi felt that the probability of being eliminated first was very high.

Everyone except Xiaofeng, as Liu Zaishi thought, had 20 points for completing a task. It was impossible to be eliminated at one time and was not the person with the most points. They naturally looked badly at Liu Zaishi. Xiaofeng.

"Ah! What do you see me doing? You are in the lower circle like you. Shouldn't we try to eliminate Feng En first?" In order not to become the first target, Liu Zaishi immediately sold Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng who was sold by Liu Jae-shik is speechless, but what about Xiaofeng who is in a thriving state?Even if it is looking for someone, the league has no chance to be at least 20 points more than the others, only 60 points from victory, Xiaofeng is very wise to know that he has become the target of public criticism.

The production team will not hope that Xiaofeng will not be given any hope. Everyone enters the venue at a 3-minute interval. This is a convenient condition for the production team to open to Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng feels that since the situation has become like this, she should grasp this approach. The way to get enough points before the opponent encircles himself, Xiaofeng is the first to enter, and he has three minutes to hide himself or choose a good ambush location.

In fact, the others are not as united as Xiaofeng imagined. Jin Zhongguo and Haha got together. On Monday, the couple naturally stood together, and the remaining Liu Jae-shik and Guangzhu had to stand together.

"Brother, do you have any thoughts on Yihui's tearing up the famous brand?" Haha lowered his voice and asked Jin Zhongguo.

"What's your idea? Jointly tear up Feng En chant with other people, and eliminate Feng En first before we have a chance to win." Jin Zhongguo was shocked for a moment and didn't understand why Haha asked.

"Brother, do you think our encirclement and suppression will go smoothly? Feng En is only 60 points away from 100 points. In other words, he only needs to tear off the six-time name tag. This way of entering the arena is estimated to be when we have enough people to encircle Feng En. The score will definitely be much higher than it is now. If you want to get the title of the strongest, you can't just focus on Xiaofeng." Haha motioned the other people with his eyes and said in a low voice.

Jin Zhongguo was silent. Haha's words are very reasonable. Jin Zhongguo also knows what the potential meaning of what Haha said. Even if the encirclement and suppression succeeds in eliminating Xiaofeng, then Jin Zhongguo will definitely become the next target to be fired, and the key to the problem It is not who eliminated Xiaofeng, but who can get 100 points as soon as possible. Moreover, the 6 of them cannot cooperate without any worries as in the previous period. Perhaps it is a good idea to remove some unstable factors in the first time.

The second one who entered the arena was the one who succeeded in a mission and completed the fastest order haha. Haha, he didn’t move after entering the arena. This is the plan he came up with. He has to wait for the next person to go together. It’s easy to be alone. Being ambushed by Xiaofeng, I have to say Haha thought very thoroughly.

Haha can think of Xiaofeng naturally. Haha just came in, Xiaofeng walked out from the corner, haha, after seeing Xiaofeng, the expression of triumphant control of the whole situation disappeared, he wanted to exit and was stopped by the staff The other people wanted to come in but were stopped by the staff.

Xiaofeng walked slowly towards haha ​​so generously. Haha tried his best to stop Xiaofeng for less than three seconds, but what he got was humiliation.

After tearing off the name tag from Haha lying on the ground, Xiaofeng’s score has reached 50 points. The three-minute invincibility time is too annoying, or Xiaofeng will definitely tear it again without mercy. Gearing up, Jin Zhongguo Xiaofeng decided to stay away.

After Jin Zhongguo entered the field, Haha finally had a sense of security, but compared to the lost Haha, he felt that it was still 10 points. He now has to worry about whether others will sneak attack him and score 10 points, although Haha wants to try his best to persuade him. I have to believe in my allies, but haha, he still looks at his name brand.

Jin Zhongguo and Haha didn’t look for Xiaofeng right away. They left. If Xiaofeng kills a carbine and continues to ambush other people at the entrance, it will be bad. With the passage of time, Gary Guangzhu and Song Jixiao also entered the venue one after another. Xiaofeng once in the process No face is shown.

Liu Zaishi was the last one to enter. The most insecure among the crowd was Liu Zaishi. Haha, who had the same 10 points as him, could at least rely on Jin Zhongguo, but Liu Zaishi had no one to rely on. He looked at the light pearl walking with him. , Liu Zaishi felt that Light Pearl was more dangerous than Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng is now on the third floor of the mall looking at people who don’t know what they’re discussing. What Xiaofeng fears most is that everyone stays together and stays together, but even if this happens, it’s difficult to continue, not to mention that everyone is talking about each other. Distrust and mutual suspicion, that is, the setting of the highest scorer at the end of the 4-hour game time to be the strongest is not enough to keep the league for too long.

Xiaofeng knows that what she has to do now is to hide her strength, and then wait for the alliance to have infighting, as long as the chance of infighting Xiaofeng will come, but it is not so easy to find a place where everyone cannot find it for more than 3 hours. .

Everyone in the alliance acted together. Although the mall is quite large, more than three hours is enough for them to search through the carpet. Although it takes five times to eliminate Xiaofeng, and each time it is torn off, it has three minutes of invincibility. You can run away, but you can't tear it for three minutes but you can follow it. As long as you have the first time, it will be much easier.

Xiaofeng found a warehouse on the fourth floor of the mall. Xiaofeng suddenly had an idea when he saw the ceiling above the shelves.

Xiaofeng stepped on the shelf and climbed onto the shelf, then looked into the ceiling, and found that there was space inside, but there was not much space. It is not a big problem to hide one person, and it is impossible to hide two people.

Xiaofeng took the camera from Li Daguo, and when he went up, he showed his head and waved with Li Daguo. Li Daguo really wanted to cry that he was given up again?Luo Fengen, have you ever wondered how others feel?Li Daguo wiped away the non-existent tears and prepared to go to Zhao Xiaozhen to cry. Luo Fengen's accompanying VJ really couldn't be used.

When Xiaofeng hid it, he waited with peace of mind. Feeling a little bored, Xiaofeng took out his mobile phone to see how the uploaded video was. According to Zhao Xiaozhen, the response was good.

After finally finding the video, after looking at the comments below, Xiaofeng wondered whether he and Zhao Xiaozhen lived in the same world, or whether Comrade Zhao Xiaozhen had misunderstood the word “good”.

More than 30,000 clicks really show that this video is very popular, but what the hell are 6 likes and 1794 likes? This is called a good response?Xiaofeng was even more speechless after reading the comments.

Some people say that he looks like Xiuying in high heels. If it weren't for the hairy and obvious muscles on the two big legs, it is definitely a gift from God. Xiaofeng said that he hates the super-clean era.

The one downstairs immediately retorted, saying that this old stalker was speechless as soon as Xiaofeng appeared as soon as this old stalker appeared on Lin Yuner, who was 1.8 meters tall. It was saying that he was not careful enough to get two oranges to install or he was revealing. Lin Yuner's scar.

The downstairs downstairs objected again. This is probably a rotten woman. She commented that Xiaofeng’s bulging chest muscles wrapped in clothes were converted to women. This is a sunny level. Xiaofeng is almost not depressed. He vomits blood, there is really no one who can convert it like this.

There are also messages below saying that Xiaofeng dances like Hyo-yeon, others say that she looks like Jeonyul, and that rap skills imitate Taeyeon. In short, nine people who didn't run almighty found common points in Xiaofeng's appearance.

The last great god of Building N concluded that this is a demon who collects the essence of his youth. The only regret is that he wears sunglasses and a mask on his face. I don’t know what it looks like. If it is above the standard, it’s fine. .

In the following message, the name Xiaofeng became a monster, and at the same time the direction of discussion began to crooked. From discussing the difference between the young version and the national style version, it became a discussion about who the monster man looks like. Seeing all kinds of weird messages, Xiaofeng wanted to cry. This incident must not be let the young women know about it. Even if they are not buried, they will be laughed to death.

The infighting of the alliance came much faster than Xiaofeng expected. Before the light beads were separated, I couldn’t help tearing Liu Zai-shih. Fortunately, Liu Zaishi was always paying attention to the situation around him and did not let the light-zhu succeed, and haha. Taking advantage of the chaos, he stretched out his hand to Song Zhixiao, and it was too dangerous to be torn out by 10 points.

After a boring battle, the alliance fell apart. Jin Zhongguo also tore the light beads and Gary once under the agitation of haha. If it weren't for Liu Jae-shik to run fast, he would definitely be the first to get out.

Kim Jong-kook is 40 points away, and Haha also teared Song Ji-hyo with the help of Kim Jong-kook. Haha’s reason is that even if Xiaofeng eliminated the other four, it would not be enough to get 100 points. If you want to win, you must come with him and Kim Jong-kook. Face to face.

The first person to be eliminated soon appeared. The panicked Light Pearl actually hid in the warehouse where Xiaofeng was. He wouldn't let the Fen Xiaofeng who was delivered to the door be spared. The big deal was to change to a hiding place.

What Xiaofeng didn't expect was that after tearing off the light bead, he heard the broadcast of the light bead out, which meant that Xiaofeng was very clear that internal strife had already appeared.

Guangzhu was startled by Xiaofeng who suddenly appeared behind him, and was torn by Xiaofeng before he could beg for mercy. Guangzhu looked at Xiaofeng speechlessly, but Xiaofeng said that she really didn't know about Guangzhu. It has been torn off, otherwise the light beads would never be torn off like this.

Now that Guangzhu has been eliminated, Xiaofeng doesn’t need to change positions. Just wait for others to eliminate it. Now the total score outside is only 90 points. Xiaofeng feels that it’s a good idea to recharge and wait for the decisive battle. idea.

On the way to find Xiaofeng, Haha and Kim Jong-kook blocked the couple on Monday. After the negotiation between the two parties failed, Gary let Song Ji-hyo escape at the cost of being torn. Kim Jong-kook’s score increased to 50.

Liu Jae-shik and Song Ji-hyo got together. The two negotiated to find Xiaofeng and asked Xiaofeng to avenge them. If they didn’t have enough points, they would all want to send Xiaofeng to become the strongest. Haha and Jin Zhongguo are really good. It's shameless.

If this kind of thing was done by Guangzhu or Liu Jae-shik, then no one would think that there was anything, but Jin Zhongguo, who has always maintained a positive image, would be unacceptable.

Xiaofeng, the two wandering around, didn't find it and met Jin Zhongguo and Haha. I have to say that Xiaofeng's possession is really great. Jin Zhongguo and Haha hadn't found Xiaofeng when they stood under Xiaofeng not long ago.

There is nothing to say when the enemy meets, tearing is the only choice. Although the bad possession of Song Ji Hyo suppressed haha, the gap between Liu Jae-shik and Kim Jong-kook is too big. There is no suspense. Kim Jong-kook’s score has increased to 70, and Kim Jong-kook feels that he has control of the initiative. , After all, his score is now the highest.

Xiaofeng jumped off the ceiling after hearing that Song Jixiao had also been eliminated. It was time to divide the victory.

Not long before Xiaofeng heard Jin Zhongguo's broadcast, Jin Zhongguo made a decisive battle on the first floor.

"Feng En, you are so good at hiding, don't come out if you have the ability." Haha next to Jin Zhongguo perfectly explained what is a fake tiger.

"Brother Zhong Guo, it's too boring for us to tore and tear, and there is not much time now, how about we decide the outcome?" Xiaofeng said the plan that he had planned for a long time.

"One hand decides the outcome? How to play?" Jin Zhongguo asked with great interest. It is a pity that he didn't tear Xiaofeng Jin Zhongguo in the last issue. He will never let it go when he has a chance today.

"Let's have a game, and whoever loses will give the other party the brand name." Xiaofeng said with a smile.

"Hey, why do we believe you, what if you lose and don't admit it?" Although I don't know Xiaofeng's plan, haha ​​know that Xiaofeng's proposal is definitely not as simple as it seems.

"Don't believe me, as long as Zhong Guo gets another 20 points plus the 10 points I got, it will be enough 100 points. Whether I fulfill my promise or not, it is Zhong Guo who wins in the end." Xiaofeng said as she rushed to Jin Zhongguo. With a wink, Jin Zhongguo instantly grasped Xiaofeng's thoughts.

Haha was still thinking about Xiaofeng's purpose of saying these words, and thinking how to refute Xiaofeng, Jin Zhongguo stretched out his hand and tore it off haha, haha ​​looked at Jin Zhongguo in disbelief.

"Now let's have a fair fight." Jin Zhongguo gave Haha an apologetic smile and then opened his posture.

"Wait, I think it's hard to keep Haha here to ensure fairness, or let's get rid of Haha." Xiaofeng worried that Haha would make trouble soon, and proposed.

Haha saw Jin Zhongguo’s eyes and wanted to run, but was stopped by Xiaofeng. Haha shouted that this was unfair, but apparently no one paid attention to him. Soon the three-minute invincibility time came, and Xiaofeng caught it. Haha The famous brand was torn off, Jin Zhongguo scored 90 points and Xiaofeng scored 60 points.

"Feng En, I think I think it's a good idea to run." Jin Zhongguo looked at the time on the digital watch and said.

"Brother Zhong Guo, what do you mean?" Xiaofeng is a little horrified. What does Jin Zhongguo, who has always been facing and not looking back, want to play?

"You have to tear me twice to surpass my score, and I only need to guarantee that you won’t be able to win by tearing me apart. Do you think I should find a place to hide? I have no absolute certainty that I can beat you. "Jin Jong-guo said with a smile, saying that it was but there was no point in running away. Xiaofeng knew that this was Jin Jong-guo playing psychological warfare. How much he wanted to win? Xiaofeng felt that she should review if she played it by herself. It’s a bit too much, so you should let others tear it a few times.

Jin Zhongguo rushed over while Xiaofeng was stunned, and Xiaofeng made a fierce resistance. While resisting Xiaofeng, she complained about Jin Zhongguo's shamelessness. Then Xiaofeng was unwilling to lose the famous brand. Jin Zhongguo scored 100 points. The title of the strongest.

Xiaofeng is still complaining that Jin Jongguo’s tactics are too shameless. Jin Jongguo said that victory is the most important thing. Of course, Jin Jongguo, who is in a good mood, gave Xiaofeng a hug and comfort, but at this time Xiaofeng was a little depressed. nothing.

Xiaofeng has been thinking about it since the last special issue. In RM, he has actually played a bit too much. Many fans call Xiaofeng a bug. This invincible performance is not what the production team wants, although in the short term the audience I like it very much, but it's not a good thing for a long time.

Especially after Xiaofeng found out that she was targeted by the production team, Xiaofeng decided to keep a low profile, and the low-key way was to let Jin Zhongguo eliminate herself several times. No special circumstances were eliminated by others. It seemed too fake, just like how many times Jin Zhongguo was eliminated. Like others eliminated, the audience agreed that this was a Taiwanese arrangement.

The script set by Xiaofeng in this issue is to show off his mind and strength, and then lose the game in an extremely unfortunate situation. Although the process is different from Xiaofeng's design, the result Xiaofeng wants appears. Zhao Xiaozhen also appreciates Jin Zhongguo’s shameless side, and hopes that Jin Zhongguo can be more shameless. This makes Jin Zhongguo speechless and also makes Xiaofeng feel that he can be a little more relaxed in the future. The shameless Jin Zhongguo is very powerful.