Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 961: On the Movie Emperor's Self-cultivation (Part 2)

Do you want to have a good relationship with the school?There is no need to consider this kind of problem. Although the Sungkyunkwan school cannot do anything to Xiaofeng, it is better to do less than to enjoy the benefits of fame and to bear the pressure of fame. Maybe no one has dig deep before. This kind of news, but with the addition of an element of the actor, it is hard to say.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Xiaofeng and the Sungkyunkwan school have no deep hatred, and it doesn't take much effort to show hello, me, and everyone.

But sometimes it’s easy to get stuck on the nose and face. The Sungkyunkwan school came here without hesitation when seeing Xiaofeng, and didn’t mention any request. Some people thought Xiaofeng was waiting for this day. Well, if they can persist, maybe Xiaofeng can take the initiative to ask for peace.

As soon as the idea emerged, it was reflected in the action. After the event, the people from the school of Sungkyunkwan invited Xiaofeng to the meeting room. Xiaofeng felt that since they came, he listened to what the school wanted to say. Xiaofeng was disgusting enough.

First, I gave Xiaofeng a hat of disrespect for his alma mater, and tried to implement the hat with facts and reason, and then started to ask for something before Xiaofeng said anything. What interviews should mention the alma mater more? It’s the duty that a graduate should do. Why shouldn’t you study film and television performance in other schools? If you want to study, you have to choose Sungkyunkwan. In other words, I think Xiaofeng did not do well and let Sungkyunkwan accept A great grievance.

Xiaofeng has always felt that there is nothing wrong with respecting knowledge, respecting teachers, respecting schools, but just like there are bad people everywhere, schools are not a pure land, especially in today’s environment, even if you don’t want money, you still have a name. .

It really doesn’t matter for Xiaofeng to go there for further studies. The reason for choosing Dongda is because Dongda said that Xiaofeng only needs to take the exam. As for whether or not to attend class, it doesn’t matter at all. It doesn’t matter how many points you get in the exam. It can be discussed how long Feng wants to graduate and what grades will be obtained.

As for Sungkyunkwan, even if you enter the school for further studies, you have to pass the exam first. There are no special treatments in other areas. In the two aspects, the one who does not choose Dongda is definitely a brain problem.

Xiaofeng feels that even if you force Ge Gao at Sungkyunkwan, you wouldn’t play like that. If it weren’t for the fact that her younger sister and sister-in-law are both studying at Sungkyunkwan, Xiaofeng really wants to make a big fuss and let these spoiled intellectuals understand. What is the situation now, who is begging whom, who is bowing to whom?

Even if he didn’t do too much considering other factors, Xiaofeng didn’t make a good face with this group of people. Anyway, Xiaofeng is now a gold medal-free. As long as he doesn’t make a big deal, there won’t be any big problems. Xiaofeng directly Tell these brain-disabled school administrators that you don't need to call him for any future activities. The graduate status of Sungkyunkwan is too expensive and he can't afford it.

Sungkyunkwan's school administration wants to do something in the future. Xiaofeng is too lazy to think about it. Anyway, he doesn’t want to be disgusted anymore. The relationship between the school and the star graduates is actually reluctant to be mutually beneficial. The real advantage is the school. The posture of implementation is too disgusting, others are willing to be used to Xiaofeng but not.

Xiaofeng found that having the title of movie emperor was not finished. He still needed to learn how to be a movie emperor. Fortunately, it was not difficult to find Song Kanghao and Cui Minzhi as ready-made examples.

Xiaofeng came to ask for help. The elder brother group of four began to taunt Xiaofeng. The reason they didn’t remind Xiaofeng was that they wanted to teach Xiaofeng a lesson from reality. It’s normal for a person to swell if they succeed. It is also difficult to listen to persuasion. The four of them have experienced this stage more or less, and a lively practical class has become the best choice.

Of course, it is said that Xiaofeng thinks that the main reason is that he wants to go to the theater. It is not that he can't listen and persuade people of that type to do so.

After listening to the experience taught by the older brother’s four-member group, Xiaofeng once again felt that he was tooyounoosimple. Before arriving at this position, I didn’t know what to do in this position. What kind of changes are needed to be a person and do things. I listened a lot. Xiaofeng feels that this is also a kind of knowledge. Xiaofeng deeply feels that having the title of an actor is really useless. If he doesn't do it well, he will soon fall off his seat.

Xiaofeng feels that if there is a preaching book about what to be an actor, he will definitely buy it. It is useless for an actor to get the title of actor. The important thing is that the subsequent cultivation must keep up, so that he can stand firmly in prison, Xiaofeng The road of self-cultivation of the actor is still very long.

After gaining experience, Xiaofeng finally knows what he should do. The only thing he should participate in during the digestion period is various interviews and various interviews. Even if his own experience is not so legendary, he should be complacent and crying. The way of fatigue bombing is low. Although vulgar, the effect is still very good.

Before, Xiaofeng only did interviews with three major TV stations, and only one interview with paper media. As for other interviews, Xiaofeng refused all the interviews. Later, when looking for something to do, Zhang Yongjian and Xiaofeng considered the media, but they only considered it. For fashion magazines and entertainment magazines, Xiaofeng thinks that doing two is enough. Obviously, Xiaofeng's face is not at home.

It's too late to remedy it, Xiaofeng is a little depressed, but who can he blame?Complaints against people, little expert, old brother, group of four?Xiaofeng feels wrong, but people kindly worry that Xiaofeng will swell, so they won't remind them, and blame Zhang Yongjian?It’s not right. Zhang Yongjian’s previous client was Lee Seung-ki. He was very familiar with the Korean entertainment industry. Zhang Yongjian was very good at rubbing his butt when something happened. What should Zhang Yongjian do if he takes a movie king, he has no experience and blames himself?Xiaofeng still feels wrong. It is the first time he has become a actor. Xiaofeng feels that he only complained that the actor came too suddenly, and he was not fully prepared to meet the actor. It is important not to say anything about it. Well, only when you dare to think can you dare to do it, and only when you dare to think will you be fully prepared to deal with various situations after you dare to do and do it.

This food is a bit big, but it also made Xiaofeng understand that she needs to change. Xiaofeng has always hated to be forced, but now she has to learn how to be forced. The previous self is no longer suitable for today’s position. Now, how can I adapt to today's position, Xiaofeng has to learn more, read more and think more. In the words of a pitted little expert group of four, don't think that you can rest if you can't get a job. There is still a lot to do.

How long will it take to graduate from the actor self-cultivation class, Xiaofeng doesn’t know, Xiaofeng only knows that this is a compulsory course and must be completed as soon as possible. Xiaofeng feels that he must publish a book when he finishes it. It’s called the self-cultivation of the actor. , Just thinking about it makes me feel good.

Interstellar was released silently. This time Blizzard did not ask Xiaofeng to do any publicity. This gave Xiaofeng a sense of refreshment in taking money and not doing anything. Blizzard also took full consideration to do it with Xiaofeng. The article has attracted a lot of attention, but most of the comments received are scolding. Just watching the cast and film investment can make up countless situations. Considering Xiaofeng’s Korean identity and Previously filmed game promotional films for StarCraft, it is not difficult to push the views in a unified direction, especially after Xiaofeng’s pay for participating in StarCraft was exposed, and the population that pays attention to the movie StarCraft was basically unified. It is that Luo Fengen is a fan of the game StarCraft, and Blizzard, a profiteer, used this to invite Luo Fengen under such circumstances.

Fans in other places can be more objective, but Korean fans are not so calm. They even shouted out the boycott of StarCraft. Blizzard was a steal this time, and originally wanted to borrow Xiaofeng’s title as the actor. There was a bright spot in the movie, but it turned out to be a show.

Especially after the release of StarCraft, after watching Xiaofeng's performance in StarCraft, more people are dissatisfied. You are embarrassed to use Luo Fengen's name to promote Nima's treatment?It is said that it is the leading role, but the role is not much more than that of the passerby actors next to it. The plot of the movie itself is so bad that I won’t say it. The most popular hero plot in the United States did not appear. Many people complained that the subtitle of this movie should be called The history of the demise of a marine squad. Even the Protoss Berserker and the Zerg puppy, which were carefully crafted to be the highlight, were spit out and turned into a show. Everything is over before they appear, even if you can’t wait to take a second shot. It shouldn't be so low.

Blizzard considered this situation when it passed the test plan, but they found that they really couldn’t stand up and give a reasonable explanation in the face of this situation. Even if they spend money to ask Xiaofeng to stand up and give an explanation. No one wants to believe that, anyway, the vast majority of people have already identified Xiaofeng as a fan of StarCraft and has been certified by a Korean fan. Now no matter what Xiaofeng stands up to say, it will be regarded as fan feelings.

Blizzard’s interstellar filming is not good, which has caused a lot of fluctuations within the company. Blizzard’s newly independent film department instantly changed from sweet pastry to stinky shit. The reason is that Blizzard’s steps are too big. People don’t like and don’t want Blizzard to eat alone. A game company should do its best to make games and expand the game-related industries. It is better to cooperate with professionals for filmmaking. Behind the many twists and turns encountered in interstellar filming It's Blizzard partners and potential partners who are doing the trick.

Although the Interstellar Water Test Project failed completely, it did not have any negative impact on Xiaofeng. On the contrary, because of sympathy for Xiaofeng, there are many more fans. It is not common for people who can make so many sacrifices for feelings, especially South Korea. The public tried their best to help Xiaofeng to promote it. A Cannes actor gave Xiaofeng the capital to go international. What he lacked was attention.

Xiaofeng feels a bit embarrassed to enter the American entertainment circle in this way. Xiaofeng originally wanted to officially test the waters of Hollywood with Park Chan-wook’s movies. As a result, Park Chan-wook’s movie was still in the preparatory stage, and he first did it in the United States. Wave presence.

In any case, this is a good thing. Xiaofeng feels that she will be a little bragging if she continues to struggle. Even Zhang Yongjian feels that Xiaofeng’s shit is invincible. The reason why he tried to promote Xiaofeng’s participation in Interstellar The big concession is to hope that Xiaofeng can take advantage of this opportunity to brush up on his sense of existence. The subsequent expansion made Zhang Yongjian feel that he was put on a side, and he once blamed himself very much. As a result, the current situation is several times better than expected. Zhang Yongjian feels even more. It’s better to manage C-jes. It’s a bit unrealistic to rely on him to realize the American dream. Zhang Yongjian has made a decision at this time. He is still responsible for Xiaofeng’s affairs in South Korea. If Xiaofeng steps onto the Hollywood stage, he must Find Xiaofeng an agent who can help Xiaofeng on which stage to take charge of overseas affairs.

Time is the best cure. Taeyeon has come out of the fact that Jinze has left. Taeyeon has decided not to keep pets anymore. Taeyeon thinks she shouldn’t have pets before, and she needs them all in life. It’s impossible to take good care of pets if others take care of them. In the future, Taeyeon won’t plan to keep pets anymore. Thank God for taking care of her career and family well.

Although there is no sadness, Taeyeon has not forgotten her promise to Kim Taek. Taeyeon is a very persistent person. When she was almost restored to her mood, she talked to Xiaofeng once. The talk was about her promise to Kim Taek. Taeyeon promised. I will definitely take the young master to see Kanazawa as soon as possible, and it is useless for Taeyeon to work hard alone to create a human being.

As for Taeyeon’s desire to fulfill the promise as soon as possible, Xiaofeng strongly agrees. Now the Korean people have begun to pay attention to the issue of Xiaofeng and Taeyeon’s children. Having seen the sufferings of Yeon Jung Hoon and Han Ga, Xiao Bong does not want to be a substitute for Yeon Jung Hoon. Pin is "concerned" by the Korean people, and the next wave of offensive by both parents is expected to begin again, even if it is to gag.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Xiaofeng has endured it for a long time, and now it is rare to be so leisurely, and I am sorry for not having a good meal.

One wish and one wish. Xiaofeng and Taeyeon had such a unified opinion for the first time. Taeyeon went home as soon as possible after running the trip every day, and Xiaofeng started to make a custom diet according to the recipe collected by Mother Kim.

Xiaofeng thought that waiting for her would be boundless spring, a beautiful, harmonious and passionate day, but when she really started, she realized that the reality is extremely cruel. In the past, Taeyeon was the one who was particular about the sentiment, and the one who loved to play is also Taeye. As a result, Now Taeyeon doesn’t care about this. Now Taeyeon cares about how to get pregnant more easily. Taeyeon also deliberately calculated her own ovulation period, usually replenishing energy and struggling during the ovulation period. The benefits of doing so are obvious. There is no need to delay much work, but such days of hunger and fullness make Xiaofeng miserable, and he is still hungry or not eating a bite, and being full is to eat until Xiaofeng can’t eat anymore, Xiaofeng feels I'm almost broken by playing.

Taeyeon's sudden transformation into a pregnant madman made Xiaofeng really unable to adapt. The beauty of all expectations turned into efforts to give birth to a child. This made Xiaofeng feel like she was a medicine. When she had a baby, she expected He became a medicine dregs.