Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 971 Goodbye! RM (six)

Gary has started to eat the same kind. The one that he eats is called a hideous. The honest Gary couldn’t help but sneer, saying that his breakfast is acceptable compared to the first two, as for what kind of food the rest of you want to enjoy. He was really looking forward to breakfast.

Gary's breakfast has revealed its true colors, and it is Song Ji Hyo's turn next. Song Ji Hyo has no special resistance to what to eat. Anyway, her actress image is almost destroyed in RM, and her recipes are widely accepted and there is nothing unacceptable.

After the dinner plate came up, Song Zhixiao quickly revealed the answer. He didn't have a chance to guess with everyone. I have to say that Song Zhixiao is very wise. The more hesitated at this time, the more bad luck. It is better to be simple and rude. Anyway, no matter how tangled the food on the plate Will not change, no matter how you conflict with breakfast, you still have to eat it.

"Hey Xi, are you making a mistake? Are you sure you got it right? We are RM, when did you treat MC like this?" After seeing the true face of the food, Song Ji-hyo didn't say anything, Liu Jae-shik began to vent his dissatisfaction, not to suffer from poverty. The unevenness is particularly prominent in RM. It is really good if everyone is unlucky.

Song Zhixiao’s breakfast was a piece of cake, which surprised Song Zhixiao too.

"In Brother Shi, don't worry. With the style of the production team, I don't believe that this cake is an ordinary cake." Guangsoo absolutely does not believe that the production team will be so kind.

"Yes, I think the raw materials for making this cake are definitely questionable. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be a normal cake." Haha also supports Guangzhu's idea and also said that Song Jihyo must be careful not to be fooled.

After listening to the two people’s opinions, Song Jixiao began to examine the cake very carefully. After not seeing anything, he began to smell it carefully with his nose. Haha, who was sitting next to her, wanted to make trouble at this time, and wanted Song Jixiao’s face to follow. The cake came to a close encounter, but Song Zhixiao was very alert. Haha, if he stole the chicken, he didn't kill him. Instead, he was beaten underground by Song Zhixiao.

Chi Shizhen teased that Song Zhixiao seemed to be irritable after he left, and he comforted Song Zhongji that his sister Zhixiao is no longer the sister Jixiao a few years ago.

After pulling a few times with a fork, Song Zhixiao finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the cake. Then the ingredients prepared by the production team came up. The ingredients were actually a cup of cocoa. Song Zhixiao checked carefully and took a sip, then smiled and said it tasted good. .

At this time, Bae PD also explained the reasons for preparing these two things for Song Ji Hyo. The cake is because RM fans felt that Song Ji Hyo was too hard as a female in RM, and he was not given preferential treatment due to gender at all. The same production team is also For this reason, it was decided not to pit Song Zhixiao in the final issue.

Before enjoying the breakfast, Song Zhixiao said with emotion that she did not expect to enjoy the treatment of a female artist at RM. How much bitterness this sentence contains or only Song Zhixiao knows.

Song Zhixiao was so favorably treated, and everyone else expressed strong dissatisfaction. Even her boyfriend Gary the previous week was no exception. There is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared to their breakfast, Song Zhixiao's breakfast is much better.

Haha and Kwang-soo also tried to help Song Ji-hyo have some breakfast, but they were beaten up by Song Ji-hyo. Although it is rare to get a treatment as a female artist, Song Ji-hyo’s image in RM will never have much to do with the female artist.

The loudest yelling haha ​​came down, and there is no way that the next person who wants to reveal the true face of breakfast is him. Haha is the kind of person who is always on the front line of death. Only when a disaster is approaching, he realizes that he is also One of the unlucky people.

After getting the dinner plate, haha ​​began to talk about his son again, he must be brave for his son, and he must be fearless for the image of his father. Haha has already said this. Many times, but every time the result is that after saying this, I cried and screamed that my concubine couldn't do it. The only time I could say it was when my wife Haha came to RM.

Sure enough, haha ​​said so many useless self-encouragement words and began to struggle again, especially after seeing the miserable behaviors of Liu Jae-shik, Kim Jong-kuk and Gary, in fact, being produced by the team may not cause much harm, RM other people The second injury caused is even more painful. Haha was so active just now. It will be his turn. Others will not be polite. Even if Haha is not active, other people will not let him go, but Haha still thinks that he will die after jumping. truth.

No one guessed what his breakfast was, no one ridiculed haha, which made Haha even more worried. This is the tranquility of the storm money, haha ​​felt so stressed, and the plate in his hand became heavier.

"Hey, you fools show me, I haha, I will never be as unlucky as you are, eating such bad food." When faced with pressure, haha ​​chose to break out and gave myself a strong psychological hint haha After opening the lid, everyone in the audience laughed.

Gummy is haha’s breakfast. Although it is not bad in terms of taste, it is completely acceptable, but it is a bit strange for a big man in the forty to eat gummy, and the biggest reason for the laughter is the preparation by the production team. The ingredients are actually soft candies. What the hell is the soft candies with soft candies? Everyone expressed their incompetence.

Hey PD also explained the reason for preparing jellybeans for Haha, that is, Haha is very naive. He has said that jellybeans are his favorite in the show more than once. In the past, in order to maintain the overall image of RM, they could not satisfy the wish of Haha. Since it is the last issue, they have to meet haha ​​once.

After being ridiculed for a few words, a smile appeared on Haha's face instead. Although the fudge doesn't look very good, it feels ridiculous, and the combination of fudge and fudge is a little bit ridiculous, but haha ​​thinks his breakfast is still OK To accept it, at least you don't have to be like someone who takes Chinese medicine like Liu Jae-shih, you don't have to cry like Jin Jongguo, and you don't need to be ridiculed like Gary.

But haha’s good mood was quickly destroyed. The gummy candies used for dinner are quite normal, but one gummy candies as an ingredient makes Haha understand what it means to never believe that the production team will have morals, weird tastes Haha is not unacceptable, but the mustard-flavored fudge haha ​​is really unacceptable.

After trying the second lesson of Qingyang chili-flavored jelly, haha ​​was completely convinced. He especially wanted to know where such a weird jelly-making team came from. It seems that he can take the jelly to cheat his son in the future. , Haha’s son is overweight because he loves to eat sweets. From this point of view, Haha is a good father.

Haha, I was tortured by all kinds of strange fudges. Fortunately, there are more normal fudges to help haha ​​restore the taste, even if it is like this, everyone in RM believes that haha ​​will never want to eat jelly again in the future Up.

It’s Xiaofeng’s turn to have breakfast. Xiaofeng’s bad luck is something that everyone expects. Even Chishizhen and Song Zhongji hope that Xiaofeng will be hated by the pit. The production team has the same idea on this point. Everyone is very much. Looking forward to what Xiaofeng’s breakfast will be.

Will the production team pit himself? Xiaofeng feels that this issue doesn’t need to be considered at all. He will and will die. But in terms of food, Xiaofeng doesn’t feel that there is anything unacceptable to him. After all, he was a big foodie in his previous life. Xiaofeng, a member of, is also the kind of person who feels early adopters. Although he can't keep up with the degree that Beiye can put everything in his mouth, he is also very receptive.

Everyone's ridicule and speculation Xiaofeng Xiaofeng are all treated as deaf ears. In fact, just being harmed by the production team will not cause much harm. Often, what is really unbearable is that other MCs who are the same victim hurt each other.

Xiaofeng opened the lid with a calm expression. There was a mass of meat on the lid. Xiaofeng looked at PD with a puzzled look. Xiaofeng wondered if it was a mistake.

Mea PD told Xiaofeng with a smile that fans felt that Xiaofeng’s ordinary food like a chef was absolutely insatiable, so they proposed to find more "characteristic" foods. After RM deleted the selection and selected by the fans, this Steak tartare became the final choice.

In order to prove that this is really a dish, PD also introduced the raw materials and methods of this dish in great detail. The raw materials are raw beef minced and raw eggs. The method is simpler, just put them together.

Some people have begun to sympathize with Xiaofeng. Before, whether it was pitted or not, it was in the normal category. In the eyes of many people, this so-called steak tartare definitely cannot be regarded as a normal category.

Kim Jong-kuk, who was miserably spicy, said that eating raw beef is nothing, because many fitness people have eaten it, but he can't praise the texture of raw beef and raw eggs. Just thinking about it, he has the urge to vomit. Jin Zhongguo felt that it seemed nothing more than spicy.

Afterwards, the ingredients prepared by the production team also revealed their true colors. As soon as they saw Kwang Kwang-soo, they shouted that the production team had no bottom line, and let him eat poo by his own relatives. In an instant, Xiaofeng's mood was not beautiful. Just now Xiaofeng I still think the ingredients are good. Although I didn't look carefully, Xiaofeng smelled the thick chocolate smell the first time.

When Kwang-soo said that, Xiaofeng also had to admit that the thing on the plate was really like poo, not only the shape was similar, but also the color was very similar. After PD introduced Xiaofeng, he realized that this is a chocolate banana that has been very popular in Seoul recently. Xiaofeng really didn't understand how this combination came up, and what the psychology of the people who ate this kind of food thought was. Anyway, Xiaofeng didn't understand how this kind of thing could become popular.

Whether Xiaofeng understands it or not, he should eat it. In fact, the chocolate banana is really nothing. If it weren’t for Guangzhu’s mouthful, Xiaofeng would definitely accept this kind of good-tasting food sooner, and now Xiaofeng has to be able to After passing the psychological barrier, as long as you don't think of poop, this thing is actually a good snack.

After some self-regulation, Xiaofeng swallowed chocolate bananas in a few bites of the disgusting words of Haha and Kwangsoo. Kwangsu and Haha were very surprised by Xiaofeng's heroic way of eating. Kwangsu sighed with Xiaofeng. He was willing to eat poo, haha, he said that Xiaofeng would not need to spend money to buy it in the future, he could go to his house and he would make it for Xiaofeng.

Haha and Kwang-soo, who were screaming, forgot that there were other people nearby eating. As a result, the two were sanctioned by Kim Jong-kuk and Song Ji-hyo, Gary and Liu Jae-seok. It is a daily life for RM to be happy and sad.

After solving the chocolate banana, Xiaofeng feels that the so-called steak tartare is not a problem at all. In Xiaofeng’s view, steak tartare is roughly equivalent to raw beef. Although the lack of many seasonings and spices will make the food a dark dish, Xiaofeng is down I didn't find it hard to accept.

Xiaofeng thought very well, but after taking the first bite, Xiaofeng found that her underwear was all wrong. The taste of the beef that was completely unloaded was bad enough, and the fishy raw eggs were added to the overall taste. The feeling that Xiaofeng really can’t describe, maybe the feeling of eating poo is nothing more than that. Xiaofeng can only endure the urge to vomit and swallow a whole bunch of raw beef in a few mouthfuls. If you don’t make a quick decision, Xiaofengzhen I'm afraid I don't have the courage to put this thing in my mouth for the second time.

Wan Nian Hou Youyou Kwang Soo kindly asked if PD had a second serving. He thought Xiaofeng seemed to like to eat it, and PD said that there was only one serving and Hou Guangsoo complained very disappointed. Since it was good breakfast , Then you should be full, Xiaofeng said with a smile that Guangzhu should regret not having a second share, or he thought he would let Guangzhu taste the taste of these two foods, Guangzhu was very wise to see Xiaofeng’s appearance Closed his mouth.

Even if Xiaofeng didn’t threaten, Guangzhu couldn’t get up, because after Xiaofeng had breakfast, it was his turn. Before everyone started guessing and mocking, Guangzhu began to guess what the production team might prepare for him. Food, Kwang Soo’s principle is to scare himself to death before the food comes.

Kwang-soo’s unbounded guess made everyone at the scene feel very speechless. Kwang-soo’s doing this also lost the interest in falling into trouble. Everyone wanted to reveal what Kwang-soo’s food was as soon as possible.

After the food came up, Kwang Soo was not hypocritical. After a silent prayer, he opened the lid. The food voted by the fans looked like sliced ​​white bread. After Kwang Soo's inspection in various aspects for a few minutes, he even had a bite. Soo was convinced that this was sliced ​​white bread, and it was a bargain in terms of taste.

After opening the ingredients, Kwang Soo was even more confused. He knew Carrot Ying, but although these two foods were not as good as they were, they were all normal. Kwang Soo would never believe that the production team would be just right for him.

Carefully licked with his tongue, it was confirmed that the daikon is a normal radish, and after no special processing, Kwang-soo was completely lost. Could it be that the production team of the last stage treated him preferentially because he is a little Asian prince. ?Guangzhu felt that this was the only reasonable explanation.

Others didn’t understand Kwang Soo’s food pairing. PD, who was staring at him a little hairy, coughed and began to explain. The reason for preparing these two foods is simple. Fans think white bread is the best match for Kwang Soo. In order to cooperate with the fan production team, I prepared carrot yam, because fans said this is the most suitable food for giraffes.

After Bae PD’s explanation, everyone thought of Guangzhu’s wonderful interaction with giraffes. The main food for giraffes in that period was leaves and white bread. Although Guangsoo’s giraffe’s nickname did not come from that period, it was definitely because of that. Everyone felt that this food was prepared very well.