Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 976 Goodbye! RM (End)

The four consecutive releases of Memories Killing are a good summary and evaluation for the MCs of RM. The red carpet link and breakfast link at the beginning shocked the MCs of RM. I thought it was the last one without the most pits but more pits. In the period, I didn't expect the picture to change so quickly, which made many people feel unreal. For the MC of RM, the production team has never been sidelined by good adjectives such as kindness and generosity.

At the lunch session, the mood of the MCs began to become nervous. With such a "surprise" breakfast, everyone now dare not be optimistic about lunch. Haha and Guangzhu successively stated that they are professional MCs who come here. For shooting, not for eating, it’s good to get something to deal with at noon. For example, the jajang noodle set is not good for ramen. After being baptized by the gorgeous breakfast, the MCs of RM think that as long as it is within the normal range They can be satisfied with the food.

When the staff pushed up a turntable, the MC’s dissatisfaction broke out again. It is too unreliable to give lunch to luck, especially for the few people who were miserable for breakfast. The pit is too tragic.

The turntable is full of the characteristics of RM, and the entire board surface is pasted. People with the best eyesight can't tell which food is divided into eight equal parts. Xiao Fengxiu can turn to what he wants with his hand. After the end of the game, any turntable that appears must be in this completely obscured style.

For everyone, the experience of turning this kind of turntable is not so good. They don’t know what they are facing. They just want to have a thought without a goal. I don’t know when the production team started. Play such a high-end thing of psychological warfare.

The complainant must be transferred. The first person to go up is Song Zhixiao. The luckiest person in RM must be the first to strike with a good head.

Song Zhixiao turned around casually. After confirming that his turn was yellow, Song Zhixiao returned to his seat, and others came to the turntable to complete their lunch choices.

After everyone was nervous about their choices, Bae PD took the initiative to unravel the food represented behind each area, starting from red and ending with purple. The content written afterwards is the same, no more than 20,000 won. For takeaways, everyone at RM felt like they were being tricked. They were worried and nervous and they did useless work. The production team was ruthless and played the front and back expressions of the person who chose which area without revealing an area. He kept muttering to tens of thousands of Chi Shizhen and smiled with emotion.

Except for Song Jihyo and Xiaofeng who were relatively calm, the others more or less expressed their expectations when turning the turntable. Liu Zaishok hoped to eat something less oily and greasy. The chicken soup made Liu Dashen have I don’t want to eat lunch, but I’m quite hungry. Jin Jong-kook said that he can eat anything as long as it is not spicy. Compared with the super spicy chili sauce, Jin Jong-kuk feels that fried food is not that difficult to accept.

Haha said that as long as it can fill the stomach, he can accept foods that are not too weird. Gummy can be eaten as a snack, but that thing is not full. Haha feels that he is already hungry.

National squid Gary said that as long as you don't let yourself eat the same kind, squid is also a very popular ingredient in Korea. Gary is really afraid that he will have squid breakfast, lunch and dinner today.

Song Zhixiao and Xiaofeng both said that it doesn’t matter what it is. It doesn’t matter if Song Zhixiao is fake. Anyway, what she eats depends on luck. She is still very confident in luck. It doesn’t matter if Xiaofeng is true. As a Chinese man suffering from poison in his previous life, Xiaofeng is both I wonder if I have reached the point where I can take poison without changing my face.

Chishizhen hopes to give him a simple white rice with kimchi. He does not have high expectations for RM. If this requirement is not met, it would be too much. Obviously fried scorpion left for Big Brother A great psychological shadow.

Song Joong-ki hopes that the production team will come up with some wonderful combination. It is estimated that he will not dare to eat the two foods he likes very much for a long time. As a good friend, Kwang-soo always takes it apart. It’s his duty to be a family member. He swears that Song Zhongji is currently doing body management. If it weren’t for the show, he wouldn’t have the chance to eat fried noodles and ice cream, and these two foods have never existed in Song Zhongji’s recipes. Jie Laodi made Song Joong Ki feel so tired. One of the reasons why he quit at the beginning was that he was worried that his good friend Kwang Soo kept exploding him.

Kwang-soo was the only person who expressed his satisfaction with the breakfast. This surprised PD. Kwang-soo also said that there is nothing wrong with having a standard giraffe for lunch. For such a capricious request, PD felt that it must be met.

Kwang Soo said this entirely out of his lack of confidence in his luck. Anything that involves two things, probability and luck, for Kwang Soo, whose nickname is the hapless nickname, is about equal to getting the best result. Kwang Soo thinks that Destined to be pitted, it is better to get a compromise. After eating the giraffe set meal, Guangzhu felt that he could propose it. After PD agreed, Guangzhu silently praised his wit.

Zhao Xiaozhen, who had enjoyed the most luxurious breakfast, said nothing but tears when he said too much. It is better to save his strength and wait for revenge at the evening party.

After the content on the turntable was revealed, other people complained that he was being tricked. Kwang Soo was cried stupidly by himself. Kwang Soo obviously didn’t have the consciousness that he had to walk through crying while he chose the road. He tried to play tricks. Unfortunately, The thing is that PD did not give him this opportunity.

The only thing that makes Kwang-soo thankful is that he is not the most unlucky. As the only person who turns to the black area, Zhao Da PD’s lunch is rice with boiled water. This result is unacceptable for Zhao Hyo-jin. If not for the whole process, he would go through the whole process. Supervising, and he also turned the turntable by himself, he must suspect that his subordinates were deliberately cheating him, he didn't eat breakfast, and lunch was just a bowl of white rice, which was almost dead.

While waiting for the delivery to arrive, Zhao Xiaozhen was very silent, as if he had been hit and collapsed. Even if he showed up like this, he didn't stop the MC from complaining. What kind of good and evil will eventually be rewarded, what? You have today too. In short, all kinds of ridicule and spit make Zhao Xiaozhen have the urge to chop his hands and behead his head.

The takeaway arrived. Although the standard given by the production team was not high, it was more than enough for a simple lunch. Everyone made the best use of their money and used it together, so that the range of choices is wide. .

The most active food on the table is Kwang-soo. White bread and radish are tasteless, so Kwang-soo keeps trying to find out where to eat from other people. In the end, Kwang-soo succeeded and never bored Song Joong-ki. Where did I get kimchi, I got a piece of ribs from my good sister Song Jixiao, and got half a bowl of soup from Haha with countless good words.

After seeing Kwang Soo's behavior, Zhao Hyo-jin couldn't sit still after taking a bite of boiled rice. Although he couldn't wipe it off, it was necessary to learn something for the sake of his stomach, but he was destined to be trapped in PD status. Zhao Xiaozhen can’t be as skinless and faceless as Guangzhu, and Zhao Xiaozhen’s reputation in RM everyone is not far from his "death feud", and no one pays any attention to him, let alone Zhao Xiaozhen also shows She doesn't even ask for help.

Finally, the soft-hearted Liu Zaishi stood up and negotiated with everyone to get Zhao Xiaozhen conditionally in exchange for food from them. Zhao Xiaozhen agreed with a dark face. The result was that the stuttering Zhao Da PD was fucked. I sang three little bears and sang cute odes, saying that they wouldn’t be okay with Nima. After dancing the shame dance and dancing to the elderly disco, the most frightening thing is that Zhao Xiaozhen found that he was tossed like this. Later, he actually felt a sense of satisfaction and joy.

A lunch meal is considered plain but there is no shortage of things to watch. After lunch, I took a break and filming continued. The fifth episode of the memory kill was opened. This time I recalled the various achievements that RM has achieved since its inception. Of course this The results do not include the commercial aspects. Of course, the results also include the personal honors obtained with RM as a carrier. If you don’t summarize it, you don’t know, to summarize and startle. From the beginning of the shooting to now, RM has won so many collective and individual honors. In addition to the final award with hidden rules, RM is the biggest winner every time in SBS Variety Awards.

In fact, this situation does not explain anything. As a variety show of SBS, it is impossible to keep the award away from RM just because of the face problem, not to mention that RM has done well in other aspects except that the domestic ratings have not met expectations. .

After talking about the honours related to RM, it is the various personal honours obtained by the MC during the filming of the RM. The first reaction of everyone is speechless. It seems that these honours have nothing to do with RM, but you will reflect on it. I found that if there is no RM platform, they might really not have the chance to win those awards.

Although it is admitted that there is credit for RM, everyone still feels that the production team has played a bit too much.

The last part of the memory killing is the interview with the members of the RM production team. Unlike the MC members, the mobility of the production team is still very large. The separation of production and broadcast is a trend, but relatively speaking, it has caused personnel instability. Sex. After the rise of variety shows, the MC resources on the table are fixed. Even if you want to fight for it, there are not many opportunities. However, the people behind the scenes who are equally important to good variety shows have become the object of competition. If not digging the wall, Zhao Xiao The town may not be able to become a big PD so smoothly.

At the beginning of the interview, it was all about blessings to RM. The middle part became a variety of complaints. Especially the complaints against Liu Zaishi were sharp and numerous. Quanlie who appeared several times made Liu Zaishi shout for making friends accidentally. , His accompanying vj exists to cheat him.

In the last paragraph, the person who complained the most was Xiaofeng. Through these interviews with the production team staff, it was very intuitive to show what Zhao Xiaozhen said, "I don’t know if it’s right or wrong to let Xiaofeng join RM". Xiaofeng also laughed at himself and said that he only knew today that he had such a powerful force in the hearts of the production crew.

Pieces of memories kept playing, and the time for the final filming was getting closer and closer. Everyone felt a sense of reluctance in the hearts of everyone on the scene. There were too many people for the RM program, too much. It’s worth recalling that it’s unrealistic to want to interpret these in one episode, but RM is doomed to have only this final episode. No one still hopes that a once extremely loud and glorious card variety show will survive.

Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. This is still applicable to the renewal of variety shows. Although no one can guarantee that the variety show that replaces RM can achieve the desired results, it is destined to achieve the goal without change. Hopefully, if it is not for the serious turnover of personnel and the opinions on the revision can not be unified, everyone believes in RM, they can definitely continue.

It’s too late to say anything now. Instead of regretting and being depressed, it’s a thing of the past. It’s better to look forward. The end of RM does not mean that the relationship between the MCs will also end. The end of RM does not mean that the variety show will come. At the end of this, maybe the MCs of RM will no longer be able to appear in the same variety show in the future. RM will also become a historical symbol, but the memories of paying attention to RM will always be in everyone's hearts.

After the memory was played, the shooting was almost over. The RM production team gave each MC a gold badge representing RM. Each badge was engraved with the owner’s name and RM logo. This souvenir is the production team’s pair The last thanks from the MC, and the cardboard with the front of the MC and the photo is the best gift from MC to RM.

Sadness is inevitable, but everyone still hopes to give RM the last ride with a smile. Just like Liu Zaishi said, RM is a successful variety show. It has brought laughter to countless people, even if it is about to end. In the end.

Under Liu Zaishi’s organization, everyone gathered together and came to the camera. After yelling RunningMan neatly, they started to laugh constantly. In the laughter, the final shooting of RM was over. In terms of shooting intensity, it might be several hundred. It was the most relaxing period of the filming, but everyone felt so tired. This tiredness is not physical but psychological. It is obviously not a good experience to put a rest on a show.

Taking photos and signing for a memorial, all the staff no longer restrained in the last issue. The MCs tried their best to meet the requirements of the staff. There were not many people in total anyway, and it didn't take much time to sign all the staff.

Song Zhongji was the one who was asked to take photos the most. Xiaofeng was disappointed again in this world of faces. Even if he was the actor, Song Zhongji was more attractive to many people. Xiaofeng finally understood Liu Zaishi's soreness. The most important psychology of Yan Hao.

After finishing all these things, everyone set off first. Because Xiaofeng had a treat, Zhao Xiaozhen, who had been aggrieved for a day, had a rare holiday for the production team. Things will be packed tomorrow. Today’s main goal is to eat Xiaofeng, Zhao Xiaozhen's fierce appearance made Xiaofeng very doubtful whether he was the culprit after RM ended.