Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 1000 China-Korea Spy Game (5)

Looking at the photo and autograph with the smiling face of the deer in front of him, Xiaofeng felt like he had turned several times. Originally, Xiaofeng was eagerly preparing to challenge the nightmare difficulty, but when he opened it, it turned out to be easy.

Xiaofeng could only keep silent in her heart that she was unfamiliar with this guy. This guy was called a silly roe deer and didn't come to comfort her at all. Otherwise, Xiaofeng was really afraid of choking the deer to death for a while.

Xiaolu failed to recognize that he was beyond Xiaofeng's plan. Xiaofeng had no choice but to call Deng Chao to come over. If Deng Chao couldn't recognize Xiaofeng anymore, he felt that the show would not be recorded.

"Did you see it? What is popularity? Some people in South Korea have asked me to sign, and I decided to take the international route in the future." Hearing that there were Koreans asking for autographs, Deng Chaole opened the flowers and saw Deng Chao patronizing. Oh, Xiaofeng has a very sad feeling, it seems that Brother Chao is unreliable at the critical moment.

?Deng Chao got the signature pen and prepared to sign Xiaofeng first, but Xiaofeng put away the borrowed book. Deng Chao didn't understand what the South Korean fan wanted to do.

"Sign here." Xiaofeng said, pointing to the position of his chest, Xiaolu squeezed a smile and translated it to Deng Chao.

"This is a foreign fan. I give preferential treatment to foreign fans. Otherwise, I would never sign a man's position." Deng Chao swore to the camera, but in exchange for the boos of Chi Chi and Old Li, Kai Kai asked the court. Brother has signed that part for how many female fans, AB said that she will definitely tell the empress after artistic processing.

"I dare to say it, I dare to admit it, what's so great." Don't care what the real situation is, don't care what status you are at home, Brother Chao is habitually stiff outside, and Chi Chi immediately said that he likes this kind of stiff mouth and is not afraid of things. big.

Xiaofeng thought that asking Brother Chao to sign on his chest would attract Brother Chao's attention, so he succeeded in retiring. However, he was interrupted and beaten by him again. Seeing Xiaofeng who could not laugh or cry, Song Qian felt quiet. It’s so wise to be a beautiful woman.

"The challenge mission is successful, oh yeah!" Seeing Brother Chao's honest signature, Xiaofeng decided to expose himself, or he would not be recognized from the beginning to the end if he wanted to sign and take a photo, Xiaofeng's heart was crying .

Xiaofeng's shout made everyone around him startled. Even Song Qian, who knew Xiaofeng's identity, couldn't accept Xiaofeng's sudden voice. In a state of confusion, Xiaofeng took off her wig and sunglasses. , Lin Xiaofeng's recent brother Chao finally recognized Xiaofeng, but his expression was embarrassing.

Xiaofeng asked for wet wipes and water to get rid of the fake beard on his face. Xiaofeng didn't want to talk anymore. He wanted to see how the MC of the men's team after he revealed himself reacted.

"Ahem, let me introduce you to everyone. This is another guest and my good brother, a famous South Korean actor, singer, host, and the newly promoted Cannes actor Luo Feng-en." Brother Chao has been very adaptable after training for so long. Qiang, after a bit of embarrassment, he quickly found a solution. He pretended to recognize Xiaofeng before. The previous episode was performed to match his brother Luo Fengen. Deng Chao was immediately caught My wit was conquered, and I felt that this was the truth in my heart.

The fact that Deng Chao reacted does not mean that others can react. After all, this reality is too sudden.Fans who wanted to sign suddenly became guests. This span was a bit too big and it was a bit difficult to accept, and other people were not as embarrassed as Deng Chao, and they could not recover so quickly.

"Cut! This section of your reaction was too much. As a professional actor, is it appropriate for you to be this NG? All the cameras follow my instructions. This section is re-shot." Director Deng is online again, and Xiaofeng is watching Deng Chao perform. , The others were shocked and began to cooperate with Brother Chao.

Embarrassment was replaced by enthusiasm. Everyone greeted Xiaofeng enthusiastically. The transition from embarrassment to enthusiasm was too fast and too blunt, but it could only be so.

After the embarrassment, Chi Chi doubted that Old Deng's head had recognized Xiaofeng before. Old Deng's head was killed. This is true. Under Chi Chi's suggestion, Chi Chi immediately said that if everything is like Deng Chao said that old head Deng should have won several movie kings long ago.

Old Deng Tou cheekily listened to the ridicule as compliments, and then introduced Xiaofeng to everyone in a serious and responsible manner. After removing the makeup, Xiaofeng felt a lot more relaxed. Under Deng Chao's hint, Xiaofeng was also willing to cooperate with Brother Chao in acting.

"Don't you congratulate me on the success of my mission?" Xiaofeng started to flicker after the greeting.

"Task? What task?" Old Deng asked rushingly.

"You won’t be looking for guests. It’s as simple as that. PD has arranged two-way tasks. If you successfully find two guests, you will be considered a victory. If you complete three tasks before being discovered by you, you will be considered a guest victory. I overfulfilled the task. , I won." Xiaofeng said nonsense seriously.

"Three tasks? Which three?" Old Deng asked with a puzzled look.

"The first is to appear in MC's sight without being noticed, the second is to pass by MC without being noticed, and the third is to take a photo with MC without being noticed. I have done it all." Feng said with a smug face, and also took out his mobile phone to show evidence. Old Deng Tou and Xiao Lu expressed doubts about the evidence, and Xiao Feng's accompanying VJ made the two die.

"The fact that Xiaolu proves that you are still a silly roe deer." After reading the evidence, Chi Chi began to criticize Xiaolu. Although Chi Chi would never recognize Xiaofeng after changing him to Xiaolu's position, Chi Chi was still able to taunt Xiaolu with confidence.

"Oh my God, how could this happen? I didn't find it when I walked over." Wang Zulan held his head in an unbelievable look.

"Don't say there are these pretenses, even if Luo Fengen is not in front of me, I may not be able to recognize it." Before waiting for other comforts, Wang Zulan found a very suitable reason for herself, indicating that he just couldn't recognize it.

"PD, this is your fault. If you have a task, you should tell us. How embarrassing this situation is now. Seven of us were defeated by two." Deng complained to PD.

If it weren’t for the problem of backing the pot, PD would really want to admit that he had arranged it, and then give Xiaofeng a painless reward, but PD would not do it if it was backed up, and PD said that he didn’t make any arrangements at all. That kind of task, everything is Xiaofeng's self-entertainment, and all the brothers have been fooled by Xiaofeng.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe PD and asked Xiaofeng's accompanying VJ to show evidence, VJ played the part of Xiaofeng's self-entertainment he recorded.

"Oh my god." Old Li head fell to his knees with an unbelievable look.

"Oh my God, Koreans are really good at playing." Wang Zulan stared and said with emotion, while others said that they didn't play like this with Xiaofeng, it seemed that they were too low.

"To be honest, when I received the invitation, I was really happy. Do you know how long I haven't participated in the variety show? So you have to forgive me." Xiaofeng simply explained it as a comfort to everyone.

"I want to remind everyone not to talk so happily. You haven't got the secret code yet." PD felt a little bit stuck. Not only did Xiaofeng seem to have a low brotherhood when playing like this, it also seemed that the planning of the program group was also very low. PD regretted just now I didn't take the risk of backing the pot and cooperated with Xiaofeng.

Under Deng Chao’s suggestion, everyone expressed their apologies for not recognizing Xiaofeng. All the MCs gave the code together. The scene of seven people singing gee and dancing dogleg dance together was still very beautiful. Xiaofeng recorded this scene with her mobile phone. After going back, let Taeyeon have a look. If you can ruin a saliva song like GEE into this, the brotherhood is a talent.

Because the time to find guests was more than expected, the original rest time was cancelled, and PD announced the start of team formation.

The way to form a team is also very simple. Three people with advantages in Korea are divided into three groups, and how to divide the MC and discuss with the guests.

"Oh, I see, it is Xiaolu, Song Qian, and Feng En who are the captains. The nine people are divided into three groups." Deng Chao simplified the rules of PD.

"Why should I be the captain?" In addition to the reasoning in the car, Xiao Lu showed his silly roe deer qualities in this issue. Deng Chao, who loves his children, told Xiao Lu to stop talking and just listen to the arrangement.

"Then let Song Qian choose first." The old head Deng originally wanted to play automatic division, but when he thought of the brotherhood tradition, Deng Chao gave up this effective grouping method.

"Wait, Brother Chao, why can't I choose first? I don't even give PD rewards for completing such a difficult task. Why should I let me choose the guests first." Seeing Deng Chao's heavy color and light hand, Xiaofeng was very dissatisfied. Said, I didn't recognize his account, Xiaofeng hadn't settled with Deng Chao yet.

Deng Chao asked Song Qian for her opinion and asked Xiaofeng to choose first. Deng Chao didn't feel guilty at all. He didn't recognize Xiaofeng, but before he called Xiaofeng, he was put together by Xiaofeng. This Even if it is even.

"Of these people, the one I want to choose the most is the big black cow." Xiaofeng pretended to be thinking seriously, and said after looking at everyone.

"No, you don't want others to play." Compared to Da Hei Niu's excitement, other people are also very dissatisfied. Brother Chao directly stated that it is impossible to choose Da Hei Niu, although Xiao Feng did not perform in running men before. It was very tough, but it also left a lot of impression on several MCs.

"I chose Big Black Bull not because I want to join forces, but because of Big Black Bull's eyebrows." Xiaofeng waved his hand and explained, this reason made others very confused.

"Is it because Da Hei Niu has no eyebrows so you sympathize with him?" Deng Chao asked. As soon as Deng Chao said this, Song Qian understood, and then looked at Xiaofeng with a black line. Is it really appropriate for you to play like this?Are you not afraid of being kicked out of bed when you go home?

"It's not sympathy, it's because Taeyeon's eyebrows are also very light. I feel inexplicably kind to Da Hei Niu's eyebrows." Just like Song Qian thought, Xiaofeng blacked Taeyeon without any pressure. Back.

Under Song Qian’s explanation, Chi Chi and others understood what the ghost of Taeyeon who came out suddenly was, and then the other four male guests except for the old head Deng praised Xiaofeng for his courage, and they could pool money for Xiaofeng in advance. wax.

On the other hand, Deng Chao proudly said that he and Xiaofeng are brothers, and both talk at home, and everyone disdains such shameless remarks.

"I also think it's too much to choose Brother Niu, I'll still choose Brother Chao." After the effect, Xiaofeng directly said her choice.

"Can you ask why you chose Deng Chao? Is it pity that he is old and weak?" Seeing Deng Chaoji's affectionate embrace and celebration with Xiaofeng, Lao Litou, the golden partner, asked out loud.

"Want to hear the truth or lies."

"I want to hear the truth and lies, let's tell the lie first, after all, the truth hurts people." Old Li Tau felt that shooting a variety show with Xiaofeng was too upright, and the effect was what he said.

"The lie is because of the deep brotherhood. I have a good relationship with Brother Chao, so I chose Brother Chao." After everyone laughed, Xiaofeng continued: "The truth is that I can't come here easily. I have to play more. The volume is definitely the most broadcast around Brother Chao."

Deng Chao was ready to be ridiculed, and others were also ready to ridicule, but when the truth came out, Deng Chao felt that there was nothing unacceptable. This was also a compliment to him. Deng Chao felt that Xiaofeng was like this. He is the real brother.

Song Qian, who was the second candidate, chose Big Black Bull, and Xiao Lu chose Chi Chi. Since the theme is to solve the case, the requirements for the mind will not be low. Xiao Lu thinks Chi Chi is the best choice.

In the second round, the order of selection was reversed. Taking into account their own strength, Xiaolu chose Kaikai, and Song Qian had no choice to accept Wang Zulan. Two female artists cannot be in the same group, and Xiaofeng is. I was very happy to bring AB into his command, saying that he could just balance the appearance of the team. Deng Chao said that Xiaofeng had dragged on too much in terms of appearance.

"In a while, you will set off separately and look for treasures according to the clues given. Now, please give your team a name." After the grouping is completed, PD begins to take the rhythm.

"Let's call the Conan team." Originally Chichi wanted to be called the genius team, but was ruthlessly rejected.

"Then we are the Holmes team." Seeing that the Chi Chi team had made a name for a famous detective team, Deng Chao directly called out Holmes. This is the only famous detective Deng Chao can remember. The other one is already occupied. Conan.

"Let's call the Di Renjie team." Song Qian's group researched for a long time before suffocating such a team name. The three of them didn't really understand the detective business.

"I'm here to remind you that according to the information, two spies have been mixed into your team. Please observe carefully when completing the mission and try to find the two spies before the final mission." After confirming the team name, PD The spy information was announced directly.

Everyone habitually started to observe each other, and then used their eyes to test. Xiaofeng appeared calm, but Song Qian was a little nervous. Although Song Qian had been notified that there would be such a link before, Song Qian, who had no experience, still showed his feet.

After a trial, the three groups left for lunch separately, and the real game has just begun.