Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 1001 Chinese and Korean Spy Game (6)

The atmosphere of lunch was quite good. Everyone relaxed without the camera. Even the celebrities who have been living under the spotlight would not feel that it would be particularly relaxed under the camera.

"I really didn't expect that a spy was arranged under this setting. I just wanted to ask PD, are you showing up?" The filming continued, and Brother Chao brought Bo Rhythm when he came up.

"Please set off immediately." Unfortunately, no one matched Chao Ge in this wave of rhythm, and PD directly announced the official start of filming.

"No, this mission hasn't been released yet." Chi Chi asked with a dazed expression.

"Please get in the car first, and the task will be released in the form of text messages." PD felt a little tired. How about the program group who has not learned RM yet. As a result, the MC’s bad-failing brothers have learned seven or eighty-eight. .

"Oh, I didn't expect that this time there will be a spy." Brother Chao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Xiaofeng in the rearview mirror and said.

"Brother Chao, are you suspicious of me?" Xiaofeng looked helpless. Although he had guessed that this would be the result, he still had to do what he should do.

"Isn't Chao Ge suspecting you?" Before Chao Ge talked AB, the answer came.

"He suspects me (you)." Xiaofeng and AB said in unison. Brother Chao said that if you play with Brother Chao like this, it would be really sad.

"In fact, I think Brother Chao suspected that I was right. As long as the loyal viewers of running men can definitely see that spies are arranged regularly." Xiaofeng said with a helpless expression. Xiaofeng's meaning is very obvious. He is I'm back for the show team.

"Does Feng En often watch running men?" Deng Chao started digging holes for Xiaofeng. In the past, Deng Chao, a running guy, didn't dare to play too open for fear that other MCs could not keep up with his rhythm. Xiaofeng was not afraid when he came Now, I'm already excited to be a demon brother with Xiaofeng.

"I often watch, I'm a big fan of running men." Although he knew that Deng Chao was digging a hole, Xiaofeng jumped in very cooperatively. If he doesn't jump, he can't dig a big hole and let others jump, Xiaofeng I think Deng Chao's assists are really sharp.

"Then who do you like most among running men?" Deng Chao began to ask this very sensitive question again. Seeing Quan Zhilong’s face, AB held Xiaofeng’s injustice, Xiaofeng promised that AB ended today during the meal. After the filming, I asked Quan Zhilong to have a meal together. Of course, it was only for dinner. There were too many programs for Xiaofeng, and Xiaofeng was afraid that the leader Huang would go to Seoul to find him to play a live fight.

"Feng Enopa's favorite is Big Black Bull, because of the eyebrows." Deng Chao begged for nothing. AB answered for Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng gave this answer a thumbs-up. He didn't expect that he would still be With the gun lying down, the head of Old Deng stuffed the head of Li.

"Feng En, tell me about the rules for running men to arrange spies." Deng Chao changed the subject a little unwillingly.

"Although most MCs have worked as spies, the strongest and the weakest are rarely arranged." Xiaofeng began to behave in a good way, but was well prepared to mislead Brother Chao and Xiaofeng AB.

"This is true, but why?" Brother Chao asked after thinking for a while.

"If you think about it, if Wang Zulan is a spy, how beautiful the picture is when one person deals with six of them. If it is the old head of Li as a spy, the remaining six are much sadder, so the arrangement of spies is usually arranged. The overall strength is relatively strong, the more popular and popular MCs can also ensure that they have something to watch. Of course, this is limited to the case of no guests." Xiaofeng’s analysis was recognized by Deng Chao and AB, although it does not represent all , But most of the situation is really like this. Xiaofeng also analyzed from the perspective of the program group. Brother Chao said that Xiaofeng played like this because he didn't want to have the rhythm of friends.

"So what's the situation with guests?" AB asked aloud.

"That's a bit complicated, but basically the possibility of a guest being a spy is very high." Xiaofeng silently gave AB a thumbs up, and the assists were so timely that Xiaofeng was a little uncomfortable.

"Look, even you admit that I suspect you are fine." Brother Chao began to shine again.

"But don't forget that there are two guests today, like this situation with two spies and two guests. It would be too obvious if all the guests are arranged as spies." Xiaofeng said with a smile.

"Look, you want to divert our attention and let us focus on Song Qian. This is very suspicious." Deng Chao raised his eyebrows and felt that Xiaofeng's performance was suspicious.

Xiaofeng smiled helplessly, and looked calm when facing Deng Chao's scrutiny. After hearing Deng Chao's words, AB was a little skeptical of Xiaofeng. After all, explanation was equal to cover up, and cover up was equal to fact.

Just when Xiaofeng wanted to continue to induce as planned, Deng Chao's mobile phone used to receive tasks rang, and the first task was released.

Deng Chao took a look and handed the phone to Xiaofeng and asked Xiaofeng to announce the task. Deng Chao still did a good job in taking care of the guests. Xiaofeng said with a helpless expression that it is better to put the phone on him, Brother Chao It means that Xiaofeng is currently a major suspect, and the mobile phone must be placed in his place before it is clearly determined that Xiaofeng is not a spy.

"The first mission location is the most historical and cultural place in South Korea. Please go to the mission location to find clues. Further information will be released in 10 minutes." The mission information is simple. After speaking, Xiaofeng fell into contemplation. , And Deng Chao and AB both have dumbfounded expressions. What kind of mission information is this?

"Feng En, you are most familiar with Korea. What do you say is the location of this mission?" It took Deng Chao 2 minutes to sort out his mood before accepting such a cruel reality. The routine of the program group is getting deeper and deeper. I feel it, but it's the first time for MC to find it by myself without telling the mission location like this.

"The mission information is too vague, and I can't be sure if there is too little information." Xiaofeng also felt that the program group was playing too much.

Brother Chao and AB were speechless when Xiaofeng said this. Xiaofeng was at a loss, let alone them. Brother Chao was habitually going to other groups to investigate the situation.

"Oh, NO." After hearing Song Qian said that he was also very confused, Old Li's head collapsed a bit, Wang Zulan wanted to go back and ask PD to let them sit in the car and sit still.

"Little deer, is it appropriate for you to say that you are so confused? Why do you have to say something." Chi Chi looked at the deer with contempt and said.

"Brother Chichi, I really can't think of what it is. Besides, isn't you in charge of your brain in our team?" Xiaolu said with a grieved expression.

"I blame me, you don't provide any information for me to analyze." Chi Chi asked speechlessly, while Kai Kai was happily driving Chi Chi and Xiao Lu, just now Chi Chi was still talking to him. He was so happy that he felt suspicion that the spy was by his side.

The three groups are not in the mood to guess who the spy is now, and it is too ashamed to not think of the mission location. The program group puts such a big move on and everyone really can't adapt.

Cultural history, there are only two key words in information. Although the information is very good and vague, it makes people feel unremembered, but it is not easy to be misled by information. There are many places in Korea that can be connected with history and culture. Although South Korea’s history is not long, it’s a lot of history and cultural heritage that South Korea has made in order to put gold on one’s own face, but there is not much historical and cultural sincerity that can be mentioned at all, if there are too many words Not so shameless, always thinking about robbing China.

Xiaofeng took out his mobile phone and began to search for information on the Internet. After all, this is not a real case and it is impossible to be so bewildered. Xiaofeng also asked AB to investigate what Huaxia can think of when it comes to culture and history in Korea.

Brother Chao went to the Conan group and Di Renjie group. There was nothing to gain except ridicule and blocking the two groups. This kind of inquiries has no effect since a long time ago. Everyone has learned to mislead and hurt each other.

"The situation in other groups is the same." Deng Chao didn't worry after searching for a round of news. Deng Chao was relieved that everyone had no clue.

"Why don't we just start and go around, it's always too boring to sit here." Brother Chao, who felt bored, began to brave the water again, and he believed that his departure would definitely break the current equilibrium.

Xiaofeng already has several alternative answers in her heart. It is a bit unrealistic to look for one by one according to the route. If it goes well, the first one will be fine. If you are unlucky, the last one will be the only one you have to cry. Now there is too little information. It's impossible to confirm the location of the mission, but it's too boring to wait for further news here, so it's better to start doing something for fun.

The Sherlock Holmes group was prepared to go to Gyeongbokgung Palace under Xiaofeng's proposal. As the royal palace of Joseon, it definitely has enough relations with history and culture.

Deng Chao and AB also accepted Xiaofeng’s proposal. Deng Chao was also confident that there was nothing wrong with going to the Forbidden City in South Korea. Xiaofeng was not as optimistic as Deng Chao. In terms of tourism, South Korea’s most famous attraction might even be Gyeongbokgung. , If it’s really that simple, you can think that there is no need to segment the message so much trouble.

Seeing the Holmes group set off, the other two groups became anxious. The Conan group was okay. Chi Chi guessed that it was probably the old head Deng who was doing something, so he just went anywhere, while the Di Renjie group wanted to follow the Holmes group. After fighting for second place, the driver told them that he would not leave without a clear location.

On the way to Gyeongbokgung Palace, Xiaofeng did not sit idle but continued to search for more likely locations among several alternative locations. If the second information still does not clearly think of specific locations, then he can only continue to try Go down.

Compared with Xiaofeng, Deng Chao and AB were very relaxed, and they discussed the roadside scenery along the way.

Halfway down the road, the second reminder came. The content of the reminder was very simple. Only the word school. Seeing these two words, Xiaofeng smiled, Xiaofeng knew the answer, and asked the driver to change location. Brother Chao He said that since he was almost at Gyeongbokgung Palace, he would go to see it. In case it was Gyeongbokgung Palace, Xiaofeng firmly stated that he would change places. Gyeongbokgung Palace has nothing to do with the school.

In order to appease Deng Chao and AB, Xiaofeng had to tell her fans. Sungkyunkwan was mentioned as the most historical and cultural school in South Korea, although Sungkyunkwan is not the best school in South Korea. , But it is definitely the most historical. It was the Guoxue in the Silla period and the Imperial College in the Goryeo period. I heard Xiaofeng say that Brother Chao said that there was nothing wrong with it, but then Brother Chao said that Sungkyunkwan was so big that they couldn't find it a little bit. Mission location.

Xiaofeng said that Deng Dynasty’s problem is not a problem. Chengjun Pavilion is very large, but since history is mentioned, it must refer to the original site of Chengjun Pavilion. Although the site area is not small, it is compared to Chengjun. It's a lot better to find a museum in university.

The other two groups also received further news. After seeing the hint that it was a school, the Conan group immediately began to search for well-known universities in South Korea, and Di Renjie’s initial reaction was the same as that of the Conan group, but Song Qian was really not familiar with Korean universities. , She felt that such an investigation was unreliable, so she took out her mobile phone and prepared to contact Xiaofeng, and asked Xiaofeng to order information with him. After all, they were partners.

"Song Qian, who are you contacting?" While searching for the news, Wang Zulan didn't forget about the spy, and immediately asked when she saw Song Qian using her mobile phone.

"I am going to contact my teammates. You also know that I am really not very familiar with South Korea." Song Qian said vacantly. Fortunately, Da Hei Niu and Wang Zulan focused their attention on their teammates. Wang Zulan also strongly asked for someone. video.

Song Qian tried to find a reason to refuse and couldn't find it. It is definitely a good thing to let her teammates leave the country, but if the video is on, then there is no way to contact Xiaofeng. After Song Qian hesitated, she started a video call with Luna. In this case He is not allowed to contact Xiaofeng.

Song Qian silently hoped that Luna had no time to video with her at this time, and she could hide from Wang Zulan and Da Hei Niu by text contact, but unfortunately Luna obviously did not know what Song Qian was thinking, and she was in the nanny car. Luna, who was advancing at the next itinerary, quickly connected the video without any pressure.

"V mother, what's the matter?" Luna asked as soon as the video was connected, and when she saw two big strange faces appeared on the phone, she was so scared that Luna almost didn't throw her phone away.

"Hello." Wang Zulan and Da Hei Niu were very excited and greeted Luna in very stubborn Korean before returning the phone to Song Qian. Song Qian reluctantly told Luna about the situation.

"Did that guy Luo Fengen set off?" Before Luna could speak, Zheng Xiujing on the side spoke.

Hearing what Zheng Xiujing said about Song Qian’s black line, Zheng Xiujing and Xiaofeng did not deal with Song Qian, knowing that she can only be thankful that Wang Zulan and Da Hei Niu can’t understand Korean anymore, or the personality of these two gossips would be embarrassing. .

"Go, their team left early." Song Qian told the truth.

"Then why don't you keep up?" Zheng Xiujing said in a very contemptuous tone. She didn't like Xiaofeng because of the messy relationship between Xiaofeng and Zheng Xiuyan. As the enemy's first life enemy, Zheng Xiujing may be the most knowledgeable. Feng's person.

"Don't let you follow." Song Qian despised her sister and felt kind of embarrassed. Song Qian felt that the friendship boat was turned over and the friendship puppy was about to die.