Theron’s previous plan for Xiaofeng was based on being conservative. Although the methods and methods adopted were very conventional, they were all the safest practices in the routine category. But now Theron felt that her plan for Xiaofeng was too conservative. Now, someone as capable as Xiaofeng should use a more challenging method.

As for the identity of Xiaofeng's late-stage cancer patient and salted fish, Theron has been left behind. Although Theron is the first time to see someone like Xiaofeng in the entertainment industry, this does not mean that Theron takes Xiaofeng. no way.

The reason why he took a conservative approach before was due to Xiaofeng’s nature. It was entirely because of the relationship with his true friends and his disapproval of Xiaofeng’s development prospects. However, with the relationship still unchanged, Theron found that Xiaofeng’s future prospects were much better than She wanted to be lofty, since that was the case, Theron would not allow Xiaofeng to waste his talent as before.

Although Theron understands that no matter what kind of industry he is engaged in, it is not advisable to force people to progress, but the premise is that there is no amazing talent. As long as the talent is forced to move forward, the result is good. Now what Theron wants to do is not Waste Xiaofeng's talent.

Before, Theron felt that Xiaofeng only needed to be a second-tier Hollywood actor according to his preferences. It was not that Theron looked down on Xiaofeng, but that Xiaofeng’s personality was not suitable for climbing to a higher position. It would be better to be happy than disappointed after working hard. Do what you want with your heart, it can be said that Theron's arrangement is particularly suitable for Xiaofeng.

But now Theron’s ideas are completely different. With the cooperation project of University of Michigan, Xiaofeng can become the training target of Warner Bros. According to the work plan and recent plans of Warner Bros., Xiaofeng is fully qualified to become Warner Bros. Asia. Representative.

The new direction set by Theron for Xiaofeng is the new Asian superhero. Although Marvel has tried many times on Asian superheroes, the results are not ideal each time. The only thing is that they are not people inside and outside, and their plan is to increase the weight if the role is recognized, but unfortunately they did not see the response they wanted to see.

The guest star dragon set did not understand that the overall plan to enter Asia and enter China has been repeatedly deflated, which made Marvel decide to start from a place far away from China. The water inside is too deep, even with the size of Marvel.

As a result, the change strategy still failed to bring improvement to Marvel’s Asian plan, because historical problems suffered a big loss when choosing roles. Choosing Hong Kong and Taiwan actors did not expect a better compromise effect. Choosing Chinese actors is even more important. After being ridiculed and questioned by all kinds of ridicules, the extent to which Shangzun was online made Manwei frightened and puzzled at the same time.

After experiencing some twists and turns and unsuccessful testing of the waters, Marvel completely gave up making a fuss on Huaxia, re-opted to surround the city with rural areas, first fully open the Japanese and Korean markets, and let Huaxia see how great its benefits are. , Marvel does not believe that China’s greedy local forces will not be tempted, as long as they are tempted, the subsequent cooperation will go smoothly.

It is a pity that the island countries are dismissive of Marvel’s cooperation. To say that the superheroes are no worse than the United States, and Marvel wanted to enter the venue and was strongly resisted by the island country’s local forces. As a result, Marvel shouted that MMP China is Their ultimate goal, the island country is also shouting that the U.S. guys are so bad that they can't believe it, and the two sides can't even reach the minimum intention of cooperation.

South Korea has no troubles in this regard, mainly because the local comics and affiliated industries in South Korea are not as developed as the island countries, but the market size in South Korea is a bit small, and the results of the attempts will naturally not satisfy Marvel.

It can be said that both Marvel and DC are eager for China and the Asian market, but the excavation of the Asian market has disappointed the two. They have not found the correct way to fully develop the Asian (mainly China) market. Under this premise, Theron felt that Xiaofeng could become the first American comic superhero in Asia.

In terms of his own conditions, Theron feels that Xiaofeng is completely suitable. Although Xiaofeng's appearance is not high, he has enough extra points in terms of body. Moreover, whether it is appearance or acting skills, Xiaofeng can support a moderate superhero. The popularity of the United States is a weakness, but it is Xiaofeng's strength in Asia.

As for the external conditions, although not as good as the internal conditions, it is definitely not bad. From the current point of view, cooperation with DC is the most promising, even if there is another moth within Warner Bros., the influence brought by the University of Michigan Theron can be By cooperating with Marvel to bring DC into the army, as long as Xiaofeng's own value is sufficient, no one will ignore it, not to mention that many people now think that Xiaofeng has mastered the real way to add oriental elements, which is very good for Hollywood. The giants are very attractive. If it weren't for this aspect, further proof was needed. It is estimated that a battle for Luo Fengen would break out now.

Warner Bros. is now taking the lead, but this does not mean that Xiaofeng will choose Warner Bros. in the end. As for the contract, it is really not binding. After all, the contract only specifies the cooperation in the first quarter of the University of Michigan. The subsequent cooperation is nothing more than It's just intention 3, and even verbal promises don't have any legal benefits at all.

After being pitted by Warner Bros. once, Theron will no longer cooperate with Warner Bros. with the concept of integrity. Hanging from a tree is a very unwise choice. After spending so long in the entertainment industry, Theron has long understood With capital, you can only talk about benefits, and everything else is a joke.

Theron didn't choose to hide it, but told Xiaofeng her thoughts in a heart-to-heart way. Xiaofeng regretted the job of taking over the university, and of course he would not agree with Theron's plan.

Theron didn't argue with Xiaofeng, didn't try to persuade Xiaofeng, she told Xiaofeng that this was not to solicit Xiaofeng's opinion, but to inform Xiaofeng.

Theron’s attitude was so determined that Xiaofeng didn’t choose to resist either. Firstly, it was not suitable for resisting now. He had to focus on the script and the crew of the Secret University. Secondly, it was not wise to fight directly with Theron. The choice, for this queen-shaped woman, Xiaofeng, has a lot of psychological shadows. If you want to resist, you must first pull Keanu Reeves out and drag Theron back.

Understanding sublimation is really not a good thing for Xiaofeng. It could have been passed by, but Xiaofeng really couldn't help seeing the level of the crew’s hot eyes. It is not difficult to see the shortcomings of the script, but it is difficult to make up for these shortcomings. It will increase many times.

As a tool writer, the screenwriter has no opinion on Xiaofeng’s requirements. It is very common to change the script or even to change the script in the field of American dramas, but the situation is very good and there are no surprises, there are still such big changes in the script. It's very rare.

Although rare and unreasonable, as a tool writer, he is not qualified to question Xiaofeng's decision. Although he has recently expanded a lot, he also knows that the reason for the expansion is entirely given to him by Xiaofeng.

In terms of money, the screenwriter who sold the script and himself for a good price is nothing to be dissatisfied with. In terms of fame, it is simply a surprise. Although Xiaofeng’s opinions on the adaptation of the script were basically put forward by Xiaofeng, the role of his screenwriter It's just a scripting of Xiaofeng's opinions.

But the people who know the matter are very limited. It seems to outsiders that these credits belong to his screenwriter without Xiaofeng's request. He is also a famous book. As long as he grasps this opportunity, he can definitely become a famous person. screenwriter.

The drastically changed script is a joy and pleasure for the screenwriter as a tool. The pain is that I don’t know how long it will take to work to turn the ideas of non-professional Luo Fengen into a professional script. The happy thing is that he can be in Stealing the teacher while reflecting the value, he believes that as long as he learns Xiaofeng's way of thinking and the origin of his ideas, he will never lack job opportunities in the future.

But such drastic changes are not so friendly to the rest of the crew. The crew of the crew is better. At most, some preparations are useless, but for the camera and director, it is the beginning of suffering. They not only have to re-acquaint themselves. The script, but also to figure out what kind of picture and effect Xiaofeng wants, just thinking about it is almost depressed.

Of course, the most difficult part is the starring and main supporting actors. Patrick and Bell, who have joined the crew not long ago, are better. After all, they are not very familiar with the original script. The integration of the roles is still at a relatively early stage, but Emma and others The difference is that they are already completely familiar with the original script, and the positioning of the characters is also familiar to the extent that they are used to it. Now it is them that is the most difficult to modify the crew.

The most important thing is that after revising the script, Xiaofeng will never leave them much time to adapt. This is too difficult for Emma and others. It is difficult for them to unite and find Xiaofeng to complain.

It is imperative to change the crew. Xiaofeng will not change his mind just because of Emma and others' complaints. However, this matter is really not done by Xiaofeng. Some deliberately increased the difficulty and made it difficult for others, so Xiaofeng chose While adapting the script, I talked to Emma and others to talk about the drama. While comforting everyone, he made his best effort to help them.

Of course, fudge is indispensable for heart-to-heart talk. It is necessary to address these people’s complaints and make them believe that his idea of ​​drastically adapting the script is for everyone’s good. After all, the success of the University of Science and Technology is good for everyone. As long as the central idea exists and it can also make everyone Believe, Xiaofeng believes that even if it is difficult, everyone will not complain.

It’s better to say that Xi Xiaofeng would still be sincere. After all, the strategy adopted by this part of Xiaofeng is to find faults and find deficiencies, so that everyone feels that everything they experience is hardening for them and can help them get rid of some of the faults. Can help them solve some problems.

The process of talking to Emma was not smooth. After all, Emma's EQ and IQ are very high. After so many years in the entertainment industry and studying the occult for so many years, she belongs to the category of people who are the most difficult to fool.

Of course, the poor effect has a lot to do with the entry point Xiaofeng chooses. If Xiaofeng starts with feelings, he would not face such an embarrassing situation, but Xiaofeng who knows how embarrassing Emma dares to talk to Ai Ma Jiang just didn't dare to talk about feelings.

Fortunately, in this part of the drama, Xiaofeng has enough ability to make Emma obedient. As long as Emma does not give up her pursuit of acting skills, then this aspect is Emma’s biggest culprit, and even Xiaofeng herself can’t talk about it. A little embarrassed, making it as if he adapted the script for Emma's sake.

Although Emma doesn't believe that Xiaofeng decided to change the script for her, but she agrees that changing the script is good for her. Anyway, her main appeal in this drama is to solve the problem of acting, as long as it is related to this Nothing else is a problem.

The difference from Emma is that the main role of persuading Kello to play is to talk, no matter how bad Kello is, it is his friend that Xiaofeng cannot change. In this way, Xiaofeng can kidnap Kello with friendship without restriction. Luo, but one of the reasons is that Xiaofeng's way of speaking and acting cannot be recognized by Ko Luo. After all, Ko Luo is from a wild origin and has a mediocre IQ and acting talent.

Talking about the gains and benefits to Kolo is better than playing friendship kidnapping. Xiaofeng's countermeasures did not have any problems. After paying a meal as compensation, Kolo was very happy to forgive Xiaofeng.

Compared with Ma Dongxi, the most difficult person to deal with in Xiaofeng’s opinion, the two have the best solution. Ma Dongxi recognized Xiaofeng’s decision without even talking. For Ma Dongxi, he just wants to Make money by filming well, and Xiaofeng seems to him to be a totally unattractive existence, unless he doesn't want to continue mixing in Korea.

Patrick and Bell Xiaofeng have also not fallen. These two are more concerned about how the script will be modified, rather than what problems they will face after the modification. In Xiaofeng’s view, this is the quality that a real actor should have. There may be dissatisfaction in my heart, but I will definitely obey the arrangement.

After listening to Xiaofeng’s explanation of the direction of the script revision, Patrick, who is very sophisticated, did not make any comments except for expressing that he would obey the arrangement. However, Bell, who had not changed much after all, praised Xiaofeng’s ideas. In his opinion, Xiaofeng’s approach is truly responsible for the work. As for the so-called problems, Bell seems to be completely negligible. As a real actor, he should face more challenges so that he can continue to improve. Yourself.

After communicating with the main actors, Xiaofeng did not forget to communicate with important staff such as the director. These people only chose to talk to each other, so as to soothe everyone’s emotions and ensure that they will be well with everyone in the subsequent filming. Cooperate to minimize the impact of adapting the script.

Not to mention that Xiaofeng considers their feelings, even if Xiaofeng does not consider them, they can only accept silently. Taking money to do things here is the first principle in the United States. As long as the money is in place, they will work seriously, at most. Passive sabotage will never occur if they are not so dedicated, and the practice of ruining their reputation without integrity will definitely make them difficult to move in the circle in the future.