Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2094 is the theme song of Junior (top)

Although this kind of communication under external pressure cannot completely solve the contradictions accumulated by adolescent girls for so many years, it is still possible for them to temporarily abandon the contradictions and work together for the same purpose.

At this time, Tai Yen does not know how many times to start regretting, regretting that her captain is incompetent. If you can discover the problem early and make a decision to solve the problem, perhaps not so many problems will arise. Even now, Tai Yen has not figured out how many internal problems are not as simple as she thinks. Sometimes, even if you can be reborn with many problems, you can still not solve them. At least this is true if you don't have enough power.

Young women have not tried to communicate in the past, but unfortunately, communication will soon turn into old accounts, and old accounts will soon evolve into mutual attacks. Instead of resolving old contradictions, new contradictions emerge.

Tai Yeon didn't realize the reason until recently in a sleeping conversation with Xiao Feng. In a short time, the personality of the nine people was more powerful. Only some people showed clearly, while some people were hidden deeply. Strength was one of the reasons why they could succeed, but it was difficult to resolve the conflict when it appeared.

To put it plainly, there is less willingness to bow down first. In fact, there are many contradictions between the two sides at times. It is impossible to distinguish right and wrong at all. And even if it is right at the time, it may become wrong after such a long time. This kind of old account is the hardest to calculate.

At the time of the first appearance or the absence of great red and violet, young women may be willing to bow their heads because of each other's feelings, but when the fire inevitably swells up, it inevitably values the worthless things they thought before. Now that the feelings among young women have faded a lot, it can be said that the changes brought about over the years are huge and all-round, it is more difficult to actively bow their heads for the original events.

Luckily, Tai Yeon has not solved all of the childhood contradictions in such unrealistic way. Although Tai Yen still wants to let the childhood continue to walk, it is definitely not as stubborn as before. If there is that time, it is better to care about the present and the future.

It is an established fact that no one can change the past, but it does not mean that the relationship between young girls cannot be improved, leaving aside the past to develop new feelings among them, this is the most feasible and realistic approach.

Therefore, Tai Yeon's expectation for this exchange is that everyone can let go of each other. For this reason, it is acceptable for Tai Yeon to argue a few words or even a limited move. It is only possible to be for the future when the past is abandoned. If she persists in the past, it is only possible to go to extinction when the past is small, and Xiao Feng took more than two years to establish this kind of thinking.

Xiao Feng didn't really want to help Tai Yeon so hard, but Xiao Feng found that when she was young she had become Tai Yeon's obsession. Xiao Feng always wanted to change Tai Yeon, but she saw results in other ways and could be said to have achieved remarkable results, but when she was young, Tai Yeon's thinking about this issue after so many years may not be so naive, but there was no change at all.

Tai Yeon can't change, Xiao Feng can only change on her own, let Tai Yeon give up a little to forget that little is not realistic, then let Tai Yeon limited to change the expected value of little time, let Tai Yeon lower her psychological expectations a little, when Tai Yeon is frustrated should enter, without touching Tai Yeon's core idea to do everything possible to change Tai Yeon's thinking and practice, now more than two years of efforts in Xiao Feng has finally reached the harvest moment.

Speaking of this Xiaofeng must thank his pit aunts. Otherwise, if these aunts frustrate Tai Yeon into daily life, Xiaofeng doesn't have so many opportunities to enter. It can be said that in changing Tai Yeon, sometimes the other eight people played a great role. Although they were not well appreciative, Xiaofeng still remembered the gratitude. This is also the main reason why Xiaofeng still feels troubled when others ask for it or encounter trouble.

As she watched the communication between the pit girls explode, Tai Yeon really wanted to participate, but when she thought of Xiao Feng's three times mentioned her reverse communication ability, Tai Yeon abandoned this idea.

Although Tai Yeon does not recognize Xiao Feng's ability to communicate backwards, it is a fact that internal communication is rare and every time she is asked to participate, it becomes worse. Even if she does not admit it in her mouth and heart, Tai Yen does not dare to try it easily.

Sometimes in their private studio, talking in the heat, unknowingly they think they're fighting, okay, they're fighting, and there's a possibility of doing it.

Xiaofeng went to the studio of C-jes. He needed a quiet environment to create. Since he chose the electric dance, he had to do more work on the work. Only in this way can he guarantee a greater advantage.

Magic melody is to have some. Although this thing is now rotten, it is still valid, but the lyrics can not be as deep and simple as the saliva song. The author is fooling around.

Besides, it is also necessary to take fully into account the problem of tailoring. The lyrics must not only have a certain depth, but also be suitable for children, and it is best to write about children's real experiences and “real emotions”.

The first one is objective and cannot be processed by art. The second one has a lot of operating space, which can make the image and setting of young people more pleasant to a certain extent, and can even be forcibly cleansed once for the bad things that used to be small.

Young experience is very rich, it is not realistic to want to appear in a song, but this is not a difficult problem for Xiaofeng, people are like this, the deepest memories forever are those with headaches and ups and downs, the plain experience is not worth remembering at all, remembering forever are those major events and turning points.

Xiaofeng was ready to succeed in dealing with a few minor ups and downs and major events, starting with the Black Sea incident, which is very famous throughout the entertainment history. This is a very complicated investigation, but it is a completely silent incident.

Then it was the juvenile fire that reached its peak, then Zheng Xiuyan was withdrawn from the team and the juvenile fire was almost dissolved. The last thing involved was the juvenile bath fire reborn. Once again, it was completed in the form of nine people.

Although there are still a lot of things involved in this way, it is still a lot of difficulty to summarize a song with a few words, but there is at least room for manipulation. It will not be as much content as before. It can be completely filmed into more than a hundred episodes of a daily play.

The lyrics quickly came out under Xiaofeng's constant modification. Although some details need to be further adjusted, overall, it is a complete preliminary draft. Xiaofeng wrote TheME above the scribbled characters that resemble the alien language. This is the song Xiaofeng named, meaning the theme song. Xiaofeng hopes that this song that has been truly written and interpreted in childhood experience can become a classic of childhood. As a group of women from across the times in Korean entertainment history, the masterpiece is a drool song and is too disguised.

In fact, Xiaofeng prefers to name the song as a girl's era, but there is a change of name zone from time to time published in the runway, and this song is still someone else's. Xiaofeng can only give up such a simple, direct but effective name.

After the lyrics were completed, Xiaofeng did not go to consult with the young women. Although Tai Yeon and Sunny and other people have good musical literacy, it is difficult for them to play a role in their creation.

Even those in the row who are responsible for singing which phrase Xiaofeng is not prepared to let young women give their opinions. Seriously, when Xiaofeng is less aware, the fewer women participate, the better. It only takes less time for nine women to adjust their state in a short time. Xiaofeng is grateful to heaven and earth. Otherwise, he does not expect or dare to expect.

After making the most discretionary modifications, Xiaofeng couldn't wait to contact Tetsuro Oda. Oda didn't expect it sometimes, but the old man still had to count on it. Tetsuro Oda could not fly to Korea to provide help for medical reasons, but it was okay to exchange some opinions.

And Xiaofeng is ready to play a big, single song in four languages. There are four versions of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English. Tetsuro Oda not only needs to help compose, but the Japanese version of the lyrics also needs Tetsuro Oda to help. Although Xiaofeng has a good understanding of island culture and is even stronger in lyrics composition than Tetsuro Oda, after all, Xiaofeng does not understand the trends of island countries, but also needs Tetsuro Oda to add weight to this brand.

As for the English version of Xiaofeng is ready to invite Taylor to write all the time, the direct dimension reduction blow is no longer playable, but it is still possible to play with the momentum.

As for not looking for Ivy is not because Xiaofeng is feeling rock and roll after a few days, not to mention that Ivy can not help because of Qufeng, and that Ivy and Taylor can only choose one, the two together no matter how good the song will be changed messed up, their love and killing each other is simply incomprehensible to outsiders, opposition to each other's approval is only a routine operation.

Although the Chinese version can not find a suitable excuse object, in the confrontation with BP, the Chinese version can be said to play the smallest role. Korea is the market BP is currently competing for, the island country is the future map of BP, while English is the operation of BP on the excuse.

WG's initial failure has proved that the Korean combination alone cannot survive in Europe and the United States. The collapse of the bullet-proof youth group has also proved that forced excuse and incalculable investment are necessary. YG's arrangement of BP operation is equivalent to the combined play of both.

Compared to the intermediate choice and the uncertain high expectation in the upper term, BP has achieved a lot of results in terms of the situation. Since it is all in opposition, Xiaofeng will not be polite to YG, if you want to fight YG, you will overcome YG. Otherwise, if you want to fight with Jin Min, you will always be annoyed whether you move or not.

A multi-person video call lasted for three hours. During this period, Xiaofeng and Tetsuro Oda had the most in-depth communication. Of course, Xiaofeng was the initiator and part-time editor. Taylor was better, willing to have a lively positioning to help.

On the contrary, Tetsuro Oda always carries personal goods in his communication. If he doesn't move, he will educate him to spit a few sentences. Until today, Tetsuro Oda still hasn't abandoned the idea of having Xiaofeng focus on music.

Seeing that the old man Oda seems to be full of breath of trainers, Xiaofeng was reassured. Before knowing that Tetsuro Oda could not leave for Korea immediately for physical reasons, Xiaofeng still thought that the old man could not do it. After all, he was 66 years old and was a small Kan, and when the old man Oda was young, he was not a little tormented, it was all poisonous.

Knowing that it was just a small cold, Xiaofeng who could not come to Korea right away because of the obstruction of her children was also relinquishing her suspended heart. After all, she still had feelings for this old man Xiaofeng with a strange temper who is also a friend of her teacher.

But Oda Tetsuro still complains that listening to Xiaofeng's words to improve family relations is a mistake. Otherwise, how dare his children care about him because of the improvement of the relationship? He won't eat this and won't eat that. In Oda Tetsuro's words, it is comparable to jail. He looks cheap and sells well. Phoenix almost never finished his call.

Although the old man Oda didn't say anything, but when it came to business, Oda Tetsuro suddenly became serious. Even Taylor, who could only listen to a movie through translation software, wanted to meet Oda Tetsuro and have a good exchange of music.

According to the suggestion provided by Tetsuro Oda, the song was written in three hours of video calls. Taylor once again lamented the efficiency of Xiaofeng. She did not understand why Xiaofeng could be so fast, and every time she created it, she had to hold it for a long time. Even in recent years, she had to play isolation to create a song that satisfied her.

Tetsuro Oda has seen that Xiaofeng is quick. In his view, this is the gift given to Xiaofeng by heaven. Xiaofeng doesn't know how to cherish it. It is estimated that the old man will not be able to eat dinner this evening. Although the old man Oda will be so angry every time he conducts music exchanges, he is still happy and tireless. For him, this is the few joys and obsession left in life.

Looking at the songs and lyrics that still need refinement, Xiaofeng's face showed a smile. The problem of singing can be said to have been solved. This is equivalent to giving the most sharp weapon in a few moments. At least it can give a certain advantage in the quality of the song in a few moments. There is still confidence in Xiaofeng.

Simply sorted out, Xiaofeng began to compose, turning the song into accompaniment is not that simple. As for choreography, of course, you need to find Jin Nanyu. Xiaofeng's dance ability is acquired openly, and the level of choreography is not enough.

During the period of Xiaofeng's song creation, Zhang Yongjian's progress was also good. A lot of resources have already been destroyed. It is now up to YG to see if it will fit in. He chose a confrontation method that YG can't easily refuse. Even if the other party will doubt it, it is impossible to reject it altogether. It is best for YG to treat C-jes as a fool, so that YG has the chance to become a fool.