Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2289 Roche Fathers and Sons Daily (Medium)

Having eaten an atmosphere is still a harmonious lunch. Xiaofeng thought it was a half-time break. Just after dinner, Luo Junho called him into the study, which also heralded that Luo Junho also had similar ideas. After all, the lips, guns, tongues and swords of this morning did not separate victory and defeat. It is also normal for two men who want to continue to have strong victory and defeat.

But what surprised Xiao Feng was that after entering the study, Luo Junhao did not show any intention to continue fighting. Instead, he was concerned about Xiao Feng's personal arrangements and the operation of C-jes.

Faced with such an unusual situation, Xiaofeng thought that it was difficult for Luo Junhao to distinguish between victory and defeat and start playing with the means. A person who can still play with politicians and wealthy businessmen for so many years will not believe anyone who says that the heart is not black.

Xiao Feng was very admonished, and also showed disdain to see through Luo Junho's small means, but Luo Junho still did not give up. This made Xiao Feng a little unconscious and could only wait for Luo Junho to stop playing or to see the moment of poor dagger.

Although Xiao Feng suspected that Luo Junhao's means of play were justified, but Luo Junhao really didn't mean it. He had such a happy fight with Xiao Feng in the morning. It was a complete remembrance of his past. Although Luo Junhao did not admit his failure, he would still keep changing it. In his opinion, since the horn color of life has changed, he should make appropriate adjustments. Luo Junhao does not want to waste years of his efforts.

Of course, asking Xiao Feng about his personal arrangements and the operation of C-jes is not as simple as the purpose. Even more unlikely, it is only out of the concern of a father and father for his children. For Luo Junhao, it would be terrible if the purpose was simple.

Concerned about Xiaofeng's personal arrangement, I don't want Xiaofeng's road to be missed. After all, shaping the gold body is not so easy, but it is one-time. Once the gold body is broken, not only will the previous efforts be in vain, but it will also be greatly counterfeited.

Although in Xiaofeng's current situation, it is difficult to take the wrong path, but it is still dangerous to self-inflate. Once you inflate, it is easy to make mistakes. Once you make mistakes, it is likely to cause chain reaction. These are all to be prevented.

If caring about Xiaofeng's personal arrangements is more private, then C-jes's operation is more public.

Several major Korean political parties have entered the entertainment circle to collect funds, which shows how important money is. Although the prosecutor system does not require as much political funds as politicians, it is also very tight to rely on national fiscal allocations alone.

Before that, it was possible to share the dividends of the finance company with the police system, and the financial problems were relieved. However, in the previous period, the finance company had major problems. Not only did the company not retain them, but several senior officials of the police system were also involved to a certain extent.

Although the news did not have much coverage, Xiaofeng still understood some internal information, and then felt that it was incredibly wise to let go so simply.

Money is touching. Although many rules were strict when the finance company was founded, the way it was adopted would not give those debtors a strong sense of resistance. This allowed the finance company to provide a lot of professionals while making money in the early stages.

But people's desires are endless, and they will always want more. If the finance company has been managed by Xiaofeng, Zheng Zhishu and Li Minzhong, it may still exist for a longer time, but since knowing that the finance company will be managed by the police system, Xiaofeng has known that something will happen sooner or later. One monk will pick up water to eat, two monks will carry water to eat, and three monks will not have water to eat. Many times, it is really not as good as the more people involved.

Although the Li family is the most powerful in the police system, it can not be as effective as the prosecutor system to become Luo Junhao. Especially under the temptation of gravity, other people can unite against the Li family, so that the Li family must not give enough benefits.

Although Xiao Feng didn't think so far at the time and didn't see this day coming, but Xiao Feng let go without hesitation and handed over his share directly to Luo Junhao, who divided it into the whole prosecutor system.

If you follow the original model, even if you change people to manage, the finance company shouldn't have such a big problem so quickly. The key is that after you change people, you always want to pursue more profits. If you want to improve your profits, you must give up something. This will not only damage the image of the finance company, but also harm the interests of other forces. Originally, the finance company is a thorn in the eyes of some people. Now, of course, people who are actively making mistakes will not let go.

Although the whole matter was handled very low-key, the Li family also took the opportunity to complete a small cleaning, giving them greater rights in their own hands, but compared to losing this financial source, it is also not worth losing.

Although it is not possible to raise the standard of living of the entire police system from top to bottom with the capacity of a finance company, there are some additional revenues that are always good, especially the Police Help Fund set up by this portion of the revenues, which really helps a lot of junior police officers who encounter difficulties.

From thrift to luxury, from thrift to thrift, this extra income disappears, will definitely make the entire police system unadaptable for a period of time, not to say how much personnel to spend on the police system, that is, the soup prosecutor system loses this part of the extra income is a bit irresistible.

If the police system deserves it, otherwise they will not get into trouble if they do not have enough hearts and minds to swallow the snake, then they have never actually participated in it from the beginning. The prosecutor system that only shared the money is a little innocent, and even if the innocence is not recognized, it is also known by allies that only the benefits do not know the output, as if things are getting into trouble, just the prosecutor system output can be smoothed out. Knowing that there are many forces and interests involved in it, in such a situation, it is impossible to resist the prosecutor and the police together.

Originally the firm allies were very unpleasant, Luo Junhao was also very angry. He predicted that the finance company's model would not last long, but he did not anticipate that because this time he actually let the strongest allies out of trouble, the Li family had to “obey the public opinion” to make a posture to separate from the prosecutor system, even if the Li family had greeted him in advance, but it was still more contradictions between the two families. It must have been the police who were born with disadvantages who could not confront the prosecutor who had an absolute advantage in law. It must have been the police who suffered the more trouble.

Although Luo Junhao is not worried about the contradictions made by this alliance in the police system, it is he who has to face the internal problems of the prosecutor system. A retired person for many years still has to worry about this. There is really no one except Luo Junhao.

The problem within the prosecutor's system is the lack of money. It is also a relaxing day to get used to the impact of not having any extra income now. The practice once and for all is of course to adapt the entire prosecutor's system and get used to the day when there was no extra income.

But the pain brought about by this is something that the prosecutor system does not want to bear, and now it is Luo Junhao who has carefully prepared for it for so many years. Even at the crucial moment of the early retirement plan, if hard resistance is chosen at this time, it will have a very big impact on this opportunity.

Faced with such a situation, Luo Junhao had only one option. It was to find another source of finance for the prosecutor system. Given the time constraints and the fact that there would be no bullshit like the finance company, C-jes was the best choice.

To be honest, as his father and son wanted something, Luo Junhao was able to overcome his own heart. Not to say that he had done so much for Xiaofeng, he had done a lot to protect C-jes, which is that the old father had to give it to his son. This is the filial piety that Luo Junhao understood in order to be rational and strong.

Although the psychological construction is easy to do, it is this mouth that is really difficult to open. In Luo Junhao's view, C-jes is the heart and blood of his son. Although it seems that some of the benefits taken away are far more advantageous than disadvantages to Luo Junhao, it is he who does not know whether Xiao Feng will understand this. If he misunderstands that his father is helping outsiders to grab his son's things, it will be troublesome. If the unfortunate son has an exciting choice to sue, it is likely that his efforts over the past few years will be returned overnight.

Although there was hesitation and worry, it should still be said that after all, the plan was the heart and blood of many people. The prosecutor system involved too many people. Luo Junhao could not take no action because of his own gains and losses. It was not how noble Luo Junhao was, but since it was him who initially made the decision, and it was him who dominated the plan, he had to assume responsibility, and the father and son could reasonably be said to have paid the debts.

What surprised Luo Junhao was that when he hesitated to say this request, Xiaofeng showed exceptional calm. The calm made Luo Junhao worry whether it was the storm behind or the storm, but it was not the storm that came in his fear, but Xiaofeng seriously asked several questions.

Although Luo Junhao's request sounds quite unacceptable, not knowing enough about the inside is definitely too much to ask, or too much without centipede.

However, Xiaofeng can still consider Ro Junho's proposal. This is due to the trust that Ro Junho will not use this way to pit his son. It is also due to Xiaofeng's feeling that the pressure brought on him by C-jes is increasing.

The simple composition of equity is important for an upswing company, but when C-jes became a giant, the simple composition of equity became a shackle of the company's development, and even caused C-jes a lot of checks and balances and troubles because it became the fat in the eyes of too many people.

Now in Luo Junhao Yuwei in those people do not dare to go too far, but who can guarantee how long Luo Junhao's deterrence will last, and how patient those people are, this is equivalent to a time bomb, once it really erupts, no one knows what will happen.

Xiao Feng really wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb as if she didn't know anything, but C-jes involves too many people. In this respect, Xiao Feng and Luo Junhao's thinking is very similar. Don't say how C-jes was obtained, don't care what role he played in the company's development, don't care how important C-jes is in his own heart. Just that C-jes is Xiao Feng's, and many people in the company joined him. Xiao Feng felt that he had to be responsible for the company.

Xiao Feng had not figured out how to take responsibility. As a result, Luo Junhao gave an answer. Xiao Feng understood that Luo Junhao's consideration was unlikely to be on the same channel as his, but from Xiao Feng's point of view, someone sent him a pillow even if he was asleep.

Although Xiaofeng did not believe that Luo Junhao would die in the pit, but there were several problems that needed to be confirmed. The first was how much it cost to ask the prosecutor system to carry the pot. Xiaofeng did not want C-jes to follow YG's old path, and it was really fatal to conduct outsiders.

Not to mention C-jes like SM, every time you want to implement any plan has to go through a long discussion and modification, S, M why obviously dominate in many aspects, but eat so much on JYP, not because the reaction speed is too slow, step by step, step by step, although hard strength can eat a good amount of shit, but definitely can not catch up with the hot.

Xiao Feng doesn't mind making the prosecutor system the backstage of C-jes, but he definitely doesn't want the prosecutor system to play the role of outsider guidance. Although the prosecutor system is still relatively united, it is the experience of the finance company's previous car. Xiao Feng can't take such a big risk to bet on others' good work.

On this question, Luo Junhao's answer satisfied Xiaofeng very much, and Luo Junhao really did not think that he shouted 30 percent of the unfortunate son actually agreed, painfully to Luo Junhao a little shame, even wanted to remind Xiaofeng whether to reconsider, even to hint that Xiaofeng can really bargain.

Although Luo Junhao had a reason why he had to do this, and it was difficult to explain the reason, but he would still consider Xiao Feng's feelings. He really didn't expect his son to be so generous. At the same time, it was even more unfortunate that Xiao Feng could not go down according to his arrangement.

In Xiaofeng's view, using 30% of the shares to solve the current difficult problem of C-jes once and for all, is worth 10 points. Xiaofeng just wants to ensure absolute right to speak, that is, 40% of them have been negotiated. Now there is a difference of 10% from the psychological price, which is to leave more parts for rewarding executives and important artists. Xiaofeng feels that there is no reason to refuse.

Xiao Feng did not know that there was room for negotiation, but considering that Luo Junho's son had definitely encountered a difficult problem, there was a reason to do so, considering that doing so would make Luo Junhao feel guilty, so that she made a compromise on the following issues, Xiao Feng really felt a little painful and worthwhile.

As Xiao Feng hoped, then Luo Junhao agreed to several requests made by Xiao Feng without hesitation. In Luo Junhao's view, the price only had to be negotiated and other truly unimportant, what he lacked was money.

Luo Junhao really didn't expect that the problem he had had for so long had been solved so that Luo Junhao had an unrealistic feeling. As soon as he thought of himself preparing so much, it was like laughing at him that he had never really understood his own son, Luo Feng-en. This made Luo Junhao truly experience what a sense of loss is for the second time.