Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2327 New Side Business (Finished)

Temporary agreement did not make Tai Yeon's side business plan smooth. When the content of the discussion became normal, some loopholes and disadvantages in Tai Yeon's plan were exposed.

The first objection was made by Sunny. For Sunny, she may not really care about money, but she really cares about the process of making money. She really enjoys the feeling of security that money brings to her. Sunny is probably the one who knows best about young women.

Sunny has no opinions on the two parts of the pet park and the pet hospital. Although it is not a new industry, it cannot enjoy the benefits of entering the field one step ahead, but it is only necessary to have a clear position and do it well enough. In the case of the pet market expanding year by year, it is not difficult to make money. Sunny really doesn't care whether to make big money. If you want to make big money, you have to find her sister, Faofeng, not her sister, Jin Taiyan.

Just make Tai Yeon happy. Sunny doesn't even mind losing a bit of money. Anyway, it won't be as much as she earned by holding Xiaofeng's thigh. All she has to do is remember her well and continue to make money with her.

However, it was Tai Yen's idea to run a pet shelter and ambulance station. In Sunny's view, it was not a question of earning money or losing money. If it was done well, it would not be of much benefit. Once it was not done well, it would definitely be an endless affliction. This kind of labor was not pleasant and it was easy to put yourself in the pit. Sunny would never support it.

Sunny doesn't mind doing something within her reach and meaningful, and she doesn't mind contributing to the rescue of small animals, but is Sunny never going to be personally involved and donating money outside of it?Why do you have to get involved?

The Korean Animal Protection Association was exposed once recently, and many people realized that regardless of the industry, it actually has a shadow. The donation can really be used in positive places, which is estimated to be less than half. Because of the lack of supervision, it is difficult to form a perfect regulatory system, and because of the high mobility of personnel, more than half of the staff are volunteers, which gives some people in the Association a very large operating space.

Otherwise internal strife for the unequal distribution of benefits, it is difficult for the relevant departments to find substantive evidence in the investigation. After all, there are not too many things that can be written in the protection of animals. No one can think that this kind of loose organization of public interest can actually become an industry, and it is still an industry with very large profits.

Fortunately, animal protection associations are only officially recognized, and their functions and rights are limited. Otherwise, it is estimated that the entire pet market will be under the control of animal protection associations.

After the inside was exposed, a variety of horrifying shadows followed. Some more radical citizens even took the subject out and shot him for ten minutes in outrage. Many hostages asked how much money the Animal Protection Association had received for so many years was obviously not spent on animal protection. How much of this money was actually spent, how many people took it, and what kind of responsibility and punishment each involved. Even if the prosecutor system fully intervened, it ultimately failed to give an accurate and satisfactory answer.

Although things have been going on for some time, the related pet industry is not as windy as it was originally, and the cold winter of the whole industry is also gone, and the market is slowly returning to warmth. After all, what happened was the protection association, an unofficial organization, and it is inevitable that the trouble will have an impact on the industry, but it will not bring a fatal blow.

Although many people suspect that the industry is problematic, they are unable to produce substantial evidence, and many people who eat this bowl see opportunities in the crisis and come forward as positive models.

Although several of them tried to catch the fish's own evil fruits, it was some of them who had the capital and ability to stand on their feet.

In such a situation, Sunny admits that it is a good idea to have a pet hospital and a pet park, at least during the valley period. If everything goes well, there is a great deal to do.

But being a pet shelter and ambulance station is equivalent to taking the initiative to deliver it to the gunpoint. Now that the wind wave has just passed, there are still a lot of people who keep paying attention. The people who go in and divide the cake themselves are hated. Those competitors will definitely use these to write articles. If they are not careful, there may be a big problem. Sunny can accept the loss of money, but can't bear more risks than that.

Sunny's way of seeing was supported by almost everyone except Tai Yeon, which made Tai Yeon very unhappy. Tai Yeon admitted that Sunny said that there was a certain reason, but it was so pessimistic that Tai Yeon should not have thought. Everything was possible before the incident, and compared to the pet park and the pet hospital, it was obvious that the shelter and the ambulance station were more meaningful and more in line with Tai Yeon's needs. Otherwise, if it was not good for the side business and there was no profit, Tai Yeon wanted to take the latter two as the main part, and the hospital and the park were incidental, serving the former.

It is said that Tai Yeon feels that her plan is fine, but everyone is against it, and Tai Yeon is not alone. After all, she is a pregnant woman. It is impossible to do things in person. The reason for pulling the sisters in is to hope to find help in this way. And even if things can be done in person, it is difficult to implement the plan in Tai Yeon's own situation. Of course, Tai Yeon will never admit this.

Xiao Feng, who was in charge of guiding, was very relieved. Sure enough, there were still people who understood. Tai Yeon's thinking was not only too rough, but there were many places that were not considered. It was not good to put too subjectively on Tai Yeon Tai Yeon's body. Not only was Tai Yeon's head not wronged, but she also suffered very well.

Of course, with Tai Yeon's character, it is impossible for her to abandon the overall plan. In such matters, Tai Yeon needs a terrible face, and some ideas will be difficult to change once they emerge. Kanazawa's death has been in Tai Yeon's heart for too long. Besides, Tai Yeon really wants to get a side job for the child in her stomach. With this dual support, not to mention that it is difficult for both the girls and Xiaofeng to change Tai Yeon's thinking.

But Van Tai Yen's will is not strong enough, but Van Tai Yen's head is not so iron, and will not come to this day in a short time. Therefore, it is impossible to let Tai Yen abandon her plan altogether. The only feasible way is for Tai Yen to slow down the pace and get it from the simpler part first. As for how it will develop afterwards, it can only take one step to see.

As for Xiao Feng's proposal to show the two riskier projects of abandoning the shelter and the ambulance station, Tai Yeon disagreed, but the objective situation did not allow Tai Yeon to play alone. Now the cargo sisters in the pit no longer support her. If Xiao Feng no longer supports her, no matter how unwilling Tai Yeon, her side business plan will miscarry.

By comparison, Tai Yeon finally chose a compromise, just as Xiao Feng said, but no one will let her give up the original idea. When the pet park and the pet hospital are on track and make the exit tablet, Tai Yeon will immediately carry out the next plan.

Faced with such a situation, Xiaofeng tried to persuade Taiyan again. It was easy to say, but it was not so easy to start up the side business. Everything needed to be coordinated. The process would take a long time.

As for getting into formality as Tai Yeon wanted, he didn't know how long it would take. He didn't say whether the word of mouth could be made or not, but the time it would take to make it would definitely exceed Tai Yeon's psychological expectations.

When it really arrives, Tai Yeon will not choose to continue Xiao Feng do not know, there are some things that no one can really predict, but Xiao Feng believes that there is a period of time as a buffer. At that time, Tai Yeon is expected to have a child already. This child with Tai Yeon's high expectations will definitely attract Tai Yeon's attention and make Tai Yeon willing to spend a lot of energy. At that time, Tai Yeon who has no spare time will probably choose to be dumped in charge of the cabinet, more artists do the side business, just pay and name, and entrust the specific business to competent professionals.

Although Tai Yen compromised, it was her pit girls who were not very satisfied. Just as Tai Yen knew them very well, they also knew Tai Yen very well. It was basically impossible for Tai Yen to give up even if it was the limit. Several of them, led by Sunny, began to hesitate. After all, compared to being later by Tai Yeon, it was definitely a better choice to let go. There was a pig teammate around who was very scary, and there was a big, very scary teammate who was even more scary.

However, considering that such an exit was not a good option, they finally chose to take a step and look at it. They first accompanied Tai Yeon to make up the side business, and it was too late for Tai Yeon to leave when she wanted to be alone.

In order to ensure the absolute right to speak, Tai Yen decided to absolutely control the stock. This idea did not encounter much resistance. After all, JK's example is right in front of us, and this pattern is conducive to development and management. Otherwise, with the true relationship of young women, it is estimated that they will disintegrate from the inside without competition.

Taiyuan's sudden curiosity finally has a good development. Xiaofeng finally has a reason to reassure Taiyuan about raising a baby. Although Taiyuan is in a recovered mood, she really eats the incense. Not only keeps the proper amount of exercise, but even the insomnia caused by nervousness is cured. Then she eats and sleeps and eats, so Xiaofeng has a kind of visual sense of raising a pig.

Tai Yeon who has experience is not as cautious as last time. The corresponding Xiao Feng's words are not so useful. Even Tai Yeon proposed to let Xiao Feng do yoga with her as a pregnant woman. Last time she recovered her figure, she almost did not torture Tai Yeon madly. This time, she must be proactive, otherwise in the current lifestyle, Tai Yeon feels that even if she is not fed to a fat woman, she will definitely become a strong woman.

Considering the many benefits of doing yoga, Xiaofeng barely agreed that flexibility is very common, but for Xiaofeng, this is definitely torture. As for how long to be tortured, it depends on how long Tai Yeon can persevere.

Unfortunately, a few days after the day of cessation, the young ladies had problems again. On how much money to invest, and how much each person should give out, nine people had huge differences.

Sisters and relatives also have to settle accounts, and there is no precedent to follow this time. JK would trade shares with a proxy, and Zheng Xiuyan with Xiaofeng's funds is not short of money.

Although Tai Yeon also received Xiao Feng's support this time, the situation is completely different. It is feasible to change shares in the clothing industry where popularity can play a large role, but it is possible to change to the pet industry where popularity can play a role. It is not as simple as discounting, and even improper operation can be counterproductive.

With how much investment and how much role to play in the distribution of shares, this is the best choice than the more regular way, but except that Tai Yeon can definitely reach a consensus on holding shares, how to divide other shares is different from everyone's thinking.

If Tiffany is willing to invest more, Tiffany decides to eliminate this because she wants to support Tai Yeon, and because she really prefers this side business to herself. Plus, she has only spokesperson for this personal business. It is normal to want to occupy more points.

There are forces who do not want to invest more. The force represented by sunny is basically worried about the future development of this side business. It is normal for them to think like this because of Taiyan, which is an unstable factor.

There were two other people who didn't think of any money. Xiaoyuan and Jin Nanyu's dance room had just been expanded because they couldn't afford it. Considering that neither of them had any commercial talent, they simply went to study the sound expansion of Luo Feng En. Even if the dance room did not develop smoothly, they at least left behind real estate.

Plus Kim Nam Blessed funded several dance troupes to promote the dance room and to achieve the dream in a more indirect way. Xiaoyuan really has no money.

Another person who is unwilling to pay is Xiuying. Xiuying's performance has been strange before. It is even stranger now that he is unwilling to pay. No one knows what Xiuying is thinking. Those who try to find out are all touching soft nails.

Anyway, Xiuying's attitude is very firm. That's to ask her to help, but it's definitely not to pay for the shares. It's like throwing money at Tai Yeon like beating a dog with a meatbag. Even if this is the truth, Xiuying shouldn't care about the money.

No one wants to go deeper into Xiuying's strange performance. If they don't want to ask Xiuying, they will also say, just as she and Zheng Jinghao almost got divorced at the beginning, that kind of thing can be spread out. Even Xiaofeng can't think of anything Xiuying can't say.

Ultimately, it was still Xiaofeng who distributed the shares. Although there was no one who was really satisfied, it was at least within an acceptable range. Sometimes it really belonged to the side business of their team and thus entered the preparatory stage.

Young women showed their spirituality, while Taiyen was enjoying it while adopting a child with peace of mind. Taiyen was good at it. Although the process was a little twisted, it was extremely successful in terms of results.

And in Tai Yeon's view, this side business is planned by her from nothing to nothing. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction obtained is not comparable to the side business of Tai Yeon's cabin, which has no relationship with her sincerely except her name.