Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2369 Bieber's Mind Don't Guess

Once again, he determined that his feelings towards Bieber were complicated, and Xiao Feng became an official step. It was up to an artist not to lose his honor. To be honest, such an official step can't be blamed for so much dissatisfaction.

The government has decided to give up, but Bieber does not want to let go so easily. To be honest, Bieber is a wild man. In the country of freedom in the United States, scolding an official is simply routine. Of course, Bieber cannot let go of the Korean official who runs away without causing trouble. A furious spray shows the style of his mad dog Bieber.

Facing the official dissatisfaction, Xiao Feng is also very helpless. On the topic of hate, Xiao Feng thinks that he still has conscientiousness, but this time the target is Bieber. As a hatred of a mad dog, it is called a confusion. Xiao Feng has really tried his best, but helpless is Bieber does not even care about Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng realized that if the government could do it, he should go to Biebergang. He pretended not to be and then ran. This way of doing things was really annoying, but as a family member, Xiao Feng really didn't have much to say. He could only harden his scalp and continue to show his ability to pull hate.

I don't know if Bieber sprayed enough, or if he remembers that Luo Feng 'an was his main target, anyway, one hour after the official exit, Bieber finally gave up the whip corpse. To be honest, even the United States did not like Bieber, how could it be possible to kill South Korea, the South Korean official is also considered to be humiliation.

This has made the people who have been eating melon dissatisfied by 10%. This time, the official side can show that the tough operation can be said to have lost the wife and folded the soldiers. Not only the purpose has not been achieved, but the public's opinion has been made larger, and the official side swallowed the bad consequences of the missing measures.

Fortunately, they chose to leave in time, and chose Xiao Feng wiser to rescue them. Otherwise, they would be more embarrassed. After Xiao Feng sent out an invitation from Bieber, he was really facing Bieber. When he came up, it was a crazy dog-style climbing, or the familiar smell.

Honestly, after confirming that Bieber could become a good enemy to send the attack, Xiao Feng not only relaxed his mind, but also had a greater tolerance towards Bieber. He knew that it was not worth it, but he still felt sorry for Bieber.

Xiao Feng realized that it was better to be an honest singer than this strange brain circuit. He used talent and talent in music to correct the way. Other fields were not really suitable for him.

But this kind of good words Xiao Feng will never tell Bieber, this kind of thing of asset enemy is absolutely unable to do, and even Bieber will think of Xiao Feng as a mockery of him, the end result is only to put more Xiao Feng in the heart.

To be honest, before the short soldiers met, Bieber thought about a lot of ways to deal with Xiaofeng, but it was true that opposite sides, Bieber found that many tricks could not be used, which made Bieber feel very reluctant, although he was unwilling to admit, but after several failures, Bieber even if he saw Xiaofeng madly, it was a bit of a beating.

There was a back and forth situation, the result was that the Korean people began to throw up the official square again, and Robert Fengn was only an artist. The result was that he did not easily defeat Bieber when comparing the results, but he also had the advantage. Everything was afraid of the most intuitive comparison. Some angry people started to shout to the official side to make mistakes, even the voice of the lower stage was not small.

To tell the truth, it is the official side that has stepped down from the stage. If the cause and effect is mistaken for this recognition, it is considered to be the creation of a precedent. For the last official side, the public chose to pretend to die. Anyway, the people's memory is very poor. After a while, they will forget about this matter. Anyway, the official side has become accustomed to being questioned. Regardless of the attitude of the people, they only need to make a big mistake to let the political opponent catch the deadly grip, and the day can still pass.

Xiao Feng has caught fire with Bieber on this side, and the plan of Song Yunshi's two pipes has begun to work. Song Yunshi is very fortunate that he has paid enough attention this time. He has sent a strong general at the exploration stage. If he knows his plan, he will not face the question of whether to change people. If he does not change people's abilities, he will not necessarily be able to fulfill the needs of the plan. If he does not change people, it will inevitably become a small impact.

This route in the plan can't be rushed. Even if the stench is similar, Lars no longer has any resistance, and the route needs a short time to prepare, so although the route is a longer-term planning, it is still auxiliary in the positioning of the current stage.

Before Lars makes his decision, influence Lars to make a favorable decision in a subtle way.

Knowing that the route is positioned as auxiliary, Song Yunshi's energy is put on the plan, to be honest, whether or not it can succeed Las, Song Yunshi does not know, time is short task urgently, Song Yunshi can not fully understand Las, and those things that happened between Las and Bieber, based on the current situation, Song Yunshi can only guarantee the opportunity.

Since he was beaten with a golden face, Song Yunshi has become a prudent and cautious man. On the one hand, Song Yunshi can no longer stand defeat. On the other hand, this kind of beating makes Song Yunshi feel particularly embarrassed. The basic trust between people has been abandoned by Song Yunshi. He can't even trust himself now, let alone others.

The process of contacting Lars was quite smooth. I heard that Taylor's studio was interested in working with him, and Lars showed some interest. The reason for his lack of interest was that he was probably worried about the future. After all, if it was just another boss raising the income, it would be meaningless to him.

Lars' own pursuit of material aspects is not high, otherwise it is certainly impossible to persist until it is discovered by Arthur Boy, and it is even more impossible to serve Arthur Boy and Bieber for such a long time. If it were not for the dream, the fire in the heart would still exist, and Lars, whose desires are not high in other aspects, would not even have such a great opinion of Bieber.

Lars, who was a few years older than Bibbo, was no longer young, and with his family, he could not dare to reckon with everything he had done for a slime.

Although there is a considerable gap in what is being done more initially, it is at least being done to meet his and his family's survival needs, which is important for Lars who has experienced chronic hunger.

Although Taylor is much better than Bieber in word of mouth, and some self-knowing Lars does not think that he may become Taylor's boyfriend, he has to consider Taylor's relationship with Bieber, and consider whether Taylor is using him to strike Bieber.

Lars may not care to be the weapon to attack Bieber in the hands of others, but he must worry about whether Taylor will give up on him when he arrives. Then he will not lose money. Lars does not think that at this age he will still worry about his livelihood.

Lars' worries Song Yunshi can understand, but how to eliminate such worries, it is difficult for Song Yunshi, even if oil Taylor personally made a guarantee, estimated that Lars is also difficult to trust, and Song Yunshi did not realize that letting Taylor and Lars contact is a good way to do it, after all, in this aspect of playing shady tricks, Taylor has always been successful and defeated, which makes Song Yunshi take advantage of Taylor's at the same time, but also have to guard against it.

And apart from letting Taylor appear to convince Lars, Song Yunshi really couldn't think of any other way to dispel Lars' doubts at the moment. As a result, when things were going to be deadlocked, it was still of great help to identify the auxiliary route of acquaintance.

Although Lars would not easily trust each other, especially after having worked with Arthur the Boy and Bieber, Lars, who had few friends, was really in need of some advice at this time, even if it was enough to encourage him.

Even if the original solicited opinions, it was not his turn to encourage new friends, but it was helpless that Lars' circle of friends was very small. He was sufficiently familiar with the people who could speak in his heart. He basically knew Bieber. He had several experiences that Lars could not guarantee that his front foot would solicit opinions. What he said on the back foot would not go into Bieber's ear.

In addition, Song Yunshi's subordinate general is a real and very personal charm, and in a deliberate meeting, he left Russ with an insightful impression in music and other aspects. In the meeting, Song Yunshi's subordinate general became an unexpected but also a key person in the relationship.

Lars took Song Yunshi by surprise. Fortunately, this surprise was not serious. Even if he didn't prepare in advance, he could cope with it completely.

When the acquaintance confronted Lars with the twisting and pinching inquiry, he did not say anything full of allusions, let alone give a clear answer, even Lars' expectation of the suggestion appeared, he just asked Lars a few questions, and then pointed out that if he chose to rely on Lars' own decision.

The first question he asked was whether the former musical dream of Lars was still cut off. This question was actually bullshit. If it was true, there would be no such situation.

The second question was whether Bieber was worth the opportunity he gave up on. Although Lars did not give a clear answer, he could see from his expression that Bieber was not worth it.

The third is whether this opportunity is worth the risk. Although Lars' answer is that if he can decide, he will not ask, but it is obvious that Lars has already moved his heart, and the worst thing is just to make up his mind.

In order to highlight the people who know each other, the fourth question is whether Lars' family will support him. According to past experience, it is often impossible to find family support in the path of pursuing dreams.

Lars also recognized this very much. He was so hesitant that more than half of the reasons for his hesitation were in the family. As for Bieber's words, they were really not worthwhile. The feelings of the past had already been polished.

Directly pointing to a few key questions, so that Lars felt that he had found the right person. This style of communication is Lars' favorite. This is also mentioned in Song Yunshi's more professional writing for Lars. You can say that this way of questioning, sister-in-law came to Lars' itch. Although it seems that he didn't say anything, it was definitely affecting Lars' decision.

Ultimately, Lars decided to go to Taylor's studio and even wanted to meet Taylor for a brief exchange. Thinking of Song Yunshi's acquaintance, he proposed that it was necessary to look at the studio, but it was not necessary to meet Taylor.

Regardless of Taylor's purpose, the meeting will only affect Lars to make the right decision. Seeing Lars' face lost, he explained.

Assuming that Taylor came with the purpose of striking Bieber, the credibility of what Taylor said in the communication was in doubt, and everything else he did could be seen as being done to achieve the purpose.

Assuming that Taylor is truly attracted to Lars' talents and abilities, it is difficult for Lars to fairly evaluate what Taylor has said after making a preconceived judgment. Therefore, it is better to see the truth when meeting with him to influence the judgment.

Lars eventually accepted his new friend's suggestion, which ultimately led to Lars making a decision and Lars tilting toward Taylor.

The requirements to visit the studio quickly got full. After fully considering Lars' preferences, Song Yunshi made a plan that was very needle-to-needle. Although this plan did not involve Taylor, it seemed that there were some shortcomings in the United States, but considering Taylor's ability to do bad things, Song Yunshi realized that it was a good thing not to pursue perfection.

Lars' visit to the biggest touch is that Taylor's studio is his ideal working environment. Everyone's conversation is related to music every moment. Several of the main members in the studio are very talented in music.

Although the communication time is not long, it brings a lot of feelings to Lars. Such an environment is his ideal environment, which is the environment in which he should pursue his musical dreams.

In contrast, Lars feels that his current working environment is not only full of the smell of lust and money, but also not purely about creation. This gives Lars a sense of staying with the poop all day, or else his will is strong. It is estimated that he has been corrupted in such an environment for a long time, becoming a songwriting machine created to make money.

When he thought about his life almost becoming like that, Lars was particularly afraid. At this time, Lars remembered those four questions, and then gave clear answers to three of them in his heart.

The first answer is that his dream is still there. Although many years have passed, it is that his dream has not been forgotten. Instead, he thinks that his heart for pursuing dreams has become hotter and hotter over the years, and dreams are not so far away.

The second answer is that Bieber is not worthy of that rotten man, these years than Bieber barely gave him a richer living environment, but he made more money than Bieber, but the most important thing is that Bieber never really respected him, completely regarded him as a gunman who swung away immediately, before Lars thinks that Bieber is his friend, now Lars does not know whether to use the enemy to target Bieber, Bieber seems to have disappeared after the pressure of life to pursue the biggest stumbling block on the road of dreams.

The third answer is that the risk is entirely worth taking. Even if the final dream is lost, if the work environment is what he sees, then it is a good thing to change the work environment. Even if Lars now feels that Taylor really came to the door with the purpose, it seems that it is not unacceptable. He is not the green boy who does not understand anything in the blood. He understands that if he wants to get it, he must pay.