Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2488 Taiyuan's Physique of Troubles (Middle)

From the perspective of Jin Shenying, it was a good choice to remove Liu from Shi Dongman, but it was Jin Shenying who obviously did not know much about the situation, so there was a miscalculation about Liu's influence on Shi.

When he heard Liu Jishi's name, the director of the program team was a little hesitant. He could reach the position of popular program director. He mainly relied on his seniority, and there were some lucky ingredients in it. After all, there were not many people who saw the charm of marriage at the beginning. He also picked it up as a convenience.

Although there are many negative rumors about Liu Zeshi, it is certainly not guilty for his old fatty bars. After all, Liu Zeshi wanted to wear small shoes.

The director has an important and small way of thinking. He thinks that both sides should take a step back. After the completion of the program catalogue, everyone can be happy. As for the next program guest is not Jin Taiyuan, and then do the ideological work of Jin Shenying and Shen Fengshan, this matter is even completely solved.

Unfortunately, he thought it was very good, but there were people who were unwilling to cooperate. This person was planning. If it was a few months ago, Liu Zishi was planning this place, it was still very deterrent, but now, he was not really afraid of Liu Zishi.

Don't mention whether or not the production degree can get the project is not a deputy position to calculate, even the corrected job can not be arbitrarily and exclusive, just want him to go through which step smoothly from planning to producing, that Liu Zishi is not really influenced by him.

And from the bone, there are some people who want to take the variety art as a springboard, and they don't look down on Liu Zishi. In this way, there are a lot of people, but there are not many people who show it.

Why did Liu initially think of retreating behind the scenes or even going into politics? It was because several things happened to Liu in succession, so that Liu realized that no matter how hard he tried, he could not get rid of the despicable chain of the Korean entertainment circle.

Liu in Shi in the field of MC, has been made unprecedented in the ancient people, and after that, there is no necessity for the high level of visitors, influence and audience support rate has been ranked first in the year, failed to stay on the entertainers' income ranking, solely because Liu in Shi has never made money as the primary goal, popular but is a spokesperson for very little.

But even such a great god could not escape the despicable chain of the Korean entertainment circle. Usually, it may not be seen, but it was in a special environment for special occasions, and it immediately showed ten points.

This is also the good attitude of Liu Jishi. If someone were to change, something might happen. However, even if Liu Jishi's attitude is good, he cannot pretend that nothing has happened. Liu Jishi is also a person who needs to be honored, so he has the idea of raising his status in another domain.

The South Korean entertainment scorn chain has always existed, but it does not attract much attention. Many people are used to it, and even regard it as a tradition. This situation not only occurs in South Korea, but it is only more obvious in South Korea.

Strictly speaking, the status of idol and funny artist has been improved, but it is still the bottom of the entertainment scorn chain, the penultimate and penultimate brother.

Idol is so positive about transformation, on the one hand because the popular idol to eat is very unstable, no one knows how long can fire, on the other hand, is idol's position in the entertainment circle is very low, the circle people's despise and the fans' pursuit of the strong contrast is not everyone can bear, even can bear to try to change.

In a situation where it is impossible to eliminate the chain of scorn, and in a situation where it is impossible to break the convention, then climbing up the chain of scorn becomes the only path.

Unfortunately, there are not many idols that have truly succeeded in being transformed. A large part of them have also been transformed into singers and half-suspended actors. They can be truly recognized and replaced by new ones. There are really few of them.

Otherwise, how could there be so many people who obviously can take the shortcut, but they chose another path that they didn't know when to start. To take this path of idol, they only need to have their own strength to seize the opportunity to be famous quickly, but what about being famous? In addition to being popular with fans, are there other benefits?

The low status is basically better than the funny artist's loss, it seems very promising, but the fact is that the vast majority of the money is company's, if the first child labor contract is terminated, it can be a lot better in the peak situation, if the first contract is not terminated, it will be sad.

Even if the red time is long, the idol can get much less money than the outside world evaluates, the popularity is past the clouds, there is no guarantee about the money, this is the many people choose the other way, the choice prefer the actor on this road silent for many years of the root cause.

The rise of diverse arts has brought some changes to the entertainment industry, but it is really limited. Money and popularity can be obtained by easier-to-obtain East-West idols and funny artists, but the status is especially that of other domains. It is not that idols and funny artists can be demanding.

An actor goes to play diverse arts, which used to be called self-gaming, but nowadays the actor also needs to eat and be popular. Even so, there are many actors who reject diverse arts by 10 points, and the difficulty of playing diverse arts to enter the film and television circle is simply epic.

Why is Raphne so sought-after? Whether it is because of the speed of his rise is legendary, or because of his transformation from a funny artist to an actor to a film emperor is magnificent.

Even so, Xiao Feng was tortured because of the origin of the funny artist, and suffered unfair treatment in the three awards. For the three prizes in Korea, origin is ten times more important, Xiao Feng's situation is equivalent to an ordinary robbery, and they should be excluded from needle and needle.

Although Xiao Feng won, but in the view of the vast majority of people in the film and television circle, the needle pair of the three awards is not wrong. They are mistaken for losing. They are mistaken for being beaten and not standing upright. The result of resisting is to make the degree of attention go higher and higher. The result is that Luo Fengn, who occupies the eloquent position, has won the all-out victory with the support of the official, so that the three awards must not be shuffled again to cope with the crisis of public credibility, and must not be humbled in exchange for the handshake and the peace with Luo Fengn.

Even if the defeat is so tragic, the three awards have not been shaken. After all, the three awards are the entertainment brands for South Korea, which can promote competition internally, so that the practitioners have a head start. There are still many people with pictorial names, and the recognition of the awards is still very important.

This is one of the hallmarks of Korean entertainment culture. Although it is only entertainment, it still has a lot of role. At least it gives Koreans the bragging capital, but it is the real gold content of the three awards. It is really unimaginably large. If it is to maintain the gold content, there will not be so many awards concentrated on several people.

It is not difficult to cast a local film emperor or even a leading figure of an era with three awards, but it is unrealistic to want to complete the breakthrough of the Korean entertainment circle with three awards. Even the most important overseas market island countries in South Korea do not recognize the three awards, let alone anywhere else.

The reason why so many people chose to support Luo Fengn between the three awards and Luo Fengn is mainly because Xiao Feng went out of the country on his own, and also became the famous and real overseas first person.

But even if it is C-jes back to Luo Feng 'en, such a person who crawls from the bottom of the chain to the top with one's own strength, in the view of some people, it is only an artist, let alone the influence of the limit of Asia's Liu Jishi.

It was a bit ridiculous to say. It was clear that the cooperation between Luo Feng 'an and C-jes and SBS was the closest, and the relationship was the best. It was SBS that took Luo Feng 'an least seriously.

KBS, because of Li Bingxian and the former Taiwanese leader, is the most recognized of the three, of course the external argument is that Luo Fengxian is Korea's signature artist, is the face of Korea's foreign exchange, is Korea's outstanding artist, they of course have to give the greatest support, after all, although the initial noise is not small, but it is outside the appearance of only a contradiction between Luo Fengxian and Li Bingxian, KBS has suffered a great loss, but it is not widely distributed.

On the MBC side, there is Kim Tae-ho's previous car, and the attitude towards Luo Fengn and C-jes is also treated equally. On the surface, Kim Tae-ho may not be able to make MBC so scared, but those who know the inside know how much energy there is behind Bai Kim Tae-ho.

Therefore, SBS is the best relationship because of the nature of the TV station, because it has been a cooperation for a long time, and has become the person who takes Luo Fengn and C-jes least seriously.

After all, the time when that giant entertainment company can threaten the three major television stations has passed away. It is an old thing that can be forgotten. Now it is the television station that has the absolute advantage, becoming an entertainment company, you are only a collaborator.

As for the individual artist, let alone you, admit that you are the best. You are the film emperor. You don't admit that you are nothing. There are many people who want to use the resources of the three major TV stations. There are more companies who want to cooperate with the three major TV stations. It is not cooperation with whom. Popularity and status are just weighing indicators in the three major TV stations.

Therefore, Robert Rowan's influence in SBS is really limited, plus the idea of the contested position standing behind the planning of the program team, plus the current ambiguity at the top of SBS, Liu's deterrence in Shi's deputy position is really unimaginable.

Some people think that it is the senior management of SBS who regretted, feeling that it should not initially give Liu Jishi such a promise, but it is that the impact of eating words and being fat is still very bad. After all, Liu Jishi is making fun of the artist, which has great influence, and offending Liu Jishi will definitely make a huge impact on the variety.

This is why Liu will keep Shi in the position of deputy, such a statement is still popular within SBS.

There is also a statement that SBS has hung up on Liu in Shiming, but still has not abandoned the MBC side of the program enough dissatisfaction, no matter what for livelihood before the initial position was determined, Liu in Shiming more than one family has no problem, but now has become the leadership of SBS, you can not put aside the host of the program, but yes or no should all attention be on the SBS side.

There are more people who support this argument. Many people think that this is the truth. After all, with their pattern and ideas, they can't understand Liu Zishi's situation at all. Only this can explain why Liu Zishi is still in his deputy position, and why Liu Zishi is still grasping so many programs.

Even a lot of people spit on Liu in the stone is Peng dirty do not know how many kilograms or taels they have, spit on Liu in the stone, this is not enough people's heart to eventually get it.

Because of such mainstream thinking, some people who think they can compete for that position have become stupid. In addition, the top management of the TV station did not make a timely statement, even failing to let out a single breath. This gives people a lot of space to think.

The reason why Liu Zishi is so embarrassed is entirely for his own reasons. Initially, his father-in-law, who is equivalent to a stranger, made Liu Zishi realize that politics is a very bad choice for him. In the entertainment circle, he can play around. In that circle, he only has to be played.

Ultra-high popularity and influence, seems to have the capital to enter the political world, but in fact, these east and west are all floating cloud level, in the entertainment circle these capital seem extremely powerful, but is to go to the political circle casually play a little shadow can make the capital become dragged, brought back the absolute right to make Liu in Shi Wan tough.

Since he couldn't get through the political road, he became the only choice behind the curtain, so Liu Jishi would choose to start the transformation plan so quickly, but it was the real start of the transformation. Liu Jishi found that there were some things that he could not cut off. MC's identity to Liu Jishi was definitely not the family breadwinner. It was so simple.

Precisely because Liu Jishi was in such an awkward situation, and the top management of SBS respected his choice. It was only Liu Jishi's inability to cut off the identity of MC. They could not inevitably support Liu Jishi. As a family of four, they walked to the TV station at three heights. The layout and heart were indispensable. It was simply impossible for Liu to break the good relationship between the two parties because of Liu Jishi's uncertainty and entanglement, and push Liu Jishi to the other two families.

However, it is a pity that there are not many people who can see through this point. However, SBS's high-level mouth is so strict that it does not want to bother Liu Zishi. It also wants to make Liu Zishi feel the crisis and pressure in this way, so that Liu Zishi can make choices as soon as possible.

From the current situation, their purpose had been reached, but they were a little overwhelmed. Many people felt that Liu Zishi was just like this, and even that Liu Zishi was not far from the day of his liquidation.

Jin Shenying really didn't expect her to put the stakes on the surface, but she was still planning to let go. It was obvious that she overestimated Liu Zeshi's deterrence.

Even in terms of planning, Ti Liu is not as good as Ti Luo Feng 'en. After all, Liu is considered to be the competitor behind him. The one behind him who did too much is also capable of supporting him, but it is different for him. Although he is a member of the TV station, he has despicable artists and even the capital of the entertainment company, but it is true. The one behind him is not sure that he can protect him.