Korean entertainment, I am crazy

Chapter 2494 The Game Never Stops (Center)

The fate of Kinurivis' audience in Huaxia has always been good, coupled with the fact that his body has Huaxia bloodline, and he has always shown great interest in Huaxia's culture, making Kinurivis a more popular presence among foreign celebrities in Huaxia.

After the successive failures of exploring the Huaxia market, Marvel had to rethink their development plans, and had to try again in a different direction. The choice of Kinurivice was the best way under the current conditions.

In fact, Hollywood is really a bit confused about the needs of China's market. From the earliest appearance of Chinese people, they can get a certain number of box office. Later, few people are willing to let the movie stars with enough influence in China to be in charge of the starring.

Even though Hollywood hasn't solved the problem of Huaxia Market to this day, at least they've gotten to the old-fashioned way of playing.

The feedback from Huaxia market is also a direct reason why it is more difficult to have Huaxia mainland movie stars in Hollywood to be in charge of important characters in the movie.

As for the addition of Hua Xia elements, it is even more difficult to understand. Hollywood is not like or unable to make elements that are perfectly suited to Hua Xia wind, but it is important to remember that the overseas market is important, but it is also important for the North American market. The real success of commercial films should be the success of both the North American market and the overseas market. Single success is a bit of a failure for the top commercial films.

And the balance is very difficult to grasp, like the initial sleeping tiger dragon, the Huaxia people do not recognize, even some martial arts fans will curse, but foreigners think that the martial arts should be like this.

Until the director said that the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was shown to foreigners, the years of controversy were regarded as the end of the paragraph, and it can be seen from this that the influence of cultural differences is great.

Sometimes it is not Hollywood who does not want to use Hua Xia actors, but it is the influence of cultural differences that makes it difficult for Hua Xia actors to get recognition. Although there is the influence of prejudice in this, it is also necessary not to admit that cultural differences do exist.

Just like before he came to Hollywood, Brother Fat was definitely no less than Brother Dragon's existence, but when he got to Hollywood, a huge gap emerged. Brother Fat's specialty went to Hollywood. Although Brother Dragon was good at the beginning of Hollywood, he also encountered such a situation, but eventually he was satisfied to a certain extent with various kinds of on- and off-site recruitment.

His real dragon brother needs to face the biggest difficulty, is that his action with the element of comedy has some soil and water discontent, although the previous red brick district has proved that the dragon brother can eat in the US market, but it is really to Hollywood, identity changed, the external environment changed, the dragon brother to face the problem also changed.

And what Brother Long has discovered is the right way to open Hollywood exclusively for him. That is to reduce his own comedy component, focus on the action, and give the comedy part to his partner to complete, from a single star to a double star. Although it is difficult for Brother Long to accept, it is a compromise that has to be made.

Although Brother Long won the Lifetime Achievement Award, the experience of invading Hollywood is still a bit difficult for Brother Long to look back on. As a China-Saxon, invading Hollywood is difficult to add to. Unlike people in Europe, it can even be seamlessly docked. The prejudice on this skin is real and deeply entrenched.

Marvel has proved that it is not possible to use Chinese people, and the performance of those Chinese actors they consider qualified is not ideal. Even in terms of aesthetics, Marvel Hollywood has been severely questioned once.

It is not clear to anyone whether this situation has been deliberately criminalized, but at least on the surface, this situation does exist. After all, the Chinese actress who can eat in Hollywood is not ugly in appearance, but it is still a certain gap with the mainstream aesthetics of the Chinese people.

In the past, it can still be used. This is a different aesthetic due to cultural differences, but with the entry into the global village era, with the arrival of the big information era, after the information bombardment and cultural exchanges, it is obvious that such a statement is simply untenable. The aesthetic difference is there, but it is that it will never be so great. The problem that extends from this is that Hollywood is deliberately scandalized, and there is no sincerity at all.

It is precisely because of the desire to avoid such a question, Marvel painfully reconsidered the core candidate of the second-stage plan, and the price of the originally favored Kinuri Ves was greatly increased, so that Marvel still did not abandon the pursuit of Kinuri Ves under the circumstances of being rejected several times, even competing with the Warner brothers.

Kinurivis is a very emotional person who pays special attention to promises. Needless to say that Marvel has caused Kinurivis a lot of trouble by grasping promises and not letting go. As an actor, he should not consider the struggle between film companies. He just needs to film a good play.

But it is after forming a small circle of fetters that Kinurievs cannot think only of himself, but also of the feelings of his friends.

Thelon has some difficulty understanding the entanglement of Kinurivis. Robert Fionn wants to bind with Warner. That is a special reason. It is very difficult to get heavy resources in a short period of time without bindings.

But the situation is completely different in Kinurivis, who has become a new superstar. He doesn't have the troubles and restrictions of Xiao Feng at all. Whoever he wants to work with, he can work with whoever he wants, and no one can pick out the problem.

In terms of life and emotion, Kinurivis willing to listen to Thelon's suggestions, although not to the extent of listening to his words, will also strive to meet the requirements of Thelon, but in the two aspects of friendship and work, Thelon's suggestions are only with reference value, Kinurivis is either a stubborn person, or he will not be so arbitrary to abandon the original good situation, choose to make the movie he wants to make, choose to live the life he wants.

At this time, the role of Robert Fionn was manifested again. Though Cyril complained about Robert Fionn's carelessness numerous times, he regretted why he took the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of helping Robert Fionn's development, but it was with Robert Fionn that Cyrus could not escape the law of smell. Robert Fionn could not only help her emotionally with Kinurivis, but also provide a lot of influence in the cause of Kinurivis.

This made Thelon a little jealous. Men, especially those like Kinurievs, were never good to a partner as a brother, but who let Thelon choose to get out of this step, regret was too late, and there was no way for Thelon to regret it.

In this matter, as a righteous man, Xiao Feng will not be troublesome. After all, Xiao Feng is also a fan of Kinurivis. Xiao Feng realizes that Kinurivis has wasted a lot of time, he must seize the time and opportunity to make up for the wasted supplies.

As for Kinurivis' fears, in Xiao Feng's view, there is no such thing. At present, the only one who is bound to Warner is him, Robyn. Neither Johnson nor Butler can bind Warner at most, which is cooperation. There is no need for Kinurivis to be entangled in this regard.

As for whether Ella will think about it, it will depend on Thelon, Xiao Feng believes that Thelon is not a difficult problem, even if Kinurivis is sorry, at most there is a tilt in the attitude is enough, such as one Marvel filming two Warner films, then it is not so important that it is not DC, these two families have changed.

Seeing that Kinurivis nods his approval and does not continue to struggle, Thelon has the idea of destroying the world. The same explanation is of little use when it is spoken from her mouth. Kinurivis is recognized when it is spoken from Luo's mouth. The most disgusting thing is that Xiao Phoenix is like a pair of babies. He wrote "just this" on his face. Otherwise, after so many years of cultivation, the relationship has changed and Kinurivis has influenced the Buddhist system. Thelon really wants to show Xiao Phoenix her bad temper.

Kinurivis' problem was easy to solve, but it was the Warner Brothers' problem that made Theron a little helpless. Needless to say that the project of the Five Elements was really very difficult. It was obvious that so many difficulties had been overcome one by one. As soon as the script came out, we could enter the official preparation stage. As a result, the company sent a person to stop the Five Elements project.

The news from Ella's side is that the person sent down was from the faction opposite Ella's death, and the purpose of coming down at this time has become self-evident, to create trouble for Ella.

Ella was thinking about doing something at Warner Brothers, and one day she could fight back, and the enemy who drove her out of the core certainly didn't want Ella to come back and fight him one day.

The reason why there is action at this time is not that the person who has some kind of compassion for Ella, has a way of forgiving people and sparing people, but like Ella, it takes time to prepare, Ella with the help of Thelon, in another way to complete the internal cohesion of the Warner brothers so quickly.

Although Ella's enemies do not need to start over like Ella, there are many problems left over from the previous fight. As a loser, Ella can leave without even patting her ass. As a winner, she must not only discuss merit and reward, but also timely redistribute the benefits to her allies. At the same time, she must also ensure normal operation. There is also a lot of work to be done.

If you find that the situation is wrong, even now you can't do anything to kill Ella. This is the root cause that Ella Ming has completed the internal alignment with Warner Brothers and has made threats again, but the old opponent can only shoot a subordinate to make trouble for Ella and stall Ella.

Thelon is really annoyed by these bullshit battles for power and profit. If you want to do it, go ahead and do it. Why do you want to use the plan of the Five Elements as an entry point? Complaining back, Cyril would have to admit that she would have made the same choice.

After all, the five-person group that helped Ella complete the internal alignment with the Warner Brothers was led by Cyril, and the five-person group that made Ella's achievements was led by Raphne, so that Ella had enough voice to be recognized by many employees within the Warner Brothers, or the five-person group.

The group of five definitely hung up over there, saying that even the thorns in the eye were not excessive, and they were treated as an entry point. There was no problem at all.

The most helpless thing that made Ella and Silon helpless was not only that the entry point was equivalent to catching Ella's seven inches, but even the excuse was reasonable enough not to be able to directly refute it.

After all, the Five Elements team is also focused on Huaxia elements. Marvel's negative teaching materials have not been around for a long time. Now, the addition of Huaxia elements to the entire Hollywood market has failed to have a unified statement that can stand up to fate. In such a situation, try it. The risk can be said to be considerable.

The Warner Brothers have always been steady. Otherwise, they would not have been suppressed to death by Marvel in the superhero movie of the Great Fire under the clear internal and external conditions, and many years of efforts have not changed this situation.

The key point is that even DC, who is responsible for the creation of the five-element team comics, is not very satisfied with the plot. Although they understand that it is called "maneuvering", it is impossible to truly follow the change of comics. There are many problems involved in this, and even many adaptations are only set with the name and foundation of superheroes. Even the experience of superheroes and the color of the skin can be changed, and there is something else that cannot be changed.

This situation is realistic, but DC feels that it cannot be applied to the project of the Five Elements. Other superhero series have such great adaptations. On the one hand, because of the legacy of history, after all, the popular mainstream superhero roles have basically a history of decades. In order to suit the modern times, it is reasonable to make some major adaptations.

Even if it involves the international situation and historical trends, it is perfectly acceptable to push the corner back and do it again, but this is not suitable for the five-element team that was created only after it began to be created.

In DC's view, even if the film is to be adapted, it cannot respect the original work as other films do. After all, the Five Elements team is a new work, and many questions do not need to be considered, but it is a partial screenwriter. It is like respecting comics does not show their strength. The original dispute in this area has not stopped, which is the main reason for the less than ideal progress of the script. Now, there are people on the top and the contradiction is expanded directly.

The old opponent hit Ella with a surprise, so that Ella can only put the hope on the body of Cyril and Xiaofeng. Anyway, standing in her angle for a short time can't think of a way to break the situation. Anyway, it is not the first time to expect Cyril and Luo Fengn. In this unfamiliar field of the entertainment world, I have let Ella understand the reality of the many times that she has suffered losses. She can't do it like she did in the beginning.

There was nothing that could be done about such a situation in Theron. After all, the other party had come prepared, and they themselves had not made enough excuses for the other party.

Instead, Xiao Feng gave an idea to solve the problem, which was to give the problem to the general to handle, so that DC could take the vanguard.