Kuishinbo Elf

471st food surrogate

To survive, we braved our last assault. A swarm of ghosts, avoiding all the fighting you can, running through even.

The shining sun, the constant exposure to it and the high heat of the sand, relentlessly takes away our health. But we're forced to get out of here through these bad conditions.

"Tsk! Shh!"

I'll leave the elimination of ghosts to the liot. There is little peach power left in the weapons of the other members. One or two times after holding it would be the limit. After that, I threatened to become just a chunk of iron.

It is inevitable that there will be a rush as a result, especially in boys who are not old enough.

"Damn! At all, I won't stop moving forward!

Rick was usually a boy who could calmly judge things, but he was still being put under this extreme circumstance and losing his cool. I can't help it, Ning Lo. Being on the battlefield at this age and surviving is a miracle in itself.

On the contrary, it is surprising that Clark, who is usually bloodthirsty and prone to getting hot, was oddly calm. No, maybe it's just that I didn't know him very well.

"Don't be silly, Rick! Do what you can!

Apparently, he was growing up to be able to act rationally even as he got hot, you should think.

Clark attacked and submerged the sand at his feet instead of attacking ghosts directly. Then the ghost was suddenly taken off his feet by the ground, and he fell over?

"Good, then we can do it, too. Don't do it, kid."

"It's Clark, Mr. Gatham."

Still, I can't do anything, I can't use everyday magic anymore. This is no different than fucking poor baby black elves. Only the appearance has turned into a rare beast that is only white.

"Wow! I can do this. Oh, my God!

Rick created a deep hole in the ground, and a little ghost came there and fell into a deep hole in the dumb.

"Dumb ass, I'll bury you!

Rick quickly put sand on the hole where the little ghost fell. In the meantime, it is only two seconds of events.

"Oh no! Oh, no!

And in just a few moments the figure of the little ghost that fell into the hole disappeared, screaming? I couldn't hear it anymore.

I don't know...... normally don't tell me the little one looked cute.

I'm talking about an arrowhead who thought things would go smoothly from Clark's driving. Liot, who was running the lead, suddenly stopped. And he shouted up at us.

"Huh!? Oh, my God, what's this? Big...... guys, watch out!

It was right after Liot came out with a warning. And the ghosts, as if they were walls, deviated from one side at a time, and made a way.

Didn't one big man stand behind it?

"Ho, this is a big guy. I don't know about the Virgin of Langsten."

Slowly the big man with the dark hair leashes approaching. Was the man too confident to wear a full coat of armor?

But it seemed as if the muscles that were all ripped off were speaking eloquently that such objects were unnecessary.

The gold bars in your hands have a large amount of blood on them, which can be seen as a sign that you have taken many lives. That is, the blood of the Adventurers, and of all the Knights. I can't forgive you.

"Bercus...... Lasanique!

The big man, called Bercus by Mr. Gassam, laughed heavily after he looked happy to confirm his appearance.

"The gasserm of the fangs of the beast has become so unusual. This is a masterpiece."

"Soak it up, third-rate adventurer. Anyway, I'm sure he approached the Dolovance Empire for a spill this time."

Apparently, Bercus was originally an adventurer. Was he a C-rank adventurer around what third class and Mr. Gasselm say? But from this look, I don't think it's very C-rank.

"Goddamn it, you're right... but not all this time"


The big man said we had an enemy in front of him, but he looked up into the sky and lost emotion. That is proof that we recognize ourselves as strong and that we decide to be weak enough to eat us.

"It's a dream, I went to dream."

"A dream?"

"Yes, it's a dream. I'm in a dream right now. I couldn't even grasp the position of a strong man, I'm there now"

Bercus unleashed a nasty aura. I'm sure it's a shady force, but I can't recognize it clearly because I'm completely incapable of being a peach user.

However, it was understandable that it was an unorthodox evil thing.

"Alan said," When you dream about 'stickouts' like me! And we grabbed his dream, as he said, and it's in there now! Alan was the long-awaited Han of 'Us'!!

"Stupid! At the end of that dream is the wake of ruin! Why don't you understand?

Senior Peach raved his voice against Bercus. But Bercus continues the conversation with a cold eye.

"Ruin? If it were ruin, it would have been a long time ago. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much credit you scratch, it's no use in the end. At the end of the day, he thought he was his best friend, and he betrayed him on the ground."

A dark flame of hatred could be seen from its cloudy eyes. Definitely, the eyes of a man who has been betrayed many times.

"What awaited me, painfully restored from the abyss of death, was a great debt. And a half-hearted body. Without saying this is ruin, what? I've seen hell while I'm alive."

If what Bercus is saying is certain, maybe this can be called ruin. And what I've seen in hell is also to snort.

"So you went beneath a man who could destroy the world? I think I might lose my life this time."

That's what Mr. Gasserm asked Bercus. He enters under the guise of calm, but the sweat flowing from his forehead seems to deny it.

"Gassam, did I tell you? He said I was already ruined. I know you've decided to give me my life!

Bercus began to speak with his emotions out. The face is exactly the face of the end of the birth of a man possessed by madness.

"This is the last hang, big fight! Chip is my life! The choice between living miserably like this, or living with a big hit and a big chest up! The fact that I was in the Dolovance Empire when my body became crippled... you can tell me that's the luckiest thing that's happened in my life!

and he suddenly calmed down, speaking so much with so much passion. Apparently, the emotional ups and downs are intense in character.

"But hey... Alan didn't laugh at me for coming until he exposed himself to something unusual. On the contrary, you asked me personally about my situation. And you told me."

Didn't you start crying this time talking? What the hell is this guy?

"'Follow me'... at that moment I made up my mind to follow Alan. I fell in love with a man named Alan."

"Are you... accepting the seeds of ghosts!?

He raised his anger with momentum as if Senior Peach was staring at Bercus. In contrast, Bercus smiles even happily. And then I started talking with a huge gesture.

"Oh, you sprouted right up, huh? From then on, working for Alan became a living thing. Whatever, you're fighting me now, aren't you? But this time I struggled a little bit. I haven't felt it hurt in a while."

Boom, and poke bloody gold bars at us deliberately. Obvious provocation, and the act we see as a declaration of war, moves into a combat posture.

"You bastard............!!

"Well, then, is it time to die? Not much time. Not much time."

Bernst moved. Everyone reacts slowly to a rate that is not commensurate with that giant. What a speed of step in this desert, this man is still no exception.

"Let it be!

Rick and Clark were the two who responded to this. They worked together to wrap the sand around their feet and create a wall of sand. If throwing it at a ghost doesn't make it disappear and disappear, you just have to make yourself invisible, it would be a decision.

Good, if this...!

"Rick, Clark! Come on..."

"Wow, that's nasty."

I sneaked up on the suggestion, and Rick and Clark executed the suggestion.

"Smart mane!

Bernst, by contrast, penetrated the sand wall without a problem and made a big hole and broke through. But there was no ground ahead, and instead there was a big hole. Naturally, Bercus falls into a big, empty hole.

"Noooo wow!?

Fluffy cum... even if you lose your ability, you haven't even been deprived of my wit.

"Fuki-yun, it took! Liot!"

"Oops! Lion Roar!!

A gleaming lion jumped out of Liot's combined hands and devoured Bercus in the hole. A ghost who resists while scattering particles of light, and a shining lion who will not forgive anything. I was wondering if I could do this, but it still doesn't seem to work that well.


Red and black light spreads around Bercus, eating up every desert earth. We can't prevent it right now. Take a quick distance for the attack. Fortunately, the speed isn't so fast, but it seems like a persistent ghost fairy from a place that doesn't quite disappear.

If you jump into the breadth, you'll be devoured within the city. It's a nasty move.

"Damn, you couldn't!

"Liot, can't you be 'Shining Leo'!?

I propose to Liot the sublimation to the glowing lion. But he rejected the proposal.

"If I use that thing, I won't be able to fight anymore! Doesn't it make sense that you can't even beat a little brat after this!?

Seems to drain the liotto much more than expected. Liot is right, if he can't fight, he no longer has the means to fight ghosts.

Or so I said, Bercus is also a winnable opponent without 'Shining Leo'...... no answer.

"Ku...... my peach power is also my first moves available by soul linking with peach users. Mouthless."

Yes, if it was Peach Senior's Peach Power (phantom), it could have raised this occasion. But we have too little means now.

"Get on with it! Let's start with that! Die, shit comes!!

Bercus' gold bars strike Rick. Rick, by contrast, has no means of defence. Even digging a hole to hold Bercus back, Bercus was carrying out a jump attack.

Moreover, unfortunately, Rick has been delayed in his action by being taken by desert sand. Do you want to get some rest?


The sound of metal, we opened our eyes to surprise.

It was the Chinese pot that saved Rick from the crisis of absolute desperation. Yes, that's that Chinese pot the chickens are wearing.

"Hey, what, no, no, no, no! You took my golden bars!?

Impossible, the tiger does have a big body, but its contents are faintly hollow and far lighter than it looks. Moreover, since it is a normal hobby golem size to the golem core, it has no horsepower at all.

How could he have prevented a super heavy blow from Bercus in a Chinese pot like that?


I can hear you gripping a chicken's egg so far. And swinging, oops. It was wrapped in an overwhelming peach aura and slammed between Bercus' brows as he drew an arc of sparkle and light.



Bercus, the ghost of a giant man, blows up in the face with his chicken-waving octopus. What the hell is going on with the chickens? Besides, that overwhelming peachy glow is a glow that cannot be produced in "Wu with Peach Light".

"Ha, thank you, Chige!

Shh... and a chicken thumbs up and responds to Rick. That smile mask looked more smiling than usual.

From the immature fruit Mr. Rudolph has, I suppose it's because Senior Peach is doing his research that he can hear the clatter and the sound, but I think it's plain horror when viewed objectively like this. What kind of fruit makes a sound... hey?

"Ko, this is...... tons of peach power in the chicken's body!?

Senior Peach shared the stunned fact. Are you telling me that chickens woke up to peaches in this earthen pit!? I just realized that.

"Oh, could it have entered your body when you dived into a pit full of peach power?

Yes, most of the inside of the chicken's body is hollow. Then I can understand my peach power poured in and stored.

"Apparently so. But now I see hope. Lord Rudolph, put me on the head of a chicken."

"What, on your head?

I got a chicken to crouch down and put the flame on my shoulder that was on my head, and Senior Peach docked it on the top of my chicken's head instead.


"Acting peach user, chicken...... please muzzle!

Senior Peach applied "Takeshi with Peach Light" to everyone using peach power full of chickens. Now we can fight ghosts in both defenses.

Somehow, today's tiger looks radiant. Boulder and peach surrogate were of different stature.

"There's not so much peach power full of chickens, we'll put up a battle at once!

Following Senior Peach's instructions, we stormed Bercus to survive.