
Episode 101

The next site is Margaret's mansion.

"I came for work"

I was served tea and sat on a terrace chair.

In the garden, humanized Red Dragon and Black Dragon are caring for plants. It's like making a bed because they're returning to their state before they went to bed.

"I'm sorry last night. I'm drunk."

"Good, because it was a fun party"

While saying so, Margaret smiled and drank tea.

"Is cleaning and removal good?"

"Oh, I'd like a kitchen later. Rather ..."

Margaret is fidgeting.

what? Am I forgetting something? Isn't that a promise when you're drunk?

"Oh! That's right!"

I took out the communication bag from the item bag and handed it to Margaret.

"This is it. It's a complicated magic circle!

Margaret called the maid Baya while watching the magic circle.

"Yes, that's it! Is it a rumored communication bag?"

"That's right. How far is it safe?"

"I think it's okay. Because it's a magical space-time magic circle, it's connected to the Alice Fey kingdom."

Margaret and Bubaya were watching the communication bag, saying, "Amazing."

Margaret's communication bag was restricted so that he would not be connected to God. If you are connected to God, you will have a big deal with the church.

"Red Dragon"

When Margaret uses a communication bag in a whisper, a red dragon who was cutting a tree branch

"What happened?"

I turned around.

"Did you hear?"

"Um. I heard a voice from the communication bag."

Margaret-san and Baya were talking about "Kyakuya".

"Can I always hear Naoki's idea?"

"Well, yes, but there is also work here, so please take care too often."

"I see. So what do you come up with right now?"

"It's about making a toll road."

"It doesn't matter what you can do in the United States, not just toll roads."

"Well, maybe you're already playing somewhere, but what about racetracks? Compete with Feehors and bet money."

"Is it a bet?"

Margaret asks.

"That's right. I decide the magnification based on popularity and anticipate the best."

"Nnn! Baya! Paper and pen!"

"Yes, yes!"

Bayaya immediately brought paper, a pen, and an inkwell, as if prepared.

Margaret wrote a piece of paper on a plan for a racetrack.

I explained what kind of race track to use, the location of the spectator seats and the draw horse racing. It's not something we knew in the previous world, it's information we saw on games and TV.

"If fast and powerful fee hoses gather, the toll road will be easier to develop."

"I think it might be a good idea to do it especially in wasteland or in areas where industry is difficult to establish."

Say while running the pen. A dexterous person. I would stain the paper.

"Oh, I have to teach Alfred."

"Oh, then, there's a daughter named Cynthia in Hill Lake's Nomefield, so try to get in touch with my communication bag, because she might be nearby."

I said so, Margaret had contacted Cynthia and introduced herself.

Cynthia responded with surprise.

Alfred hasn't seemed to have returned from the royal capital yet, and says he is the only spokesman.

"But it's much faster than a letter."

After the communication, Margaret says.

"If you use it for too long, you may run out of magic, so I'll give you this too."

I took the recovery syrup out of the item bag and handed it to Margaret.

"It may be better to mix it with tea"

I say to you. Baya stared at the bottle, unusually.

"I'll clean the kitchen and go."

"Thank you. Will you take a break soon?"

Margaret called the dragons for tea, and I went to the kitchen.

The kitchen had already prepared tea for the dragons, and Baya took them.

The kitchen at Margaret House was well-cleaned and had little to do, but the ovens and kilns in the stone kilns were dirty, so they were cleaned up. It seems to be difficult because the fire must be fired from wood.

He drew a magic circle of heating on the board and explained how to use it when he returned to the kitchen.

"Well, well!"

I was surprised.

"Because it seemed difficult to start a fire."


"Not really."

Baya raised a fireball from his index finger. It was. It's one shot with magic, such as a fire.

"I'm sorry. You took extra care."

"Yeah, thank you. I don't need to breathe much smoke, so I'm glad."

He had previously caught a respiratory cold. Maybe weak.

"Do you have a diagnosis at the same time?"


"Yes, I've recently taken a skill."

"Let's try it out."

"Oh, you don't have to take it off."

I touched Baya's hand and tried using diagnostic skills.

Internal organs exposed. Almost like a phantom.

I looked at the lungs of Babya, but it seemed to be working especially normally. I have no medical knowledge, so I can't understand at first glance. However, I knew that my knees were bad. Is this the effect of diagnostic skills?

For the time being, he gave him a remedy in case he got a cold, and told him to do his knee exercises while sitting.

On the way home, Red Dragon and Black Dragon came,

"I will return to the island around tonight"

I said.

"I see. I really took care this time."

"Tell me everyone"

"If there is anything, please contact me."

The Red Dragon and the Black Dragon once said goodbye in the gnome field, so there is nothing to say. Handed the souvenir healing medicine and magic recovery syrup.

I waved out of Margaret's mansion.

The next site is the long-awaited prostitute.

The work of cleaning the prostitute was turned over last so that he could work overtime forever.

Moreover, there are many cases.

I was glad to go, but the reality was relatively cruel.

Everywhere in the prostitute was dirty, and cleaning was not enough.

He borrowed a barrel, set up a magic circle of wind magic and water magic, set it as a washing machine, and washed the sheets all the time. Dry the sheets on the roof and head to the next room. In the next room you can hear the voices of men and women.

In the waiting rooms of the prostitutes, I wasted a handshake and tried using my diagnostic skills. He also listened to the conversations behind the prostitutes, making it only visible to businesswomen. I respect prostitutes who work extraordinarily to get customers.

And all the prostitutes paid very well.

"Come on with us this time."

He said, he paid the colored price.

Healing drugs have almost sold out.

After finishing the work of the last prostitute, I left the prostitute and muttered, "Work."

I was surprised because I didn't think I would leave the prostitute and utter such words.

Before returning to the inn, we headed for the shipyard.

Our ship is beautifully repaired and can leave the port tomorrow.

I was guided by a worker and looked inside the ship. In addition to the captain's room, there were a kitchen, a crew's room, and a warehouse.

I'm not sure, so let's ask Seth.

When I got off the boat, I saw Versa and Seth.

"Did you come to see?"


"I'm finally here"

At last, Seth, the ship's captain, seems to be excited.

As I left the shipyard, the sun was setting on the horizon.

After returning to the inn, all employees eat dinner. The job was done without any big problems and I got enough cash.

Departure will be the morning of the day after tomorrow.

Return to the room, telling each to make a shopping list so that there is nothing left tonight.

As I dived into the bed, the sound of the waves I had heard before was loud.