Law of the Devil

Chapter 18 [Beginning! Path of Devil!

Chapter 19 [Beginning! Path of Devil!


This guy is definitely a magical research genius!

Dewey has already made a review of this magician prisoner in front of him! If this guy keeps researching like this, maybe one day he'll become a generation of Kaiyama masters!

But now Dewey's biggest concern is how to use pharmacology to use magic.

The magician mentioned the results he had spent countless energies researching, and he couldn't help but be excited. Although he could only sneak up on the results before, he couldn't share his biggest achievements of his life with others, and there was some regret in his heart. At this moment, he finally said it with no hesitation. The magician's eyes couldn't help but shed light, his face was full of pride, and even some hands danced and danced in excited comparison:

“People like me, mental power, that is, magic, is enough. But the sensing is a little too bad. Unable to feel magic elements in the surrounding natural environment. So, I was thinking, like a person with poor ear hearing, if the sound around him is lower, he naturally can't hear... but if the sound around him is loud, it's loud! Then he might hear it! ”

Dewey also had a bright eye and immediately interfaced: "So… you find a way to improve the content of the surrounding magic elements with what was extracted from pharmacology? ”

“Yes! The most basic thing in fire magic is the 'fire element', but even the most intelligent magician doesn't know what the so-called 'fire element' is, because people only know how to use it, but they don't know what it is. And those that can burn, since they can burn, indicate that they also contain 'fire elements'! I made a hypothesis that my senses were so bad that in the same environment, people who were so sensitive could sense the magic elements around them, but I couldn't. So... if you can increase the magic element in the surrounding environment to a certain specific gravity, then even people like me who are slow in their senses should feel it! Isn't that how I can use magic? ”

“And then... you did?” Dewey sighed.

“Yes!” the magician said softly, "I've done a lot of experiments, and the main direction of my research is fire magic. I hypothesize that the flammable agents contain fire elements. But how to extract these fire elements, it took me a lot of time. I left my teacher, and I went to the south alone, and I had a little magic lab, and I made myself a lot of refining tools, and after a few years of research, I finally found it. ”

Dewey couldn't help but get a little excited: “You found the fire element... what is the fire element? ”

“... this, I don't know.” The sorcerer couldn't help but have a little helplessness: “I experimented with at least a hundred formulas and more than 300 refining methods until a while ago… After I had done a trial, I synthesized a powder, a black powder, from a dozen plants with a formula. Then... then suddenly I felt it! ”

“Feel that?” Dewey eyebrow picked.

“Yes, I feel it! My original magic sensation is so stubborn that I can't feel any magic elements around me! But just as I made this powder, and following the procedure I tested, I lifted it into the air with a blower that I made myself… I finally sensed it! I tried a magic trick in the fire system and found that I felt the beating of the elements of fire in nature very clearly! I... I actually succeeded! ”

Speaking of which, the sorcerer was a little excited: "I started walking the magic path when I was thirteen years old, and it's been 20 years! I can finally use magic… though, it's just one of the tiniest and lowest levels of fire balls! But watching me magically shoot that fireball with fist size, I almost died of happiness. ”

Dewey looked at this guy's face and couldn't help but sigh: “So that day in the tavern, when you fought with my people, the fireball trick was also...”

“Yes.” The magician nodded: “I carried some sealed bottles with me. The bottles contained powder I had extracted. When I needed to use magic, I would gently open a bottle with my hands hidden in my sleeve to expose the powder inside… Then I could sense the presence of fire elements and use magic. ”

Strange way... but this guy is a genius!

It's just that... Dewey suddenly has another problem in her mind, and she looks a little weird: "Is this how you pass the magician test? ”

Magician blushes: “I know that this approach would amount to cheating. But my desire for the title of magician is beyond my control. ”

“I can understand that.” Dewey: “I'm just wondering, why did you take only the lowest level of magician? Now that you have the gift of magic and you've solved the problem of sensibility, should you be able to take a higher magician? ”

“No, I can't.” This prisoner shook his head: “My approach solved the problem of sensibility, but… immediately confronted another difficulty. And that dilemma, I've been meditating for a long time, and it can't be solved. ”

“What's the problem?” Dewey cares about these... after all, it's up to this guy if he can learn and use magic.

“I've done experiments, and although I've refined the yellow powder that contains the abundance of fire elements, because my sensibility is so poor, so abundant fire elements, I can only use the lowest level of fire balls.” The sorcerer grinned, "You think I don't want to use more advanced magic? I even fantasized that since I could improve the fire elements in my surroundings in my own way… theoretically, I could even increase the content of the fire elements in my surroundings constantly! In the end, I may be able to use the fire magic of the Ultimate Prohibition" Flaming City "! Become a magician of the curse. How glorious is that and how great is that achievement? That way, I can jump to the top of the line of magicians on the continent almost instantly! ”

His expression was exciting, but unfortunately, at the end of the day, the tone darkened: “Unfortunately, my problem is… my sensibility is very poor. So if I want to use more advanced fire magic, I can only increase the content of the surrounding fire elements by means of more! The higher the concentration, the more advanced fire magic I can use. But, you know, I've refined that yellow powder, and it's already got a lot of fire elements! I really can't think of any other way to further increase the concentration of fire elements... and I even did a rough calculation... even in an environment with such a high concentration of fire elements, I can only use the lowest level of fire balls... then if I want to use intermediate magic of fire systems, at least a few dozen times more fire elements around me! Dozens of times! What kind of concept is that? Unless you throw me straight into the flame! Only in the flames will there be such a rich fire element! But if I did, I'd be burned myself. ”

“So… even though you overcome the difficulty of sensibility, you can only achieve the lowest level of magic.” Dewey concludes.


“So, what about your transient surgery?” Dewey is still interested in how this guy can fire fireballs continuously without saying a spell.

“That's just pharmacological speculation.” The magician is somewhat embarrassed: “My magic is not used by driving magic elements in nature, but by magic elements made by me... ordinary magicians must use spells to summon and search for magic elements in the air when carrying out their magic... But I, I don't need to summon, I don't need to look, because the fire elements were in my sleeve...”

Dewey finally changed color this time!

If so… then… if… hypothesis!

Assuming he can overcome the current dilemma and let this guy succeed in using more advanced magic... he can instantly do the same!!

Imagine a magician who can unleash advanced fire magic... and can do it without spells... what a powerful guy he will be!

Thereafter, Dewey was patient with the sorcerer for a long time, and Dewey deliberately shifted the subject to magical pharmacology, which surprised the sorcerer that the younger half-sized teenager, the noble nobleman of this identity (although the sorcerer did not know exactly what identity Dewey was at first, but now, looking at this young teenager can have such a large castle on the Rollin Plains, this teenager is mostly the son of the famous Rollin family of Hehe!

An aristocrat with such a noble identity is so versed in magic pharmacology that people with identities can't see it very well… that's a rare thing.

But this little nobleman is really into magic pharmacology! His studies made the magician feel a little dark admired. Later, after a slight rapport between the two, Dewey finally said what happened to herself: when she wanted to be a magician, she was found to have no talent and failed...

Such an encounter immediately aroused the prisoner's sympathy! A sympathetic oil emerged.

This little nobleman has had a similar affair with himself! The same vision and desire for magic, the same discovery that you have no talent, even two people are born with excellent magic, but the bias is poor!

In this case, although both sides had previously been somewhat unpleasant and were now captives of others, deep down, the sorcerer's aversion to the small nobleman before him had been reduced considerably.

The other side, it's only because of their desire for magic that they want to catch themselves.

At least, a determination to become a magician is so similar to your own.

“Solskaya.” Dewey screamed softly at the magician's name (Dewey had already learned the name of the genius magician in a conversation the two of them had just had), and he glanced at the magician: “Let me ask you a question… why do you want to be a magician? What do you want to get after you become a magician? ”

“... this.” Thorskaya thought about it: "The magician's vocation seems to be to explore the ultimate mystery of magic, work hard on magic, and spend the rest of his life obsessed with magic mysteries. But I'm doomed to not be a senior magician, so what's the ultimate mystery of magic has nothing to do with me... so I just want to get what I want. ”

“You mean the status and treatment of magicians?” Dewey laughed: “Your answer is quite honest. And you're right. Mages are always treated very well, wherever you go, a superior magician will always be the object of those dignitaries who can get the highest treatment and respect... but don't forget, you are just the lowest level of first-level magician! No big man would pay a lot to recruit a low-level magician. ”

Solskaya is silent... he knows exactly what Dewey is talking about. Although he was recognized as a magician, a lowest level one, he went anywhere and found himself less popular than he thought.

At the beginning, people were surprised and respected when they learned they were magicians! But then, when the other person learns that he is only the lowest level of magician, his enthusiasm drops tenfold.

That's why Solskaya finally had to give herself up and join Jolyn's disgruntled little adventure team! He wanted to join a large mercenary regiment, but nobody liked him very much.

Looking at Solskaya's helpless expression, Dewey knew the fire was almost over, and he smiled and said: "Solskaya, since your dream is to be treated and respected by a magician, why don't you be faithful to me! You can be my personal magic consultant. I'll treat you well! You want respect, status, whatever you need, I can satisfy you. I'm from the Rollins, I'm sure you know that. I don't suppose the Rollins' names would disgrace you? ”

Saliskaya's heartbeat!

Relying on this little nobleman… seems to be a good option as well. Although there have been some conflicts before, the other party is simply obsessed with magic. Moreover, the conversation was quite pleasant, and more importantly, this little nobleman, like himself, after the hopelessness of the magical path, turned to the study of magic pharmacology... such an encounter really made Solskaya feel like an "acquaintance”!

Besides, you can also become a magic advisor to the Rollins family and get good treatment... what's the hesitation?

“I…” Solskaya thought: "I'm willing to accept your offer, but I need to go back to the south, my lab is in the south, I have a lot of necessary tools, I have a lot of precious materials in the lab, and all the powders I've refined, I need to move back. I have to do these things myself… You also know that a magician's lab cannot be moved by ordinary people. That's dangerous. ”

Dewey thought about it slightly: putting him back in the south is not a problem... it's just this guy, you don't want to take the chance to run away, do you?

Besides, this guy who cheats on magicians is worth millions of dollars in Dewey's heart now! There must be no deviation!

Immediately, Dewey made the decision: "Well, I'm interested in your lab, too, and I'm going south with you! ”

The future of Roland's Devil's Road, from this day on, has opened.

(Remember to smash tickets ~ ~)
