Law of the Devil

Chapter 61 [Samel's hunch]

(Chapter 2 today)

Chapter 61 [Sameer's hunch]

This boy named Bayer died quickly. His body was completely black. When he died, his eyes were staring at the boss, his eyes were empty, and his fingers held the position of scratching hard up...

He died a terrible death, a big hole in his forehead, which, in Dewey's view, seemed to be corroded with the most intense sulphuric acid! The flesh on his forehead, and the skull inside, all melted out of a hole! The brains are all flowing out...

The land in this place was too hard to be buried in a pit, and the body of this boy had to be thrown into the lake.

“This reckless boy...” Bienrich severely broke a branch and threw it in the fire, with a grief on his face: “He was the guy I solicited in Fic City, and he was a great hunter. The arrow technique is very good, I also pointed out his martial arts... he just wanted to catch some fish for everyone...”

Dewey didn't speak.

Bienrich shook his head: "He forgot, this is a fucking frozen forest! There are no ordinary beasts here! All warcraft! Even the fish in the lake are dangerous! This stupid guy! Idiot! Idiot! Yes... it's my fault! I should have warned him he was new here! ”

Dewey didn't know how to comfort himself, he thought about it, patted the captain's shoulder, and said what the captain said during the day:

“This is adventure life! Somebody's coming! Somebody's leaving! Somebody's dead. Somebody's alive! ”

Bienrich soon returned to normal, he was the leader, and a hundred more people were watching him!

He threw away the branches in his hand, then stood up and went on a rough tour, shouting, "Get away from the lake! Bastards! If anyone dares to go near the lake again, I will break his legs!! ”

This insertion does not place much burden on everyone… The old mercenaries are used to life and death, and for them at most say: “Oh, that kid is unfortunate. ”

At dinner, Steril, with eight fingers, returned with a patrol, his face a little dull and seemed to have found something. But this cautious guy didn't impress everyone, he snuck up to Bienrich.

“Captain, I found something. ”

The archer took a cauterized branch out of his arms and handed it to the commander.

Obviously, this was broken into branches that were used as firewood, burned, but not completely burned out, and there were obvious split marks on one section of the incision.

“Looks like we have company nearby.” Steril whispered, "I found a place with buried ashes in the snow, but they weren't buried deep. I looked at it and there were about four or five piles, and judging by that, there were about thirty or so people. ”

There was a glimmer of light in Bienrich's eyes: "More than thirty? Are you sure about that? ”

“No more than thirty, no more than forty. I'm sure!” Steril replied very definitely: "From the colour of the ashes in the fire, they should not be too far away from us for long. And…"

Strielton grabbed the corner of his mouth and whispered: “Judging by the traces I left of their camp, these guys are ‘quite packed’ and carry a lot of stuff! ”

Bienrich trusted this man, although he had only eight fingers, but his arrows were first-rate and discreet, his observation was meticulous, and he rarely made mistakes.

A strange smile appeared on Bienrich's face… a little dull: “Well, in that case, are we going to ‘make contact’ with these colleagues? ”

Dewey didn't quite understand the captain's words, but Dardanelle's face next to him was a little unnatural.

At night in the tent, Dardanelle explained to Dewey.

“In the world of adventurers, simply put, the weak eat strong! Especially in such places, if you encounter a peer, there are usually only three situations.” Dardanelle slowly said: “The first, strong on one side, weak on the other, but the weak side doesn't have anything good to look at. Then both sides are safe.

Secondly, both sides are equally strong, so they are safe and sound.

The third, one strong, one weak. If the weak side has a lot of spoils in their hands... then 89 out of 10 will have a consequence... "

Dardanelle smiled and whispered: "Black eats black. ”

Dewey didn't say anything. He knew every circle had its own rules.

Early the next morning, Dewey found eight fingers missing from the team, Steril, and several other old mercenaries.

He didn't ask where these people went, and Bienrich didn't say.

The mercenaries took a night's rest, nourished themselves and started working. They took out meshes hanging a lot of sharp barbs, some catching iron clamps, some pine grease torches to burn. Several teams sent out to search for the trail of the beast.

In the morning, Steril and others came back, and Steril looked a little disappointed, and he walked up to the captain and shook his head: “I can't find them, they may have gone far. ”

The leader shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "It's their luck, it's ours. Friend, well, since we can't find a colleague, let's do our job and take your people to rest for a while. ”

Without surprise, Dewey and Dardanelle intend to help these mercenaries for another day, help them catch two more beasts, and then prepare to say goodbye and continue north.

Dewey sat under a big tree and watched as Dardanelle was helping the mercenaries set up an iron clip for the beast, and he watched Steril come back and talk to the captain for a while, then went to rest.

Dewey relieved. He did not intend to interfere with the rules of the mercenaries' game, but he was willing to help the mercenaries catch the beast, not wanting to watch them do the black business, not wanting to get involved. It appears that Steril did not find a target, and Dewey is very satisfied with the result.

gently sighed, looking at the beautiful, like a big mirror on the lake... who would have thought of a murder crisis hidden in the lake water?

“Beautiful, but full of danger.” Dewey spoke to herself.

“You're right. ”

The sound behind him scared Dewey! And then he reacted. It was Sameer's voice! This damned woman hasn't shown up for so many days, and suddenly she jumps out!

Looking back, Sameer was still in a bright red robe, standing so gently behind Dewey, her snowy barefoot stomped in soft snow... luckily she was just a shadow, and the shadows were not afraid of the cold.

Dewey shrugged her shoulder: "Oh, you finally showed up? ”

“The magician around you the other day was amazing.” Sameer shook his head: “I could feel the horror of his mental strength, I could even feel the danger! The magician is capable of searching for the spiritual power of others, and with his strength, he can even see my presence, which is why I hide. ”

“Oh.” Dewey frowned: “Aren't you the only one I can see? ”

“This is true for ordinary people.” Sameer whispered, "I am linked to your spiritual strength, but if they can explore your spiritual strength, they can see me… only a handful of strong people can do this. And for the next few days... you all live in a tent with that Dardanelle, and although that guy can't see me, if he always sees you talking to the air alone, he'll think you're crazy. ”

“Oh, so I should also thank you for your understanding?” Dewey snorted.

Sameer smiled and then sat down next to Dewey, as if she didn't care about the discomfort in Dewey's tone, so she sat quietly and looked at the beautiful Great Circle Lake in the distance.

Dewey looked over at Samel and found this woman's expression strange...

She had a strange expression on her face, her eyes flickered and her eyebrows twisted slightly, seemingly thinking about something.

“I... I feel strange.” Sameer looked at the distance, her eyes swept across the beautiful lake and then the forests farther away... “This place is beautiful... but why...”


Sameer took a deep breath and blurred: “I don't know... but I always felt like I was in this place... and I had a familiar feeling about it. At least this view in front of me, I seem to have seen it somewhere. ”

“Have you been here?” Dewey wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Don't be ridiculous... She, Sameer, a true replica of Sameer's memory, has been sealed in oil paintings since she came into the world and hasn't stepped out of the castle in 200 years! How could you come here?

It's not surprising that Dewey would have come here if it had been true Sameer... but this woman in front of her.

Sameer looked at the distance, and after a long time, she shook her head hard and suddenly laughed. Her voice was a little low: "You must think I'm talking nonsense, right? I can't have been here at all, but... I don't know how to describe my feelings... anyway, it's, weird. ”

She looked down for a moment and looked up and changed the subject, laughing: "By the way, you've made good magic progress over the last few days. I've seen some of the delays you've been carrying out, and it looks like the real battle can really empower you. ”

Dardanelle came this far, and Semel sighed: "Okay, I'm leaving, you be careful... I, I think this lake is weird. ”

After that, her body disappeared into Dewey's eyes.

“Hey, Harry.” Dardanelle had some sweat on his forehead, and he looked happy: “You know what? Bienrich knew we were leaving tomorrow and said he was sending us out tonight. Old One-Eyed Dragon said he would make some special food at night... What are you thinking? My friend?”

Dewey stood up, patted the snow on his ass, and laughed: "Nothing... OK, let's get to work, we're leaving tomorrow, we need to help our mercenary friends today. ”

At night, Old One-Eyed Dragon actually made a large pot of mushroom soup! These mushrooms were collected all the way from the old One-Eyed Dragon.

In such a cold weather, the mercenaries almost bit off their tongues after coming down for a few days to get tired of the sickening wolf meat, such a large pot of fresh mushroom soup!

Bienrich was very generous with Dewey and Dardanelle and took out his final wine to send the two of them. In the end, Dewey even had two more drinks and fell asleep unconsciously.

Dewey was forced to wake up this morning by Dardanelle! Dardanelle's face was ugly and her expression was heavy: "Harry! Something's wrong! Get up!! ”

Captain Bienrich's eyes are all red! He bites his teeth and thinks about eating a beast! All mercenaries are like enemies! Everyone didn't do anything, they held the weapon silently...

Dewey looked at the crowd and found some people missing!

Eleven! Eleven! It's gone!

Eleven mercenaries on night patrol last night! The group disappeared!

What is incomprehensible is that they do not seem to have been attacked by some kind of warcraft… even with warcraft, they cannot silently disappear 11 people! Not even a little bit of movement!

There are no footprints of warcraft around the camp, not even of anyone! They didn't leave, no bodies around, no footprints on the snow!

Eleven people, like one night yesterday... suddenly evaporated collectively!

Bienrich split up half the men out looking for half a day, still no news! The men sent back empty-handed!

“Even if they were attacked, they could at least make a sound!” Bienrich yelled angrily: “They are experienced old mercenaries! You can't be killed silently! Even less quietly!! Shit, we didn't lose so many people all the way! But one night, I lost 11 brothers!! ”

The angry captain gave the order: "We stay here for another day! I'll watch the night myself tonight. I'd like to see what evaporates my 11 brothers! ”

Dewey went back to the tent to pack his things and he was going to stay for the day. Anyway, now that the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps is in trouble, he doesn't want to just leave.

“As I said, this lake is a little weird.” Sameer didn't know when to stand quietly behind Dewey.