Law of the Devil

Chapter 72 [Star Sky Fighting Qi]


Chapter 72 [Starry Sky Battle Qi]


What's this got to do with His Majesty the Founding Emperor?

No one else knows, but Dewey does!

Holy Knight? Defend the Temple of Light, defend the authority of the gods to speak for men, Holy Knight? Where did Dewey get the power of Aragon's so-called number one power under the starry sky? That's from the devil's servant, the old Chris.

From the power of the devil to become a holy knight defending the gods?

But Dewey also remembers that His Majesty the Great Founding Emperor seemed to have a close relationship with the Temple, and that he did receive the help of the Temple's power during the reunification of the continent. Perhaps... Did he really join the Holy Knights back then?

For a Founding Emperor, it is not difficult to understand to pull together all the strength that can be pulled together to gain the support of the Temple by joining the Holy Corps.

It's just ironic that he comes from the power of the devil, but hangs in the name of the god.

Hussein's expression appeared somewhat unclear, and this knight's mental state began to dissociate… Fortunately, he did not go mad, and the effect of the ice berry fruit had a certain effect on his weak mental strength, which was already severely injured.

Dewey wanted to keep asking. He wanted to know what the knight found in the shrine, in the knight's badge left by Aragon.

What exactly does Hussein mean by "nightmare”? Did Aragon leave something from the devil?

But Hussein's eyes widened, his voice diminished and became blurred.

A little bit of ice berry would not necessarily disturb the knight's tough nerves, but after many days of too many setbacks and too much torture, the knight's mental state would not have been stable.

Like a depressed person, drinking is particularly intoxicating.

Hussein sat in the snow, and he lay on his back and muttered to himself: “Nightmare... nightmare... mine, nightmare...”

He finally closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Hussein hasn't slept for many days. That unbearable pain torments him and exhausts him, although when exhaustion reaches its limit, just lifting the temper can cheer him up. But this is almost a way of squeezing people's potential, after all, not the right way.

Hussein, who had no eye contact for many days, finally relaxed his nerves under the action of ice berries. In a way, he's already weak. He slept so sweetly this night that he didn't have the goddamn pain to torture him, relaxed, didn't even dream about it, he just slept until the next morning.

“Good morning.” Hussein was vigorously awakened by one hand, and the knight felt only relaxed and lazy after a full sleep, and the one in his mind, which had been stretched for many days, finally loosened up. He opened his eyes in confusion, but saw Dewey's nearby face...

Hussein suddenly sat up in shock! The knight blamed himself in the face and said, “How long have I slept?! ”

“Not very long, just overnight.” Dewey leaves his mouth open, and he sees that the knight's body has reached its limits. I'm afraid I won't last long if I don't sleep in it.

Too loose! The knight reproaches himself inside, how can he sleep like a dead pig in a place like this! Completely lost sight of the surrounding area! You even have to push hard to wake yourself up! How can you be so relaxed! In this situation, this is absolutely not allowed!!

“Well, don't blame yourself.” Looking at Hussein's expression, Dewey understood the other person's thoughts and laughed, "You are a human being, not a god, even if God is tired, let alone seriously wounded all over you. You also need a good night's sleep to supplement your strength. You see, you look much better now than you did yesterday. ”

Hussein took a deep breath and did feel a lot of energy restored. He squeezed his fist hard and the bone knuckled. The knight then stood up and made several stretching movements.

He pulled open the curtains of the tent and walked out.

As soon as he got out of the tent, Hussein saw Dardanelle grinding a knife with a stone, the blade of the curve rubbing against the stone, making the sound of sand, and the snow shining on Dardanelle's face.

Dardanelle glanced at the knight and looked less friendly... after all this guy hit Dardanelle seriously yesterday.

Dardanelle woke up in the morning, a little weak, but the trauma had healed. Dewey immediately told Dardanelle about yesterday.

Knowing this powerful knight who tried to kill two of his own yesterday, he has now become a companion. Dardanelle was somewhat shocked, and emotional and attitudinal changes were not forthcoming.

This is also normal. After all, a man almost killed you yesterday after throwing up blood. When he woke up today, he made you a good friend with him... How is that possible!

The two glanced at each other and after a full sleep, the knight's grumpy temper improved a lot. After all, people are very irritable when they are extremely tired. Now Hussein looks a lot more angry, he glances at Dardanelle, hesitates for a moment, or gives him a smile: “Oh, you're awake... well, a good knife. ”

Dadaniel didn't speak, just nodded and continued sharpening his machete. This is Dewey's knife, and Dadaniel's own knife was smashed to pieces yesterday by Hussein - after all, he couldn't even take a random blow under his opponent's serious injuries, a reality that also strikes Dadaniel's self-esteem, which is why he's a little apathetic.

But Dardanelle was still a good man with a frank personality, and he was a little embarrassed, pointing to the iron pot next to him that was framed on the fire: “There's soup in the pot, drink some. ”

“Fortunately, the pot didn't break yesterday, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to drink hot water.” Dewey laughed next to him, then he walked into the snow, stretched out his body, faced the cold wind, and did what the old magician taught him to do.

A set of moves Dewey did three times, until she naturally developed a passion in her body and the cold wind didn't blow so cold on her, and Dewey took a deep breath and ended her exercise.

Hussein next to him had been watching Dewey's movements with a smile, and his eyes seemed to be something Dewey could not understand.

When Dewey was done, Hussein suddenly raised his eyebrows: "The immortality taught you… I mean this action. ”

“Yes, it works well against the cold and seems to be good for the body.” Dewey didn't hide anything.

“You're doing well. Why don't you go on?” Hussein smiles.

“Continue? It's done.” Dewey looked at Hussein and suddenly he moved in his heart, hiding something.

“I knew it...” Hussein whispered, then smiled. “Okay, listen, kid. You're just doing some basic moves. In fact, you're learning the most basic set. I think you're pretty good at it. Do you want to learn something new? This move, old man, will only be the first level of basic routine, and he won't be the one behind it, but I can teach you. ”

Saying, the knight held his arms and looked at Dewey with a smile.

Dewey nodded immediately. Dewey is becoming more and more aware of the benefits of this action! In addition to being able to withstand the cold in this icy snow, Dewey can feel her body getting stronger every day. It was impossible to support him for so many days in the snow and cold winds with his weak body like he used to. I'm afraid I'm already sick. But now, Dewey feels a little better than her peers.

The knight immediately walked up to Dewey and sat down, and then the knight reached out his hand, slowly touching several bones on Dewey, pinched them carefully, closed his eyes for a moment and sighed softly as he opened his eyes: “Unfortunately, you look smart, but the bottom of your body is too bad. I'm afraid you're not born to practice martial arts. This set of things, even if you learn it, will not achieve the desired effect, I'm afraid, the effect... you have to beat a big discount. I'm afraid you've never had a chance to be a top fighter in your life. Too bad... Alas, too bad. ”

Saying, the knight shook his head continuously, looking sorry.

Dewey didn't feel too bad, he didn't have much interest in becoming a tough fighter anyway, but he was happy to make his body a little stronger. So he just laughed: “I don't feel sorry for myself, and I don't have any intention of becoming a powerful fighter. ”

“You know nothing.” Hussein glanced cold at Dewey: “You have no idea what you're practicing right now! Not more than three people across the continent have had the opportunity to learn this over the millennium. Hmm... If even a normally qualified person can learn, if practiced diligently, it is definitely possible to become a top notch stronger on the continent! Alas... unfortunately, you can learn, but your body is in terrible condition. ”

Dewey's interested: “What the hell is this? ”

Hussein did not immediately reply, and he looked at Dardanelle, who was adding wood to the fire, and said politely: "This one...”

“My name is Dardanelle.” Dardanelle slowed down: “I know what you mean, I was just about to go find something in the woods. ”

After that, Dardanelle dropped what was in her hand and stepped away.

“Thank you." The knight said to Dardanelle's back.

Warriors on the continent understand this rule, and it is rude to stand by while others teach martial arts - unless you want to learn by stealing. And a lot of tall people, when they teach, of course, don't let people peek around and learn their best moves.

“Boy, I'll do it first, see how much you can remember.” The knight stretched a lazy waist and walked into the snow, then he made his first move...

As he walked from Hussein to the snow, Dewey opened his eyes and carefully watched Hussein's movements. His moves are similar to those taught by an old magician... and they're just similar.

But it's a lot harder!

There are a few moves that Dewey can barely bear to watch whisper... that can't be done by humans! Unless that man's joints are completely 360 degrees free to spin!

There are also ligaments… Dewey suspects that even former gymnasts who worked out as kids couldn't do that!

Watching the first knight on the continent stand there, his body twisted like noodles, gives a really creepy feeling.

After a set of actions, Hussein's forehead is already covered with a lot of sweat - of course, it's not tired, it's hot.

“These basic things are to exercise your body, multiply your body's flexibility, and in the future, your strength, agility, speed, and most importantly, your ability to fight, will all multiply!” Hussein explained.

Strike resistance… Dewey is very touching.

If you can really practice Hussein like this, you can twist your whole body as soft as noodles... someone else can fold your joints in one punch, but your joints would have been free to bend... then of course it would have been cheap.

But... it's not that simple at all. Otherwise, aren't all the acrobatics and gymnasts Dewey saw in his previous life super masters?!

“Of course, it's not that easy to improve.” Hussein adds: “These are just the basics. When you have practiced all of the basic sets, your body has reached a limit. At that time, when your body is ready, you will be able to practise the advanced content of this set... Qi Qi! ”

“Fighting?” Dewey laughed: “Are you saying that this set of things is actually a basic way to cultivate the fighting spirit? ”

“It's not just brawl.” Hussein said softly: “You don't need to know now, I'll consider teaching you when you reach the level I think you can. Now, you do it again and let me see how much you understand. ”

Dewey immediately took a few steps, stood in the snow, and then he remembered Hussein's movements and started acting...

A set of actions, Dewey remembers very quickly, and relies on the set of actions taught by the old magician for many days. This new set of actions, he also did the same, but many particularly difficult actions, Dewey couldn't do. After all, he didn't have the ability to rotate his joints 360 degrees, let alone twist his body like noodles.

“Good, you're learning fast.” Although Hussein was praising him, his expression became more and more regrettable and shook his head: “Unfortunately. Too bad...”

Hussein watched Dewey learn quickly and remembered his natural physique. Although he was smart, this guy was doomed to fail to become a top expert. He had to be a bit of a pity for Dewey.

Dewey learns fast. After all, his mental strength, memory and imitation are beyond ordinary people.

And after a set of moves, Dewey suddenly feels a body reaction!


This is the strongest thing Dewey feels right now!

This is different from the action of the former old magician, after which his body exudes a slight warmth... the action of the Hussein Church, after which Dewey feels like a flame burning in his body! That flame seems to be burning very hard! Even make Dewey feel like she's in a fireplace!

He's sweating all over! The sweat quickly penetrated his close-fitting clothes, and Dewey even felt dry in the mouth and couldn't help but want water.

Hussein grabbed Dewey, his face was serious, and he said a series of tricks quickly in Dewey's ear, whispering: "Remember! This set of moves needs to be accompanied by tone exercises to make a real difference! But the trick, the old man doesn't know, he's learning magic, so these things, he hasn't learned. I don't really know what those words mean either, you just have to follow them. ”

The trick was strange, and Dewey, guided by Hussein, sat on the snow and then closed his eyes to feel the flame in his body, and that enthusiasm made Dewey burn all over his body... like a fever. Dewey, according to the point of the tone, feels the flame a little bit, and then tries to guide them with his own mental strength...

Strange things have happened!

Those gases seemed endless, and as Dewey's traction shifted all over his body, waves of heat struck, making Dewey almost faint. But in pain, there is a strange feeling… more comfortable!

I'm afraid there aren't many people in the world who like to be burned. Dewey mocked herself.

Dewey, with his eyes closed, didn't know that the sweat all over his body had wet his clothes, and even where he was sitting under his ass, the snow had melted.

The heat was roasting his body, his bones, his muscles... silently, fixing some of the weaknesses in his body. Little by little changes in his body… of course, these changes are invisible to the naked eye.

A long time later, when Dewey opened his eyes, he saw that the sun was over his head, and he sat there until noon.

Hussein sat beside him with a faint smile: “Well, the first time will be for a long time, the next time you practice, you won't sit for so long, just do it over and over again and follow the tone to guide the hot air. ”

Dewey reached out and warmed herself, the cold wind blowing on her body, but it seemed as if she didn't have half a chill at all, even he was sweating, the wind blowing on her, and she felt like she was cool.

“Is this... a fight? ”

“It's early!” Hussein scoffed: “This is just the most basic way to exercise your body, and it's a long way from practicing your fighting spirit! This exercise will only improve your physical fitness a lot. But it won't make you a master. ”

Then Hussein lowered his voice: “The ‘man’ who created this cultivation left a message saying," No matter how powerful the man is, he is essentially good at fighting, he's good at everything, he's just energy. Our bodies are also energy, but people live in this world, and we breathe air, drink water, eat, all supplement the energy in our bodies. But the body of each person is different. Someone sucks energy, the body can only absorb three or four points, and some people can absorb a little more. This practice makes the body stronger and more… pure and reduces the loss and loss of energy. In the future, you are sucking energy, eating and drinking water, even breathing, and your body will suck natural energy with these little by little… If you are a practitioner, whether you are practicing magic or martial arts, you will practice faster than others, because your body has improved slowly, you will be better able to leave behind those exercised energy and reduce consumption. ”

Got it... Dewey's heart defines this cultivation method: it's like training a “single cylinder engine" into a "double cylinder engine”! More powerful!

“All right, now take a shower! You're all sweaty and stinky.” Hussein pushed Dewey a hand.

In this cold weather and snow, Dewey simply took off his clothes and grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it against his body. The cold snow rubbed against his hot skin. It didn't feel cold at all. It was as comfortable as taking a cold bath in Cool Summer. Dewey was happy with this change and enjoyed it... In his view, this approach was also very satisfying for vanity.

Snow scrubbed in the snow, didn't look cold at all... this feeling, “tough guy”, didn't it? Huh.

Watching Dewey happily take a snow bath, Hussein sits by the tent. The knight's face contemplated, and he sighed gently.

That's okay... I don't know when I'm gonna die. If you die, then no one will be able to pass it on.

Whatever... Aragon, your “starry skies fight" set of doors, I'm kind of out. Though you are my nightmare, watching this magical martial arts pass away, as a martial artist, must not let this happen.

Well... star fighting, let's see, if the boy's progress satisfies me, maybe he can pass on the real star fighting.

What Dewey didn't know was that this set of moves he was practicing at this moment, nearly a thousand years ago, was the martial arts of Aragon Roland, the founding emperor of the Roland Empire, who swept across the continent and became the most powerful man in the ranks of the Holy Knights at the top of the continent... Starry Fighting!

Of course, all our little aristocrats are now practicing is the basic foundation for physical exercise, if he's progressing fast enough... maybe...

“Well, we should get going. ”

After stopping for a moment, Hussein stood up, waving his hand, a strong wind rolled under his hand and the snow rolled up immediately extinguished the fire in front of him and covered it up.

Dardanelle is back, he starts closing his tent, and Hussein yells at Dewey: "Boy, put on your clothes, I don't want to keep looking at your naked ass! ”

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