Law of the Devil

Chapter 77 [Evil Eye Tyrant's Kingdom]


Chapter 77 [Kingdom of Evil Eye Tyrants]

“You're not the first people to come here! ”

Just over two decades ago, some humans came here, and they didn't have a conflict with the tree people, but they also met Old Wood, and then they entered the canyon, trying to kill the evil Eye Tyrant, and as a result...

Old Wood was kind enough to refer to the stone statue of the human knight at the mouth of the canyon... unfortunately, he had been trampled to pieces by a fellow tree man in a previous battle.

Dewey immediately remembered what Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps leader Bienrich had told himself: it was now documented that humans had gone to the deepest part of the frozen forest, this canyon! About twenty years ago, a great magician came here with some high-ranking knights and almost completely destroyed them. And the magician escaped on his own, and the accompanying senior knight, all dead!

Even the map given by Captain Bienrich in Dewey's arms was said to have come out during the escaped magician!

Trees are a bit clumsy in their expression, but the underlying meaning is obvious: I met some powerful humans who came here, but they were all defeated by evil eye tyrants, so we trees don't believe you can defeat evil eye tyrants...

“Thank you for your reminder. But there's no loss to the tree man, is there?” Dewey smiles: “Let's go kill that evil guy. If we fail, it has nothing to do with the tree man. And if we succeed, we will be treated as compensation for what we have just done. ”

Dewey's words left Old Wood with no reason to be picky.

But once again, the Tree Man showed its incredibly kind and simple!

Old Wood slowly bowed down and stroked from his trunk for a while, pulling out a golden leaf... Dewey noticed that the leaf was golden!

“If… there is a danger… inserting it… on the ground… might… protect… you… for a moment. ”

Dewey's stuck. You know, they're still in opposition to the Tree Man! These tree people are kind and simple, forgetting the speed of hatred… Dewey sighed, and I'm afraid such a race, even with its large population, would be difficult to survive.

With a sigh of exclamation, Dewey went back behind the rock and looked at two companions: "Hey, you guys hear me? I think now we have something to do... Evil Eye Tyrant, don't know what monster it is? ”

“Whatever it is, I don't think anything in this place is my opponent," Hussein said softly. I'm only interested in the water. ”

“Oh, yeah.” Dewey laughed, “The water should cure your wounds. ”

“No!” Hussein sneered: "I don't care about my wounds… but that's where Aragon has been! I have to go check it out! ”

“And you?” Dewey glanced at Dardanelle: “My friend, what do you mean? ”

Dardanelle's face was serious, he pulled the bow behind him and said positively: "Maybe there's a golden-eyed python in the canyon! That stone statue was obviously petrified! Maybe there's a gold-eyed python in there! ”


Dewey mumbled, and he said with a smile, "Well, let's go inside. ”

Old Wood commanded "companions” to move away the stones blocked in the mouth of the canyon. The powerful tree people “companions" easily moved away the boulders, freed up the space at the mouth of the canyon, then Duwei and Old Wood waved goodbye and walked into the canyon with their two companions, the three of them stepped...

# 8226;

Dewey and others don't know how big this canyon is. Although the canyon is said to be “not big” from the introduction of the tree man Old Wood. But you know, that's measured by the height and size of the tree.

At least for the moment, Dewey thought the place was “not small”.

After entering the canyon entrance, about 10 meters away is a corner. What frowned the three of them was that it was a fog coming face to face.

It's really “thick” fog. Dewey can clearly feel the humidity in the air, very strongly, even as if walking around in the fog for a while, with a lot of steam on his body.

The visibility here is pretty bad, visually, the line of sight does not exceed five steps! Dewey has never seen such a dense fog!

Walk in such a poor visibility, and this canyon is home to an evil powerful man. Undoubtedly unsafe. So Dewey tried a lot. He tried to magically induce a small gust of wind to blow away the fog, but after the wind passed, it was still white, and Dewey made sure of one thing... the fog was made out of magic.

Little did light a torch… it was still a branch that Dewey pulled off of a fellow tree man at random before entering the canyon. Hussein Dangren, the most powerful man, walked in the forefront of the road. And after Dardanelle broke off, Dewey, the worst in the melee, walked in the middle.

Dewey's mental strength remained at full strength for a while in this thick fog, carefully sensing the movement around him. But neither Dewey nor the responsive Hussein noticed anything suspicious.

Instead, Dardanelle, who had an adventure, asked the question: “You find no… the ground here seems to be getting less snow. ”

Thus, as a reminder to Duvi and Hussein, the two of them quickly noticed less snow under their feet. Dewey sniffed his nose hard and frowned: "It's not less snow, it seems to be warmer in the canyon than it is out there, you see. ”

Pointing to the ground, Dewey squatted down slowly, reaching out and grabbing a hand on the ground. He grabbed some snow with this hand, as well as some damp, soft soil.

“If it's in the forest, the frozen soil on the ground is hard to cut even with a knife. But the soil here, as soon as you catch it, you can get up. ”

Just a little further forward, the snow on the ground is almost all gone! Beneath the feet is muddy land that melts with snow, and the three of them come all the way, with mud on their boots and pants, and leather boots stepping in slippery mud, making people's feet extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, however, the further we go inside, the higher the ground gradually gets, and at the foot, the dryer land gets more and more...

Dewey stood still again and his eyes flickered: “Did you see that? ”

Hussein and Dardanelle also stopped and nodded.

Dewey touched the ground and laughed, “The ground is hot. Shit, is this canyon a precious geothermal area? ”

“That's why the snow melts here.” Dardanelle laughed.

Dewey thought about it. There was one thing that came to mind.

This fog after the canyon entrance!

This is the cold air outside of the hesitation canyon, impacted by the warm air in the canyon, condensed at the mouth of the canyon, melted the snow accumulation here, the water vapor rose, forming an ever-increasing fog... and here it seems that the other party used some magic to solidify this fog. It becomes a zone where the wind blows and water vapor cannot evaporate.

The further you go into the canyon, the drier the ground becomes and the temperature of the air gradually rises.

What has left Dewey and others helpless is that from the beginning to the present, the three of them have walked in a valley that is not too wide. This valley is like nine turns and eighteen turns. The three of them turn a few turns, turn left and turn right. Finally, the fog in front of them gradually diminishes, and the feet are already dry ground. Even beneath the hillside rocks on both sides, you can even see a few green, oily weeds and mosses!

Relative to the ice and snow outside, the cold wind. The temperature in this canyon is much more comfortable.

“Looks like that evil-eyed tyrant robbed a good place.” Dardanelle couldn't help laughing: “There is such a good place in this shitty forest, and if it were me, I would never let anyone else have it. It's freezing out here! ”

Dewey has unbuttoned the top buttons of her jacket, revealing her neck for breath. It's warm in here, wearing a jacket, and Dewey feels like she's about to sweat. He even took off his leather hat and stuffed it in his arms and looked around carefully.

The fog is so thin that it can be ignored. Dewey felt a little more comfortable: the fog just now not only affected his vision, but also the heavy moisture, choking Dewey for a cough. Dewey had no doubt that people were going to have pulmonary edema after spending too much time in that fog, which contained too much horrible moisture.

Now that there is no fog, the three of us can finally observe the place.

The deeper into the canyon, the wider the road became, the hills on both sides were still rocky, bare rock faults appeared bluish-grey, and occasionally clusters of unknown plants were stubbornly detected in the cracks of the rock, and even Dewey saw heaps of decaying wood on both sides of the canyon. Those already corrupted roots, I don't know how many years old.

“Look, here's an interesting thing.” Hussein walked ahead and suddenly made a strange cry.

Dewey and Dardanelle followed immediately and saw Hussein standing in front of a “tablet”.

Said to be “stone tablet”, somewhat reluctantly, this is clearly a large rock on the side of the road, as if it had been cut off, revealed on neat cuts, dense and numb engraved with a few lines... Hershey is the general word of the Empire!

“Evil Eye Kingdom Proclamation:

Please note that you have stepped on the territory of the Evil Eye Kingdom. This is a land under the rule of the great evil eye king. According to the decree of the Great Evil Eye King himself, any creature, whether a warcraft, a tree man, a human being, or anything transiting through the territory of this kingdom, must pay his tax dedication to His Majesty the Great Evil Eye King: every creature in transit must dedicate one of your eyes!

This circular is the supreme decree of the Kingdom and will kill any foreigner who fails to comply with the decree of the Kingdom! ”

(Well, please don't forget to vote for the book after reading. Oh, and please collect the book, thank you ~)



