Law of the Devil

Chapter 132 [Tradition]

(Chapter 1 today)

Chapter 121 [Traditional]

Without waiting for him to finish, Dewey patted him on the shoulder and laughed, “Okay, I'm just asking. Alas, I knew he had gone back, and I had some news for him, and I forgot to tell the people in the castle the other day when I left. In that case, forget it. ”

Alpha frowned and didn't stop, just glanced at the cavalry and led Dewey onto the carriage himself. That's what got the horses. Nor did Alpha wear any armor, but he wore a samurai costume, not even a sword, and his horse was at the top of the queue.

The Magic Union of the Continent of Roland is situated in the west of the city of Tidu. There is a large circular square, and the Magic Union is right in the middle of the square. Unlike what Dewey had previously thought, the home camp of legendary and mysterious magicians appeared to have no "mysterious” aura.

A tall white column was erected around the square, presenting a diamond-shaped column in its entirety, forming a magic array that provided lighting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even in the dark, the magic union was illuminated. It is said that the light of this magic array, from its inception nine hundred and sixty years ago, has not been extinguished for a day to this day. Magic's flames never go out, representing the flourishing of the world's magical civilization!

At the same time, the superior status of the Magic Union, even during the war on the continent, did not dare to provoke the Magic Union during the two disturbances experienced by the Empire.

The carriage slowly drove around the square and slowed down. Above the square there are six different directions leading to the center of the square, a tall hexagonal star building.

From an aerial bird's eye view, the surrounding circular square, combined with the square's solemn Magic Union theme architecture, forms a very standard six-star pattern.

The Dewey pedestrian entered from the lower left corner of the "Hexagon", where Dewey disembarked from the carriage and, crowded by the Rollins' escorts, went into the main building of the purely white Hexagon.

The main building of the entire Magic Union is only three floors long, but it is a ceiling shape. The right center of the Six Mans star is a slightly smaller square, the right center of the square is a tall tower, just a small cut below the White Tower, the highest of all emperors in the palace. According to some literature read by Dewey, the tall tower of the Magic Union is exactly 88 meters high.

After getting off the carriage, next to the main building, is a very simple lounge built in a row. Alpha glanced at Dewey and smiled: "Young Master, it should be very safe here. Just go inside and I'll wait here. ”

Dewey glanced at Alpha: "Aren't you coming in with me? ”

Alpha smiled slightly, but with a hint of pride in his eyes: "Young master, you forgot, I am a samurai! ”

On the continent of Roland, although martial arts and magic are equally ancient, they have been suppressed by magic for millennia as a whole, thanks to the flourishing magical civilization.

Often, magicians of the same rank actually fight with more combat power than samurai of the same rank. For example, when Dewey was assassinated on the road before, a Clark magician could summon Death Warriors and easily kill several powerful assassin samurai.

Magicians can use their magic to drive the magical forces of magical and powerful elements, which cannot be counterbalanced by samurai who rely solely on themselves to cultivate power.

Although, under common theory, magicians are good at long-range attacks, samurai are good at close assault. But it seems that in times, the power of long-range attacks is enormous, representing trends.

And the Magician, though close assault is considered the greatest weakness. But magical civilization always finds some way to make up for it. For example, the appalling Death Creature of Clark Magician's summoning "Death Warrior” can provide close protection to the Magician, while others, such as some defensive junctions, can also be used to compensate for their weaknesses.

Together, magicians have a huge advantage over samurai in comparison at the same level.

It would be much more embarrassing if it weren't for the training of a magician and the training of samurai was much easier than that of a magician... I'm afraid the status of samurai would be even more embarrassing.

After all, an ordinary person, even if his talent is a little short, can practice martial arts as long as he works hard, even if he can't reach the high realm and become a junior samurai, it's not impossible.

But magic is different. Without magic talent, you will never be a magician. You will not be able to enter even the lowest level of a magician!

So while the magician is powerful, the difficulty of practicing creates bottlenecks in this profession. Makes the number of magicians scarce, which makes the samurai system, although always of inferior quality, good for the large number, but also a little resistant to hidden and magic.

After all, however, the status is different.

Magic unions, for example, can be compared to temples and are considered one of the most powerful forces on the continent.

By contrast, the so-called Knights' Association is much worse off. The loosening of management and the inability to breathe under the control of the Magic Union make the Knights' Association far less of a position than the Magic Union, even in Diduli.

But the samurai still have their own pride. As a senior samurai, Alpha strictly abides by the dignity and integrity of his senior samurai...

On the continent of Roland, the high samurai have a creed of life that is almost identical to the motto and do not know from what age.

“Samurai, don't join the Magician! ”

Of course, with the fall of the status of the samurai, few adherents to these ethics have now gradually become obedient, and only some highly practiced samurai will continue to adhere to these tenets. And some ordinary samurai, pressured to survive, have long forgotten these prides...

Some magicians, for example, even to compensate for their close combat abilities underground, recruit some samurai as close guards. In battle, there are samurai protection around them, which can also greatly compensate for the weaknesses of close warfare.

And the samurai who are recruited by magicians are often oblivious to high-ranking samurai like Alpha.

Dewey, of course, knew about these schematics, so Alpha refused to go in, and Dewey understood what he meant and didn't say much.

Thereafter, Dewey tidied her clothes slightly and walked into the main hexagonal building.

To the slightest surprise of Dewey, the gate of the Magic Union, there is no door!

The apparently empty "door door” without a door panel, just walked past, but could feel a hidden magic fluctuation passing around. The Bachelor of Magic badge worn on Dewey's chest immediately induced sensation, and then the slightest scan of magic fluctuations faded away.

Dewey knows that this is probably Magician's Magic Array. Although there is no "door," the Magician is not open to anyone!

Only an official magician, wearing his own sandwiched magician badge, can enter the gates of the Magic Union!

Of course, there are few magicians on the continent. There are only hundreds of authentic magicians on the continent. In such a huge magic union, there is always someone to do ordinary work. Most of the magicians who are noble are obsessed with research. Everyday work requires people to do it. This has led to the emergence of a new group of people on the margins of the profession of magician in the continent.

Mage Apprentice.

This type of person tends to have a slightly more magical gift than ordinary people, but is unable to become a magician, even if it is difficult to be a first-degree magician. Such persons are often recruited as assistants and apprentices by magicians, and are actually jobs similar to those of servants.

In addition to the magicians' privately recruited magic apprentices, there are also many magic apprentices officially recruited by magicians' unions across the continent. These people are responsible for many of the day-to-day miscellaneous tasks within the Magic Union, such as the preservation of documents, the repair of magic materials, etc.

Dewey walked into the main building of the Magic Union and immediately felt something different.

Here, on the ceiling above the head, you can't see any building materials, there's a void on the ceiling, there's a hidden floating cloud, in the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars, they're all glittering, and they make up a magnificent and weird spectacle —— of course, it's a magical scene.

Often around, everyone who can see wears a magician-style robe.

Of course, the colors are different.

Lower and intermediate magicians are gray robes and senior magicians in white robes. Most of them, wearing silver robes, are all magic apprentices.

Dewey walked into this hall, and the vast majority of the people around him were magic apprentices in silver robes. Occasionally, he could see a magician or two in grey robes. As for white robes, they were senior officials in the magic union and naturally would not walk around the hall.

Dressed in a black robe, Dewey immediately attracted a lot of surprise.

(There is also a chapter, the word count is a bit longer than expected, I'm still writing it, I'll post it later)

(To be continued, please log on to WWW.CMFU.COM for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)