Law of the Devil

Chapter 220 [Miracle Makers] (Plus! Moon ticket ~)



Chapter 198 [Miracle Maker]

Dewey was full of pride. After all, as a man, suddenly sits in the hands of a province, a vast territory, tens of thousands of children. With power in hand, there will inevitably be a pride in wanting to do something big.

However, he faced a number of problems.

Financially, Dewey is not short of money right now, but in the future, there are plenty of places to spend money! Without that blackmail from the United Kingdom of the South, it wouldn't really last long without the revenues from Teito's business alone.

The geographical location of Dessard Province is considered the north-westernmost border of the Empire.

The Kilimaro Mountains on the western side of the continent, like a natural barrier, stretch across the continent from north to south for thousands of miles.

This is the western barrier of the Empire.

And just to the northwest, in the Kilimaro Mountains, there is a “gap” of great magnitude.

It is the only breakthrough in the Kilimaro Mountains, known as the “Northwest Corridor”.

This Northwest Corridor is also the Empire's only path to the Northwest Desert and Grasslands. The entire Northwest Corridor hole runs through the Kilimaro Mountains… not a sheep bowel trail, but a huge threshold.

The corridor is dozens of kilometers long, the widest is ten miles, the narrowest is the northwest corridor entrance to the desert, and it is also more than two miles wide.

It can be said that the Kilimaro Mountains blocked most of the wind and sand in the northwest for the continent, as well as the interracial race in the grasslands behind the desert.

And this threshold is strategic!

When Dewey first came to the world as a young man, he had seen some geographic information, and he was naive at the time that the situation in the Northwest was not difficult to solve.

If you build a city or a large military fortress on this northwest corridor, stationed some troops for years, and held the corridor firmly under control... then what are you worried about?

But then Dewey realized how naive he was!

The idea of building a wall on this threshold, or a city like a military fortress… is ridiculous. Because there's a big problem here: water!

People drink water, horses drink water!

Needless to say, even if we build a military fortress that will hold only 20,000 troops... where do 20,000 people get their daily water?

There's no pipeline in the world! The north-west is a dryland, with few rivers and dry for most of the year. A little relief can only be achieved during the rainy season. In most places, wells can only be drilled for water.

On the other hand, the Northwest Corridor is a gateway to the Kilimaro Mountains! Geologically, there are rock formations below the ground! Stop talking about rivers, even if you want to drill wells to get groundwater, you can't do it!

If you get a military fortress here, the water for tens of thousands of soldiers can only be transported by car and horse every day!

You can't stop drinking water all day! Especially in such arid areas!

Drinking water for tens of thousands of people, transported by car and horse every day... it's horrible to think about it!

It is simply impossible!

So the establishment of a defensive military fortress in the Northwest Corridor is simply a dead end.

The Empire's approach is to establish a few small checkpoints in this corridor. In the event of such an incident, these checkpoints can act as a guard. Incidentally, these posts belong to the Northwest Army.

And out of this northwest corridor, out there, is the desert, behind the desert is the savannah.

And inwards…… is De Salle Province of Dewey!

Dewey is well aware that the Northwest Army is now in a divine relationship with the Empire, and with its new arrival in the Northwest, you can't expect those posts in the Northwest Corridor to protect you!

In fact, he always suspected that the Northwest Army actually collaborated with the Pagans on the prairie and the horse thieves in the desert!

In this way, Dessardines is exposed almost unreservedly to the claws of hostile forces! Although it was previously too barren, neither horse thieves nor grassland heterosexuals seemed very interested in the place.

But now that I'm here, the first thing I want to do is solve my defense problems!

In Dewey's view, the geographical location of the capital city of Gilliard did not satisfy him. The city, far from the north-west corridor, leans back against the mountains and is safe, but neither the transportation hub nor the coverage of the entire Desachon province is sufficient for the capital city.

Having abandoned the city's maintenance and determined to build a new city, Dewey had searched for a long time on the map and had finally chosen a place.


It's the same name as a legendary city in the West that Dewey knew in his previous life. But here, the difference is, Lulan is the name of a lake.

Luran Lake.

Walk through the Northwest Corridor towards the Empire, facing each other near the main thoroughfares of the Bible. This is a very nice place, and in the northwest, it's very rare to have such a lake, which is not small in size, and to replenish the water with snow water flowing down the Kilimaro Hills all year round.

Many merchants traveling to and from the northwest will choose to pass here, replenish the water in this lake and continue.

With water, you don't have to drink that somewhat bitter groundwater. According to the knowledge of previous generations of Dewey, groundwaters in such areas often suffer with substances harmful to the human body.

“This is where we build our new capital city!” After Dewey pointed down the map, everyone frowned at the bottom of his class.

“My lord.” Philip was the first to ask, and this well-liked future employee of Dewey has become more and more confident: "My lord, with all due respect, if you build a new city, it will cost you an astronomical number…”

“Don't worry financially.” Fortunately, there's nothing missing here, but stones are the most indispensable, local material collection, not difficult, and I've calculated that if we build a medium city in the South, we would need about four million gold coins, which already includes the cost of immigration after construction. In this shithole in the northwest, everything is cheap. It's a good place. If it hadn't been for the financial strain here in the northwest, we would have built a new city here. ”

“I don't doubt your wealth.” Philip shook his head: “Millions of gold coins, I believe you can still afford them with your means, my lord. But what worries me is a series of questions that follow..."

Philip stood up and walked over to the map, pointing at it: "My concern is threefold. First of all, my lord, you can see that this place is a transportation hub, so others can see it! Northwestern Fae, Northwestern Army, they're not fools! Once a new city is built here, it will be a threat to them, as the establishment of a new city by Lake Lulan will give you more control over Northwest Desa... and water! With such a transport hub, they won't want to be held tight by you. Second... My lord, we have just arrived in the northwest, we do not have complete control over the administration here, and with the establishment of the new city, immigration will be a big problem! We are grossly understaffed, relocation alone requires a large number of officials to work, and we… are now the most lacking! And third..."

Philip cautiously said, "Labour issues. Sir!” he sighed: "The population in the northwest is already sparse. We have a population of less than 800,000 in Dessardines. In my opinion, building such a city requires at least tens of thousands of labourers! Time… Optimistic estimates also take at least two years to complete. In the northwest, we can't get that much labor. And if forced recruitment, I'm afraid... such heavy labour will cause civil change, and we don't have enough troops, there are only thousands of people, and it's hard to control the entire province. There is also food… We are not prepared to feed tens of thousands of labourers, remember that the northwest is a low-food region. ”

Dewey was quietly waiting for Philip to finish, and Dewey wasn't angry that this guy was opposed to his plan. He felt that an excellent employee should think differently at all times. He doesn't need the kind of stallion.

“Lots of questions, Phillip, and you're right.” Dewey's fingers knocked gently on the map: “But what if I told you I was going to do a miracle? ”

Deweyton took a moment to look at his crew, including his loyal Robert Knight, General Lombardon, Old Smoke, and George Bush, plus a few Blue Sea disciples.

“Three months!” Dewey laughed, “I calculated that I needed about 5,000 people, 5,000 people would be enough. In three months, you'll see a new city in this place! ”

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Three months to build a new city? This is a joke!

“Have you forgotten my other identity?” Dewey smiles: “I'm a magician. And magicians, often referred to as' miracle makers’. ”

(Continue to add more! Moon ticket ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~)



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