Law of the Devil

Chapter 376 [The Far Back] (Moon Ticket ~)


(Update sent today ~)

Chapter 352 [The Far Back]

One month time.

In just one month, the private army of the Rollins was re-established, a large number of veterans returned to the army, and many of the family knights loyal to the Rollins. After hearing the call, they were rearmed and arrived at the army from the very first hour of the Rawling Plains.

The old abandoned barracks everywhere were rejuvenated, and energetic soldiers practiced hard - everything went so smoothly. Subsequently, the Empire's originally appointed local officials and local guard forces gradually withdrew from the Rollin Plains.

As before, the Rowling Plains have almost been transformed into an independent little kingdom, a "Rowling Kingdom”.

Dewey clearly underestimated the Rawlings' fanaticism and devotion to tradition, as well as the appeal of the glorious name "Rawling”. Soon, the 50,000 private forces were all full, but the ranks were still full on the streets outside the places where the towns signed up to join the army.

At this time, Dewey simply made a decision. Although the deal with Prince Chen was 50,000 troops, Dewey is not the honest guy. He waved a lot and ordered another 20,000 reserves to be recruited... Well, reserves, I guess not a regular army.

Old Raymond can't manage on the bed. And my brother Gabriel was young. During the month, Dewey assumed almost the same responsibilities as the chief.

After the departure of the Empire's local officials, local governments everywhere were made up of a large number of members of the reused Rollins, who, naturally, were grateful to Dewey Dade after the pardon. Dewey spends a lot of time reading documents every day - of course, he hasn't forgotten his younger brother, and when he handles these duties, no matter how unhappy Gabriel is, Dewey forces the kid to stay with him.

Gabriel was sitting in the study and reading his papers, and Gabriel was watching, and even some papers, Dewey didn't read them herself, but asked Gabriel to read them to him. Dewey's intentions are clear. Though young greed is a teenager's nature, Dewey has educated his brother many times: you are the future Count, and now that the family is in a special situation, you don't have time to enjoy your innocent, worry-free teenage years! You must grow up and mature as soon as possible! You have to get familiar with all these things in the short term...

Looking at his younger brother's childish face, Dewey also had a soft heart in his heart, but he still had a hard heart to teach the boy.

“Gabriel, don't blame me... because I'm leaving the Rollin Plains soon! The burden will be on your shoulders in the future! ”

In fact, on the Rollin Plains, even the small traders and carriers know that, although the heir to the Count now nominally is Young Master Gabriel, all the correspondence is signed by Young Master Gabriel. But in Rollin Castle, the real decision maker is the Duke of Tulips!

Young Master Dewey, Duke of Tulip, is also a member of our Rollin family.

And the Rollins rarely use the name “Duke of Tulip" for Dewey, and most people mention the two men in the castle, who are used to calling them "Young Young Master and Young Master” to appear intimate.

On that day, after the signing of the last letter of appointment, the handover of military power in the historic month of the Rollin Plains was completely ended. Before the coup d 'état, one hundred and sixty Rollins served as local officials in various parts of the Rollin Plains, eliminating more than a dozen who were already seriously ill or old, and the rest were reinstated. And in the army, after a large number of old departments, neither senior nor grassroots officers have to worry too much about Dewey.

These armies, Dewey, are familiar, even far more familiar than Gabriel...

Speaking of which, it's a bit of a disgrace, after all, Dewey used to play that “football league” extensively in the military, because for that reason, Dewey had a very good relationship with these officers during the year he was on the Rollin Plains.

The last appointment was the family guard chief. Old Uncle Alpha had gone to the northwest with himself and the current family guard position was vacant. For this candidate, Dewey took a long time to think about it and then Gabriel proposed a candidate.

“Slaughter." Gabriel said to his brother, “This guy is a bit boring, but he's an old man my father trusts, and he's been very careful and martial arts for two or three years with me. ”

Dewey immediately remembered that when he first returned to Didu, he first met his brother, the indifferent personal bodyguard next to him, so he waved a lot of money and decided on this candidate.

In order to rebuild the Rollins' private army, Dewey could say that a great deal of money had been invested - after all, the Rollins had been ransacked from their former glory, and there was not much surplus money in the family. Although they had returned to Rollins Plains territory, the next tax payment would not be made until next year. Now rebuilding the army, all this military spending, is what Dewey paid for —— the last thing he needs now, anyway.

He even took the time to send someone to Walker Harbor in the south to meet with the servants of the United Kingdom in the South Ocean who had returned with Jolyn's fleet.

The South Yankees had been killed by Jolyn. Seeing Dewey was like seeing a ghost. One was frightened and without effort. Dewey made an agreement with them privately:

First of all, Dewey lets Luffik follow them back to the Southern Ocean to be king.

The second is that the United Kingdom of the South is willing to pay a certain amount of wealth each year in exchange for the support of the Duke of Tulips, because the United Kingdom of the South does not have its own currency and Dewey does not need gold anymore, so it has decided to pay a sum equal to the value of one million gold coins of the Empire for Southern Ocean specialties such as pearls, spices, ivory, etc. (even Dewey has expressed willingness to accept slavery).

With regard to article III, Dewey undertook, in his own capacity and in the influence of the Empire, to exert maximum influence on the Empire's Regent and to refrain from initiating acts of expeditionary aggression against the South Ocean.

In fact, if, according to the laws of the Empire, Dewey is a duke, but he is not an emperor after all, he has no power to enter into any agreement with the foreign state, and must be investigated, this is already a crime of ultra vires and even collusion with an enemy country in private! But Dewey doesn't care about these things right now.

On the one hand, Dewey believed that the Empire could never lack itself now. Whoever it is, if you want to frame yourself, then you must be dead to each other. Now that the Empire is at a loss, it would not have been possible to plan any more southern expeditions, even the navy would have had to “return land” in large numbers, so selling an empty man to the South Yankees is nothing.

And one step further… It has to be said that Dewey's psyche has gradually undergone a slight subtle change.

Ever since he learned that he was Aragon, Aragon was himself. Though he didn't really think so in his heart. But subconsciously, a subtle thought emerged:

This empire was originally built by me! Whatever I want!

As for the messengers from the United Kingdom of the South, who, on the one hand, were unaware of the situation of the Empire, it seemed to them that as long as the Empire could stop its aggression, it would already be thankful. Where else would you dare to ask?

And others... although there are one or two of these messengers who are smarter, they also feel that if an agreement is to be signed, it should be signed with the Emperor of the Roland Empire. The Duke of Tulip doesn't seem to have that much power...

But Dewey made a casual move, leaving scared the crap out of these guys!

It's simple: Dewey hypothesized a dinner to entertain these messengers, and then at the dinner, Count Raymond, who was ill, walked out of the ward, came to the banquet and showed his face, even though he sat there for such a short while, it was enough to scare the messengers out of their bodies!!

Who's old Count Raymond? He's the famous general of the Empire! The former Commander of the Navy, the Second Army... and more importantly, he left an indelible and terrible image in the hearts of the Southern Yankees! He's the worst butcher, executioner, aggressor in the minds of Nanyang! The naval expedition led by Raymond is the most damaging and terrifying of all time! The level of fear in the hearts of the South Yankees is much stronger than Jolyn's. I don't know how many times!

When such a nightmarish guy showed up, these Southern messengers lost even the last bit of guts.

The old butcher is the father of this tulip duke, the female butcher is the subordinate of this tulip duke... God, what a terrible duke this tulip duke is!!

Soon the agreement was signed and there was no further resistance.

After all this work, Dewey can finally relax a little. These days, he was busy, tired half to death...

Although he was also in charge of the military administration of a province in the northwest, in the northwest, Philip had a good hand in the administration, and that young man was a prime minister. On the military side, there are two hundred and fifty General Lombardons and other defending generals, and there is no need to worry too much about Dewey. Since when has he been so busy? I can't bear to miss Philip and others so deeply right now that if I hadn't known that Northwest was too close, he would have wanted a paper order to summon Philip.

At the same time, in addition to dealing with government fatigue, Dewey was not in a relaxed mood. His mood was heavier every day because...

Father old Raymond's body, his illness seems to be heavier every day than every day!!

Old Raymond's illness began when he was dismissed from his home. A warlord who practiced martial arts all his life, like him, was strong and wouldn't get sick on a weekday, but if he collapsed, he would be heavier than anything! His illness, a little over half of which was old age, and the recurrence of old injuries in the early years of the war, was nothing. And half the main reason is heart disease!

Mother told Dewey that since returning to the Rollin Plains, Old Raymond watched as the old family's territory had been handed over to the Empire. The Rollin flag, which had originally flowered everywhere, had turned into the King Thornflower flag, and the children of the Rollin family, who had once stood for themselves, had paid tribute to Raymond's return with a complex silence!

This silence has hit Raymond even harder! He feels deeply that he is a historical sinner of the Rollins! The glorious family, it was in their own hands. By the time he got back, he was ready to be cursed and hated by the Rollins, and even if someone threw stinky eggs or rotten tomatoes at him, he'd be better off in his heart.

But without a word of curse, the whole plain people heard about the return of the former chiefs, but everyone kept their silence surprisingly... it was a silence filled with complexity, full of pain, indignation, despair and many other emotions.

But the good Rollins did not target their elders. Even more guilty to Old Raymond is the willingness of some loyal family Rollins around the castle to hand over taxes to their families, even according to the old rules!

Although local government officials have been replaced by imperials, these stubborn Rollins have driven thousands of people to the castle to demand that their taxes be paid directly to the castle as a sign of loyalty to the Rollins.

These are the things that finally defeated old Raymond! He felt guilty in his heart and heard that one night, suddenly he even threw up blood, and then he couldn't get sick!

When Originally Dewey first came here, he was optimistic about his father's illness. He believed that the bottom of his father's body was good, and, as for the illness in his heart, with his amnesty decree, he should be able to revive the hope of the family, so that the patient would naturally recover slowly afterwards.

But a month down, in Dewey's heart, little by little lost hope!

Old Raymond's illness has not improved by half, but has become much worse! He used to lie on his bed, but he got up every day to take a walk in the castle's garden. But with the good news of the family, his illness was heavy for a day, and later, he couldn't even get out of bed!

In addition to the one time he received a Southern United Kingdom messenger, Old Raymond came out to help his son, barely supporting his illness. In the days that followed, he lay in bed all day, even sleeping more and less every day, sobering more and less...

Several of the best doctors have been brought into the family. I used a lot of drugs, but it didn't work at all.

Dewey himself is a magician and a brilliant magic pharmacist. He also has a deep knowledge of all kinds of drugs. He personally examined his father and tried many ways, but those magical drugs that were used on his father in the past were extremely ineffective.

Though he did not speak, he understood in his heart that the vitality of his father, from any angle, was rapidly passing and irreparable.

Symptoms of old Raymond's vomiting also grew worse, and he always felt pain in his heart and chest, which prevented him from falling asleep. A tough man was tortured to death.

Dewey was intolerant and finally made up her mind to use some "ice berries” for her father.

This hallucinogen, taken slightly, can provide anaesthetic pain relief.

What annoys Dewey is that any drug loses its effect on old Raymond, and the deviation from this ice berry still has its effect… it's just a purely analgesic narcotic drug in here that only relieves his father's pain, but has no effect on his illness.

In the days that followed, Dewey was busy with everything, but didn't leave as planned, and he stayed at home and started guarding his father's bed all day. Even though his mother sneaks tears every day, Gabriel is still a little panicked, just like his age. At this time, Dewey shows the temperament of the top beam pillar of the house. He calms down his sad mother and takes care of his panicked brother...

And what nobody knows is that this young duke, sitting in front of his father's bed every night, locked his eyebrows, for days, he didn't sleep for a minute, he didn't even meditate. He spent all his time with his father, even when old Raymond was asleep, staring at his father with a deep, emotional look.

Perhaps... take a look, just one less look.

In order to save his father, Dewey even took out the "Fountain of Youth", hoping to save his father's life with this legendary miracle spring water that could heal any injuries... but as a result, he was disappointed again.

Obviously, the father's illness and injury had nothing to do with it, but an old man who had finally exhausted his life force!

Dewey has never been so depressed. He has always done everything smoothly, almost to no disadvantage. But in the face of dying fathers, nothing worked. Although he is a magician, a man who can "create miracles”, after all, he is not a god! He's human!!

He used to hide in the library and go through all the books he could find, trying to find any way to revitalize people, but where would it be?

Old Raymond also seemed to understand that his body was hopeless, as long as he woke up with a strong sickness and a grin on his face and talked to his son in front of the bed.

At first, Old Raymond would ask about military politics in some of Dewey's families, and then he would use his own experience to give his son some valuable advice. But with his illness, old Raymond seemed to no longer care about the family.

His concern was all about Dewey, his father and son chatting, and no longer any business, and old Raymond would ask Dewey to talk about some of his things in the northwest, some of his interesting things, like three months of building a city, a lot of food. Those dangerous things, such as Northwest Soldiers trapped in Langcheng, Blood Warfare Gilliard, etc... and Old Raymond was just like a father, listening to his son's brilliant achievements out there - he just listened quietly and did not express his opinions, and listening to the wonderful places made him smile proudly.

To keep his father happy, Dewey tried to describe these things wonderfully. After talking about the Northwest, I talked about my experiences of being banished back to the Rollin Plains, like getting soccer balloons, getting hot balloons, and then the wonderful adventures in the ice-covered forest... and so on.

Of course, to keep his father from worrying, Dewey hid things about the Dragons, Hussein, the criminals, and Sameer.

Finally, in the middle of the second month of Dewey's return to the Rollin Plains...

On this day, Dewey took a little ice berry for his father… his face was still smiling, comforting his father's mother and brother, but his heart was sinking.

He has been in charge of his father's medication, and he knows very well that in recent days, his father's need for ice berries has grown, and the effect of ice berries on his father's body has gradually lost its magic. Once a little smaller would have saved the father from pain, but now the father's medication had increased several times, but the pain was still incurable.

This afternoon, Old Raymond refused to eat ice berries, and he said he wanted to be sober: "Eating this will keep me focused. I want to hear you speak, son. I don't want to miss a word. ”

Dewey felt a stream of heat coming out of his eyes, and he quickly turned around and wiped it off, then silently took a glass of water and held his father for two sips.

“So, Father, what do you want to hear today?” Despite the pain in his heart, Dewey still has a smile on his face: "Why don't I say something about Nanyang? I was blackmailing those South Yankees very badly. ”

Old Raymond shook his head weakly: "Nanyang... I've been in the Nanyang for years, and I don't want to hear about the Nanyang thing. ”

He lifted his thin hand and gently touched his son's face, then slowly said, "Actually, I should have a lot to say to you. Maybe I should ask you to take care of your mother, take care of your brother... but I know that you are a good child, I don't have to say these words, and you will do well..."

Dewey was silent for a moment, and he shook his heart so hard that he smiled: "Father, when you're feeling better, go with me to the northwest. With the Northwest Army and the family's private army, we now have 100,000 troops. You're the best commander! ”

Old Raymond didn't answer that sentence, and he looked at his son, his cloudy eyes, and he revealed a glimmer of light.

“Son, go, get my sword.” Old Raymond made this weird request.

Without hesitation, Dewey immediately turned to remove the hanging sword from the wall. This was Raymond's sword, which accompanied Raymond through most of his journey from the northwest to the south!

Though weak enough to hold the sword, old Raymond held it in his arms, his trembling fingers gently touching the blade: “You know what? My first official lead to the battlefield was more than 20 years ago, in the Northwest! And this sword has been following me since then. ”

Dewey immediately said, "Believe me, Father, the next Northwest War, you will march with this sword with your army! Lugo, that guy is definitely not your opponent! ”

Old Raymond laughed, he laughed so complicated, he dropped his hand and stared at Dewey: “Son, I know you don't need me... you can do a great job yourself! You are my best son and the greatest talent of all time in the Rollins family. I know that no matter what, you can do a great job..."

Dewey finally couldn't bear it. Tears came out of his eyes: “Father...”

“Cry nothing.” A gleam suddenly erupted in Raymond's eyes, and at this moment, the once glorious name of the Empire returned to him: “I have lived so many years, glorious, even if I die, already worth it. We are the Rollins, Wu Hun, death, there is nothing terrible about us Rollins. ”

Then, old Raymond took a deep breath... despite his weak voice, the resoluteness and determination in his tone were still as if he were a general: "Son, go and get your mother and brother, I have something to say! ”

Dewey deeply looked at his father and suddenly he guessed something...

Is it time?

A few minutes later, the Countess and Gabriel stood beside Raymond's bed, and it was surprising that old Raymond seemed to be alive and well, and he even had much better spirits. Without help, he sat up and leaned on the bed, and then the clan chief of the family looked quietly at his wife and son.

“Gabriel, come here.” He looked up and confessed to his youngest son. Gabriel, already tearful, walked up to his father, and old Raymond gently caressed his younger son's head and said softly: “I know, I only let Dewey stay with me for a few days, but I won't let you stay in my room... Alas, my son, it's not that I don't love you. I love you very much. But you know what? I just want to make it up to your brother. I've been bad for him since he was little. I just want to compensate him more in the last minute, stay with him more, and I'm sure your smart kid will feel my pain. ”

“I... I understand..." Gabriel cried and bit his lip hard.

Then old Raymond turned his head to his wife. His eyes revealed deep tenderness: "Alice... my dear Alice... you are the love of my life, and the happiest thing in my life is to have you with me. But I'm sorry, darling, but our children will be entrusted to you in the future. ”

The Countess, who had always been weak, became strong at this moment as if she had a charming smile on her face and looked at her husband with tenderness... instead, she miraculously did not weep, then she slowly walked away, grabbed her husband's hand and exhausted her full strength, saying only a very brief sentence: “I... understand! ”

Over the years, the Countess expressed her emotions with only her eyes.

“My life has been wonderful, I have had glory, glory, triumph, and failure… I have had enough of this life.” Old Raymond sighed and then coughed again, displaying a satisfied expression on his face, slowly: “And I thought I was going to die with sin, but fortunately, I had an excellent son, who helped me redeem sin, saved my family and made it a lot easier if I died. Dewey, come here. ”

The Empire's famous general finally called his eldest son.

The father and son looked at each other for a long time, the eyes of the two men were crossed for a long time, the old Raymond spoke, the general's voice, there was also some swallowing at this moment.

“The most sorry person in my life is you, my son. I'd love to make it up to you, but my time, too, allows me to do so much... unfortunately, I have to continue to apologize to you, my son. Because, the burden of the family, I can't bear it, I give you this burden, my young son... I feel really guilty for you. But I know you're gonna do great, right? ”

Dewey looked into his father's eyes, and he took a deep breath: "With me, Dewey, the glory of the family will not go away! Father, this is me, Dewey Rollin, a promise to you! ”

Raymond was relieved, and with his trembling hand, he handed over the long sword in his arms and placed it in Dewey's hand.

With the handing over of this sword, the colour of life in Old Raymond's eyes, flowing fast, as if he could no longer support it, gently lay down.

“Dewey... my son... the most sorry person in my life... is you. And the most unfortunate thing about me… is… is……………"

Speaking of which, his voice diminished and Dewey quickly took two steps to put his ear next to his father's mouth.

The General, who had scolded the wind and earth, finally said the greatest regret of his life.

It was not the coup d 'état that made mistakes, nor did it almost break the family because of its sins.

The last thing he said, the greatest regret of his life, was:

“… is that when you were born, I was born in a thousand miles, and as a father, I was not able to look at you, my first son… born! ”

Then he closed his eyes… forever.

The famous General of the Augustine dynasty, who was once famous in the history of the Hehe dynasty, has finally completed his difficult life. At the time of his death, he was lying in bed with his dear family sending him farewell, arguably a very happy ending for a general.

Dewey held his father's sword in his arms and felt nothing but sinister. While his brother Gabriel was crying, Dewey felt as though his heart was empty and he had no desire to cry.

“I'm sending you to Rollin's hometown. I hope you're okay! ”

“Yes, I sent the man who killed you. ”

“You are a magician and a Rollinist!! ”

“He no longer belongs to my Rollins! ”

“Son, you are stronger than me...”

“I just want to hug you, my son...”

“The most unfortunate thing is not to be able to watch you be born. ”

“I know… you will do well. ”

Dewey died pinching the long sword in his arms, and his fingers were white because of too much force.

Finally, he pulled his brother hard and gently grabbed his shoulder, biting his teeth: "Okay, don't cry! ”

At this point, the beautiful Countess slowly walked to the bed, she bowed down and kissed her husband gently on his forehead, deeply. Then she even reached out her hand and tidied the quilt over old Raymond, making the dead Raymond look as if he had fallen asleep peacefully.

The things that do these moves, Countess's moves, are unusually gentle.

The mother then turned around and looked at her two sons, her beautiful eyes, and ended up on Dewey.

“Dewey...” Mother whispered to him: "Now you are the only adult man in the family! ”

Dewey raised her face and looked at her mother.

The divine colour of her mother was gloomy, and she wept silently: "Your father once said... he wanted you to be the chief of the Rollins. ”

(Today is the chapter, but it has a long number of words.

By the end of this chapter, I felt like I was running out of emotions today, and I couldn't write any more today, and I even looked at the first chapter at the beginning of this book myself, the chapter of Count Raymond's triumph. And then I wrote down the title of this chapter, "The Far Back."

Well, that's it.

What I want to say, I've written it down, and I feel like I've exhausted my pen to the limit of my abilities.

Three days left at the end of the month, friends with monthly tickets, please vote.




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