Law of the Devil

Chapter 552 [Levitra]


(second today ~)

Chapter 535 [Levy]

Dewey took full advantage of this, and after the first premiere, he asked each participant to take stock of the wins and failures of the premiere, the conditions under which they were used, and finally some of the strengths and weaknesses that were identified, all in one place.

Then… in the second round, Dewey still took advantage of the sand plate of the city of Gilliard, then just made some random changes to the strength and strength of both sides and made the next round of deductions!

This type of reasoning course lasted 15 days on four occasions.

At the end of the day, with Dewey's tutorial and step-by-step guidance, participants learned to make the most of everything: climate, strength, environment, etc… these are not all learned from books!

Over and over again with all kinds of deductions, a lot of learners came up with tactics to satisfy Dewey!

Of all the courses, Dewey's "push class” is arguably one of the most popular for this group.

While this reasoning does not give these officers real command experience, it is better than nothing, at least it gives them a more intuitive understanding of the tactics!

And then Dewey came up with all sorts of sand platter models in the aftermath of the presentation. He shamelessly stole everything he knew about all the wars of ancient China and abroad!

One postulate, constantly changing conditions on both sides, plus one recurring summary and learning after the postulate… These officers are not yet qualified good commanders, but at least they are beginning to realize the use of all conditions in the battle! Though not necessarily well utilized, recognizing this has already made Dewey feel pricey!


In addition to deduction classes, Dewey also attended all other courses at the Military Academy!

After all, he knows his weaknesses, his true march, his battles, his engagements, his infantry regiment, his cavalry regiment, his arrays, everything, and so on. He sucks! And Dewey pretended to be on the sidelines when the academy found those old army professors!

According to other participants, the dean sat at the end of each class listening, seemed to be watching everyone, making everyone afraid to make noise, classroom discipline was very good, everyone was extremely serious.

And what you don't know is... this is already considered the youngest famous general of the Empire, the Duke of Tulip, who has commanded two successful stations, and is simply an idiot marching! He is ostensibly sitting in the “jail" behind him, in fact... this Duke is stealing these most basic things behind him!

A month ago, Dewey didn't even know what to do with the most basic infantry battle squares, but now he already knows about cavalry queues and infantry queues!

Of course, Dewey forced every officer to take notes!! Fortunately, these officers are of good origin. Most of them are from aristocratic families and have studied culture since childhood. Unlike most people in the military, they are illiterate.

But taking notes, this order made a lot of people start to feel uncomfortable, and after Dewey's orders and a few whips of disobedience, everyone was honest.

And Dewey, he spends time reading these officers' notes every day… he's still learning!

Dewey's goal is simple! He wants to turn himself into a qualified officer as soon as possible - he believes he has the ability!

After all, that Aragon guy could be a generation of brilliant and invincible commanders, so why not himself?

In addition, Dewey made some special rules at the Academy that seemed odd to the students!

For example, Dewey wrote the school rules himself… it's also military law in this college, not very strict! Some of the excessively harsh sentences were modified by Dewey into slightly lighter penal codes.

Dewey's got a lot of rhetoric about the Roland Empire! He thinks that a lot of military laws are too harsh: the problem is that these harsh military laws, those that have been slaughtered, have not been mentioned yet, while the other penal codes are too heavy!

Like, "Forty sticks?" There was an error in the queue. Forty sticks? ”Dewey snorted at these rules!

In his view, although punishment is necessary, a dozen forty army sticks will kill and maim, and not maim and seriously injure! Not in bed for a dozen days. Don't get out of bed!

In Dewey's view, all military rules, deterrence of soldiers, do not lie in the rigor of the law itself!

For example, Dewey's previous life, ancient Chinese military law, "54 Chops”! Sounds scary...

But the problem is, that kind of military law is just “sounding” scary.

Military deterrence of soldiers is not in itself, but in implementation!

Military law is stricter, if not enforced, then it is only a piece of scrap paper!

The ancient Chinese military law of "fifty-four chops” has been, in a large sense, a piece of scrap paper! And Dewey also knew that the ancient Chinese army had almost never really strictly enforced that kind of military law - if it had been done according to that military law, the army would have been deserted! They're all dead!

Dewey dismissed what the Rolanders seemed to think, as long as the sentence was heavy enough and harsh enough, to deter soldiers and make them obey!

Dewey's rewriting of the military code made a lot of changes to the rules of the Roland Empire, and on paper they all seem to have become much lighter. At least half of the death penalty was lifted by Dewey, and some excessively harsh military laws that could result in permanent disability or prolonged severe injuries that would render him incapacitated have been eliminated by Dewey.

For example, under Dewey's re-establishment, whether it's a stick or a whip, the worst is just a 20-military stick.

The death penalty is low, heavy and light. This is a new military law modified by Dewey.

However, this seemingly non-frightening military law has more deterrence!

Because Duvi demands "strict law enforcement”!

The law is not strict, not in the regulations themselves, but in the strength of implementation! The Roland Empire has been at peace for too long over the years and armaments have been slackened, largely because of poor enforcement! The law itself is harsh enough, but if you don't enforce it, it's useless!

Officers lead the fight, drinking alcohol in the army... military magic becomes a piece of shit!

And Roland Empire has a decree: nobility does not go unpunished!

But the problem is, over the centuries, the slightly higher ranking officers in the army, most of them of noble origin! In other words, if military justice is more demanding, only ordinary soldiers can be cared for and noble officers can go unpunished! If the law is broken, nobility can be exempted from criminal law and their slaves and ministers can be substituted for punishment!

Can you count on the soldiers to comply?

Although Dewey's military laws were slightly softer, he demanded absolute execution!

As a result, Dewey was the first to open the knife, not someone else, but Dewey's own brother, Gabriel!

When Dewey republished the military academy's "school rules” - now it's just school rules.

Gabriel and two officers who lived in a barracks, two officers secretly drank alcohol and let Dewey catch them!

But as the leader of this camp, Dewey was pleased that Gabriel didn't drink with them... but didn't report it! And that makes Dewey unhappy!

Gabriel is the son of a traditional aristocratic Wuhun family, whose traditional notion is that it is not easy to offend colleagues. Such a move is widespread, and he also believes that military justice is against ordinary soldiers, with the exception of high-ranking officers.

As a result, the two drunk officers were whipped 20 times by Dewey, while Gabriel... Dewey also smoked 10 whips in front of everyone!

In the cold evening wind, Gabriel was stripped of his shirt and left a bloody whip on his back. In front of the public, Dewey executed himself, while Gabriel remained silent during the whipping process, biting his teeth off dead, humming and not humming for life, showing enough stiffness!

More than a hundred officers look at Dewey's gloomy face and sigh in his heart. The Duchess is also too real... You have to stand up, we understand, but take your brother and open the knife... some too much?

“Rules are rules!” Dewey threw away the whip and looked at the other cadets. Everyone jumped straight when Dewey's eyes swept away. Dewey Cold Road: “Rules, everyone must follow! I don't care if you're an Earl or a Viscount! I don't care if your father is a general or if your grandfather is a minister! Everyone obeys the rules! Everybody, even me! If I break the rules, I'll be punished! ”

Dewey then carried Gabriel back to his room with his own hands and applied wounds to his brother's back.

Gabriel remained silent throughout the process.

Dewey gently sighed after handling the wound on his back: "Gabriel, do you hate me? ”

Gabrielle shook her head, and he tried so hard to cross his body, looking at Dewey, his young face was still so sincere: "I said, you're my brother, and I know everything you do makes sense! If you think it's the right thing to do, then I'm sure it's the right thing to do! ”

Dewey had two words to comfort him, but Gabriel had already continued: "Brother, you don't have to say anything. I understand. Even if you did break my leg today, I believe you! ”

“I want you to be a really good soldier! Not a 'traditional Roland officer’.” Dewey sighed.

“I'll do it.” Gabriel nodded and bit the canal.

It wasn't just Gabriel who was treated with his own medication, but the other two battered officers were treated with his own medication - Dewey wouldn't waste such a buyer's heart.

Nor did he reprimand them any harder, and he simply told two battered people, "Your mistakes have been completely offset after the whip! Now I don't think of you as violators, you're just my cadets now! ”

Whether or not there are people in the 108 who have a whisper in their hearts, some who are genuinely offended and some who are defamatory in their hearts.

And Dewey doesn't care. Anyway, he's got authority over the military law thing, and everybody's following it. That's it!

Over time, these become habits and continue. That's what Dewey wants.

He does not consider himself a saint, nor does he think that, even if he releases himself as a king, he will allow these officers to truly and completely subjugate himself from the depths of his heart... he does not have such childish thoughts. As long as most people understand themselves! As for the individually incomprehensible, Dewey doesn't care!

I don't care if you understand or not! Just do it!!

In addition, Dewey's new school rules have a special feature: Teammates eat first when they eat every day! All more than a hundred teammates are finished, then the captain and the captain of each barracks!

When they're finished, it's the Dean Dewey and the other instructors!

“Soldiers are hungry, officers are not allowed to eat! Officers are starving, generals are not allowed to eat! ”

At first, some people thought Dewey was doing it, but for a month in a row, everyone took offense!

Even those who hate Dewey in their hearts have to admit, this Tulip Duke is so cruel! Hard on others, hard on himself!

One more thing, though Dewey doesn't value the martial arts of these officers... he thinks martial arts are not the most important thing in a war, a qualified commander! Because the real general should be in the back commanding soldiers to fight! Put every team in your hand in the right place at the right time!

The kind of man who takes a long sword and shoots and kills his enemies in the front... can always only be a junior officer!

That's a raider, not a conductor!

Of course, Dewey's idea is not that he does not lose sight of an officer's personal martial arts prowess. After all, he is also aware that, in the heat weapons era, officers' accusations have been biased towards command. But in the Cold Arms era, the personal courage of generals remains a necessary means of inspiring morale.

So... after thinking about it, Dewey took the “Starry Fighting" set into basic surgery, picked out a few actions that ordinary people could do, and the professor gave them to these officers!

Of course, the whole set of things, Dewey didn't teach, and even if he did, those people couldn't do it. Dewey himself is a genius in this regard. When Dewey was taught these things, whether they were Gandalf White or Hussein, Dewey was amazed at the speed of learning. But some of these moves, ordinary people can't do it!

At the very least, it's a good idea to teach some of them how to improve their physical fitness.

(There will be chapter three later!



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