Law of the Devil

Chapter 562 [Thoughts] (Delivery! Monthly ticket ~ ~ ~ ~)


(Chapter 3 today!

Chapter 544 [Mind]

Though Dewey himself, far from Didu, could not hear the complaints of the fat man, it was even more unlikely that Princess Louise, who should have been "happily held by the fat man", would have known.

Dewey is passionate about coming up with all sorts of ideas to torment the cadets, who now seem to have greatly improved their ability to withstand after months of torment.

At least, Dewey viciously pulled out those "emergency assemblies" and once made those officers complain that he was really hard on this dean.

Not knowing how many nights, the young dean ran over the playground to blow the whistle to assemble urgently. At the beginning, it took the officers a minute to rush to the grass, some barefoot, some without a jacket, and even a few guys didn't even get to wear their pants in time, wrapping a blanket and rushing out.

But then, over time, everyone was ready for this emergency gathering at night, and everyone stayed alert even as they slept. And Dewey's emergency roundup can no longer keep these guys busy. The extent to which they could have appeared fully dressed on the playground after hearing the whistle, before the silent count in Dewey's heart reached 150.

And Dewey was happy with the way these guys behaved —— and, of course, made a few jokes. One time, a cadet dreamed at night, spoke in a dream, and shouted "emergency gathering”. As a result, more than a dozen officers from all over the house suddenly flung into the playground, dressed neatly in less than a moment...


The dreamy guy was beaten up by his classmates, and then when he slept at night, he took a piece of cloth and stuffed his mouth to prevent him from speaking in his sleep again.

In addition, Dewey restored the same ancient tradition that the Imperial Army had abandoned for thousands of years.

A history of war in an army.

Dewey is not a military connoisseur, he comes from Dewey, he has not entered the army in his previous life, but he knows at least one thing: an army without history has no soul!

So Dewey made a request to introduce some of the glorious war history of the Ace Army among the Empires in the course of the military academy, when the old officers lectured, which turned out to be very confusing for everyone.

Obviously, the Imperial Army has no such custom.

However, Dewey soon found what he needed in the ancient archives of the Commander of the Army… The Imperial Army was not without a history of war, and it was clear that the Founding Emperor, another self, had advocated this article a thousand years earlier, but unfortunately in later years it was abandoned.

Troops without their own history of war have no souls! Dewey deeply believes in this. Being familiar with the history of your unit can give soldiers a strong sense of belonging and honor for their unit!

So Dewey started this lesson himself, and he started talking about the achievements of some of the elite army of Ace Cards that he had turned over from the ancient military archives and built in the Unified Continent War in Founding Country!

“What do you mean, Ace Army?” Dewey waved his arms over the classroom and said out loud: "It's about having a brilliant track record, a brilliant history! Every soldier in the army is proud to be in such a great team!! When the flag of this army comes out, the enemy sees this flag and will associate it with the other party's brilliant performance. If it has not taken over yet, it will first weaken the enemy's morale by three points!! Normally when soldiers introduce themselves to others, they can also proudly tell each other with their necks, 'I am a division or I am a cavalry camp'!! ”

After that, Dewey smelled a lot of the “disciples" below, laughing: "You're from all over the empire, too. Can any of you tell me the history of the war in that army you were in? ”

No one can say it.

Dewey found one of the 500 cavalry officers he had brought to Tidu to tell the class about his army's war history.

In Dewey's territory, Dewey has long attached importance to this.

So, that Tulip family officer, when talking, the kind of proud and proud tone, when talking about the brilliant history of his army, the kind of inner sense of belonging, everyone can see!

“I'm from the Tulip Family Private Army Independent First Cavalry Battalion!” This is the officer's opening remarks: "Our army participated in the Duke's inauguration in the Northwest First Battle! Guilliard City Guard! Our first cavalry battalion was the main force in that battle! We've broken through the prairie army! Drive those guys back to the meadows! We also participated in the Northwest Legion rebel extermination war! Our cavalry battalion was in charge of sniping the right wing of the Northwest Cavalry in the battle of General Lombardon himself! At that time, 3,000 of us sniped each other's cavalry, not allowing them to penetrate from our army! In the end, the Northwest Regiment was wiped out! ”

Speaking at the end, the officer blushed, "In the northwest, who doesn't know the name of our Tulip family's independent first cavalry battalion! Those shitty prairie people, those horse bandits, will tremble when they hear our names! Our cavalry battalion recruited recruits twice, and almost everyone who wanted to come in broke their head! Hmm, but you're not a good guy. You can't be in our team! ”

After that lesson, Dewey looked at the different officers below and slowed down: "See? That's the heart of the army! That's morale! Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, in which army you used to be in, soldiers and officers could have such a strong sense of morale and honour! If you can do this in the future in your own army, then you will find that every soldier in your ranks will consciously work for their own army! There is no need to mobilize even, in times of crisis, these soldiers, in order to preserve the glory of the army they are in, will themselves erupt unmatched! ”


After the day's lesson, the officers who watched them walk out had different faces, and most of them looked meditative, and Dewey was already satisfied.

Then today is the day off. According to the regulations, these young people who have been in the college for many days can go on vacation and go to Didu to relax.

And Dewey, who was on his way back to his office, had a report of a guest visiting the college.

Looking at his subordinates' expressions was a bit odd, and Dewey frowned.

Soon, however, he understood why that expression was.

The visitor is a female guest.

At the front door of the Academy, Dewey met this visitor - Dewey had previously made strict rules that the Military Academy would not allow any female visitors! It is an iron law that no woman is allowed to enter this place. Not even family visits!

Outside the college gate, parked a noble carriage, under a large tree, a humble figure stood there, heard footsteps, the woman turned around, saw the walker was Dewey, couldn't help but smile, then the smile on her face seemed a little reluctant, a glimmer of loss in her eyes flowed out, then revealed some information and anxiety...

What a complicated look.

And Dewey didn't look at the beautiful girl in front of her, and Dewey smiled, “Miss Aussie. ”

She is the future daughter-in-law of Dewey, granddaughter of the Minister of Finance, Miss Aussie. Gabriel's decision to postpone the bar mitzvah after entering the academy also delayed the marriage indefinitely for both families.

Though the Secretary of the Treasury has repeatedly called to express his impatience with Dewey, since Dewey has already spoken to his brother, knowing that he does not want to marry too early, he is also reluctant.

“I'm sorry.” Dewey looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and smiled bitterly: “Gabriel was pulled out by several colleagues after class, you know, these guys held up in college for days, and when they heard about the holidays, they all ran away. Unfortunately, if you'd been here a few minutes early, you might have met him. ”

Aussie sighed. She did come to Gabriel. After all, in the mood of a young girl, she knew that Gabriel was her fiancé, and that since Gabriel arrived in Didu, they had only seen each other once at a banquet, and that meeting had been flat. Gabriel was nice to this beautiful fiancée, but not close enough.

Miss O'Shea, who had been waiting for a long time, was disappointed. But in the ensuing period, Gabriel was sent from time to time to send small gifts to the Treasury Secretary's house. There are some novel toys, some precious flowers, some fine jewelry, clothes, etc...

Aussie is essentially a very simple girl, and which teenage girl doesn't get pregnant? Although his fiancé was more than two years younger than himself, after meeting him, Gabriel was quite tall, handsome, and quite a few men, which also satisfied Otis.

Moreover, every little gift that came home afterwards was quite thoughtful, and every time Aussie remembered it, she had a certain sweetness in her heart.

Though the first meeting between the two was peaceful, this simple girl wanted to come, and her fiancé was the future Count, and as the chief of the Rollins, he must be the man to do the great things. Such a hero, naturally not in a public place with his own children and children, has a slightly cooler appearance, but can instead indicate the stability of the other party, and these gifts from behind are also a sign of the other party's care and sincerity.

You know, the aristocratic families of the Empire, most of the aristocratic children's marriages cannot escape arranged and political unions, so it is the simple thought of every aristocratic girl to have a happy marriage and love. Especially a girl like Aussie who cleans herself up.

Although there is no emotional foundation between her and Gabriel now, the name has been set, the two are destined to be husband and wife, the other is so thoughtful, and Ossie is willing to make more contact with Gabriel to build some emotional foundation.

Perhaps, for most nobles, the only way to get a happy marriage is to: "Marry first, then fall in love! ”

Today, it was Aussie who made the decision long after she thought about it at home.

Because the next day, Miss O'Shea's 18th birthday, the careful fiancé, had sent a gift to the Treasury Secretary's house last night, a very cute little pony.

It seems that every girl likes to have pets. Although cats and dogs are too common, there are not many who send ponies. This strange thought makes the girl feel very fresh.

In particular, the person who sent the gift also sent a handwritten letter from Gabriel, which was very simple and contained only one sentence:

“Raise this horse well, I will ride this horse you raised in the future! ”

It has to be said that Gabriel's “playboy” is really good at capturing girls' minds, and in that way, it fills girls' hearts with joy.

As a result, this Aussie lady, in the honor of the noble family, left her professional horse that evening and took the brush herself to bathe this pony! And fed the horses with his own hands!

However, she did not know that the letter was written by Gabriel himself, but that the horse was not sent by Gabriel at all, but... Dewey!

As a brother, Dewey's worried about his brother! What he couldn't understand was that his brother was so hard on those around him who knew how to make love to him but preferred to be cold on this beautiful fiancée.

Most of the gifts from the weekdays were reminded by Dewey, reminding his brother how much to have an affair with his fiancée, so that Gabriel could do as he asked, and even many times, the gifts were sent by Dewey in the name of Gabriel.

As for Miss O'Shea's birthday, Gabriel seemed to have forgotten it long ago, or was it after Dewey reminded him that Gabriel was lazy enough to know, but he turned his head and entrusted his brother with the preparation of his gift, and he threw his hand away. Why should he go?

In the end, Dewey ordered him to wait for Mali to pick out a newborn pony from the one he had sent to Didu, before bringing his brother in and forcing him to write a love letter himself.

Gabriel certainly deserves to be a playboy, and this "love letter” is enough to lift a girl's mind, albeit with one sentence! I admired Dewey after watching it.

But that son of a bitch, how sincere is the phrase he wrote at random, that's really hard to say.

“You don't seem to like Miss O'Shea very much? This letter is too simple.” Dewey couldn't help but ask his brother himself last night.

“Who said that, I promise you, girls will be blushing when they see such words! Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure.” Gabriel looked proud.

“I mean... you don't seem to attach much importance to this Miss O'Shea...” Dewey sighed: “Don't you like her? ”

Gabriel thought about it and answered honestly: "Yes, I find her... boring. ”

“Boring? ”

“Yes, some boredom.” Gabriel sighed and faintly said: “The first time I met her, she didn't talk much. She was also very quiet and careful when she spoke. It seemed like she was scared of saying something wrong or doing something wrong. It was like holding a hot pot in her hand, afraid of burning herself, afraid of burning someone else... so pointless. I talked to her for a second, I asked her what she answered, I didn't ask her or say... I was bored. ”

Dewey sighs: "Such a girl is the best choice for a wife, brother! Do you want your wife to be the kind of flirtatious woman you see at the banquet? ”

Gabriel nodded: “I understand what you mean. But brother, I'm still young, I like hot girls now. As for Aussie, I'm going to marry her anyway, and there's going to be time to think about her, and now I don't have that much time. ”

Dewey had no choice but to say nothing about his brother's attitude.

This kid, everything's fine. Ken suffered, self-discipline, excellent training and courses in the college. He was a horse's head, smart brain, and a few fathers had been steady in doing things, which was... on the woman side, too much of a gaming attitude.

But all of this, Miss O'Shea doesn't know.

She painstakingly fed the pony last night. Today she hesitated for a long time. Excited, she came to the college. She wanted to visit her fiancé and thank each other in person for the gift.

“Oh... he's not here, so... forget it.” Aussie sighed. Her beautiful face was full of loss, but she reached out her back with her hands behind her. It was a braided bracelet. Look at the thick thread of the needle. It was a fine material, but the needle was still a little rough. Apparently the lady made it herself.

“My lord...” Ossi said softly.

“Call my brother.” Dewey smiled and sighed in her heart.

“Brother.” Aussie blushes and bites her teeth: “This, please... leave it to him. ”

Dewey took it and put it carefully: “He'll love it. ”

Aussie looked up, as if the loss in her heart wasn't something Dewey could have swept away, but suddenly she looked up and said, "Me, I almost forgot! There's another guest in the carriage, but he's here to see you. ”


Dewey stunned for a moment, when the window of the carriage next to him opened, revealing a beautiful face with deep worries in her eyebrows, but it was the lover of Saint Hussein, Princess Louise!

“Duchess. ”

When Dewey walked to the carriage, the princess sighed and spoke heavily: "There was something very important that I thought about, and I didn't know who to tell, I had to come to you. ”

Dwihaha laughed: "Are you doing this for… you and Hussein? Don't worry, I've already said that, I'm sure I can help you solve it...”

“No, it's not that.” The princess's expression was not at all relaxed and she bit her teeth suddenly: “Please get in the carriage, this is not easy for anyone to hear! ”

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