Law of the Devil

Chapter 582 [Provocative Dragon God]


(Today the second ~ ~)

Chapter 564 [Provoking the Dragon God]

“Tell me about your escape plan. ”

Dewey jumped off the stone table, moved his body, and the wound on his chest healed perfectly. He smiled and said to Chris, “You have a great spell. I can't even feel the slightest pain in the wound. Seriously, what are your escape plans? ”

“It doesn't matter what.” Chris fell a face, angry: “You bastard ruined my plan! You gave up that heart. ”

Dewey touched his chin and mumbled, "Oh, I think I'm in a very important position in your plan. ”

“I need a strong man in the field, and I need Aragon even more.” Chris is angry: “Otherwise, I'm the only one who thinks I can get out of this old dragon's tummy? I'm not against it. Even though it has been stripped of its divinity by the goddess, it has at least retained its power in the realm. What about me? I'm just a soul without a body. ”

“Well, that's true.” Dewey picked out the eyebrows: “Did your previous plan allow me to merge the heart of the king, the soul of Aragon, and the power to be your fighter? You didn't want me to take the Dragon God alone, did you? ”

“If you hold it off for a moment, I can use the divine power in this angel's soul to unseal it.” Chris snorted: “Unfortunately, without the power of the realm, you are now only holy at most. With the power of the sacred steps, it only takes two or three faces to blow you to pieces. ”

Without speaking, Dewey walked straight to the wall and pulled out the dagger and began digging one piece at a time for the stones embedded on it. He carefully chose to identify each piece of chromophoric grade, and spent half an hour digging dozens of gems in one breath before stopping.

“Okay.” He turned to Old Chris: “I'll try. ”

“What did you say? ”

“I said I could try.” Dewey shrugged his shoulder: “I might be able to hold it off for a while... how long do you need? ”

Chris's expression got serious: “Are you kidding me? You think Dragon God is so easy to deal with? I'm telling you, it's left with only realm-level power, but because it was once divine. So when it decides to kill you, it can play far better than the powerful in the field of plumbing! Or, to be precise, it should now be 'demigod class’. In contrast, your sacred power is simply not enough. ”

“What else can we do?” Dewey seemed relaxed: “So you're just going to stay here and be a prisoner? Did I dig enough gems and then slip away? Oh, by the way, can I walk now? ”

“Yes.” Chris's eyebrows were a little shady: “Although I'm very angry with you right now. Your stupidity ruined my plan to break out of jail... if at the level of my anger I should have left you here! Boy, you're not my opponent yet. If I want to leave you... hum. But I'll let you go. You can leave anytime you want... but this is our last deal. You're more of an asshole than your old Aragon! ”

“Well, that's kind of you.” Dewey smiled and his smile was sincere: "I don't want to just leave. I want to take you with me. Chris, I'm in trouble right now... you probably don't know? Sinners, they're back! Orcs, dwarves, elves, have begun to attack our continent. And the goddess... she never did anything, as if it wasn't her business. What helps me the most... Chris, I'm human. Though I don't like that goddess as much as you do. But… I must be on the human side. And just before I came here this time. The war is not good. I set up a line of defense on the front line. But that goddess... I really don't know what the hell she's doing. Even if she doesn't help... it's raining heavily! ”

Dewey quickly described the battlefield briefly, talking about the heavy rain, and Dewey laughed coldly: “I wouldn't believe the heavy rain was caused by the natural climate! In the north of the continent, there hasn't been this rainy weather for centuries! And it's still winter! The only reason for this climate should be the pen of the powerful. Of course, it may have been God on the sinner's side. But whether it's the dwarf god, the beast god, or the elf god, of course they have reason to do it... but what about the goddess? As the patron saint of mankind, is she just sitting around watching the play? That's not gonna work! I need help, even from the devil. ”

Chris hummed, “But I am the servant of the devil. Why should I help you humans? You humans are good, and so are the Dwarf Orc Pokémon. All of them are dead to make me famous. ”

“But don't forget that human beings today, of demonic descent... after the war 10,000 years ago, the demons, though extinct, many of them later merged into the human race. Speaking of which, if you look at blood, humans are closest to the Demons. ”

“I just want to get out of here and find the Devil's Son.” Chris shook his head: “As for your war… I hate goddesses more than sinners. ”

“Yes, you want to find the Devil's Son... but you have to get out of here first. Otherwise, you'll have to wait here for tens of thousands of years!” Dewey stuffed another gem in his arms and glanced at Chris and he solemnly said, "Make a choice, dear Chris. Or I can help you, promise me one thing... I need humanity to win this war, so I need the treasure left by the Demon God! That undead legion and all that other power! I'm not on the goddess side, I'm on the human side —— don't equate humans and goddesses. Goddess does not represent man. At least from now on, her patron saint is incompetent. ”

Chris's face was full of haze, and he thought for a moment, and he said categorically, "Okay! ”

The old man's face was absolute, staring dead into Dewey's eyes: "I need about two Ants in time. ”

“Ant?” Dewey gazed for a moment.

Chris thought, "This is our demonic timer. At your heartbeat rate…” He calculates quickly: “It's about 7,000 times your heartbeat. ”

“Seven thousand…” Dewey thought, his heart beating about seventy times a minute. Seven thousand heartbeats, that's 100 percent… between about an hour and a half and two hours.

“It's not just a matter of time.” Chris sighed, and his tone was serious and solemn: “When the goddess imprisoned me, she treated the Dragon God's body like a cage! I can't get out of here because she left a seal on this cage! The seals are the magic marks that you see in the dragon gods, the dense numbness. And the core of these magic prints is in Dragon God's conscious space! It's conscious space, the flesh seems inaccessible, but I'm a soul body, I can dive in! Moreover, the original space of consciousness was at the heart of this seal, with a seal arranged by the goddess, but now that I have this angel, I can use the remaining goddess power in this angel's soul to deceive the seal into lurking… When you go out and challenge it, you not only ask you to persevere for so much time, but more importantly, you must provoke it! Let it... well, let it boil! Then, wake it up completely, make it angry, make it excited! Otherwise, I will not be able to enter its conscious space...”

“To provoke it? It's not hard.” Dewey smiled: “When I came in, it was already provoked by me. ”

“You're wrong!” Chris said softly, "Boy, do you really think Dragon God has that much power? I'm telling you, for most of these 10,000 years, the Dragon God has been asleep! When you came in, you didn't fight him for what he really looked like! So far, it's still asleep! Those who fought you before were just potential combat instincts in their sleep, and their spiritual consciousness was never awakened! What you faced before you came in, at best, was less than half its power. When it's fully awake, you have to provoke it thoroughly before it opens up... and I, only once, have a chance to get in! That seal in its consciousness space is amazing, if you can't support it long enough and it kills you very quickly... if I'm still in its consciousness space at that time. Then the seal inside will shut me down completely! Gradually, my soul will be swallowed or merged by it, which means... I'm finished too!! ”

Dewey took a deep breath.

He laughed bitterly: "Okay... piss him off and stick around for over an hour and a half... that's all I do, right? ”

“If you can do it, when I'm free, I'll give you a lot of good. If you can't do it, you better say it now. Before the two of us end up together. ”

Coming out of this vault, Chris is in front, Dewey is in the back, and as Old Chris turns left and right all the way around, he travels through the Dragon God's body.

Finally, after crossing that “river” that made Dewey sick. Chris points up.

“It's up there! You can get out of here. ”

On top of his head, a long, dark gust of wind comes from time to time.

“What is this place?” Dewey frowned, sniffing around the walls, not knowing what it was.

“It's... nostrils.” Chris smiled maliciously: “Don't look at me like that. This is the best way out. It sleeps underwater, but every other time, the nasal membrane in its nose opens for a little while, and you rush right out. ”

After a pause, Chris slowed down: “I'll wait here and once you're outside fighting with it… I'll act. Remember your time! ”

Dewey quickly took the arrow out of the jailbird's throat, wiggled a bow string in his hand, and then his head wouldn't have flown towards the gutter above!

Before he left, he laughed a few times and left a long message: "I have two wives waiting at home like flowers to love me. Don't worry, I don't want to die here! ”

End of the gust, darkening, the wind whistling!

“This big guy, do you still snore in your sleep?” Dewey muttered in his heart.

Indeed, at the end of the day, a thick layer of meat film blocked the way, Dewey took a deep breath, held her breath and waited slowly...

Finally, a moment later, a surge of tide was heard, the meat film on the top of his head suddenly spread, and the sea water outside immediately poured in!

Dewey heads up, walks against the water, and walks out of the tide!


Finally, after a wave, Dewey had swept out of the sea, and the sun over his head was shining on him, and Dewey shook his head hard. He looked back...

That huge island is just beside him, he just flushed out of the dragon god's body under the water, in the sea, he glimpsed the dragon god's body contour... damn it, its head does look like a * * ah.

Flew out of the water, Dewey rubbed the water beads on his face, then took out the teardrop and stuffed it in his mouth under his tongue...

Full of magic burst open suddenly, a ray of golden rays of light gushing out of Dewey's body!

“ ^ % $# % & $& …… × …………………… ”

A string of quaint, curved nasal vibrations coming out of Dewey's mouth!

It's dragon language! It is the dragon language of the most guaranteed and noblest dragon clan converted with tear crystals!!

But the meaning of this sentence is not so noble anymore!

Because what Duvi said was:

“Wake up! You old lizard! Let me cut your * *! ”

Dewey is not necessarily the first to dare challenge the dragon god's mighty man for a long time.

But... challenging Dragon God, dare to say such crude and provocative words, no mastery at all, I'm afraid Dewey is the first ever!

(Because of the blocking, today's update was posted early, please vote more.

That's two chapters today.

If you don't have a monthly ticket, please vote for the recommendation ticket. I rarely recommend tickets with everyone, but it would be nice to use the recommendation ticket to top the book on the weekly list. Huh?

Also, the chapter I owe you, as I said yesterday, will be made up this week. I owe you three chapters, and I'll make it up to you, no less than half a word.



. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)