Lazy Dungeon Master

Play Orihalcon

I decided to get Soto to help me start researching Orihalcon materials.

"So, Soto. Give me Oliharkon's sword."

"Er, I was about to eat socks!"

"... I'll give you Nick's socks."

"Yes, please!"

That's how I got Soto to put out Oliharkon's sword.

You don't have to do this, Nick will give you absolute orders, but this is also a parent-child skinship. Yeah.

The Orihalcon sword Soto gave me was, of course, for experimentation.

I mean, even if Soto gives me the Orihalcon, it can only be used for experiments.Conversely, you can spend as much as you want on experiments with the tall Orihalcon. Only for an hour.

Now, all of a sudden, I wanted to start working on Orihalcon, thinking about how I could make a robust, transparent material.

I wonder if transparent and sturdy glass can be used for Jealousy gimmicks.

Orihalcon is tougher than the glass made from the empty bottle in the potion today.Then let's mix it up. You can't try it without such a proper idea and all-you-can-use Oriharcon.

Let's also try out the alloys of Orihalcon.

Even though it is not as good as genuine Orihalcon, it is attractive to get a metal that performs considerably cheaper than Orihalcon.Allocations need to be studied in tunnels.If you don't use Orihalcon all - you - can - do research.

In addition, softness and elasticity outweigh Orihalcon.Too hard is also a disadvantage of Orihalcon.You can't make springs with Orihalcon.

Son Creative Golem

knead and mix the glass and oliharcon.Stretching and folding… In forging, knock, fold and mix the stretched fabrics.

... hmm, good hands, but inefficient.It would be pointless if it had been an hour before it was finished.Would you like to try using a noodle stick?It stretches and folds even harder while it's soft....

"Oh, Kama, what are you making, melon bread?"

"Wow, Rokuko, isn't that right? We're experimenting with what happens when we mix the glass and the Orihalcon."

"... it looks like you're making bread completely.I certainly didn't have any bread dough. "

I'm feeling close to blacksmithing.

The Orihal condensed glass, which had been thoroughly mixed for about 10 minutes, was thus completed.

"... yeah, that's Oliharkon."

"It's opaque. It's golden with rainbows."

Though it was well mixed. It felt like an opaque tile.You won't be able to see the contents even if you make a box with this.

"For now, let's also check the robustness....."

Magic Immunity too. Hang in there, Kama? "

As a result, it doesn't crack when you hit it with a hammer as hard as you can, it doesn't heat when you hit it with a fire, it doesn't turn on electricity, and it doesn't matter when you cool it.And even if you put a lot of effort into it, it won't bend.

However, in Elemental Shot , for some reason, it snapped and cut with the sword of Orihalcon (the remainder used for research).

... well, it feels like you said weak Orihalcon.I wonder if the potion bottle glass can be used to fill Orihalcon's water.Normally, the blade of the Golem blade is not even scratched. On the contrary, the blade of the Golem blade is broken.

While this was happening, an hour passed before Orihalcon disappeared.

"Look, Kama, this glass is white and cloudy!"

"... cloudy glass. It feels like a glass rinse."

"It's interesting, isn't it possible to use it to make this?"

"Hey, if you want to make this, you can hang it on the glass with a ruby scrub or something, and instead, you can make the scrub in this way from the beginning."

"... if you could make it so fine, did you have to twist it with your hands or sticks in the first place?"

No, well, in a mood.

Ask Soto to put out Oliharkon's sword again in exchange for socks.

Now let's make it Orihalcon's mesh glass.And this was easy to make.

"Yeah, well, that was easy."

This is almost glass, right?

"In the meantime, the strength will increase.If you look at it as a whole.And even if I break the glass, I can't get through the Orihalcon net. "

Each part is glass, but Orihalcon is strong.

"... then maybe we can just stick an Orihalcon net on it from the beginning?"

"That's true too."

Regardless of the purpose of turning on the light without passing through the wind, if you just put it in a place where you don't want to let it through, do you need glass in the first place?

"Do you want to keep Orihalcon plated in jail?"

"... hmm, then I'll practice Orihal Com plating."

Orihalcon is easier to manipulate than other metals once it's through magic.Therefore, I learned the restraint technique of consolidating the walking goblin with Orihalcon in an instant after playing.

It is named Orihal Combination.... I can't coat it very thinly, so I need a lot of it, but it's pretty strong, isn't it?

It costs a lot of money (DP).