Lazy Dungeon Master

Dungeon Battle Preparation (3)

"Hahahaha! Look at the sharpness of my scythe!!"

The 564 core swings around the big sickle with a test slash. The wrapped straws I prepared were also beautifully cut into circles.

"Wonderful! Wonderful, Kema! This is my ideal ultimate magic scythe, ultra death size!!"

"...... I'm so glad you liked it."

"There's no way I don't like this!" I envy your dungeon catalogue, even these strange demon swords. Besides, the design around here is just as I designed it. "

"I used a curved demon sword to process it." You're doing well, aren't you? "

I see, the Curved Sword Demon Sword! But, Kema, there is an excellent blacksmith in the land of your Lord. The blacksmith at my place had broken the demon sword. "

I don't mind naming any golem size, but there are nine more mass-produced ones. It was fine to make it into a single black steel bottle for 10 bottles, but this time, it would be difficult to make an excuse that it was processed and made.

My village blacksmith is used to iron products.

"Don't break it as much as you can." I can replace it if it breaks, but I'll pay for it. "

"Hmm! You're good at not breaking weapons. Hahaha!"

Therefore, the preparation for number 564 is good. I handed over the DP to Mikan with a handshake.


"Ahahaha! Fufu!"

"I-I 'm cumming...!"

This time, Mikan was scattered by Soto, who was following me.

Hmm, I don't mind sotting too much to be the type of moping my pet hates.

"Soto, it's time to let Michan go."

"Um, it's a corner, so please let me do it more."

"Hey, other rabbits, the three big rabbit brothers are good!"

"I said no because it hurts." And Mikan can't defy my dad-that is, he can't defy me, my boss's daughter, so he can do whatever he wants! ”

Deciding on Doya's face, Soto rubbed Mikan's flanks even more.

He's definitely a tickle.

"Sniff! White rabbit!" The white rabbit that we provide at the rest stop comes out of the sukiyu! "

“My rabbit language is alienating. If you don't want to talk, you don't understand, do you? I don't think it's very good to be reckless with someone you can't say that about."

That's why you think it's a good idea to moff the opponent who can say things? You have such a twisted personality... who do you resemble?

"It's the best thing to let you do it even if you don't like it!"

"Wow! Kema, I need your help!"

Now that Mikan is crying, it's time to help him.

"You've already handed over the DP, right?" Let him go. "

"...... Almost there!"

I've already received the full amount!

Yes, today's Soto is the DP handover agent.

In order to get Mr. Haku and the others to participate in the battle, we sent an inquiry email about whether the DP of the Mikan and the others would be an expense. The answer was "That's right, that's right", and 100,000 DP was admitted as an expense.

That's why I was also practicing handing over the DP of Soto, and handing over the DP I had received from Mr. Haku.

Oh, the number 564 is the Magic Sword Fee, so 100,000DP is our income.... it's not a pullout. Even though it's made of iron, one demon sword is about 10,000DP, and the number 564 is also a great pleasure.

"Miss Soto, can you mop me up?" Look, is it frizzy in the chest hair? "

Ah, 564-san, please stay away from me because it smells of sweat

"Huh!? Oh, my lord, is it that stinky?!"

Mov, you want to be killed?... he doesn't look cute with the Baphomet type, and he doesn't want to get close to Soto because he recognizes that he's not a good educator in dungeon battles.

If you get close to Soto, I'll castrate you, so please stay away from him except in cases of emergency.

"Castration!? Are you treating me badly?!"

"If not, I'll beat you to the head." in a demonic country. "

Lady Soto! I won't come near you, so don't let Lady Soto come near me!

That's what happened. Incidentally, Michan was eventually freed in exchange for his subordinate Warrabits and strawberry socks.

# Side Ray

"Nevertheless, what did you prepare..."

While Kema and the others were hanging out in the Rabbit Dungeon, Ray was at work preparing for the dungeon battle that Kema had ordered.

I was thinking of strengthening myself and being on the front line if I could... I'm afraid that's forbidden directly from Roqueko.

Therefore, while looking at the records of past dungeon battles kept by Roque, Ray was thinking about what to prepare with the DP he had deposited.

When it comes to dungeon battles, Kema uses the Tactics of the Sea of Man, with a large assortment of cheap, small monsters. And then there's the domination of a lot of golems - yes, this is a human-sea tactic.

However, this is said to be the basic tactic in dungeon battles.

It's like a warrior waving a weapon without using any skill. Even the other Dungeon Cores fought alongside the monsters. It could be called a normal attack.

In the case of Kema, it's just being shaken off by "Exploration". It was just a difference between a warrior and a scout.

In that case, I can't help but prepare monsters for Man-sea Tactics right now......

If you have 10,000 DP, you can have enough on the day. This is also a feature of Kema's "Basic Attacks". There must be another intention to go out of my way to get ready for 500,000 DP.

Therefore, I will focus on the point that it is not a man-sea tactic.

Traps that defy the opponent's abilities, ambushes with a golem sent in advance, water strikes using terrain, gimmicks of steel balls, fire strikes......

"You don't have to think much about defense. When you think about this case, you're looking for an" attack ", right?"

Defensive battles can enrich and intercept the gimmicks in the dungeon, but this time it's a raid battle against a single enemy called Core 10.

"... hm? Will the other core players join?"

Here, Ray thinks about the actual day.

Even the other Dungeon Cores would charge their own monsters side-by-side. That is, it is not much different from the basic tactic, Man-sea Tactics.

... if we don't have another plan from here, it won't be a feat?

You have to stand out if you want to do your part.

The conclusion to be drawn from this is that -