Lazy Dungeon Master

Give Rokuko a ring

I know that a gift such as a ring will be a flag that I will never be able to give to you unless I give it to you right away.

So I decided to give it to you just now, although I am ashamed of it.

You can't even bother to call it in and give it to me... or think about it. I decided to give it to you. I'll call it in.

That's why I don't get the option not to give it to you, "I'll give it to you because I could array promises. Come to my room," he communicated.

"Kama! I'm here!

I came in three seconds. That's fast.

If I had a tail, I'd be a patsy place.

I don't know what to do.

"So, Locco. This is a promise."

"Box?...... ah! Can I open it?!


Quick as you can tell, Rokuko takes out the ring quickly.

"Ooh... red gems? Clear and so beautiful. There's a glitter in there, too."

And just try to put it on your finger - stop.

... and I'm going to look at this one in a chill.... What, you want me to put it on? I can't imagine that much service, even though I'm embarrassed to just give it to you.

"... Kama. The brave guy told me it's normal for a partner to wear a ring when this happens, right? Put it on?

I've been screwing you...... so...? Shit, okay, I'll take it and stand up for you.

When I receive the ring from Rokuko, I grab Rokuko's left hand gently and set my aim.

... When I saw Rokuko's face, I was staring at the ring whether he was nervous or not.

I was wondering if Mr. Haku would kill me later, but I put a ring on Rokuko's drug finger... loose. Don't measure it. It was made appropriately.

But this is not supposed to happen. I have a [Creative Golem].

Or I made it loose because I assumed it would be adjusted from the beginning. It's better if you don't come in.

Rokuko was twirling as he touched that loose ring with his right hand.

"Mmm, that's loose... yes!


That's when I tried to make adjustments in [Creative Golem], cum! And Rokuko glowed (...).

When the light subsided, there was a blonde girl there, like growing Rocco as it was instead of Rocco.

And the white left-hand pharmacopoeia had the red ring I made fitted perfectly.

Who are you... No, Rokuko. Think normally. It can't be anything other than Locco, no, if you think normally, it can't grow in such a flash or something, but dungeon core is not normal.

"If the ring is loose, you just need me to be big! Hehe, that's perfect. How does it look?

"Oh, hey,... Rokuko, right?

"Yeah? What, Cama, did you fall in love?

Rokuko smiles and stretches his chest. The fleshy nanica shook "Yum".

The appearance age is obviously rising. If I had been in elementary school so far, I would be in middle and high school now. High and middle school students are developing well these days hahaha.

... I desperately stopped and turned away where I was going to have an unexpected eye on my feet. It would have been dangerous if Rokuko didn't have shoes.

"............ er? Rokuko, what's that look like?

"Oh, speaking of which, is this the first time you've shown it to a cake? What do you say?"

Rokuko twirled around to show off, and he was overwhelmed and cocky, and his shoes were off as well.

"Ah. I can't balance when I'm suddenly big."

"Oh, come on, be careful."

Sit back again.

OK, let's calm down. I saw a lot of white and one point but I didn't see it...... wow, what an attractive white Nieso! My eyes will turn! Don't point your soles at me, I'm gonna cum!

But you can't see it. When you have good shaped feet and no age issues, you may accidentally fall in love.

Then I can easily imagine a future in which Mr. Haku will kill me so desperately.

"Rokuko, can you go back to that?

"Yeah, we can go back. I mean, Koch looks like he's going to spend a little bit of his DP on maintenance."

"All right, just go back. I don't want to die yet."

"Huh?! Kama dies when I look like this?! All right, I'll be right back... I'm back!

I'll take a look. I was back to being a proper Lori kid.

Phew, it was dangerous...

"All right, then again, adjust the ring... that one?

"Hmm? Oh, you're perfect."

Rokuko said as he put his shoes back on. Looking at the left hand pharmacopoeia finger, the ring, which should have been loose, fit just as well as it did when Locco (large).

... clothes, shoes, and Neeso were also adjusted when Locco (big), speaking of which. You just took off those shoes, didn't you? Huh? Even if you take it off, does it adjust?

All right, let's not think too deeply. If you recognize the law of mass preservation poorly, you may not be able to adjust it.

Rokuko watched the ring accidentally tucked into his finger.

"Uh heh, beautiful, this, gem? Red, clear and beautiful."

"Oh. Confidence."

I wonder how happy I am, turning my hand around and looking at it from all angles.

I'm finally settling down, too. Damn, you're hurting me...

"What's this glittering thing in the gem?

"That's the Orihalcon."

"Heh, this is Orihalcon... wasn't Orihalcon awesome rare?

"That's 10,000 dp."

"Heh... ten kama in this amount..."

Hey, don't make me a unit. Besides, that would put Feni on top of me.

"Eh heh."

"Well, he seems to like it, more than anything."

"Yeah, thanks, Kama! Love it!"

Two seconds after I said, Rokuko's face turned bright red. He realized what he had spoken.

And he said, "To, I'm going to show off to Nik or something," and he ran away.

... unconsciously I thought it was cute.

No, this is that one. I'm just glad you're happy to get your own gift dusted, I'm just dusty...... heh!