Lazy Dungeon Master

Demon Prop Shopping

It was a beautiful day.

And with Nayuta and Setsuna doing me and Rokuko a favor, we were seeing each other lightly.

When I meet these two, it's me who's [super transformed]. I know it's quite a chicken, but I can't help it. Take care of life. Because when I die, I can't sleep anymore. Because I don't recognize permanent sleep as sleep.

Rokuko is defenseless, so if I have to, I'll be the meat wall. I'm [super transformed] and I have one left.

"Dear Lokko, Mr. Village Chief. It's our day off, can we sell things to adventurers in the dining room!?

Setsuna said in a cheerful voice. It's not working time right now, so it's gymnastics in private clothes. Yum.

"Yeah? It doesn't matter, does it, Kama?"

"Not to mention Rokuko. Not until I see things. So, what are you selling?

"You sell what Nayuta made out of alchemy. He wants to make some change, thinking about giving the brave man information."

Alchemy in Nayuta? It is alchemy in this world that makes the tools that carve the magic formations and the magic props. Demonic props are a lot of money if sold.

"If it's a gun from last time, you can buy it for one gold coin, okay?

"Hmm? Arr? Do you want to sell it, Nayuta?

"That's a ton...... hmm, I don't want to sell unfinished products, as far as I'm concerned"

"Would it be enough as a toy?

"... let me think about it. I'd sell it if I had less sales this time."

You don't have to buy it separately, and buying it is actually only a toy. Besides, issuing one gold coin is nothing but morality. but it would be good once in a while. I'm out of gold.

"What more specifically do you sell than that? Show me. Show me."

"It's a lot, owner. Here, for example, smoke balls. When you hit the ground, the smoke rolls up and blocks your vision. That's called a smokescreen. Price is the price of conscience, one silver coin!

Ooh, 10,000 yen per smokescreen disposable shot? The ping-pong ball size seems good for my phone though.

Or can you say such a polite thing, Nayuta? Oh, that one. Polite language for employers only? Maybe you don't recognize me as your employer?

"One silver coin for disposables, a little expensive?

"... the formula for turning it into a smokescreen for good health is medium-cynical. It would be nice if your sister could make one in ten. It's hard to get the wind magic team to roll out the smokescreen. But this is useful when running away from your enemies, if you can buy your life for one silver coin, right?

Well, if you can buy life for one silver coin, it's definitely cheap.

"So, does that work for the golem?

"Valid. This smokeball contains magical bone powder to accommodate monsters who also have a golem but are magically in sight. It also works to deodorize odors, so it can be used in a rough case."

Are you going to be like Chaff? I see, it seems useful if you can use it in many situations.

"And water balls. Well, it's like a demon prop that replenishes the water. Push the button and the water will come out of the hole. You can put it in a glass, or you can drink whatever you want."

"Hey, what's the price you're worried about?

"Yes... it's five silver coins!

By the way, there are about three pieces of silver magic props in the water. And I knew it would be a damn polite tribute to Locco.

"Pretty expensive."

"Smaller is harder to make. But if you're small, it's convenient not to get in the way of your luggage. There's also a water bottle shape, but this is four silver coins."

The size is this ping-pong ball size again. Sure it's compact? Is the water bottle type also convenient for the purpose?

"There are also fireballs for attack. Press the button to become a fireball in three seconds. This is a silver coin for three. It's a magical fire, so it works for the Ghost system."

Time limit ignition device……. This is handy. Seriously. I can be a trump card for a warrior who can't use magic.

It doesn't mean anything to me because I can use magic, but what if I buy it?

"There are also shock balls (sieves) that can be used for massage. It feels good to hit me on the shoulder because I shudder when I press the button. I made it inspired by the massage chair here."

"Heh, that's pink and cute!

"I hope you like it, owner. Oh, this is three silver coins."

This is also a ping-pong ball size. I mean, why is it just a ping-pong ball size?

Nayuta laughed happily as I questioned the matter.

"Ha-ha-ha, have you noticed? This is a standard concept that makes it more user-friendly by fixing it to the same size. You can wear five balls of your choice on this separately sold ball holder! Different colors are to make it easier to tell. If I buy ten balls now, I'll put one more holder on top of it!

"Oh. You thought about it."

It's like the Omake Commercial Code of Telemarketing.

"Well, there's more. Sand balls, this will give you black and white colored sand. Hopefully I'll use it to take notes on the floor when I think about riddles. Breath balls, this can be used when you want to breathe in the water. You could use a thin, high mountain or something. More sweet balls (ah still), this is sweet if you lick it. Do you really feel like a lover of a nobleman's mouth who doesn't want to get fat just because it doesn't fit in your stomach? It's a lot of confidence."

And I rolled all sorts of different colored balls.

It was interesting, so I decided to buy it all the way. I make money to the extent that I can do this much shopping on the road. I also got two Omake holders.

"Well, you're going to sell there. Especially sweet eggs, which are interesting when there are other flavor types."

"Because this is my original I stumbled upon after researching the magic formation. I thought your sister had finally lost her mind when she was licking the boards that carved the magic formation..."

"disrespectful! Thanks to me, you found a big discovery!

"In fact, this is the best way to sell it, right? I appreciate it, sister."

I licked it to try, slightly, but it was definitely sweet.

I'm also convinced that it sells well in this world where sweetness is precious.

"Kama, give me that, too."

"Ooh, look."

Throw the sweet balls you were licking and give them to me.... Ah, Locco is turning bright red. Right, indirect kissing.

"All right, I'll wipe it, give it back a little"

"No! This is mine."

"I must have bought it..."

"I bought it for the inn money, so it's mine."

Is that it?... Well, you seem happy about it, okay?

"Hehe, the owner is really close to the village chief. Then there is a product that I would like to show the owner only specially…"

"Well.... why don't you show me"

"Hey, don't look at me alone."

"It's okay, I can trust Nayuta. So you can leave the cake."

Rokuko is totally contacted. Why...

"But for once, I'm also Rokuko's escort. You can't just leave Locco defenseless."

"If your employer says you can trust him... I'm an adventurer hired by the owner, too. Then I'm here, okay?

"Storekeepers and escorts have different roles."

"Hmm, I know you care about your partner, but a woman needs to talk about a woman. Wouldn't you mind? Come on, you're in this case..."

"Ko, this is...! Yeah, it's okay with the cake. Why don't you call me a strawberry?

"... there's no other way."

I called a strawberry and asked for Rocco's escort.

"... strawberries. Aren't you supposed to be contacted?

"Your husband. Is that the pretentious one?

Orders. Orders.

Also, they sold enough magic props for Nayuta at a later date.

... but what was the identity of the product I only sold to Locco? He was buying something after all. And with three gold coins.

"Your husband. Do you really want to tell Master Rokuko," You're beautiful "or something?

Oh, that's a beauty product. Yeah, okay.