Lazy Dungeon Master

Toddler girl sleeping with

So maybe it was raided by Sacubus.

"Damn, what a timely raid. I mean, it's a whorehouse or an absolute Sacubus conspiracy, what's going on?

When I wake up, I stroke Nik, who was laying on a pillow beside me for now.

The dog tail that was sticking out of the futon moved slightly.

... Yeah, it's soothing.

By the way, I have a toddler girl with pink hair opposite Nik sleeping. It wasn't a naked or microbikini, but it was a pretty remarkable fit and lay down. Outside the futon.

"... trespassing? Quite hands-on that Nik wouldn't notice?

I had a tight door. Or that kind of ability...

In the meantime, you look happy. Use the map to see who's drooling and sleeping.

20 DP per day. About the same as the average person... considering the fact that she is a young girl, there are a lot of them. I don't know if it's a succubus.

Speaking of which, the collar of slaves can be exchanged in DP, right? 5000 DP.

... can I just fit in how to use it? You need contract magic or something?

In the futon I called for, a toddler with thighs and pink hair woke up.

"... heh, heh, good job -"

"Ooh, good morning. Want some breakfast?

"Yes, I'll have it -..."

When I prepared the sandwich, I grabbed it and started eating it.

That's good eating.

"... that. A room I don't know."

"Have you noticed by now? Was the sandwich tasty?

"Mmm, who is it?! People?!... Wow, that's the village chief. Ahhh!?

"Ha ha, good morning Mademoiselle. You know what? Trespassing is a crime. Oh, if you don't want to die, you better not run."

"Pi!? Death!?"

I'm gonna make a neck slap gesture.

You noticed the discomfort in your neck, the toddler girl touched her neck haphazardly and noticed that it had a collar on it.

"Hey, what did you do?

"I just put a collar on it. Hey, Nik."

"Yes, sir"

Nick shows up next to me and proudly touches the collar.

Slave collar on Nik's neck. The young lady who saw it blued her face.

"Heh...... pervert -!? What are you going to do to me?!?

"Ha ha, by the way, soundproofing in this room is pretty well made. You know why?

"Because... no way"

Yes, for me to sleep quietly at night.

Oh, by the way, it's just a mid-sized dog collar (10 DP) on the toddler's neck.

Slave collars don't seem to make much sense if contract magic can't be used, so I decided to go all haphazard.

"So, what did you sneak in for? Little thief."

"Thief? Huh, I don't steal! I was just looking into the rumors of the village chief! So you're not guilty, so let me go!

"Then give me my sandwich back."

"... I'll do whatever dishwashing or cleaning, so just give me a break about chastity!

I didn't know you cared about chastity. Is that possible that this guy isn't a sacubus, either?

I hold Nik so that he can hold me. I gently stroked Nik's head.

Look at that. The pink-haired toddler gets more and more panicked for some reason.

"Only chastity! How about just chastity! For the first time, I'm deciding to be whoever I want! Oh, or do you mean throw up? Was my guero what you were looking for! Were you someone excited about the girl's gelo! You haha the girl's stomach fluids full of smell on her drool melting chews!? Or do you want to see me throw up and have tears!? Both? Both!?

Pink haired toddler trying to throw up with her hands in her mouth saying so. Yeah, stop?

Besides, he's quite special about sexuality. I knew it was Sacubus?

"Don't throw up. Well, let's hear your name first."

"Eh, wow, my name is Mityl, it's not delicious to eat!

"Hmm. By the way, what do you mean by my rumors?

"... with a toddler who likes young children (Loricon)...!

I see. You believed that rumor and a toddler girl was sent in... that's a pretty poor information network.

"What's the purpose?

"... uh, the... trying to grasp the village chief's weakness..."


"... your sister... I don't know. They just said something about weakness. Please, let me go. If you don't let me go, I'll cry!

Is that your sister?

I'm a pink-haired toddler - softly approaching Mityl. Biki! and Michil, frightened and shaking his body.

I gently removed my collar from Mithyl like that.


"In the meantime, let him go"

Michill looking at my face and collar alternately in confusion. Touch your neck to make sure there is no collar.

"... hey apparently you were actually already mellow on my charm! That's me!"

"Well, mellow, so if you're not gonna run away like this, let's attack you"

"Pi!? Sorry to interrupt this sandwich treat!

Mityl opened the window and rushed away. Oh, here we go.

"... your husband"

"Hmm? What's up, Nik?"

"I prefer that...... what is it?

"No. I thought I'd let you swim because you seemed like something chocolate"

I marked you on the map, so if you're in the dungeon area, you'll know where you are right away... Hmm? Have you been outside the village? Well, you'll know as soon as you come back.

"... Your husband feels sweet for a young girl. Including me."

"You can't deny it... the kid has the word treasure, and he was a good sleeper for it"

"Are you sleeping?"

"Sleeping..." Nik muttered as he pinched and rubbed his face rather.

Your sleeping face is cute and soothing, and when I stroked your head, your tail slammed.

And then Concon, and the door was knocked.

"Kama, I just saw a toddler girl out the window I didn't know about?

Well, it's troublesome, but I guess I'll explain. If I stay like this, I'll be made a pervert of young girl kidnapping.

... Is that what this is all about? No way.