Phew, I defeated Suila in an instant.

But this feels really comfortable... Ha, why am I sleeping in the shape of an arm!?

Why didn't you choose the moves to stiffen your legs and indulge! Stupid!

"Hey, what the hell..."

"Foot payment, and arm shin cross stiffening... what, just martial arts moves for interpersonal fights"

"Huh, don't let go."


Suira told me to let go, so I let Suira go.

Hehe, now you can use your moves to consolidate your legs and indulge. Suila, what a thoughtful woman.

"Well, what do we do next?

"... Ku, I can't even lose for everyone......"

"So you want me to lose? Huh, that's good. Shit."

"... hmm?

Well, there's no point in winning or losing anyway.

Then let's say we lost. Hmm? What's with the look on Suira's face? You said you couldn't lose, but you weren't happy to win?

Hmm, the maiden mind is complicated.

"Go around once and wave"

"Ooh. Like this?

I don't know, but if Suila wants you to do it, let's do it.

Just like Suila said, turn around once and wave.

"Are you fascinated...?

"Come on, sister, I tried that earlier. Maybe he's still acting."

"So, uh... sign the papers just now?

You're a coward! Goddamn it, I'm gonna have to sign like this!

"Okay.... Is this it?

I signed the paperwork that Suira once again gave me. By the way, I can't write the letters of this world even though I can read them, but I make the glove-shaped golem remember some words under Locco cooperation so that I can write them in catacotto. My name is one of them.

Suila had seen the documents back on hand to make sure they were definitely signed. Hmm? What? Look like a pigeon ate a bean cannon. How nice a face like that too.

"... I did it, didn't I?

"Shh, it's amazing, sister! I can't believe you even attract men of different tastes!

"No, you're not, Mityl. This man... he wasn't originally a toddler."

Oh, speaking of which, did you mistake me for a toddler (Loricon)? Damn, I always said I denied it, but who spreads rumors like that? Because of that, I made a weird mistake with Suila.... Next time we need to listen thoroughly and tighten up the killer.

"... Mayor, tell me a secret that no one of you can tell me"

"Hmm? A secret no one can tell you... you mean let's keep that a secret for two?

"That's right. Oops, just ignore Mityl."

"Okay. So, that's a secret you can't tell anyone about me, huh?

I can't tell anyone, it's hard to tell. Speaking of big secrets, this is the dungeon, but that's something the Rockos can say, and the Rockos know that I'm the masked dirt wizard Narikin.

I mean, I can't even tell Rokuko my secret... did something happen? Um, I need to twist it out to share a secret with Suila too...... Ah.

"Actually... I still don't know what a partner means by a word, but lately my partner Rokuko has been packing a subtle distance and I'm a little scared..."

Yeah, this is a secret you can't even tell Locco. I shared a secret with Suila.

"... Is it a noroke?

"Heh heh, did you hear that? It's all right. The only thing that's in my mind is Suila."

"Oh, I'm glad. So, is there anything else? You know, sexuality you can't tell people."

"Um, can't you tell people (...) sexuality? That's hard..."

"You're not a child molester."

"No, you're not."

I'm a foot fetish, but I'm not hiding anything else. Rather open for the price. I've been telling Rokuko every single thing. And every once in a while around Nik, I feel like I know a lot about leaving my socks in my room.

When that happens, the sexuality I can't tell my people... hmm, it's hard after all. Don't you feel like you've had a lot of sex since you became a dungeon master in the first place?

But if Suila wants it, it's the man who answers!

"Oh, yeah. I've been feeling a little comfortable lately when I'm a girl."

"... do you mean womenswear habits?

"Is that the place? You know, it was kind of fun being cute."

"Hmm, this is going to be a weakness..."

Weakness? I don't know if it will, but I think Suira will be happy or something.

I might as well just turn into a swila and flirt.

"And have you thought lately that women might be good for each other?

"Really? Then next time, should I make you a girl and adore her in my dreams? It's a feeling you can't taste in real life."

"That's nice. I'll be looking forward to it."

Actually, I can be a girl in real life with [super transformation], but it might be a good guy not to say no to a woman's offer, huh? I think so. I'm sure, maybe.

"Well, what would you hate if they did?

"It's about being disturbed from sleeping. If they do that for a reason that's none of my business, I'll... recognize him as my enemy and bust him to pieces. Everyone who interferes with my sleep is an enemy."

I hope the next question is easy to answer. But you can wake me up specially, huh? If you can listen to Suira, that could be critical for a reason to wake up enough... No, subtle? Mm-hmm. But let me think there for a second.

"... what would happen if I did?

"Did they feed you to the dungeon? It's a good memory."

Yeah, the bandits were well nourished. Well, it felt like Locco asked me to do that.

... Is that it? Suila, are you pulling a little?

"Oops, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?

"Yes, no. It's nothing. It's okay."

"I hope so."

"... sister, doesn't this guy suck? You're killing people, aren't you?

"Think the other way, Mityl. This is gonna be a weakness."

Nothing. I didn't put my hands directly on it, but, well, does that make me weak about the dungeon? Yeah, that's Suila. I don't have anything to add to that.

"... well, this is about as good as it gets. Then go back to your room, Mr. Murakami, and forget about us until we meet again. It's also a secret that it was here. … but only to be convinced that I signed this document"

"Okay. Then I'll go back to my room."

"You're a good boy. I'll raise your reward."

When I said that, Suila put her face closer to me.

- I have gently touched my lips and lips and gently plugged my tongue in.

My sweet, soft tongue makes me feel like I'm about to fall out of my hips... but I'll endure it somehow.

My heart is pounding. I'm sure his face will be bright red, too.

"Heh... heh, heh, heh, this... don't come to my feet"

"Puha. Oh, sweetie.... How dare you just kiss me so much?

"Oh, don't look at me too much. Embarrassing."

"Oh, this... did I do something wrong to your partner? Huff."

"What, Locco doesn't matter..."

Then I went back to the inn on my own feet.

And Suila was right, forgetting about Suila and Mithyl.