Lazy Dungeon Master

Going out with Maiodor

In the meantime, the letter was addressed to Rokuko, who wrote that he was likely to be late to return and that if he was bad, he might not be able to say no but good luck.

... and if the guy you use says he's a couple of days late or something, let me know.

I told him to get a response, and, well... yeah, let's go to bed for today.

I decided to sleep on a pillow with Nik.

... The bedding in the guest room was off-ton. This is the guy out of our dungeon. I didn't know they even hired them at the lord's mansion.

And the next day. I was getting a letter from Lochko. Um, what? What?


Two letters. It's Japanese. Quick skill [Japanese] You're using it, Rokuko.

But it's called "Oko". You mean "angry"?... I thought you said you weren't mad at me for making another daughter-in-law, but I knew you were mad?

No, seriously, think about it. This is "okokok", or "okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok

"Something seemed so grumpy."


Even Rokuko is a girl. The kanji word "angry" contains a woman's heart, and from the fact that it also contains another word, if you get your hands on another woman, that's what makes you angry.

Didn't you say you wouldn't be angry again? I thought you said you were stubborn...

"Well, so what am I supposed to do today? Can I sleep, let's go to sleep twice"

And, the door was knocked.

Yeah, it's breakfast, you know.

Only Myodore and Bonodore were at the breakfast table, which the maid took me to. Breakfast was freshly baked round bread, eyeball grilled and bored bacon, and salad. It feels like breakfast, albeit simple. The salad tomatoes tasted dark and delicious.

"Well, what are you planning to do today, Mai?

"Yes, I thought I'd go visit the orphanage with Master Kama"

"I see it might be just right for you to understand our noble work. Do you need an escort... Hmm, because Lord Kama is here?

It's going to be a lot of trouble. At least I don't want to work for free. I need to get some money. That and this can be pushed with ease. Therefore, we should rather be bothered.

"... it'll only be half a day, but if it's a one-day escort request for our party, I'll take it."

"It doesn't matter, let's put it out on the market. I'll treat it like a nomination request."

I told him to pay for a day in half a day and he paid me light. Would I have had to blow more... No, are you a nobleman and lord and have money?

"Then let's go, Master Kama!

That's why me and Nik were headed to the orphanage so that Myodor could pull us off.

The orphanage was co-located with the church. He comes to church first, then goes to the orphanage.

Maiodor seemed to have been informed beforehand that he was going, and the priest welcomed him.

By the way, what church is this? You're not a Dungeon Bullshit Light God. With that in mind, Myodore explained it to me.

"This place is dedicated to the White Goddess, the God of Adventurers who laid the foundations of the Ravellio Empire. Let's pray."

Obviously, it's about Mr. Huck. Wow, that's good.

"The White Goddess is built all the way to the church... is it good that the real person is God?

"? God is real, isn't he? Is there a god who doesn't exist?

Oh well. This world is normally a god and it benefits you.

Then it's perfectly fine for a real person to be a god. As long as it's in your interest.

Well, there were times on Earth when great men of the past were gods, and emerging religions and such were God's treatments by the patriarchs.

And the priest, who was listening to me and Myodore, talked to me.

"... If, I ask you, are you not White Theistic?

"We are offtonism. White Theism is a religion that we do well, we worship God who keeps the peace of the night."

"It's a religion I've never heard of... Is the ease of the night a religion divided from the Dark God? If so, you will definitely have a friendly relationship with White Theism"

"Yeah, that's the way it is."

Let's just say that. If the priest says so.

I'm not sure how to do this about prayer, so I put my hands together in front of my chest on one knee with reference to Myodore. Nana, I hope you can clear up your troubles and get home soon.

... You have no interest in this, do you? Absolutely. I'm sure of it.

When you're done praying, head to the orphanage.

When I entered the grounds, I heard the noise of the children. Wow, you're so tall. He told me to apprentice my Nik... Oh, Nik is going too far.

"Oh, my uncle, just yet!

"Really, Uncle Mai! My uncle!

Kids who are the same as Nik or Myodore, or smaller than that, came together with a smile.

Orcs, humans, elves, possibly dwarves, and races abound.

I don't know what to say, but it feels beautiful and normal with guidance. This world has the magic of life like 'purification', and I wonder if that's what it is.

"And who are you...?

"Oh, this one is"

"I'm an adventurer for Mai's escort, and this one."

"You're an escort, but you're weak. Can't we even escort the little one over here?

You idiot, Nik is stronger than me. I won't bother telling you because it's also the point to alarm the enemy with this look.

"I'm still a D-rank adventurer. If I'm not going somewhere insecure, it means I'm good enough."

"I see."

"Well, we're escorts, so go to Master Mai,"

"Okay -"

But you don't like kids for what they're dealing with, you mean you can lick them... no, it's not like you're still close to your intelligence level. Erm.

Well, aside from that, Myodore seems very popular with the kids. Around being well remembered for his face and name even when it comes to nobility, I guess he shows his face here frequently.

"Would you like to play with Master Kama?

"No, I'm fine. Let me relax in the shade."

"Nah, my uncle! Let's do some minnows! Minotaur!"

"Yes, yes, and then you're going, Dear Kama"

And he seems to be shagging around and playing like a mess. He loses if he gets his back touched with a stick. A minotaur is a minotaur, and if he's slashed with a stick that looks like a weapon, he loses?... Yeah, you're too much trouble to hang out with.

Looking next door, Nik said he was mixed up - he wasn't.

I knew I was a lot different than a normal kid, Nik.

"Don't you have to mix it up?

"... because it's me, to that extent, for a moment. It's not fun."

Right, you mean the levels are too different?

But a kid who was listening to such a crush challenges Nik.

"Even we will be adventurers in the future!

"You're not gonna lose that easy! Even adult opponents can stop for five minutes!


Nik stood up against such a boy and grabbed his hand gently.

"hey what... wow!?

"Yes, I'm done."

Nik gently threw and rolled the child and slapped him on the back with a pound.

"Heh, let's hit it by accident..."

"To a real minotaur, too, like that?

The boy shut up when Nik said so.... the real Minotaur wouldn't look scammed in the first place. Well, did you pass on the difference in strength?

But from there, Nik got into a lot of trouble. Nik, who has passed on one scale of strength that doesn't fit his appearance, as a competent adventurer, said from his children, "Wow!" "Cool!" "How did you do it, tell me!" and we were to be surrounded.

... Yeah, I won't help you if you look at me, do something for yourself.

It's a good experience for Nik to hang out with his age like this.