Lazy Dungeon Master

I started religion.

Having decided to build an off-the-ton church, I decided to throw away all my problems and get into architecture. It is also called a reality escape.

... I tried to build a big one, but when I think about it, I don't have that much land.

Well, this is the first church, okay there. Let's make blueprints for the big mess, as some big churches will be in the future.

I decided to get some paper and a pen and work in the office.

First of all, the appearance. Personally speaking of church, I have the image of a blue roof on a white wall. Well, the building would be good with that.

The ingredients... white is lacquered? Seashells and lime, right? Blue is... blue roof, I guess. Copper? Green blue? Um, make it appropriate and paint it, okay?

I also want a window with warm light coming in. Window glass is valuable in this world, but I would be cheap to process potion bottles with [Creative Golem]. Let's get gunned down.

Looking like that, the contents are next.

Let's sit side by side so we can pray to your gods... yes, let's put on a desk so we can nap.

Offtonism is a prayer for sleep. A desk sleeps wonders, doesn't it? Should I also keep a compartment so that I don't worry about my neighbor?

So, your body is offton after all...... no shit. This could be a pendulum five-circle ball or something. In a more and more sleepy sense.

Rather as a symbol like a cross, a five-circle ball might be good. User-friendly.

... That's the same as a five-yen ball, so should I keep it as a drilling coin? You could scratch a thread on this and make it look like a pendant.

So your body is inspired by the pendulum's five-circle balls, all the time.... sounds like a pendulum clock. Well, okay.

All you have to do is build a lecture hall... it would be nice to drool a long story for nothing that invites you to sleep.

Yeah, let's put aside a corner and a hard book to sleep in. I only know about books in this world as' Introduction to Dungeon Studies', but would you ask the Dyne Chamber of Commerce to procure even the appropriate books? If it's money, it's there.

"Yeah, isn't that pretty good?

View properly written blueprints again.


Sounds classy. It would be perfect if you placed a blackboard instead of a god.

Right, you know, temple hut? So it can also be used for that purpose...... yeah.

Oh, yeah. Should we even build a confession room or something? Well, as I normally make this...

And, where I wrote it all down, the concon and the door were knocked.

"Kama? Nik told me, what are you building a church for?"

"Whoa, Locco. You can come in."

"Sorry to bother you.... So, even Sister Haku chooses to build a church?

"No, we're gonna build an offtonian church."


Rokuko tilted his neck.... You didn't say that.

"You've never heard of it. Is this the religion of Caema's hometown?

"I made it. No, are we going to make it exactly? Well, there's no reason Rokuko doesn't know."

"You don't know that.... or do you make religion?

"There's such a thing as White Shinto where Mr. Haku is treated like a god, it wouldn't be a problem if I made it"

"No, I guess not?

Yeah, there isn't. Well, the emerging religion (cult).

"What doctrine is that?

"A truly peaceful religion, with the primary desire for peace of mind, tranquillity and a comfortable sleep. Prayer is sleep. It's the easiest thing you can do every day, right?

"Right. I have to sleep 16 hours a day or something."

"It's just a nap or a normal sleep there, yeah"

... I think I can afford about sixteen hours.

For now, I made a note that prayer is sleep.

"And ground-breaking, Offtonism makes it possible to believe as a 'sub-religion'"

"Sub-religious......? What the hell is that?

"In other words, suppose he believed in the Light God, the Dark God, and the Evil God in the main. Offtonism admits it. After acknowledging, I can finally believe in Offtonism. That's the one."

That's the position, like sub JOB, in games. It feels like the main is a warrior's sub and a monk, and the main is a white theistic sub and offtonism, like. Of course the main thing is offtonism.

If you want happiness, pray to the main god, and if you want peace, suyah in Offtonism. I think that's a good place to go.

"Is that okay? I've never heard of that."

"There's nothing wrong with you. If you decide that's all you're nostalgic about, don't you think there's a lot of people in there? That's right. Believer number two is good for Locco."

"I'll book 695, good luck and gather the faithful."

"Oh, wow."

That's a lot in plain sight...... why don't you put some nik and strawberries in the face too?

"Is there anything like a religious anecdote?

"Hmm? Right...... I'll make it right then. Talk about how important sleep is... Ah, mosquitoes are enemies. Let's treat him like a demon."

The Great Demon Mosquito, who is invisible but surely claims to exist, and whose feathers and itches prevent him from sleeping. Defeat it with the Holy Sword Catholicenco......!

Oh, I came up with it with the Holy Sword. Let's say Nap Sword Siesta is a divine sword that spreads the salvation of sleep. Notes Notes.

"By the way, you don't need sleep. Do you treat me or anything like that as a traitor?

"If you can sleep just because you don't need it, it's fine. Rather, the one who can rest even if he can't sleep, is qualified to be an Offton believer."


"Offton is a gentle being that encompasses everything...... there is not even a distinction between good and evil, this is just equal love. Offton is my mother... but no mosquitoes, no temei. At least don't fly."

Yeah, do you make scripture like this? Let's make a note of it. There are other words like that...

Sleep deprivation is the enemy of your skin... you can appeal to women.

You can't fight without rest. Rest to fight... warriors need rest.

Don't panic, don't panic, take a break... the monk is going to catch it.

Sleep properly so you don't break your body...... good for workers.

Similar to a lousy thought rest... is this different?

"Offton will be all, everything will be offton......"

"Kama, don't you have a lack of sleep? Are you okay?"

"It's all right, no problem."

Well, all we have to do is actually build a church and increase the number of believers. If there are more believers, they can sleep and nap twice with dignity in the name of prayer.... I can! Nothing. I still do!

Sleep twice in the morning, if we all sleep together, we won't complain!

Just so they don't say anything about me taking a nap, I'd rather go to sleep so I can be complimented! Huhahahahaha!

"Yeah, how about giving adventurers a mini bean pillow that would be an emergency meal now?

"Strawberries look delightful."

Well, I can only eat it and dandelions and so on. About six months is the limit.

Can we go more if we have 'purification'?