Lazy Dungeon Master

Good luck with the fight.

God's bedding. Its defensive performance is certainly strong. But this guy had only one flaw, or specification, and an important function in his bedding: 'Don't Disturb Sleep'.

Therefore, sleep alone passes even if the condition is abnormal.

Aside from everything else, I'd rather go through with the momentum that I can even boost.

No, if this is a malicious attack, anyway, you probably used the Demon King's Stream 'heartless', an attack without malice...... no action. As a result, [Sleep] was bare without being disturbed, and as a result I fell asleep and was unable to act (Retired).

"Ha... third place..."

And by the time I woke up, the game was over, with Sebastian in first place and Wataru in second place. Finally, it was already over because I slept all the way during the awards ceremony. Instead, Rokuko said he received the third prize.

What, you didn't wake anyone up?

You can't wake me up. It's God's Blanket. It has to be "God's Awakening" to wake this up. Even the Great Demon King can't do it. It is this' blanket of God 'that people inside can't wake from the outside even when they sleep.

For once, I can't help but wake up my voice (although it cuts the sound of a painful ear explosion)... yeah. It boasts the difficulty of being like Amano Iwato, just because it's made by God.

Is that why an award ceremony was held flat next to my grand sleep in a battlefield that was ravaged by Wataru?

"Did you wake up, Kama?

"... Morning, Locco. I didn't know you'd lose with that hand..."

I woke up while I was retooling the arena. Looks like Rokuko waited for me to wake up in discipline. And then Wataru in the name of Rokuko's escort. As for Nik and the strawberries...... they say Idi took them to the inn. 564? I don't care about that.

"Good day, Mr. Kama. No, good morning, huh?

"Oh Wataru, you're tired.... and that's how Sebastian won?

"Since we were in a battle over which one would defeat Mr. Kama, we were almost settled at the same time when Mr. Sebastian defeated Mr. Kama."

He also admitted that the Great Demon King did not 'surrender' about this, but 'win or lose by prior arrangement'. Did you have that hand...... no, neither Wataru nor Sebastian would have accepted it.... I guess we'll also need to show them everything we can to mess with the arena, yeah.

"I never thought a state anomaly would pass."

"Me too. Let's take action next."

"... mmm, can't you take it down more and more? Feels like you missed your only chance, huh?

Now if [Stun Resistance] is turned on, you should be able to win. I usually leave this at OFF because it's a shitty substitute when I'm putting it on poorly... I forgot... I don't get OFF on my own with sleep priority, do I...? Might...?

"Hmm, my [super lucky] doesn't seem to work for Mr. Kama either..."

"That's not true either. It's more likely that Wataru's luck left him a winner, isn't it?

"It's regrettable that Sebastian is increasingly the one who defeated Mr. Kama... even though I've been with Mr. Kama longer"

"Well, the difference in observation time would be huge. That's Sebastian assumed my methods of warfare before qualifying..."

"That was a great defense. I attacked you pretty seriously, didn't I? Ha, I couldn't beat Mr. Kama again"

"No, you're winning the ranks, and you're winning because I surrendered in the battle ahead, right?

"Even if I win the game, I'm losing the battle! It's less than a real draw.

Well, if you said you were prevented from attacking with all your might, would that be the case? But don't be afraid, blanket, that you can afford to prevent Wataru's real attacks. This could be a means of working for Leona, too, if we fight normally. Let's remember.

"So, Kama, shall we go home? I can stand, can't I?

"Oh. Thanks to you, I'm perfectly fit. Oh, I'll give this back."


When Rokuko received the 'blanket of God' I was caping, he folded it up and cleaned it up [in storage].

"Mr. Rokuko, is that cloak the identity of Mr. Kama's super defense?

"Yes, and then there's the ability to restore more and more of the magic used in the magic of the example."

"I see... that's why I was able to do that shitty magic series."

Oh, good return, Rokuko. I'm not lying, and without that blanket, I'd still be able to fight. Rhetoric that sounds like I'm still a shitty mutt fish. That's my partner.

Then I'm going home, and I just walked out, and Wataru calls out to me again.

"Now, Mr. Cama. I'm the semi-finalist, why don't you bet on 'God's Pyjamas' and compete?

... Well, you will.

In the first place, I was thinking about negotiating from the guy who became a semi-finalist and getting it pretty good. Why has that become 'I'll get it myself as a semi-finalist'?

I guess that means I was influenced by the demon kingdom while studying abroad.

That's it, I feel bad you've got the power to fight seriously.

But it's also convenient for me that Wataru got 'God's Pyjamas'. Whatever, Wataru has a special effect note, for me.

So let's decide to wind up 'God's Pyjamas' from Wataru in negotiations.

"You can compete."

"Uh, yes, okay?

"Except, this may have nothing to do with it, but I was hoping if Wataru won the semi-finals, I'd get a" God's Pyjama "in exchange for" The Right to Confess to Nerne "."


Note that it is only the 'right to confess'.

Honestly, isn't it stingy to offer Nerne himself to Wataru in exchange for "God's Pyjamas"? Wataru would take care of me even if I were to go out with Nerne.

That's right, you can't take the dungeon off its affiliation, but if I told you to 'hang out with Wataru', you'd obey Nerne's will, not to mention.

But free will is important. It wouldn't be Wataru's hobby to be ordered not to respond.

... Ah, but if I were to say 'no', Nerne would say no as a dungeon monster, and that's actually a right to be a bee. Here it is.

"It's not a confession to Nerne, it's a fight with me, right?

"... wait a minute"

I stir up the watar to attract the right not to need any cost of that 'right to confess'.

"Right to Confess" is more like a mere fraud than "Rokuko's Right to Hug" by Haku.

"... if you think about it, why do you need Mr. Kama to have 'the right to confess to Mr. Nerne'?

"Oh. Nerne is like me and Locko's daughter - no, it's nothing. Well, if you don't need it, I'm just saying I won't admit it."

"What, wait!? Wait, I said something that really bothered you right now!?

"Shall we compete when we return to the village of Gorraine? There's a perfect place in the back of The Cave of Desire. It's like the arena, have you seen it?

"Hey, Mr. Kama! Kama Come on!!

Well, it's an at-home workplace, so my employer, me and Locco, are the parents, and my employee, Nerne, is like a daughter! Because it's an at-home workplace! It's important, so twice.

"Hey Mr. Rokuko, now Mr. Kama has mentioned Mr. Nerne as his daughter!?

"Oh, well, yeah. Surely it's no exaggeration to say things like me and the kid in the cake."

"I even admitted Mr. Rokuko!? You couple! Was it a honeymoon to Devil's Country!

"That's right."

"Oh, are you serious!? Hey, Mr. Kama! Didn't I tell you to call me for the wedding!!

"It's my first ear, and I'm not a couple yet, and I'm not having a wedding or anything."

Me rocked by a crackhead and a watter. No, no, no, no. I throw up. I'm not equipped with a blanket.

"Well, Rokuko says this too, so if you think seriously about the right to confess..."

"Right. You can't give me an instant answer... unfortunately, I'll tell Nerne that Wataru's love was like that, so don't worry."

"The way you say it! The way you say it! Give me a break! Are you some kind of romantic ghost or something!?

Even Wataru is trying to make me fight unwanted because of my sleep appetite. You're a ghost.

"Why do you want 'God's Pyjamas' in the first place? If it's for any special reason, you can give it to me normally... thanks for your help."

"That's settled. It's off-ton, isn't it? Do you need any other reason?

Oh, I see. and Wataru nodded.

religion, and faith. That was such a splendid reason to also cause the war.

Well, Offtonism is a fictional religion I made up.

"... ok. Now, as an Offtonian, I would like to step in and give Mr. Nerne the right to confess."

"Uhm. All right."

Wataru offers the folded pyjamas in a respectful manner. I'm trying to take it.

I can avoid it a little.

"Then again I'd like to have a real battle with Mr. Cama, but could you somehow accommodate me there, too, great patriarch?"


This is what happens when you put the real thing in front of you... Damn it, I'll do it to you, Wataru.

"... let's think about something"

"Thankful happiness.... it's a promise, right?

Shit, I don't have a choice. I'll spare you the pajamas and give you a little bit of Wataru's hope.

Thus I succeeded in obtaining "God's Pyjamas".

There seems to be a lot going on. I think I've been training or fighting for a long time, but the purpose of studying abroad is to achieve brilliance.... All you have to do is go home!