Lazy Dungeon Master

Creation, 'bulimia' gimmick

Now, let's also remodel the dungeon while the Narikins head for the Holy King's kingdom.

Well, relax because it's not a job with deadlines or delivery times. I don't care if they change it too suddenly and say it's a transition period or something, and be careful.

The first is' bulimia '.

I remember when I asked strawberries for their opinions on the 'bulimia' gimmick in the employee break room.

"Hmm? I don't know. What do you mean," bulimia "makes it an appetite-stimulating trap? If you prepared a poison that smelled good, it would taste good. If you don't want to take your life, use a detergent or something. Aside from whether or not you have such a convenient poison."

"Sounds delicious poison, huh? Hmm."

Well, when they ask me if I have such a convenient poison, er... Like amateur cooked fugue sting?... you don't.

"I wonder if there's anything else"

"Others...... Hmm, like if I put money in, there's a place in the dungeon where quinue dishes come out?

"Mr. Kinue's burden sucks."

I can stop time and cook in a relative flash, Mr. Kinue, but every time you can put money in it, it must be hard for Mr. Kinue to work hard.

"I mean," greed, "" lust, "" laziness, "it's a stalling trap, right? You may accidentally die of a burn. If that's the case, it's" bulimia "to stop them from connecting to the room with a delicious eating mon. What?

"Oh, it makes sense."

"So if you need a tasting of delicious eating mon, call me when we want to help!

So, well, it's a stopping meal trap. The other traps were then stopped, and the underlying concept was decided to be implemented in a way that would buy time.

So, what exactly do you want to implement?

"When you get to your seat, you'll make a delicious meal out of one," he said.

Withdrawal is not permitted on the way. It's a stepping trap that says you shouldn't leave your seat until you've finished cooking the stewed dish from 1.

Of course, we intend to achieve this in a way that does not increase Mr Kinue's burden. Naturally, Cock will be a golem.

"So I thought I'd show Mr. Kinue where to cook just the first time. I'm sorry, can I just ask you once?

"Of course not, Master. Now, [cook], you cook without using your skills."

[Cook] The skill increases the taste, but I can't even observe it.

"And before that. What do you do with ingredients? Ingredients will be essential for cooking."

"Replenishing with DP every time is just a hassle... I want to see the grass spawn at Micah's, I thought I'd use something the ingredients spawn"

"... such a dreamy substitute?

Certainly a dream substitute for ingredients spawn or something. Something you can live without working.

"That said, it's like minotaurs and plant-based monsters that come out"

"Eh, that means"

"Using monsters as ingredients is like being able to summon ingredients with practically spawn. Minotaurs and plant-based monsters are the only necessary parts and the rest are disposed of. Initial investment will be quite a bit more..."

Ethically speaking, it is a very allergic place, but there is no such thing as hateful item spawn. They don't have a soul in Spawn Monster, so let's not worry too much about it. Eating means taking your life.

"What a luxury."

"One thing about the luxury that 'bulimia' deserves"

... Well, I actually wonder if I can make it into a system that cultures slime with leftover meal treatment without wasting it. You can let the escaped eater attack that slime. If you can eat slime meat, that's where you can use it as an ingredient again. I don't know if I can eat it, but if it's acidic, I might be able to use it instead of vinegar.

"The ingredients are... minotaur and killer weed, killer tomatoes or something"

Killerweed, killer tomatoes are grass and tomatoes that have fangs and bite. Killerweed seems to replace leafy vegetables and can also be seasoned like pepper depending on the area. I asked the strawberry.

"... you want the mash system too"

"Mushrooms. Sure, it's going to taste a step better when it's in a stewed dish."

"Speaking of which, it would be even better to have root vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, and onions..."

I wonder if it's a derivation of killer weed or killer tomatoes...... oh, shot potatoes? Plant-based monsters fighting potatoes against bullets, are there some of these? I guess they're potatoes that can be eaten properly. This?

Carrots are...... spear carrots. Carrots flying to pierce them if they capture their enemies. What, shooting systems are prevalent in the plant world?

The onions... aunt onions? Oh, miscellaneous fish monsters that aren't ghostly, they're just scared to look. Is there such a thing?

"Explorer, if you look at it, there's a monster that becomes an ingredient."

"Monster ingredients are often delicious, aren't they? Oh, could it be Spawn the Ickaku Rabbit, not Minotaur, etc?

... Yeah, that's what Mr. Kinue can say because he hasn't seen Micah's dungeon. Well, it would be much cheaper than minotaur and less disposal site, okay?

That's why we had a spawned kitchen in the master room. I still ask Mr. Kinue to cook for me once. The magic props on the stove have been in treasure for a long time, so it's a diversion.

"One button activates the trap and the corner rabbit becomes meat. If it's fresh, you don't even need to drain blood."

"Shall we use Ray's snack for the flow?"

That might please Ray. I don't know if vampires are okay with rabbit blood though.

and Mr. Kinue, who without any hesitation pushes the pout button. The ickaku rabbit in the cage became light meat. I'm gonna peel the fur off even harder, Mr. Kinue... uh, we need to make this place a golem, too. Maybe you can turn the fur over to the treasure.

"As discussed in advance, let's make it a stew featuring icky rabbit meat. I like rabbit meat pie, but I need flour for pie."

"Well, I'm keeping track of that, so you can do it any time you want."

"Yes, I did."

That's how Mr. Kinue started cooking.




You always take this much time...

"Somehow, it's tough"

"[Cook] You can't do anything other than cook while your skills are active, and if you can take the trouble, you don't have to take the time."

"Uh, that. You're having a hard time..."

"No, because it is our pleasure to help with dungeons and masters"

Mr. Kinue bows his head with pepper as he cooks.

Hmm, shouldn't this be some kind of reward?

"... Anything you want?

"Now, if only I could have a new apron, handmade by the master"

"Is that okay with you?

"I don't like that."

Mr. Kinue cheered happily.

Thus, the gimmick of 'bulimia' can be roughly raised with the cooperation of Mr. Kinue.

I recorded the procedure once, so all I have to do is reproduce it in the golem.

I think I'll ask the strawberries to help me with the fine-tuning of the seasoning, etc., as promised.