Lead the other world.

9-9 New Beginnings

Takumi and the others, who had spent a relaxing day rendezvous with everyone, had already discussed the future and were about to leave Astrea.

Silfi and I were all supposed to leave the house early in the morning at work for the Knights, and we had already finished greeting each other within last night.

The Knights had many men, and Silfi, who had been since childhood, such as the opportunity to play with her professional female friends, had a look that seemed lonely when she heard that everyone was leaving Astrea, but had responded with words like Shino and Walnuts playing again.

Roy has been busy the past few days and never met with Takumi and the others, but apparently Silfi says he's getting along well.

Before returning to his hometown of Arezel, Iris apparently rendezvous with his father Salion, who is waiting at Jen's inn towards the village of Ende, before returning inside.

I had already made a decision in myself to act as an adventurer and had told Takumi that I would discuss it well with my family.

And when Takumi said she was rooting for him at the break up, Iris, who smiled happily, murmured softly in Takumi's ear, 'Because I haven't given up yet,' and gave him a pranky grin.

Shino and Noah unexpectedly did not return with Takumi Takata in Yamato.

Either way, Noah said she wanted to go to Yamato, where Shino has lived, but she wants to take it easy while the two of us train for a while.

They were traveling to see various villages and cities, and Walnut was talking to Shino until the end because he didn't know when Takumi and the others would meet.

And Walnut, who drops them off at the end, still had a lonely look on his face, but he was back to his usual positive look as soon as he told me he was going to work hard too.

Whoa, whoa.

"Something reminds me a lot when you and I walk here."

"Right ~... but it feels like a long time ago. Because there was so much going on."

Currently, Takumi and Walnut, who broke up with everyone, were headed to Minsk, the port town of the relay, to return to Yamato, where they were walking together on the meadow.

Because walking all the time is time consuming, they run for a certain amount of time and repeatedly walk in conversation with each other after a short break.

"Oh, I've been through so much as a miracle to be with Walnut again."

Walnuts walking next door responded with a laugh as Takumi groaned so as she looked up at the blue sky.

"But this is how you stay next to me. I'm happy with that."

"... well. Me, too."

Takumi responds with a smile as she embarrasses herself but feels lovingly illuminated by the walnut she turns her full grin on as she peeks in.

Shortly afterwards, we couldn't look directly at each other's faces and turned away.


"Ha ha."

After a while, our current interactions with each other suddenly became embarrassing and the two unwittingly blew out.

"Also ~... run!


And Walnut, who couldn't stand the indescribable air, laughed bitterly and invited Takumi to start running again.